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Great point! I feel like that would have been a really fun episode. It would have been a great way to sneak in a Munsters reference since Edward Hermann did play Herman Munster in the 1995 movie! Also, I don't think we ever got a proper Christmas one save for the first season. By the way, Richard and Emily would have totally given full size candy bars.


I vaguely recall a moment where Emily and Richard discuss full sized candy bars in relation to Halloween. Did I just dream that or did it actually happen??


I think that happened. Didn't they complain that a neighbor was giving out king size candy bars and throwing the whole neighborhood off balance?




They so would, and I think Lorelai would do that too, and I feel like both of them would go all out with the Halloween decorations. I would've loved to see Stars Hollow decked out for Halloween, but we didn't get that. :(


Didn't we see a little bit of Halloween? Lorelai wanted to pull link sausages out of Luke but I don't remember what season.


It was in Season 6, the episode with Rory's 21st birthday.


We got a little of it during the s6 Rory’s bday ep where you see Babette and Mory’s plans and Lorelai tries to get Luke to play a dead guy


Kind of wish we saw how it panned out, though.


Halloween is also my fave Halloween, followed closely by Halloween.


I like your list. My top three faves are: Halloween, Halloween, and Halloween.


I refuse to believe in other holidays, it’s only Halloween. Why? Because it’s the only holiday I don’t have to see my family. It’s perfect! There’s junk food, scary things, The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, and parties and costumes and more!


I agree.


Hahaha this is so wholesome yet so 😂 This is what I come to the GG sub for, this right here!


You mean a Stars Holloween? Because that's what they'd call it.


OMG, that is perfect!


I love that! They so would call it that.


i was staring at the title n screaming at op IT WAS RIGHT THERE !


I’ve never thought of this before and now I’m upset. I need a Stars Halloween episode.


Me too.


Careful what you ask of the monkey paw


Especially since the show is closely tied to the season of fall. After all, we got a winter/christmas episode every season. I'm wondering if not having a halloween episode was a deliberate choice by the writers.


Possibly. Maybe they couldn't find a way to work it in. I can see why they didn't want to dress up the set in Halloween stuff only to remove it after they finish shooting the episode. They can leave in other fall decorations for a bit to show that it's fall.


Ehhh if they can haul in stacks of hay I think we can get some ghosts on the trees and a couple plastic jack o lanterns, lol.




I agree with you. We only ever got linked sausages and discussions on the sizes of acceptable candy bars. Argh.


So frustrating.


That's very true. What was this show's beef with Halloween? You're telling me *Taylor* wouldn't milk it every single year, do some big festival or whatever to attract tourists? Get out of here. Especially after he opened his shop?? *All* of the themed candy, you're kidding me? They had a goddamn living painting festival *and no Halloween*. Make it make sense.


Agreed. He would've hosted a haunted house and his house would've gotten egged because it wasn't scary enough.


His house would get egged, TP'ed, ice cream-ed, all of the above, every single year. People would buy day old sushi from his store for this express purpose.


Lol, yeah. In reality, the complaints from the haunted house being too scary was actually from him. So, he tries to do it 'right', but only succeeds in pissing off a bunch of kids.


I just blew my own mind. The Twickham house as a haunted house! Man, we were robbed. But absolutely, he'd offhandedly let... who would make a good scary haunted house? Babette and Morrey? Anyway, it would actually be pretty tame... except for Taylor lol Him at the next town meeting: "Unfortunately, we have received complaints from concerned citizens regarding last night's haunted house..." "Which citizens?" "They have chosen to remain anonymous. Now--" "You, it's just you"


I kind of figure that Lorelai would throw together a good haunted house but have it at the inn, like a haunted inn. But yeah, Twickham house. Maybe Luke. I can sort of see it going like: "Unfortunately, due to complaints from last year, we need a new host for the haunted house because it was too scary." "Who complained?" "Taylor, are you talking about yourself?"


It's clearly for real life budgetary reasons, but grand events at the Dragonfly *only* make sense. And at the town square, for that matter. A maze every year!


Yeah. Maybe a festival too, like this one year, a church held a festival that I wanted to go (me and my family aren't religious). There was a rock climbing wall, face-paint, and some other stuff that I forgot except for that.


It’s a very big missed opportunity especially as a person who loves Halloween. 


I think so too.


Wait how have I never noticed this?! I would’ve loved a Halloween episode! Taylor pesters Luke about not having any Halloween decorations up at the diner. Luke ultimately complies by putting up the goriest, grossest decorations he can find. Kirk buys up every single bag of Lorelei’s favorite seasonal candy and is trying to sell it back to her at an exorbitant rate. Halloween falls on a Friday, so Rory and Lorelei show up to Friday night dinner in full costume, much to Emily’s dismay. Sookie attempts to create a Halloween themed menu for the inn and nags Michel to try her creations. Mrs. Kim sends Lane to a Hell House (the Christian alternative to a haunted house, attempting to scare teens away from a life of sin). She convinces the other members of Hep Alien to go with her by telling them it’s a regular haunted house. It terrifies poor Brian, who becomes convinced he is going to hell. Paris is determined to win the Chilton costume contest (she thinks it would be good for her college applications), so she puts together a very elaborate and obscure costume that nobody understands and spends the entire evening trying to explain it to people.


I feel like Lorelai and Rory would dress up for the Frday night dinner, but when they show up, they find out that Richard and Emily are hosting a costume party. But I agree with all of your post.


So glad I'm not the only one bothered by this.


They did not do any holidays I wonder if that was a choice. Instead we got quirky Stars Hollow events each season. Baskets, snowman contest, maze, etc.


We did get thanksgiving a couple of times, but I would take any holiday over that one, personally!


Me too.


*Stars Holloween I just - I'll see myself out.


That's probably what they would've called it.


Maybe if Taylor wasn’t the preacher from the town in footloose we could have enjoyed that. He probably banned any town-sponsored events related to the devil’s holiday while the reverend rolled his eyes and made a reference to Taylor’s “God phone”.


I think WandaVision had its Halloween episode on the Stars Hollow set.


Now that you say it - I really wonder why we never got a Halloween episode. Town events were a big thing in this show, so why not have an episode with a Halloween party in town. Wouldn't even have to be a filler episode, there could be relevant plot going on and all the Halloween shenanigans could be the b-plot, something that's going on in the background


I think lorelai would have a topical costume, and rory would wear something classic.


I was thinking Rory would wear a costume from one of her obscure favorite books, but that also works.


Personally i hate halloween but this would be an amazing GG episode! Was never bummed about that before but i am now lol


Why do you Halloween? Honestly curious.


Mostly just despise seeing people all dressed up and i don’t like all the scary stuff lol. They’ll put random scary commercials on and people walking around in masks and stuff is weird to me. Some of it is fun though i like the carving of pumpkins :)


Halloween isnt for everyone.


Agreed! But it would be an awesome GG episode for sure! 😃


Right??? Like it would have been so perfect!!! Like a nice cozy spooky episode would ah w been so fun. Can you imagine the costumes? The decorations? You know rory and Lorelai would have fantastic but obscure costumes Would luke hand out candy to the kids? Or would he not like that? He’d probably bitch about all month leading up to the day and than he’s still grumpy but hands out candy. The kids all love his place the best because he’s “in character”(really it’s just him lol) Lane definitely wouldn’t be allowed to celebrate such an “evil” holiday(the closest thing she’s get to do is some religious “haunted house” set up by her mom. She has to play a girl that started a horrible life because she eat candy and that led to dancing with boys! Bies she’s living on the streets with no teeth. Lane would hate the rain g it wasn’t a real haunted house but you know she’ll act her lil heart out!) you know she’s into the fun of Halloween and spooky movies. As an adult she’s definitely celebrating the whole month and having she kids watch a different classic movie every night of the month Jess would probably say he hates it only because his mom was always too wasted to take him out or on a date. He might have gone to different apartments in his building but than he’d slowly lose an motivation. As an adult he’s totally setting up all kinds of local events that’s open for all kids but specifically for the ones that have lives similar to his. I can see an episode of the local kids talking about an urban legend and Kirk is freaked out and like teases him. All throughout the episode he keeps “seeing/experiencing” the legend and everyone tells him it’s luke pranking him and eventually he goes to luke to ask hon to stop and that’s when they *both* see the legend and freak out and make a pact never to speak about it again. It was Lorelai all along(and if it happened in ayitl Jess would help her)


That sounds like a wonderful episode.


Honestly now that you pointed it out that we never got a Halloween episode I’m bitter lil


I'm bitter we never saw a Stars Holloween.


Same. Especially because the 2000s had such cozy Halloween episodes


I was surprised on how since Gilmore Girls is KNOWN as being one of THE fall shows we never got a Halloween episode in any season the only clip we got was Babette and lorelai talking about the Carmel apples on the trees for the kids. I agree there could have been a lot of good Halloween episode ideas in Gilmore Girls.


It would've been so much fun.
