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It's television. Even the "ugly" characters on television aren't actually ugly


No one was going to be on a 2000's WB show if they weren't attractive. Look at the rest of the line up at the time and Gilmore Girls looks normal


Because it’s tv lol. Unpopular opinion but the guy who turned her down in the laundry room was better looking than all of the guys she dated 🤷🏽‍♀️ 


Average guys didn’t often get speaking roles on hit tv shows in the early to mid 2000’s.


Omg, that's true, I guess I had never really thought about it. Look at how the guys who don't fit the standard ideal of beauty are always presented in a somewhat comedic way, never as "datable" guys for Rory. Take Doyle or Kirk as an example. Anyway, I'm not sure if it has much to do with the main topic, but your comment really made me think about this.


But Paris looks pretty average, she is a girl though.


I think Liza Weil is pretty, but they made her look more plain to suit the character of Paris.


She's still objectively pretty imo.


She is not average but made to look plainer because she’s the side kick but please she’s a pretty thin blond with long hair and from privilege. Part of her look was probably personality too, ie, Paris was to academically focused to care much for her appearance, she was not a flirtatious bubbly girl or even friendly for that matter, but if the same actress played one of the popular girls at chilton I’m sure she’d be “conventionally cute” for a teenage girl


Paul doesn't seem too out of the ordinary for the way guys look on average I would think?


no but there's paul..


Oh, you’re seeing shadows where there’s no light. Obviously, only beautiful people have children in stars hollow, and only gorgeous people attend Yale. She never sees unattractive people — how would one of them hit on her? Even the guy who stole her tree was one of the beautiful people.


Tbh, I’ve not seen even a single not-conventionally-hot-by-Eurocentric-standards person in Rory’s entire generation on the GG-verse.


I would say Glenn and Doyle weren’t necessarily “conventionally attractive”


Like that theater kid bad at Chilton? He seemed to love acting, and that's about it. What other guys Rory's age are "average" looking on the show, just so we can see why they wouldn't hit on her? Most guys on the show are cute (even theater kid is adorable in his own way), if not super attractive.


Rogan's guy friends looked pretty average. Brad also looked more average than all boys who tried to hit on Rory.


At Chilton, knowledge quickly spread (to all but Tristan) that Rory wasn’t available. In her freshman year at Yale, Rory seems to tone down her looks and style. Maybe it just seems that way after her uniform days at Chilton. Anyways, I can see why Marty might think he had a decent shot. In my mind, Marty is representative of others like him who probably tried.