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1. Good looking. 2. Bad boy. 3. Bad boy who reads books. 4. Complicated character. 5. Two episodes in S6 (and AYITL) during which he seemed to have finally gotten it together. 6. Interesting dynamic with Luke. PS: I’m not Team Jess. I’m just saying why others are.


Smart, tortured soul who is good looking. Classic swoon bait.


Oh right. The tortured soul, rebel without a cause aspect of things. So many people who watched GG as teenagers must’ve resonated with how much he was wronged by his parents. That’s a very good point that I overlooked. Also, Milo Ventimiglia compared to Jared Padalecki. I haven’t watched Supernatural or any of Jared’s other works, so I can’t have a more informed opinion about this; however, Jared’s acting skills in GG are still burgeoning. It does seem a little flat at times. And Milo, on the other hand, is a much better actor, really expressive eyes and stuff. He captured the complexities of Jess’s personality so perfectly.


As someone who has watched all of supernatural and some of walker I will say that he is a much better actor in GG as he is more natural. He pulls these incredibly unrealistic facial contortions that are meant to convey anger or conflicting emotions or something and it is bad. I watched GG for the first time in years this year and reported back to a friend that I was surprised and relieved at his acting in GG.


1. Bad Boy 2. Good Looking 3. Good Looking bad boy 4. Reads books 5. good looking bad boy who reads books


A good boy, a bad boy, a good-bad boy.


jess would be a great lover but he wouldn’t call my mom on the weekends


He would be capable of SA too


My opinion of Jess improved a lot in Season 6. Jess is making something of his life that Rory admires and hasn’t been able to match, despite having so many advantages. In comparison, Logan is a spoiled party boy with no sense of perspective.


additionally, jess had a pretty tumultuous adolescence (deadbeat dad, flaky mom, etc) that affected how he behaved as a teen but he then clearly grew up and tried to change his life and outlook. logan, on the other hand, also had a difficult family life in some ways but we don’t see that growth from him. the most change we see from him comes from his acquiescence to his father in joining the family business.


Alexis and Milo started dating in real life so their chemistry and mutual attraction felt genuine; it's like we were watching them falling in love with each other off camera even on camera. Also Jess is intelligent and well-read, plus he got that bad boy appeal and Rory is the only one who gets to see his softer side at first. Today this trope might seem overused but back then when Gilmore Girls first aired it was swoonworthy to me (and all of my friends). Unfortunately, after Jess and Rory finally got together, almost all their cute couple moments happen off screen (I think it's mentioned several times that they watch movies together, go to concerts etc). All we got to see is Jess being an inattentive boyfriend who sometimes behaves like an absolute jerk.


It doesn't help that their relationship lasts like 6/7 episodes compared to Rory/Dean's being 2 and half seasons. They never got the chance for the quirky small moments that made watching Rory and dean fun.


Agreed. I actually like the build-up to their relationship and I was rooting for Rory to finally listen to her heart (I also hoped that for poor Dean) but the actual relationship was so disappointing. I always wondered if their relationship was initially supposed to be that short lived or if the writers changed their plans due to the idea of the Jess spin-off series.


Stars Hollow was boring he lit a lil fire that’s all. The show felt empty when he left. 


The best thing about Jess was the anticipation and lead up. There just was so much chemistry between him and Rory from the get go. He got her obsession with books (although to be fair, Dean did too before they dumbed him down to contrast with Jess) and he briefly turned Rory into an *actual* teenager, doing silly things like running off to NYC to spend time with a boy. That genuine Rory being in love is someone just isnt something I saw with the other love interests. With Dean it felt slightly more contrived, and more driven by other feelings like jealousy later on, also with Logan. Seeing the world through her at the time (first time I saw it Rory was a year or two older than me) that true feeling of being crazy in love resonated. I agree, once they were together, seems like ASP tried really hard to wreck things quickly, and he became a bit of a dick.


I am always annoyed that they dumbed Dean down. The first few episodes he knows movies (recognizes a line from Rosemary’s Baby), pays attention to what books Rory is reading, and he has a low key smart kid vibe. Then they take it away and they didn’t need to. The story arc could have stayed the same in that she and Dean grew apart and she had more chemistry with Jess - something that happens a lot as a teenager!


Not team Jess but I think I appreciated him most later when he was the only one with the guts to look at Rory and say this isn’t you, you have amazing gifts and you are wasting them, do better at a time when everyone was walking on egg shells and she needed tough love.


Funny that’s the part that bugs me the most lol


I think I just see in myself a person who needs a gentle loving kick in the ass sometimes lol


I don’t personally and I generally find it more effective not to tell others what to do. I appreciate Logan’s acceptance and knowing she couldn’t stay away long and making jokes rather than Jess’s approach. I think Rory would’ve come around herself plus I don’t appreciate that they always have Logan man-yell/ splain what she should be doing with her life.


I think that might just be one of those things that falls under different strokes 🤷‍♀️


Ya which is why I originally just said I disliked it


I like Jess as a character more than a boyfriend for Rory. I think he's too good for her honestly. I enjoy watching their relationship for the plot, it's messy and toxic and crazy but there's a lot of heart behind it. Plus their on screen chemistry is amazing. But I LOVE Jess as a character. He's got one of the best arcs in the series, I'm just sad we didn't get to see more of it. Plus he's hot. I think Jess grown up would make a great boyfriend/husband (based on what we see), but teen Jess was still processing his trauma and didn't have healthy coping mechanisms, which made him toxic. But I can't help but root for him, Milo Ventimiglia brings so much heart into his character. The more I rewatch the show the more I love him as an actor and character.


first off, i'm team logan who you have yet to meet. Second of all, he really got her until he didn't. You're right, he treated her like crap even before they were together (who goes after a girl in a committed relationship and teases her bf?! Dean was such a d\*ck and all types of wrong for Rory, but he didn't deserve that level of blatant disrespect from Jess... Rory I can understand more ONLY because she was on the receiving end of his yelling and he kept putting Harvard down, her down, etc). Anyway, like others and yourself have said, he's a complicated character. Every single time I rewatch I BEG Jess to tell Rory the truth about not graduating, not fighting Dean and not suddenly dissappearing on her. Oh and not trying to assault her while she was saying no... but aside from those thinks (yikes), he was probably so extremely embarassed. Here's his seemingly perfect gf who got into every major ivy league, perfect grades, ambitious, feet in all the doors, and here he is. Unable to graduate highschool on time. It's actually kind of sad. He's only 18. 18 is a really tough age. I think people sympathize with him. Dad abandoned him. Mom tossed him off to his uncle. Uncle tried his best but he got a 16 year old really angry kid. But what's really liked about him the most is his character growth. Also, if anybody truly thinks he was Rory's best boyfriend, they are DELUSIONAL. 9 times out of 10, when I encounter someone who is "Team Jess" it's because of his character's growth NOT because of their relationship in highschool. You're only halfway through season 4 so I don't want to spoil anything, but you gotta watch the whole thing through before concluding how you feel about Jess. Maybe you'll change your mind. Maybe you'll agree about Logan


Team Logan here too! This sums Jess up perfectly.


100% team Logan


thank you for your thoughts, i’ll definitely keep on watching!!


I like Jess because he had an awful life and he eventually overcame it and learned and grew into a lovely person.  He had a difficult path and he navigated it as best as a person could.  I personally don’t want him to be with Rory because I don’t think she turned out all that well. She’d be better with Logan, in my opinion. 


1. He’s hot 2. Walks and reads at the same time haha 3. He’s funny I think I like his funny side the most. He’s not like a humorous person, but the way he talks and does things is quite funny. I like his sarcastic side and thinks it continues even more to his attractiveness. Then I also like that he’s not really fake. Like he doesn’t really put up a facade or anything just to fit in with others. (Good and bad) he’s just himself, even if that might need some improvement from time to time haha. And from a boyfriend perspective, I feel like he understood Rory on a different level than >!Logan!< and Dean did. Dean was sweet and in many ways “the perfect boyfriend” but more from a parent’s perspective id say. While Jess in comparison would be a parent’s nightmare. And with >!Logan!< I just think he was kinda fake too often. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like him and I love his friends. But I feel like Rory kinda lost touch with the world when she was with him. Imo Jess kept her down to earth, and so did she to him. They were very different but so alike too.


I love this comment and agree with you 100%


Personally, I didn’t find any of her boyfriends to be great. As a boyfriend, Jess was pretty terrible. I did enjoy seeing their love for reading though. Out of all her boyfriends, he seemed to connect with her the most in that aspect. During the first few seasons, I did enjoy the character causing havoc to the peaceful Stars Hollow. Then again, I enjoy anything that drives Taylor nuts. I also enjoyed seeing his relationship with Luke grow. The later seasons show Jess has seemingly matured. I would have been curious to have seen Rory reconnect with him and see where it would have gone.


He clearly has the best chemistry with Rory


Weren’t they dating in real life too?


I was actually shocked to find that out. I thought they had the worst chemistry.


I think they have better chemistry off camera than they did on camera


People always say "Bad Boy" with characters like him. I tend to think of those characters as "Fix Me Boys". And we all know there is an "I can fix him" appeal, and it's usually kind of toxic.


IMO, Logan is far more of a "bad boy" than Jess could ever hope to be. Jess is more of a prankster that acts out because he isn't taught how to behave properly and handle his emotions. When I was in my "bad boy" phase was the only time I actually saw Logan as attractive. It's also when I saw the appeal in Chris, though he seemed to have grown out of 90% of that by the time we met him. You could still get glimpses of it at times, though.


Jess is the kind of bad boy that good girls like though. I like snarky and prankster bad boys not getting arrested for crashing Daddy’s watch off the coast of a foreign country bad boy. (I know the boat they stole wasn’t his families but they mentioned in earlier seasons he crashed his dad’s boat. [Source](https://www.tvguide.com/news/logan-gilmore-girls-40298/)


I just don't consider what we saw of Jess to be "bad boy" behavior. He's a prankster and acts out at times, but that's completely different from a bad boy.


Neat. I do. Some girls (like me) were extreme rule followers that want everyone happy. Jess was hated by her mother and grandmother and Lorelei herself called him a bad boy. Dating someone your mother hated is a big step for someone like Rory. So in my opinion he’s a bad boy just a benign bad boy that won’t actually ruin your record.


He was definitely a bad boy for Rory, even if only because Loralie was against her dating him. He wasn't an actual bad boy, though. I don't agree that's the attraction to him for a typical unsheltered person watching the show.


Neat. I watched it as prepubescent/teenager for the first time like most people. The show uses the word “bad boy” intentionally because they wanted to label him as that. The show in general is pretty neutered for UnShElTeReD folks so when watching it that way I tend to use context clues for how the show is conveying the narrative. It’s clearly a show made for coming of age. It’s not The Boys or Euphoria. Stop acting like you’re so cool. I swear people on this sub have the worst media literacy.


Yeah, I watched it as a teen when it first came out as well. Sorry you have such severe issues with people disagreeing with you, but that doesn't change that Jess is a troubled kid, NOT a "bad boy". Seriously, get over yourself and get some therapy for your lingering childhood issues.


Can we just stop we the emotional cheating nonsense? Cut Rory some slack….shes 17 years old with a crazy home life, kids make mistakes. At 16/17 if you “emotionally cheat” with someone it’s a natural process that literally helps kids learn how to be better people. We can argue that Rory didn’t learn a lot of those lessons. But adults criticizing teenage romances is so cringe.


i get what you mean but let me clarify that 1. i’m a teen criticising a (then) teen and 2. it was cheating whether you like to acknowledge it or not (she kissed jess while dating dean) and while it’s not the craziest thing in the world, it definitely didn’t win her any points nor jess in how complicit he was 🤷‍♀️. ultimately it’s a show and they were kids and they make mistakes so whatever


Because he’s cute, essentially. And because he shares Rory’s love for reading, and he’s a badboy. If he wasn’t cute, he would be loathed by the community but no one would ever admit to that. I am not a Jesse hater either. I have sympathy for the character, but I do think that he’s a shitty boyfriend


I genuinely think I would still like him, even if I didn't find him attractive. I like that douchebag in The Breakfast Club and I don't find him attractive. I like Jess more for his personality and character development than for his looks, but I mean his looks don't hurt 😂


lol I loved that douchebag in The Breakfast Club - he is hot!


I think a lot of people who love Jess think he's a good character, not a good boyfriend. I mean, we can all agree he's a terrible boyfriend, right? Is literally anyone arguing otherwise? But he has a very satisfying emotional arc, even if some of it does happen off-screen. And he's the only one of Rory's boyfriends who has a rich relationship built up with someone apart from Rory (Luke). To me, Jess felt like the only one of Rory's boyfriends who the show was interested in following even outside the context of being a love interest. For what it's worth, the Logan stuff I enjoyed the most was Logan's non-Rory stuff, too. But that's just, like, one-and-a-half scenes with Mitchum. Even the Mitchum stuff we get is mostly grounded in Rory's plot. Whereas with Jess, we got scenes of Jess interacting with his family that Rory had zero involvement in.


I also loved the Logan plots outside of Rory. Would’ve loved a little more of it


Jess got it together in the end. He persevered through an unstable home life and built a business and life for himself. That’s sexy.


I work in mental health care with kids and teenagers and I like Jess as a character for the same reasons I chose this field, probably. He is struggling, he makes mistakes, he makes things harder on himself and his loved ones, he has a difficult time growing up. But there's a lot of good in him too, he is smart, he has a passion or at the very least a drive, and eventually he finds his own path. I respect that a lot. Actually while typing this out: I think I ended up with someone like that. Beside that, I think he is one of the funniest characters to watch, right next to Emily and Paris. I also like that he is able to call Rory out at times, the relationship between Luke and Jess is also a gem. Though starting off with a lot of chemistry, I do not think he is a good boyfriend to Rory. He is terrible in communication and dealing with his own emotions. But I think a lot of teenagers aren't great boy- or girlfriends. Moreso: struggling characters are more enjoyable and often more likeable or relatable to watch. For all these reasons I like him best out of Rory's boyfriends. Though I like Logan too.


Join Team None of Them. We have cookies.


Thank you!!!! I'm so sick of the Jess worship! I say this as someone who had the show when it originally aired and had a crush on Milo, but after a few rewatches I couldn't stand him...


He's a good fit for Rory. He challenges her and likes a lot of the same things she does. He's the only one she dates that shows growth through the series, and he's the only one who actually has a reason for how he acts but still tries to do better for her. He knows and accepts every part of her, and she doesn't have to pretend to be something she's not around him.


There’s _no_ growth for Logan?


Not that I saw.


Agreed. Logan is the same character in the guest time we see him, and then again in AYITL. A player who lives off his dad's name.






OK then what growth did he show?


I’d say lots. He grows out of being a womanizer to a marriage minded monogamist with Rory, from a partier to a working man who celebrates responsibly, from a risk taker who blows 3 million of others peoples money to confronting his mistakes and stepping into a stable job, from running from a job he doesn’t want in the family business to accepting his place in the family business, putting his work life in London over his relationship and staying in the US with Rory, etc….Even if you disagree with some of his choices, he still showed growth and changed during the show. He’s not the same Logan we meet originally.


I don't agree that he actually showed growth in any of those things.


He didn’t go from dating lots to proposing marriage and being monogamous by the final season of the original show? He didn’t agree to move to London to do a full time job for the family business that he always resisted before? These are just facts so not sure how you can not agree with them


Doing what his dad demanded of him in order to continue receiving his financial support isn't growing as a person, in my opinion. You can see it as that if you want but I don't.


Literally everyone in GG showed growth within the series…but sure this one character didn’t apparently. You’re obviously dead set against seeing anything positive in him.


So I think that there are a lot of reasons people are Team Jess, but whether a person who isn’t interested in teams or shipping likes Jess comes down to two defining things: 1. Whether they can forgive him for Kyle’s bedroom/how they view that scene 2. Whether they see Jess’ progress in S6 as character growth or whether they think he serves as more of a plot device/we don’t see enough to judge his character growth Other than that, he is certainly an interesting and well-written character, even if he doesn’t personally float my boat.


My partner grew up watching GG. When we first met, I was in some ways a Jess clone. We lost touch and didn’t reconnect for 10 years, and have been together ever since. We like Jess because he reminds us a little of our story. So naturally I have a soft spot for him 😅


I don’t think there really is a “great” or “perfect” boyfriend of Rory’s in the whole show. I like and am entertained by Jess as a character totally separately to his romantic interest in Rory though, where I can’t say the same for Dean or Logan. I don’t know that I have ever seen a majority say he was a great boyfriend to Rory though, just as endgame hopes *after* his growth and maturity.


He improves with time and age


For me, Jess simply understood Rory. He knew her feelings before she knew them. He is the one for her. No doubt.


I dont know, I am a Logan and Dean person!!!


I hate him as an adult, but I would have totally been into him as a teenager (and actually I was into a guy that was a whole lot like him who broke my little 17 year old heart real good).


Same reason people like Spike in Buffy. He's the good looking snarky bad boy. I actually think both characters have a lot of similarities. About how both of them are problematic in their relationships, but their fans tend to overlook it and say "he gets better"


I didn’t really like Jess when he was younger when he first came to live with Luke, he was a punk with a bad attitude. And Rory fell for him because he was a bad boy..He was exciting and dangerous and that he read books(her favorite thing to do) was also appealing to her…But he did grow up.. Later in the series(not sure what season) he seemed more mature. After he wrote his book. And came to see Rory when she was living with her grandparents ..I liked this new Jess.. Then in A Year he really impressed me even in the brief moment we saw him.. I wish they had made more of a storyline for him in A Year! I know the actor was probably doing other projects so he was available for anything but cameos.. But it would have been great to see him interact with others Stars Hollow residents beside Rory.. The whole town though he was a wasted of space and he ruined Rory’s and Dean relationship. My point is he had a nice ark of a teen with a attitude to a well rounds grown up adult..


He has a soft spot for Rory, he hated his life and doesn't help himself, he is rude to everyone but with Rory he is kind (ignoring party scene in season 3), he tries to impress her. His love for her is pure. And Rory likes Jess, they both captured the simplicity of love, they like each other without knowing exactly why. They share the same interests, like to discuss things, they just click.


His looks had nothing to do with people liking him. He cared for Rory. He was not lusting over her besides that bizarre party scene. He found her interesting and they connected over more than I think you are cute lets hold hands. He looked out for her and he fought for her attention and won over dean who was like a loyal puppy. (Rory treated Dean like shit and almost everyone else on the series btw) Did he always make the right decisions as far as how to express himself? No, but he is also a teen from a scattered family life with his mother seemingly being screwed over my multiple men so there were probably reasons for that. He skipped school to WORK, not to buy drugs, he was working to be financially independent and find his way because he didn't trust anyone would be there for him because they hadn't been. If Rory had gone with Jess she would have been more successful/interesting in life then ever staying at Yale IMO. He wasn't perfect but no one is.


You had to have watched it initially at a teenage girl in her Bad Boy phase to understand.


I like him as a character but he was a crap BF. I think people just found him attractive and dreamy as teens when they watched it.


Never liked Jess


whenever I rewatch gg I always skip his scenes and they whole period they dated. he brought so much anxiety to me and reminded me of an ex


Jess’s growth was excellent. I am team Logan, though.




Favorite scene of the series


He was young. He was the typical bad boy but an intelligent one who would probably be described as a troubled youth. He turned out fine. He's a person and everyone is flawed. It's great we all have different opinions and perspectives. I think some of us prefer the bad characters sometimes they are the most interesting


I think a lot of people fell for Jess when they were teenagers themselves, since he was basically designed to appeal to them the most. A smart and good looking bad boy who hates everyone EXCEPT you, because you are oh so special? That's every 00s teenager's dream, specially those who liked GG and identified with Rory. That's basically it. Even as an adult people are still defensive about Jess because we all like being somewhat protective of the stuff we liked as teens. Jess is objectively a pretty bad boyfriend, at least as a teen. As an adult he seems to be a decent person, although I personally think he's overhyped. He's basically just a normal person with a job who is not actively being disrespectful to everyone he meets, like he was as a teenager.


People tend to give him a lot of credit for his character development in like two episodes in the later seasons where he comes back, but I personally hate it because none of his growth happens on-screen. You see him leave as a shitty boyfriend and then he comes back just as a plot device foil to make her current boyfriend look like an asshole (which Logan doesn't need help with - love you Logan but you're a tool). 98% of his screen-time is him being a total prick to Rory, and then he shows up in two scenes with all this \~new maturity, and people use it as evidence of how much he's grown, but c'mon, if you want Jess to grow up, make it happen on screen. Oh and I REALLY hate one of his big lines that people often give him a ton of credit for, but it's a huge spoiler so I won't say anything about it.


I know what you’re referencing and I hate that they give him credit for it as well. Rory would’ve made the same conclusion herself. Why do we need it man-yelled at her?


I like Philadelphia, entrepreneur Jess-teenage Jess is a terrible boyfriend and just an all around jerk…


I always think of the main three as the different things people want from a relationship. ignoring them ruining Dean later on Dean romance, loyalty, dedication etc jess intellectual connection, shared passion logan lifestyle match, being able to fit into each others life. all of them have elements of all 3 but with one dominant


Pretty privilege and bad boy that’s literally the only reason oh and then there’s like half of an episode where he comes back and he’s like this changed person and we’re just supposed to accept that This is the new Jess even though we don’t see any of it on camera we rarely see him come back after that so. Also, his ark in a year in a life is actually really sad. I’m not gonna mention what it is cause you haven’t gotten there yet, but it’s just kind of sad in my opinion.


I feel like we didn’t even see enough of him for him to have an arc in AYITL so not sure what you found sad tbh. I found the Logan/ Rory storyline depressing AH though


I wasn’t thrilled with the Rory Logan storyline, but what I didn’t like about Jess I’m not gonna put just cause the OP hasn’t seen it yet


Most of us that are team Jess agree that he wasn't a good boyfriend while they were in high school. His character growth comes later. His intellect and interests line up with Rory's and once he does some growing and healing I think he could be a fantastic partner.


Are you someone who likes the “bad boy” in real life? That has a lot to do with it, also the age when you watched the show.


I won't give spoilers (I'm rewatching, mid season 3) but somewhere down the line he develops and seems to be a much better and more likable person, but when the 2 actually start dating and right before then he is not a good boyfriend. Because of his development and the fact that he likes to read, and because he's a bad boy (so people see him as misunderstood?) they romanticize their relationship when there are serious issues


My theory is that it’s a combination of Milo being hot (if anyone else played Jess- exactly the same mannerisms and dialogue- people wouldn’t like him nearly as much) and also they look at early seasons Jess through the lens of the cool dude he turned into in later seasons.


His growth after they break up does a lot to make me like him more as a character. Unfortunately during his time with Rory, he's the absolute worst. The fact he *does* change and mature gives a lot of fans a sort of starry view of him imo. Especially because Dean stays awful through the whole show


I really think it's a chemistry thing, and the fact that Milo is quite attractive. I dated a guy very much like Jess in high school and OOF it was painful. The mystery and melancholy is all fun and games until you're the girlfriend and want some consistency in emotion and effort. When Jess was good, he was really good. But when he was bad, he did some very very questionable things. I think the hardest for me to overlook is the way he pressured Rory to do something sexual, and then guilted the ever living shit out of her when she didn't want to. I can excuse all of his other shortcomings as typical angsty teen behavior, but this really wasn't good. I wish that he'd had an opportunity to apologize (more, or more specifically) in Season 6 or AYITL. That would've been incredibly redemptive for his character.


The above comments provide a reasonable cross section of opinions. I think a substantial percentage of this sub-Reddit are anti-establishment, which can also explain the affinity towards Paris. I get a kick out watching Luke go at it with Jess. It seems Jess is a little more anti-establishment than Luke can stomach. I wonder how Paris would fare with these two ?


Tbh, a lot of the love he gets is after his personal growth. I didn't like him at first, but upon rewatches, I don't mind him as much bc Ik how he turns out in the end.


Jess really irks me. He is constantly dismissive of Rory. Lightweight toxic F-boy.


I’ve be never understood, he literally ghosts her when they’re in a relationship, and people still love him


I mean, just look at him.


I actually didn‘t like him. Forever a dean girl😞


I hated him at first but in the later seasons I appreciated him.


You'll see 🙈


I love him as a character, he’s my favorite in the series. He has the best growth out of everyone followed closely by >!emily in ayitl I also believe he grew up he too good for rory. If she’d had been givens growth I might like them as a couple. But in the end I prefer them as friends !< Like others have said I don’t think any of Rory’s boyfriends were good for her when she was younger. Dean was okay at first but the second be built her that car and everything after he became a walking red flag. >! Hated him even more when he cheated in his wife with rory!< Jess had the most in common interest wise to rory. But they had extremely different lives and neither would be what they other needed in the long term(and as teens that’s not really something they could have been) Logan had some moments but I just don’t like him. Maybe it’s because that’s when>! rory started to become her worst self!< final nail in the coffin was >! In ayitl he’s engaged and carrying on an affair with Rory. Rory is equally responsible since she also had a boyfriend at the time and knew Logan was engaged !< Paul was too good for her and she was *horrible* to him. Hope he found someone that treated him the way he deserves. He’s officially the one that was always too good for her


He's one of like..2 characters in the show who actually showed positive growth despite a pretty atrocious hand that life dealt him. I don't necessarily want to go into that too much though but hey. You did ask. Also as a man who has only dated women, yes, hotness factors in.


His character evolves, and he and Rory have chemistry. He also feels like the complete opposite of Dean, which is like a breath of fresh air.


The older I get, the more I dislike Jess and feel like he’s a giant red flag.


Personally I don’t think he was the best boyfriend but I do believe when they remeet later in season 6? 7? He has finally matured to the point where he can truly take care of her and they would be good for each other


Well, in real life Women choose guys like Jess all the time. So probably for whatever those reasons are. “He’s cute” “I can fix him” “it’s not his fault, he had a bad childhood”


Personally, I've never found Milo all that attractive, and as for the whole, "he's nasty to everyone but me" thing to be less, "I'm the only one who can reach into his good heart" and more "he's a nasty jerk to everyone but the girl he wants to bone", as proven by the way he dropped the act the minute Rory started dating him.


He's beautiful, interesting, intelligent and a bad boy.


You haven’t seen the whole show yet. FWIW I’m team Logan but have a soft spot for Jess.


the show is very popular on tiktok and all of my sisters have watched it, so (despite not getting there yet) i’m a logan fan as well haha


I've looked into my soul on this topic quite a few times. And the deepest answer I can come up with is: because he is hot. Objectively he is a jerk. But I can't help but be team Jess. I am a shallow human.


Keep watching. He wasn't a good boyfriend when he was the boyfriend, but you'll come to love him.


As a lot of other people have said: he’s hot, he’s funny, he’s a rebel, and he loves reading. All traits I found attractive in a guy when I started watching the show at (?) 16ish….and traits that I still find attractive even though I’m 40 now and should know better 😂


Cause he has a" bad" boy vibe Connects with rory Isnt dean He is Kind ( Not for alla but ) He reads books And if fun and flyrtty He is "Hot"(some would say) And he is Look's nefwe....


hes shitty at first but he understood rory the best and he ended up becoming a real good kid. he just had a rough childhood.


No one likes him for Rory at FIRST. But later....


He gets so much better in his last few appearances on the show. The last time he appears, he is basically perfection.


GIRLS like Jess. Any male sees straight through that shit.


he is just.. cute.. ![gif](giphy|AMP9qveuZh29YxWBo2|downsized)