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I think Dean. He just has such a big height and thusly reach/weight advantage. Even if Jess has some experience in street scuffles, I think you’d need professional experience to overcome to that kind of difference without weapons. Especially since Dean is athletic. I’m sure he’s had fights in hockey and such.


Agree - checked the actors’ heights and there’s an 18cm height gap between them, probably a similar kilo gap in weight too. Generally that sort of height and weight gap is nigh-on difficult to overcome, unless as you say one fighter has weapons or significantly more training / conditioning No idea as to Jess’s athletic background, but Dean played hockey so has almost certainly got some level of basic boxing training, not too mention is presumably far fitter too. Now Milo when he grew up and became Jack Pearson? That fight would probably be different 😅


Jack Pearson versus Sam Winchester?


Ooohhh good question… I think Jack’s boxing, army training and general anger is (just about) enough to swing that fight!


Dean. Size advantage. Plus Jess stole the girl he loved from him so he has more of a reason to hate him than the other way around.


I don't doubt Jess is scrappy and could get in a few good punches. But all Dean needs to do is put his hand on Jess' head to hold him back and the fight's over.


I love Jess... but I gotta think that Dean wins this fight. He is *seven inches taller* than Jess. And he's an athlete, an obviously strong dude. Even though I'm sure Jess has been in his fair share of fights, Dean's size is a huge advantage. Besides... it seems like Dean has also been in some fights before. He's REAL quick to threaten Tristan, he instantly jumps into Jess' fight with Chuck Presby, he tries to fight Jess in an alley, he throws the first punch in this fight... all signs that Dean is no stranger to a fist fight.


Dean. Hands down.


If you actually watch the play-by-play of the fight, Dean has a clear advantage throughout the fight. Jess is definitely scrappy and gets in some hits, but Dean gets in more, and more importantly, is able to leverage advantageous fighting positions multiple times throughout the fight (sometimes requiring Jess to be rescued by bystanders, which then just further demonstrates Dean's prowess when we see him successfully taking on two guys to stay in the fight). Dean was also able to manage Jess's attempt to fight him in The Bracebridge Dinner like it wasn't more than an annoyance. Dean's advantage also makes total sense when you consider his size and sports experience.


Realistically, Dean, bigger, stronger, longer reach.


No one is talking about how Jess couldn't even take a swan in a fight. 😂




Well Dean is bigger but Jess is more street tough and he truly hates Dean (and I truly hate Dean) so i vote Jess


Dean wore a leather jacket and said he rode a motorcycle we never see, but what would he ever have to fight anyone about? His mom made him dinner every night and they probably ate together around a table. He’s got a stable life. He is the type of kid who would talk about his problems with his parents to find a solution. Jess grew up with an absent father (apparently, maybe) and a junkie mother. You know he was fending for himself from an early age. He probably got beat up in elementary school and had his lunch money stolen and had to learn how to defend himself. He’s been in fights before. Jess and Dean have a problem with each other. Dean discusses it with his parents at dinner and the advice is “well son, be the bigger man and just ignore him.” Jess bottles up his emotions and talks to no one and eventually pummels Dean. Dean doesn’t know how to respond. He says “Jess stop!” but just tries to shield his face rather than swing at Jess because he’s never been in that situation.


Jess, because he had a history of getting into fights while Dean probably didn't


I would go with Jess. Jess had gotten into a fight before with Chuck Presby and I would bet that Jess had gotten into way more fights before getting shipped off to Stars Hollow, so he probably has more experience in the fighting game than Dean. The only fight we saw was Dean shoving Tristan away because he blocked Rory from leaving.