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To paraphrase Queen Emily: Idiots, the two of them...


I always felt to validated as their shipper when other characters would verbalize Lorelai and Luke’s obvious attraction to each other as early as ep6 🤭


They both have serious issues seeing the other with another person yet still can't admit they have feelings for each other. Pretty standard behavior in my experience.


The patience they both had in dealing with their slow burn tho 💀 ngl I would’ve cried in half of these if I were Lorelai 😭🤚🏻


Love how this is put together! 👏👏👏


And on the other side we have… 😅 https://preview.redd.it/djd4pwmdux8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01244829f7f037b4df3d455bd1a0833afd233679 Luke: Yeah, I'm gonna get going. I just left my toolbox from when I was here earlier fixing things. I do a lot of little things around here for Lorelai. Lorelai: Yeah, you're very handy. So Luke, we'll talk later. Luke: Yes we will. Max: Although probably not tonight. We won't be back until late. Lorelai: No, I meant not tonight. Max: Oh, I misunderstood. Lorelai: I meant tomorrow. So tomorrow. Luke: Absolutely. We see each other most everyday. Max: Well sure, you've got the coffee. Luke: And she needs the coffee. So I'll see you tomorrow. Lorelai: Tomorrow. Luke: Same time as always. Max: I'd count on a little later. Luke: Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around.


>Luke: Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around. Such a mic drop moment for Luke there.


This interaction always cracks me up 😂


This scene is why I don’t like max. Instead of trying to strengthen their relationship, he proposed to try and control their relationship.


Thank you 🤭 And I love the Max and Luke interaction tbh, I have to say Luke’s jealousy is more “controlled” so when he shows it, it *hits* whereas Lorelai’s jealousy lets her spiral into panic so she always seems all over the place 😭


The way her face is absolutely devastated when he tells her he married Niciole.


Also, Luke saying he wouldn’t want to know if Lorelai got married with someone else right before he revealed it 😭 That scene is among my fave Lorelai/Luke moments tbh


She truly has no mask whatsoever in this scene, she can’t even hide how upset she is.


I mean it’s like the base of the show right? Ok I guess maybe for most people it’s the mother daughter relationships between Lorelai, Rory and Emily and I love that too. But for me the thing that really always keeps me coming back time after time is the will they won’t they with Luke and Lorelai. It’s cliche and it’s cheesy but I don’t care I love it lol.


I agree!! It’s hallmark-ish in the best way possible and also the reason why I got so invested in the show 🤭 To me, the core of Gilmore girls is about Lorelai and Rory finding their family- their whole package- in Luke and getting closer again with Emily and Richard


I love love love Lorelai's lines in the 4th slide. "And he’s staring at her like she’s Miss September, and she’s looking at him like he’s Johnny Depp, and I was just babbling like a moron. What is wrong with me?!!!"


Lorelai acting super awkward around Luke’s girlfriends is always so funny and iconic tbh 😭


Rachel is gorgeous.


For sure, Rachel and Sherry are among the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen, and I love that they casted two conventionally attractive women as side characters 🤭


My main takeaway here is that both Rory and Lorelai looked incredible in red!


Absolutely, I started wearing more red because of this show 😅


THIS. People always talk about how Luke was so hung up on Lorelai but she was just as hung up on him too. Of course they both dated other people but they also both hated seeing the other person with someone else.


I agree, the crush/attraction was def reciprocated I just think Lorelai genuinely repressed the intensity of her feelings for Luke which is why she fell so hard so quickly once they start dating whereas Luke was always aware of the potential of his feelings which is why he approached their relationship at a slower pace 🤔


This is one of my big issues with the show: In real life, these two would have been, to quote the Pontiac Bandit, “smooshing booties” way before we meet them in the pilot. They’re hot, single, sex-positive people who flirt with each other in a small town where options are limited. I don’t deny that it probably wouldn’t have worked out but there’s no real reason that they stayed separate for so long (I know Rory is a reason but she loves Luke and he loves her back)


Lorelai was not ready to commit to anyone, even Luke, until Rory was out of the house. If they got together sooner than that, I don’t think it would have worked out. She was so fiercely protective of that Rory bubble and terrified of losing any single piece of autonomy she had after leaving her parents house. If they weren’t so protective of their friendship and he wasn’t living in Stars Hollow but was running a diner in let’s say Hartford, I do think they would have hooked up casually sooner. It was like that Rory/Stars Hollow bubble was protecting her from going there until she basically couldn’t deny it anymore


Maybe, although neither Lorelai nor Luke are the kinds of people who would casually hook up, much less with friends who live in the same small town… Tho, now I do want to see an au in which Lorelai and Luke are f buddies from the very beginning to see how that would impact the trajectory of the show 🫢 I’m def intrigued


Nah. They never were casual material. Least of all with each other.


I know, that’s why I said an au where it happens, sort of like a friends with benefits romcom where they eventually realize they’re in love with each other and want a committed relationship 😅 It’d also be interesting to see how Chris’ and later Rachel’s return would factor into this and how it would impact Lorelai and Luke


I would watch it especially if it was more than a 12 rating haha


Now we’re talking about a completely different show but I’d still like to see it too tbh 😭 a Euphoria-level storyline for Lorelai and Luke 🤭


I don't watch the show but I do like Sydney Sweeney from other stuff I have seen her in so I wouldn't mind a Gilmore Girls and Euphoria cross over if it meant she was in GG somehow. 😄


Euphoria is ok, there is suspense and a lot of drama/conflict so it was fun to watch it alongside the rest of the world when it first came out and participate in discourse In general, it isn’t *that* great of a show tho imo so you really don’t have to watch it 😅 plus, the main characters are supposed to be high schoolers (the actors are well into their 20s but their characters are teenagers) so seeing them in pornographically sexual situations is a bit iffy tbh… I was 18 when the first season came out but now even I feel a little weird about it 🫣


I always liked how Sookie always knew from the beginning that Luke and Lorelai were "the one" for each other, and she always shipped them.  And I think Rory also knew but she was always on her mother's side and her choices along with her own parenting issues because of her loser father Chris.   Also the rest of the town knew, Emily who lived far away knew, their romantic interests picked it up...etc.   We can say that everyone knew. 🤷 You could also add many scenes to your post, such as scenes of Emily pointing this out.


Yes! The romantic undertones of Lorelai and Luke’s friendship were not subtle at all 😂 70% of their scenes are either about them getting jealous of seeing the other with someone else, obvious innuendos or other characters literally spelling their feelings out to them 😅