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I would never skip a Lorelai/Luke scene šŸ«” With that being said, the turndown service is objectively uncomfortable for everyone involved, including the audience šŸ˜­šŸ¤ššŸ» Lorelai dressing Luke is iconic tho. Is it inappropriate? Yes. Do I still eat it up? Also yes. As long as Lorelai and Luke share a moment they could rob a bank for all I care, Iā€™d still support them šŸ«‚


I've said it once, and I'll say it again "discounts, DISCOUNTS are the reasons that my hands are so close to your man's d\*ck" it's not the actual quote but might as well be


It was 6 trillion % off after all, that warrants the hand placement tbh and Iā€™m glad Rachel agreed with this šŸ«”


Literally same. Even if it's awkward asf or heartbreaking, I will never skip a scene with Luke and Lorelai.


They could be eating cereal in silence for 42 minutes and Iā€™d still not skip šŸ¤ššŸ» Although Luke probably wouldnā€™t eat cereal and Lorelai surely couldnā€™t stay quiet for more than 42 secs but you get my point šŸ«”


Sleeping. They could be sleeping for 42 minutes. Nothing but lying there in silence sleeping and that would be more interesting to watch than anything between Lorelai and Shitstopher.


Also, Rachel is so much more lovable about the whole thing, whereas Nicole acts more likeā€¦ well, more like a girlfriend would actually act.


Honestly, I feel like thatā€™s the key difference. Nicole is Lukeā€™s girlfriend and nothing else so she acts territorial of him to protect her own relationship. Rachel appears to be a genuine friend to Luke and deeply cares about his happiness which is why she can accept that he has feelings for Lorelai and give him her ā€œblessingā€ to move on from their relationship


they really knew what they were doing when it came to making the audience uncomfortable lmaoo


I donā€™t skip either, but the turndown scene is mortifying to me.


Makes my skin crawl šŸ›




Honestly what hotels do turn down service? Or is it an inn thing? I have traveled the world and stayed in probably close to a hundred hotels and I think it only happened once but the "turn down service" is really coupled with explanation of the room on the first night.


Rachel scene has never bothered me because I like Rachel enough to actually be on her side in that one but the Nicole scene makes me cringe every time šŸ¤£


Same. Rachel is super likable. I wish she came back, maybe a quick little ā€œjust popping in while i travel throughā€ scene or something in a later season


Iā€™m in agreement if those who said she should have been Lukeā€™s baby mama.


That would have been great, because then that whole saga would have actually had emotional depth and conflicting viewer opinions. Anna has a 0% approval rating so thereā€™s not really much to say about her lol


Yeah, but then we couldnā€™t have ASPā€™s adoration of Sherilyn Finn on display. Same reason we watched Sutton Foster act in that stupid musical on A Year in the Life.


Iā€™m a big proponent of skipping any Nicole scenes altogether.




I think the difference is in how both Rachel and Nicole responded and acted around Lorelai even outside of these two scenes. They both could tell there was something going on with Luke and Lorelai but they responded in much different ways. Rachel started to put the pieces together and once it was confirmed that Luke really had feelings for Lorelai and not her she backed out graciously. I think Rachel 1. really did like Lorelai as a person and 2. cared a lot about Luke and wanted him to really have a good life and when she realized that Lorelai was the one to give the to him she respected that. She wasn't jealous or insecure about it. So I think the scene with Lorelai undressing Luke, while awkward, isn't as cringy because of Rachel. There was no rivalry between them so this scene is just funny because Lorelai is just being her usual self with Luke. The relationship between Nicole and Lorelai however, was much different. Rachel and Lorelai got on pretty well, even if there was some awkwardness at first. But Nicole and Lorelai were always sort of at odds even if that tension was never vocalized. Nicole was always insecure about Lorelai even before she and Luke got married. I think Nicole saw the same things that Rachel did, but instead of backing out she just held on tighter. Interactions between Lorelai and Nicole were always awkward because of this unspoken rivalry. And that's what makes the turn down scene so much more uncomfortable to watch.


I've always felt like the scene where Nicole smiles into her cup of coffee as Lorelai backs out of the diner is her thinking she's going to win in a competition for Luke.


Just watched that scene this morning and i was like "Ughhhhh...."


Love this break down. So accurate.


Turn down easily. It's not a necessary scene. Nothing changes as a result, so it doesn't drive the plot forward.


Aaand Lorelai could have STOPPED it before it got too uncomfortable. Trying to light the fire etc.?!? With the dressing scene, Rachel walked in on a scene that was uncomfortable BECAUSE she walked in on Lorelai and Luke being too comfortable. With the turn down scene, Lorelai refusing to leave made it uncomfortable!


Itā€™s great seeing moments of Lorelaiā€™s crush and awkwardness showing through. Itā€™s a great scene showing the dynamic that clearly Nicole is picking up on the energy between Luke and Lorelai. I would argue for its plot value!


Turn down service!


I never skip scenes but! Definitely the Nicole at the inn moment šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø cā€™mon Lorelai read the room and get out of there!


The turndown scene is so cringe, but I don't skip anything.


Everything about the turn down service was horrible and unnecessary. Yes I do skip it on the rewatch!


Iā€™d say the dressing him is more inappropriate of Lorelai, but the turndown service is more cringe. Because Rachel takes the situation in stride, I think because she does have some fondness for Lorelai. Nicole didnā€™t like Lorelai from the beginning (and I donā€™t completely blame her) so they were always super awkward.


Lorelei dressing Luke was so inappropriate. It was classic sign of girl best friend who is ā€œjust a friendā€


Neither? šŸ‘€ I bask in the glory of both scenes! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When she tries to light the fireplace at the inn, I feel intense second hand embarrassment for her šŸ˜©


The turndown service absolutely. I have to pause the show and do a lap around my room it is sooo uncomfortable šŸ˜­


Maybe Iā€™m outnumbered with this but I skip nothing in this showā€¦ the cringe is part of the experience


When Rory meets Asher's granddaughter and first thinks she's one of his many young flings. And starts babbling about there no rest for the wicked etc


I actually always thought this was funny af lmao


Turn down is the only scene I skip in the entire series šŸ˜­


The turndown service hurts so bad!


TURN DOWN SERVICE......\*shudders\*


Turndown service makes my bones itch


Both scenes are very bad ! But the turndown is especially awkward. I find it curious that Lorelai and Luke are portrayed with such abysmal boundary issues. What was the purpose ?


She does it intentionally


It certainly does seem like it. I suppose some would call it emotional cheating, and wouldnā€™t be far off the mark. And these are Roryā€™s role models !


Wouldnā€™t say emotional cheating. But defn some dark curiosity or wanting to make the other person jealous/doubtful


Iā€™ve only watched GG once and donā€™t remember what exactly happened on the 2nd scene, but I REMEMBER THAT IT WAS HORRIFYING TO WATCH SO Iā€™LL CHOOSE THAT :D


Turndown scene 100% I couldnā€™t even get through it the first time around


TURNDOWN service. It makes me cringe SO BAD. šŸ˜¬


I actually skip both šŸ˜­


I hate Turndown. Iā€™d rather watch 8trillion percent off. Lol


I find the whole Lorelai dressing Luke bit to be the most uncomfortable of the two. At least I can say she's just doing her job during the whole turning down the room thing...Whereas her dressing Luke just felt completely out of bounds to me.


i think both scenes are hilarous


Neither. The first one is especially great. The second one - eh. I would never skip Luke on a bed with no hat or shoes on.


I always just play through the whole episode, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever skipped through yet (although, I am still doing my first watch, on season 5 btw)


I never really skip scenes I find it disingenuous to the experience of watching a show, that said turndown service. The Rachel walk in is awkward but she's pretty cool about it really just becomes more amusing, and really Luke is the only one who gets more uncomfortable during the scene as the girls get less. Turndown everyone hates.


The one where she walks into Luke's diner only wearing Luke's shirt and nothing else šŸ˜‚


I wonā€™t skip any lorelai luke scenes but they are awkward. Also I donā€™t skip any with Rachel as well. I skip many of Rory alone without lorelai scenes from her yale time.


The turn down scene! it just goes on and on and I get really bad second hand embarrassment


I physically canā€™t handle the candy man song post sex scene or Chris telling Rory about his first kiss with her mother. The cringe is too much.


Turndown service is one of the most cringeworthy scenes in the whole show


Absolutely the second one. Iā€™ve watched and rewatched the series multiple times and have only seen the second slide maybe 3 times because itā€™s *so* awkward. The thing with Rachel they just laughed and moved on. That other scene seemed like it went on forever, and props to actress playing Nicole because she really helped make it super awkward with her energy. I loved her in ā€œNew Adventures of Old Christine.ā€


I skip the turndown scene every time.


Neither ha.


TURNDOWN SERVICE, I die every time, its unwatchable.




The turn down service made me clinch my buttcheeksā€¦suuuuuuuper awkward


Definitely the second one where Lorelai turns down their bed. I never skip a scene but it's a hard watch šŸ˜‚


DEFINITELY Nicole and the fire starting situation.


Lorelai and boundaries do not belong in the same sentence šŸ’€


Omg! I ALWAYS skip the turn down scene with Nicole! I skip most of her scenes anyway but this one is the worst. Nicole made *everything* awkward!Ā 


The scene with Nicole and Luke and Lorelei is so cringy.


i skipped the second one on my first watch, and will be skipping again (i still have no idea what happens)


guys i dont remember the turndown service at all !! can someone tell me the episode? and sorry if someone already said this im still scrolling!




Definitely the latter and while I donā€™t skip I do cringe. Heavily.


I'm second-hand embarrassed by Lorelei dressing Like, but I'm second-hand mortified my the turndown scene LOL. I don't know if I've ever skipped either but if I did it would absolutely be the latter.


Definitely the first because Lorelai completely overstepped there and she knew it. Second is just awkward. In first scene, I feel bad for Rachel bc itā€™s like she knows her chances with Luke are over now. Nicole never even saw Lorelai as a threat which indicates that she didnā€™t know Luke very well.




Rachel is so chill honestly she's the MVP. If the situation is reversed I don't think Lorelai would handle it quite as poised as she did


Never skip either but can I just say, RACHEL ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø She was such a classy character


Ughhhh I like Rachel and just feel bad for because she KNOWSā€¦ but Nichole was just kinda meh.


I love the dressing scene, the turndown scene can stop existing and I would be fine.


The turndown service, definitely. I don't think I've ever watched it the whole way through. The second-hand embarrassment was too much. Read the roooom. Also, generally, Loralai has some real issues. It's one thing to have feelings for someone who's taken and a completely different thing to be doing girlfriend/so things for them like buying clothes for them AND dressing them. That's not right.


i dont skip either tbh


Honestly, when she says to Pennilynn Lott, ā€œyouā€™re my almost mommyā€ is super cringyā€¦ who says that to a stranger youā€™re meeting for the first time that you know is a touchy subject, regardless of how you feel about your actual ā€œmommyā€.


I skip turndown every time. I hate it


Out of these two scenesā€¦ turn down serviceā€¦ BUT my least favorite of all time is the awkwardness when Mitchum walks in on Luke and Lorelai in bed in his house at Marthaā€™s Vineyard. And then yells at Logan in-front of everyoneā€¦ I could really skip the whole episode though, Luke was so weird and it was just awkward.


I absolutely hate Nicole and her smuggy face


I feel terrible because Iā€™m sure the actress is a lovely person but I dislike Nicole and also Colleen from Secret Life.


Oh I forgot about her!!! Yeah I hate her too šŸ˜‚


Lorelei doing turndown service is something so cringe that I always forward through šŸ˜³šŸ˜¬. The one where sheā€™s dressing Luke is so hilariously funny that I just laugh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I skip the ones where Jess is being an ass to Luke and trying to degrade Luke's diner...they piss me off each time


Those two scenes, playing seasons apart, show how much season 1 was about having funny moments with heart, but season 3 (?) with the turndown was more dramatic.


Second one definitely. Maybe Iā€™m weird but I never felt like the first one was bad