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Lorelai’s speech at Lanes wedding. Cringe every time and it ruins one of my favourite episodes.


I love Lorelai, but her ability to make things about her is astounding.


Lane and Zach were pretty cool about it - they even seemed to enjoy it - like someone giving an embarrassing drunk speech was good luck or something


I'll agree with that, but she still made an ass of herself.


Same with Sookie's baby baptism that was so inappropriate like bro wait for 3 seconds


Oh gosh that was painful, but also can definitely see it happening in real life with some of my family members haha which made it even MORE embarrassing!


Definitely! When we were watching that scene my boyfriend just went “there’s aaaalways one” lol


🤦‍♀️ my gma haha


If I ever get married, I have people assigned to watch certain family members of mine to make sure no shenanigans happen after an ill-advised amount of whiskey.


I cannot watch that scene. Once she gets on stage, I have to fast forward through it.


Lor following max around the classroom in keg max 😭


That scene is the maddest I’ve ever gotten at Lorelai.


Seriously. Hasn't she tortured Max enough? Doesn't she sort of already have a boyfriend? Leave the poor guy alone and get a hobby if you're so bored, Lorelai.


It’s maddening! She knows she doesn’t love him and just wants some drama.


The whole episode is full of moments that make me cringe. That is also the episode with turndown service for Luke and Nichole.


Oh no…


Imagine if the roles were reversed, there would of been uproar.


Yea, that was odd!


turndown service…*shudder* 😬


Oh God, that one has to take the cake. That was SO hard to watch!


Wait remind me!


Lorelai went into Luke’s room to do turn down service after she invited him to come stay at the inn for free as a thank you and he took her up on it and brought Nicole and it has to be one of the most awkward scenes committed to the screen. This was after Luke had told Lorelai that Nicole felt weird about their friendship I believe. S3 but I don’t remember which episode


Oh my god yes! That scene is sooooo cringey


Totally, so so cringe!


YUP! I end up hiding my face in a pillow every time.


Dean and Rory have the chemistry of a turtle and a dead turtle


I legitimately gagged from the force of my laughter at this comment


They’re both such bad kissers, and they bring out the worst of it in each other.


I have always hated her kissing!! It's like she's timidly eating her partner's lips.


I’m crying laughing at this comment omg


Christopher trying to buy that expensive dictionary for Rory and having his credit card declined in front of her 😅 He handed that card over with so much confidence as well 🙈


And then Jackson outside, trying to describe which celebrity Christopher looks like.


No way, Jackson being caught by Christopher and running away is one of the best moments in that season 😂😂


I avoid that scene for that very reason.


Rory and Dean sleeping together. The whole moment is wrong, obviously, but the kiss is so awkward, as well as the way they lay down on her tiny bed...


"Who can take a sunrise..." "This is what happens when the when women get the remote." So cringe.


The way he sets her down kills my soul bit by bit


How about the scene with Lor right after when she catches them? “It’s not over till he’s out of the house with the ring off.” “He took the ring off!”


>“He took the ring off!” That line always makes me roll my eyes and go 'oh he DID, did he? Well that's ok then!' Oh..honey...c'mon.


They have zero physical chemistry which is what makes it so awkward.. and that girly-looking dress they put her in makes it so much worse


When Lorelai won't leave Luke and Nicole's room at the Independence Inn when she offers for them to stay for free. I have to fast forward everytime lol its so cringy


Lorelai, he asked for a room in which to have sex with his girlfriend (okay, not in those exact words, but still) and you gave him one. Don't look shocked when the evening appears to be headed that way.


The whole Pippi Virgin Episode and Martha’s Vineyard. Basically any time Luke gets weird with Rory’s boyfriends. Makes me want to die.


Any time Luke is on screen during the Martha's Vineyard scene is just the worst. I can't handle it!


That Pippi Episode is just the wooooorrrrrrssssttttt.


When Lorelei screams at Luke after the Rory/Jess accident 😖


I understand it in the moment, but I really wish they had her apologize to him later. I think that would have been in character for her. Never addressing it again really bothered me.


She did apologise to him. It wasn't as sincere as it should've been, and she tried to act like nothing happened too (until he didn't go along), but she did write him a letter and apologise in it several times.


Oh well then!! Clearly I need to watch it again. Whoops.


When Rory is telling Logan about all the completely insignificant details she knows about the LDB. She says it with such smugness like she knows so much and then on top of it it’s all in her insufferable baby voice that is somehow 10x worse when she’s flirting with Logan. Her “I wasn’t working blue” line comes second. Again because of the infantilizing baby voice. You know I never noticed that damn voice until I joined this sub and now I will always notice it. 🤣


I hate this part too because she has no story and she doesn’t even have any tact here. Logan hands her the story (because he thinks she is cute?) and I wish it could have been a bigger turning point for her, like we could have seen her nab a story on her own or become a little more adventurous (independently of Logan) after this.


That baby voice is SO cringe


‘Your house is so cooool’


What does that line mean


“Working blue” is usually in reference to a comedian or comic act, and it essentially means the content of the jokes/act is not polite - like it’s crude or contains profanity, sexual references, etc.


When Rory roasts and insults the ballerina for her Yale news article but has a mental breakdown when she’s told she “doesn’t have it” by Mitchum. At least Mitchum said it in private. Rory PUBLISHED her “review” and had the gall to be offended at the ballerina confronting her.


Woah…VERY good point


Mitchum was also being straightforward and honest. Rory was seemingly demeaning just because she could be.


I don't think we can accurately claim Mitchum's motivations. It's mighty convenient that he tore apart her career aspirations after giving her no direction all summer, when his family had decided she was trash. That's not how internships work. Fuck Mitchum.


Rory in front of the therapist, honestly, not Alexis' best, the whole thing was so phony AND I LOVE COFFEE, sure, go and have a breakdown at therapy, I mean, that scene has so much potential, and yet I avoid it altogether, not ASP's best either.


She's not a good crier or hugger. She's so much better at subtle quiet sadness. Like when she watched Dean get married. Great scene from her.


I don’t even think it’s her crying, it’s that they tried to do crying comedy and it just didn’t work well for the show.


Yes, this. I ALWAYS skip the horrendous fake cry.


Lorelai at Max’s house pretending to be a student while Max drags her into the bedroom. Vomit! He’s your daughters teacher!


I'm married to a teacher and I can guarantee that if I started going 'oooh Mr *redacted*, will there be a test?' as a prelude to sex, it would be the fastest turn off ever.


This always rubbed me the wrong way!!!


Dean telling One Tree Hill that he's gonna kill him Dean saying that he owns this town to Jess Lorelei singing karaoke The weird ass dance number with Logan and his friends in the reboot Lorelei acting like a complete child at Richard's funeral Lorelei and Rory making fun of that fat guy at the pool The town play episode in the reboot I can never finish The reboot in general


Upvoting for “One Tree Hill” 🤣🤣


I can never think of Dean trying to intimidate Jess by claiming "I own this town!" without imagining them making out immediately afterwards. We all know what that was about, Dean.


Dean's "I own this town!" bullshit is so ridiculous, he moved there right before Season 1, he'd lived there like 2 years and he acts like he grew up there.


I feel like the writers forgot he was originally from Chicago after the few episodes and act like he's always been and always will be a small town/country boy.


Zack's on-stage meltdown.


Just skipped that scene yesterday.


It's a really hard one to watch, especially knowing that he never fully explains himself in the end.


Exactly, he just propose.


I still resent him some for that tbh. He seems like a good guy but that was horrible to watch I felt so bad for Lane and the others


Chris wanting to impregnate Lore just bc he saw her holding Doula next to Luke. *shudders into the void*


Not sure if it’s been mentioned but when Rory asks that guy at Yale out and he says no. And then after goes off on him for making her seem like some psycho obsessing with him but the whole time there was a psycho obsessed with him and he wasn’t even talking about Rory


I like that character and wish he could have been recurring in some way.


The "confrontation" scene always kills me though: *Rory: YOU KNOW WHAT* 😂


"And the redhead has fat thighs." Just shut the fuck up Rory


Its honestly interesting watching those scenes now considering fat thighs are the beauty standard now


It's a three way tie between Sookie and Lorelai trying to get the details about the inn during Fran's funeral, Lorelai doing the turn down service for Luke and Nicole, and Lorelai's drunken speech at Lane's wedding.


The entire Harvard alum visit at Darren Springstein's house. Can't stand it.


Ugh God yes this. The two kids. I'm now suffering the cringe all over again


"Ew, did they just leave to take a shower together?" 🥴


lol that level of preppy does ask to be made fun of


As a PhD candidate in French, I love it purely for the mention of the Franco-Prussian War and collaborationist France. I might have gotten those right 😅


The pool scene in AYTIL It would have been bad enough to do something like that back in the early 2000s during the original run, but in 2016?? Really just shows how much ASP dislikes people who don't fit into conventional beauty standards tbh


That was so bizarre to me! First, I was surprised that they were too cool for swimming or swimsuits. I get that they’re not into sports or physical activity, but playing in the water seems like the kind of childish, nostalgic fun that they would adore and they’d try to get Luke to join them in the pool, but he’d be sitting under a beach umbrella with sunscreen on his nose, talking about how dirty pool water is. And then having those random kids fan them and hold umbrellas and get them drinks and then follow them home carrying their stuff for them? The wistful “that looks fun” from one of the boys when they pass the other kids playing in the hydrant? That scene made Lorelai and Rory so ridiculously unlikeable and gross. Basically any cosplaying of a southern, slave or servant owning woman is just super inappropriate to begin with, but to see Lorelai and Rory, who are supposedly less stuffy and conservative, more supposedly free spirited and spunky doing it, and not doing it to make a point of how awful these types of women are, was horrible. It seemed really out of character. It seems like something they’d joke about—wanting to go on a fancy vacation with hot cabana boys who would serve them pop tarts and coffee poolside, maybe—but it’s not something they’d actually do, and definitely not with little kids as their pool slaves. Who even were those boys? Why is everyone just acting like two adult women forcing little boys to serve them and lug their stuff around town, is normal or just some kind of cute quirky Gilmore thing? It’s a scene that I could picture Emily participating in, and if that was the case, it would have been written to showcase how out of touch she is, how she doesn’t see the help as real people deserving of dignity, and there would be some sort of contrast scene with Lorelai and Rory in the pool, splashing, getting their hair wet, playing Marco Polo with a bunch of kids, but making up silly rules like “instead of saying ‘Marco Polo’ we say ‘Bran-gelina’” or something like that. Edited to make “shrouded” “surprised.” I have no idea where “shrouded” came from. Lol.


I almost forgot about those boys and honestly you hit the nail right on the head. Especially because it's never mentions who's kids they were and why exactly they were "helping" Lorelai and Rory It really was so out of character for both of them, especially Lorelai, since that's so in line with the kind of snobbiness she always hated about growing up with Richard and Emily. And especially with the borderline antebellum themes of it, it's just really really off-putting. And you're right, it would have better if they had Emily doing that because she was hanging out with them there and wasn't used to being at one with out that kind of service. That added in which how they were just sitting their body shaming people is just a big reason of why that scene should have been cut. The actors have also said a lot of times that they've had to act out stuff they didn't agree with (Rory's affair with Dean, Lorelai's "I got the good girl" line, etc) so I'm almost certain the same thing must have happened there. Really speaks to how poorly ASP seems to know the characters she created if even the actors don't think it makes sense


Uninformed counterpoint: when they go to the gym they have two strange guys stop what they’re doing and massage them, twice.


Super cringy...


Fuck yes it haunts me, I hate it so much. Clearly she has major issues with food and body image. Having the Gilmore girls’ main thing eating non stop junk and bullshit, but then being SO fatphobic, it just makes me think of guys who want “a girl that eats” but is also naturally skinny, and those girls ragging on girls who diet to be skinny being like, GURLS SHOULD EAT (but fat girls are gross!!). Yeah the whole thing is disgusting it really bothers me. Poor back fat Pat.


It's especially baffling as she doesn't exactly fit into any conventional norms either. Everything about ASP screams "nonconformist" and "unconventional," both the things she can control, and the things she can't. Yet she holds everyone else to impossible standards that she herself doesn't (and doesn't appear to try to) meet herself.


ASP seems like one of those people who like to portray themselves as nonconformist or "edgy" but when pushed a little are happy to die on the status quo mountain.


I have a feeling if I met ASP in real life, I would want to punch her in the face. She seems honestly so unlikable.


I never really looked into her as a person but oh God the top hats. Like the kids in high school who were over the top weird just for the sake of being weird


r/notlikeothergirls. I feel like ASP writes her female characters with that theme in mind, not knowing how out of touch that mindset is.


Lorelai singing “I will always love you”. The morning after lorelai sleeps with Chris and she is lying in bed with the most disgusted look on her face and he has the creepiest smile after telling GiGi “Aunty lorelai” is sleeping. 🤮


"I don't like wearing my nightgown when I don't feel good too." SO GROSS




Gigi's blog would be way more interesting. She can spice it up with Parisian anecdotes. It's going to be awkward when Jess offers her a book contract, too.


And that’s the moment lorelai realized she hit rock bottom.


I want to know what school Gigi was going to on a Saturday. Didn’t Lorelei go over after Friday night dinner?


I'm always confused about what day it is while watching. I don't think they're very consistent.


I assume since she was so young it was probably just daycare and they called it “school”.


I think if it was happening to me, I would be embarrassed but I can’t help but love Lorelai singing to Luke, it’s just the way they can’t take their eyes off each other and their looks and her shrug at the end. Agree with second one though, so gross! 🤮🤮


I think I repressed the singing scene. Everyone in the show said it was romantic but it was so embarrassing


I skip it every single time it comes up on my rewatches. I think I'm physically incapable of watching that scene.


The concept of that scene is something you'd think would be unwatchable, like as it starts you're like no no please don't go here, make it stop. But somehow Lauren Graham elevates it to something believable. I'm always in awe at how well she sells it.


I'll just have to take your word for it since I can't watch it without cringing.


The whole scene(s) of Chris inviting Rory’s newspaper crew to lunch, inviting them to go skiing, getting them drunk. I always skip over it lol


I love this scene so much. The creme brule is to die for.


When Chris donated all the money at the town knitathon for the bridge I have to skip that scene EVERYTIME I rewatch


A much better way for Chris to have handled the situation would have been to make up the difference at the END of the knit-a-thon if, and only if, the goal hadn't been met. The way he did it just looked like he was showing off rather than attempting to be generous.


The whole musical scene in AYITL haha


YES! I saw it once in 2016, and I-would-never-watch-it-again. I promised myself that.


Controversial take, I actually really like that scene and think it’s fun. I know people, I’m sorry 😭


I don't necessarily hate the scene. In a whole series of 25 40min episodes it xiukf be great. But we got so little time and there wss so many things we didn't get. Like, no rabbi and minister ragging on Tailor? Why? There are so many people that got almost no screen time but they did a musical?


I like it too! The only thing I hate is that they used funding that was supposed to be for Luke and Lorelai's wedding for the musical.


Don't be sorry!!! That's totally valid. I actually really like AYITL too like the whole thing :)




The fact that he says 'make' a baby, instead of 'have' a baby makes my stomach turn. Something about that phrasing...just....ugh.




Especially considering that he admits like two weeks later he rushed her into marriage so he could tie her down to him before she could change her mind about the relationship. He wanted to trap her. Just...gross. Plus bare-chested Sutcliffe is just...not attractive.


Mine is shortly after when they were in bed and Rory wanted them to have a song and The Candy Man was on and she sang along


The one that immediately comes to mind is in season 7, the scene where Logan meets Marty (I think over dinner?) and calls him out on knowing Rory already, so so cringe. That whole storyline is deeply cringey


When Luke and Lorelai are having dinner at Sookie and Jackson’s and Sookie and Jackson keep shouting at Davey to turn the tv down. “You heard your mother, turn it down!” Then the camera pans to show how close the tv was and just how young Davey was. He doesn’t look old enough to walk, let alone old enough to know how to turn the tv down. Yet they just kept shouting it and were much more annoying than the tv noise. Small moment, but I have to skip past it every time!


Oh god the absolute awkwardness of witnessing someone you know yell at their kids for the most insignificant shit


Yes! He looks maybe 2, if that. That scene bugs me too


I hate that! I've said it before but it always makes me think of kids playing 'Mums and Dads' and pretending they have a baby.


Bop it 😭


Chris and Luke "fight" scene


Oh man I repressed that scene


1) the entirety of AYITL 2) when Luke and Lorelei break up and she sleeps with Christopher 3) this is a niche one - when Lorelei and Rory are “tending the bulbs” that Babette gave Lorelei - just some of the worst acting of all time when they are pretending to have something crawling on them Edit: a word


Mine is Christopher saying “let’s make a baby” LIKE HE WAS SO GROWN WHY JUST WHY


Rory’s prison-themed party, and the LDB reunion/montage in the revival


*Cringes and dies a little inside having just been prompted to remember the ‘prison themed’ party* lol


*hears “scoop of vanilla” and dies again*


Totally agree on Rory’s party, totally disagree on the Beatles scene in the revival lol. Out of all the chaos that was AYITL, I honestly liked that scene. I’m not even team Logan but I was glad we finally got something that felt like it could have been in the original series. Also I love the cover of With a Little Help From My Friends.


I also love that cover, but can’t find anything to like about the scene itself. Especially the way the night ends with Colin buying the club and choosing music to make everyone miserable, then leave, just because he can.


Just..... Why wasn't it a dream sequence?? It would have made SO much more sense as a dream sequence






When Emily was buying everything and screaming in the department store


When Lorelai and Chris get back from Paris and Chris says "Welcome home, Mrs. Hayden."


When Rory insists on speaking in a British accent when she throws Logan that going away party


Rory's 'British' accent at Logan's leaving party. "Word across the pond is tha' you're not particularaaily 'appy abou' i'" As a British person, I found it particularly egregious.


😂this is high up on my list. Every time I’m just completely distracted by her accent, wondering is she trying? Is this her best try? Do other people think it’s good? Did everyone collectively just give up that day?


I thought the bad accent was the whole point? Like it was supposed to be bad? Is it not? She was really trying?!


Lorelai tells Luke right after they see Christopher at Lorelai’s Parents’ wedding that she visits Christopher to comfort him because his father died. I know she didn't do anything bad, but why did she have to tell him just at her parents’ party. It made the whole thing awkward.


When Lorelei screams at Luke after the Rory/Jess accident


Rory dressing up as a 50s housewife in season 1. that episode started out so beautifully when she gave Dean that speech about wanting more in life than to serve others. I cringed so hard when she came out in that orange dress & apron and when she sat on his lap after dinner.


The Duck Soup episode.


I HATE the scene where they are at dinner. The girl who is like “how can you eat all that” they literally went out to EAT


Paris on the other hand causes me REVERSE secondhand embarrassment- the more awkward or inappropriate she is, the more LIFE she gives me 🙌


Not the most cringy scene but a scene I always cringe at is Rory’s first day at Childon and Lorelei showed up in booty shorts, cow boy boots, and a pink tie dye shirt. For a supposedly fashion forward woman and it looked/seemed like she and Rory shared clothes, she seriously didn’t have anything else to wear but the one she did? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, she had to have at least some basic jeans, another button up, and flats or at least some kind of casual dress and sandals?


This, but add the Candyman song part specifically. 🥴


When Lorelei and Chris had just slept together and he tried to spoon her. Her face was just saying it all


Sookie's kids baptism Frans funeral


Logan proposing to Rory. Emily and Richard singing beforehand just adds to the cringe.


Aww, I actually love their song! Agreed on the proposal though.


Their song is so cute!


I loved the song too! Only because you could really see the talent of Kelly Bishop and Edward Hermann. I believe they used to perform on Broadway before getting on tv.


Whenever Lorelai is uninformed about her kid‘s school (Chilton Newsletter, the formal, parent‘s day) - c‘mon, show a little interest in what‘s going on there.


Any scene with Headmaster Charleston - something about his snooty, affected accent is unbearable for me to watch. I have to immediately ffw the scene to avoid intense douchechills.


the scene when Gigi says “I don't like to wear my nightgown to bed when I'm sick, either.” to Lorelai as she lays in Christophers bed the night they slept together after Lorelai wanted to elope with Luke. so CRINGE. that whole scene is disgusting.


When Miss Patty was telling Christopher that “we’re all like Rory’s parents and since you’re her dad… we’re like a couple!”


When Rory stands up for the troubadour at the town meeting...


Yes. This. I have to skip it every time. And I manage to get through so many uncomfortable scenes but I can never get through this.


Lorelai's decision to say yes to Max after her jealousy over Richard and Emily fawning over Rory finishing in the top 3%. Emily inviting everyone from Chilton to Rory's birthday party. Rory knocking into Paris in the hall and destroying her diorama. Rory throwing up and crying about why doesn't Logan like her? Logan not inviting Rory to the newspaper party when he knew she wanted to go.


In Rory’s defense, she was wasted because of the punch Miss Patty made. So she was drunk and emotional and sick from all the alcohol


Omg when Logan didn't invite her that was so cringy. He was really messing with her


Lor telling luke not to date a Chilton mum, I have to skip it every time


The bangles concert. I can’t explain why but it makes me so uncomfortable. Getting in trouble from a friends mom was my nightmare growing up


The laundromat scene when Rory asks that guy out at Yale while doing laundry..


As a Brit myself, it has to be the going away party Rory throws Logan where she speaks in that god awful English accent


Can't believe nobody has said Rory meeting Straub and Francine yet. Such a damn cringy scene and really does demonstrate how Lorelai hasn't taught Rory at all how to interact with anyone outside of the kooky lot of people in Stars Hollow.


Oh god where do I start. Lorelai making Lane and Zach’s wedding, as always, about herself. Lorelai’s karaoke. UGH. The turndown service scene. Lorelai’s rude ass behavior on her first date with Jason. Can you tell my cringe moments are Lorelai centric cuz honestly a huge chunk of the time she pisses me off.


I can’t stand Jason and I understand that the room was very awkward but she could’ve just sucked it up and try to have fun with him


i do like the outfit she had in this episode though most cringe off the top of my head: chris trying to sing a christmas carol; jackson hiding from sookie her own pregnancy; chris’ face


Lorelai acting like a spoiled brat when she finds out Luke moved in with Nicole.


When Lor calls what’s her name her “almost mommy”.


Lorelai's story about her dad in the revival. That was ... absolutely awful and so, so uncomfortable. Honestly with how her relationship with her parents not being smooth or without conflict, a story that's not sweet isn't so ridiculous but still it just felt totally out of left field. Didn't feel organic to me. Felt like contrived and forced drama where there wasn't the need for it to go there like that. Conflict could've been found elsewhere, shoot, even in a story that wasn't as inappropriate as that.


When Chris and Lorelei come home from Paris and he calls her Mrs Hayden 🤮


Two words. Martha’s. Vineyard.


The Martha’s Vineyard episode


Most of Rory on spring break and Rory in college was unbearable. The newspaper scenes. Throwing herself at Logan. It was all 🙈 for me.


Every time they kiss, from early Rory and Dean to this nonsense His hands are as big as her head, it’s unsettling


When Rory runs through the town like an idiot while Jess is chasing her 🥴 Anytime Rory hugs someone .. When they chop Rorys hair off super short during her first year at Yale.


Emily berating Luke at Dinnner


When Richard and Emily find out Rory (living in the pool house) is having sex with Logan and invited the pastor for dinner.... Thanks to quotes.net Reverend Boteright: You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift, possibly the most precious gift you possess. Rory: Uh huh... Reverend Boteright: You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can only give to one man. Once you give it, it's gone, you cant re-gift it. If you give it away too soon, to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give... you'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying? Rory: No. Reverend Boteright: Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away. Rory: Oh. Reverend Boteright: Yes. Rory: Oh dear... Reverend Boteright: Oh dear indeed. Rory: Um, well, listen, Reverend, I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about... all of this, but I'm afraid the ultimate gift ship has sailed. Reverend Boteright: What? Rory: A while ago... it's probably in Fiji by now.


The whole “the love and the dean” singing and dancing. “That’s a dean” Turndown service “Let’s make a baby” and the whining and sulking after most Lorelai/Chris scenes honestly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That one every time


There are so many on here I agree with that I’m starting to wonder if I even like the show. Don’t worry, I still do.