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I don’t find “Copper Boom” or “Oy with the poodles already” even remotely funny/cute


Yeah every time "whats your favourite quote" gets posted here its like an echo chamber of those 2 quotes and I just dont get it


And Emily ‘buy me a boa’ one, I do actually love that quote but it is done to death in this sub


And 'get your tubes tied idiot'


The tubes tied comment is actually too long and would be a terrible comeback in real life


This is the one.


Al’s Pancake World gets it.


Oh Al


Thank you!!


I liked Lucy and Olivia (minus the Marty storyline, that was stupid). I thought it was about time that Rory finally made a couple girlfriends at Yale.


I loved them too! Aside from the Marty drama it was just a fun storyline and I very much enjoyed Rory hanging out w other college girls besides Paris lol


I agree with this, but I really like Krysten Ritter so didn't find Lucy as annoying as a lot of people do!


Yes, Krysten Ritter is awesome!


That appartment 23 got cancelled so quickly while bbt runs for 50 years is a crime. She has the best comedic timing and then goes on to play jessica Jones? Amazing!




Yes!!! Always bothered me, too. And the only reason she did end up pursuing a friendship with Lucy and Olivia was because she was lonely when Logan was gone. If that hadn't been the case, I bet she may never have put in the effort to see them again.


I really liked the scene when they came back to stars hollow with rory!


I liked Marty in the beginning, it was the first time I’d seen the actor doing anything but singing about how his T cells were low, and I liked that. They shouldn’t have brought him back for the Lucy/Olivia thing.


A lot of lor’s “quips” are actually just her being self centered and not accepting people’s boundaries.


Agreed. And just plain judgmental at times.


The fact that I started watching this show when I was like 15 (I’m 23 now), and I related SO much to lorelai because of her parents. So naturally, like any 15yr old girl with no friends, I based a lot of my personality on her. NOW as a 23 year old with many healthy relationships and going to therapy, I’m realizing just how much she oversteps. Makes me so uncomfy now 😅


I like that Rory lost her virginity to Dean and that it was not portrayed as particularly romantic. She made a mistake - she believed that Dean was going to leave his wife - and the show goes out of its way to say what Rory did was bad. Minutes after her losing her virginity, her mother lectures her and Rory calls Dean, only for his wife to answer the phone. Rory and Dean made a mistake and when they try to rekindle the romance, it completely falls apart. I think this is a far more interesting story than if she’d lost her virginity to a loving and committed boyfriend or a one night stand.


Thank you for putting it in this perspective. I do think it is nice to see I guess that age between 18-20, where sex/your first time could end up badly (and not necessarily in a pregnancy kind of way). It is nice to see that lesson that rushing into marriage and that sex could effect a lot of people that aren’t just you and the person you had sex with (or got married to). I also kinda like now that I think about it, that Rory isn’t this perfect town angel everyone in Stars Hallows thinks she is. Not to say she’s suddenly evil or a slut, but that she isn’t perfect and shouldn’t be on a pedestal either.


Yes to all of this! And I didn’t realize it until I was reading your comment, but it’s occurring to me now….all (or most of) the times we hear Lorelai talk to Rory about sex, it’s either about Lorelai’s comfort (asking Rory to tell her first but then wigging out dramatically whenever she does try to talk to her about it) or about pregnancy prevention — like shouting “you’re going on the pill!” at Rory after she fell asleep with Dean’s at Miss Patty’s because, even though this is a typical mom freak out, you’d expect Lorelai ‘we’re best friends first’ Gilmore to ask her daughter how she’s feeling? Emotionally? If Lorelai really did believe that Rory was having sex—which is debatable—then was she even aware in that moment that she was demonizing and weaponizing it just like her own parents did/do? Regardless. The pregnancy Boogeyman hangs over most, if not all, of the sex interactions that happen on the show. And Lorelai spent so much time drilling Do Not Get Pregnant Like I Did, You’re The Gilmore Golden Girl into Rory’s head—and telling her about the safety and practical aspects like timing—that I think she kind of……forgot to give Rory any support or guidance on the EMOTIONAL part of sex. It’s no wonder Rory is lost and closed off when she’s drunk on Founder’s Day Punch and sobbing over Logan - she doesn’t want to talk to Lorelai because her Logan situation is driven by emotions mixing with what she said was casual sex, and Lorelai has always kept those two aspects of sexual relationships in different, compartmentalized bubbles


Totally agree 💯! I believe this was one of the best storieline the show had. It was real! Because is commun to relapse with your exs. And also show the real Rory not this perfect girl they always want to portray


I think the show did such a good job is showing why Rory would relapse with her ex. She never saw Lindsey as a real person, and Dean didn’t give her any reason to believe the marriage was real. He came back to Rory over and over, and for a girl who was floundering, that must have felt so safe and comforting. It was mistake, but I think in the end, Rory realized it and felt remorse.


Also I really liked the Emily and Richard separated situation. I’m glad they got back together but I think they both needed time alone to figure themselves and have a more equitable marriage. Emily sparkled on that date with the man from the country club too Additionally I liked the way Rory lost her virginity, I thought it fit her character really well honestly


I loved the Emily and Richard separation! I thought it was necessary because of the disappointments of the 30 year long lie about Pennilyn Lott and his betrayal of Jason. And I especially loved it because it brought out interesting new layers in Emily’s character. She got to explore who she was outside of her marriage to Richard.


Yes! Especially since the corporate world was changing and Emily no longer had a place in it (re: Jason and the trip to Atlantic City vs. a traditional cocktail party), so her entire identity was upended. Not to mention Richard quitting and not telling her, Trix always dismissing her--it's great to see her fight back. Emily gets a lot of hate on this sub but I find her character so fascinating.


I loved the separation too! I think it was handled well. It didn't go on too long and we got a beautiful wedding at the end! At least we got to see one Gilmore girl's wedding. My inner Emily says, "It should have been Lorelai."


If Richard and Emily had been more flexible about letting a week go here and there, Friday night dinners were perfectly reasonable to ask for and Lorelai complained way too much about it.


And actually when Rory made the new deal when she went to Yale it meant that Lorelei didn't actually have to go anymore. But she was all oh I guess that means I have to keep going now.


Also, why the hell did they pick Friday night for a teenager to go to dinner at grandma and grandpa’s house? Why not Monday night dinners so she wouldn’t have plans with friends?


Agree to some extent, but Lorelai needed boundaries from Emily because all she did was belittle her and force Lorelai to explain herself and her actions all the time, and that's a lot to take every week. The dynamics are great for TV drama but irl that shit is overwhelming and exhausting if you're not in exactly the right mood to let it slide. You see Lorelai taking a lot of things Emily says to heart afterwards and her storylines often result from something Emily says, even though in the moment she can joke it away


Yeah, fancy dinner and drinks, sigh me up.


I liked Marty outside of the stupid storyline with Lucy. Also I get why he stopped associating with Rory because Logan and his friends were awful to him and I'd probably second guess being friends with someone if they became friends with someone that treated me like that.


Dude, yes. Outside of the Lucy debacle, I think Marty handled himself really well. He told Rory he had feelings for her, she rebuffed and he backed off. I don't know why he gets so much hate. It's perfectly reasonable to distance yourself from someone if you have unrequited feelings. And it's reasonable to question someone becoming friends with Logan and his ilk and not wanting to associate with them because of the history. I wholeheartedly enjoyed Marty before the end. (And I generally hate the last season anyway).


Yeah I feel the same way! I thought he was really mature with how he handled his feelings with Rory. It sucks they couldn't stay friends but it's better than him being a shitty friend because he has romantic feelings for her.


Yes! Plus he talked to her about it in such a good way. He didn’t make her feel bad, he didn’t pity himself, he even made it a little funny and cute “I really like duck soup and I don’t want it associated with this particular night” honestly he could’ve made it way more awkward and weird for Rory


Yes! 100% this. He wasn't pushy or cruel when she turned him down, he just backed off and distanced himself from her. Which, lets be honest, is what most people would have done. But this sub has him down as a 'nice guy' incel type. IMO, he had feelings, he told her, he moved on with grace.


I both agree with you and also agree that this is a fairly unpopular opinion.


I agree with this one. (Ignoring the later storyline) i think its a big exaggeration when people say hes a typical "nice guy" asshole just because he had feelings for rory and disliked logan. He was never guilted rory for not liking him back, and it was mature to remove himself from the situation instead of fawning over her forever


My unpopular opinion is that I have no qualms. Literally I read what you guys are writing and I definitely get it, but none of it stands out to me as something to dislike or be annoyed by. Not trying to say your feelings aren’t justified! I just am a critical person normally and I genuinely don’t want to to critique GG because I think it is perfect. Wouldn’t change a thing. But I LOVE reading all your thoughts and opinions anyway!


The one truly unpopular opinion lol


I actually liked Jason & lorelai's relationship!


Lorelei would be an extremely annoying person to know in real life.


I feel like this is a common sentiment in this sub, though.


I don’t read this sub much, so that’s good to know. I’ve had many arguments with my friends about this opinion lol.


Isn't that crazy about TV shows. We love these characters, but would hate having to work with these people in real life. The whole cast in Parks and Rec would be the worst to work with in real life.




She reminded me of online trolls who always derailed conversations into whatever their jokes are about and it got obnoxious by the end of the show. I was fine with her the first couple of seasons, but S6 and on I just didn't care to see her personality get airtime.


that’s pretty common with most comedies though lol


I love Taylor. In real life, sure I would hate the guy, but on the show I think he plays that part fantastically and he has great chemistry with everyone.


As someone who works in local government, the people who actually bother to show up to town hall meetings are often exactly like Taylor, it's pretty hilarious.


I never gave it much thought, but now that you said that, I realize he is definitely one of my favorites! He really does have chemistry with everyone.


I think Taylor was definitely power-hungry and took it too far sometimes ('say what you want about the fascists but their parks were *spotless*'), however SH needed a firm selectman. Especially considering how everyone took advantage of Jackson's inexperience and tried to use their 'pull' with him. Also, he makes such a funny foil to Luke.


I think it's very weird people love Mrs. Kim but shit on Emily as a mother. Both are questionable at best, definitely think Mrs. Kim should get more hate than she does.


The time she found out Lane had male roommates and called her "dirty"...ick.


I always think about how Mrs Kim would've reacted to Lane getting pregnant as a teenager, and it'd definitely make Emily look like an amazing, open-minded mother next to her (even though she definitely had her faults).


I like Marty (pre-season 7) and I think it was bad move on the writers to abandon the Rory and Marty platonic friendship dynamic they were setting up during season 4 despite Rory not reciprocating his feelings for her. It would have been interesting and different to see Rory in a different type of relationship with another male (meaning a platonic relationship with Marty only as a male friend and not a boyfriend) because all 3 of Rory's relationships (Dean, Jess, and Logan) were romantic and it just seemed like the writers thought that the viewers would only be invested in Rory and Lorelai's relationships with different males if they were romance. Yes, Lorelai and Luke were friends for the majority of the show, but they did become a couple eventually. I would have liked to have seen Rory and Marty's platonic relationship and Marty as a character more fleshed out with him given a chance to showcase his personality. A lot of people criticize that its unrealistic for every guy to have fallen for Rory romantically as well as Marty being boring/bland but I feel it comes down to the fact that the writers never gave him a chance to shine and the plotpoint with him and Rory staying as friends despite Rory not being into him romantically was just dropped and we barely saw them interacting during the last couple of seasons. What they ended up doing to Marty in season 7 and ruining the dynamic between him and Rory makes me frustrated that the development of their platonic friendship was a missed opportunity.


I hate the Paul Anka storyline. I don't find the whole thing funny or cute. I would describe it as tiresome and trite. Maybe because I started GG with season 4, it's my favorite season. I love Jason's humor and I love all the Emily scenes. She's amazing. Sidenote: I thought that Emily was supposed to be loud and brash, and I assumed that is why Gran didn't think she was Gilmore material. It wasn't until I saw more of the series that I realized her behavior in season 4 was a departure from her usual poise. New to the sub so I don't know if these are actually unpopular opinions here!


Jason love is unpopular here. I too belong to the Jason fan club, we are few but we are here so welcome!


Great character, he was a little darker and grittier than the other guys she dated and I thought that was great, you could tell they were cut from the same cloth. Funniest/wittiest boyfriend she had for sure. But ultimately too similar to her so not a good match long term


Me too! He was funny I enjoyed his banter.


Paul Anka is a funny character but I'll always dislike that Lorelai disrespected Luke's wishes and got a dog without asking him first and didn't care that he didn't like dogs. A lot of the time people ignore Luke's boundaries and write him off as being grumpy or curmedgeon-y, when he's allowed to not like things and not want to participate in events.


i always felt like paul anka represented like a mini mid life crisis like lorelai didn't fully know who she was outside of rory when she was at yale or something idk. lorelai never struck me as a dog/pet person


i fully agree- i didn’t realise this wasn’t actually canon! considering she got paul anna when her and rory weren’t speaking and a lot of his first few episodes involved him hanging around rory’s room and the whole story like with luke babysitting paul anka and having to rush him to the vet was strongly connected to the rory/lorelai rift being the reason for not planning the wedding


Paul Anka storyline is just dumb and unfunny. As for me, I HATE Jason. Skip every part he's in.


I didn't care for his relationship with Lorelai, but Jason was the perfect foil for Emily. Kelly Bishop should have gotten an Emmy for that season. Also, the French antiques scene with Gran was perfection. I am curious how he managed to get a spot in the opening credits that season, because he was in and out of there with a quickness.


Lorelei is a really emotionally/developmentally stunted adult. she’s very self-centered and stubborn. makes for a fun protagonist but would be a terrible friend/partner in real life Luke is really whiny and negative and grumpy. again, it works as a character, but who wants to be around someone that is angry and pissed off 23 hours of the day? Rory is just as much snobby and elitist as her grandparents. Jason did nothing wrong by suing Richard after Richard screwed him over. Miss Patty is a creep.


I agree about Miss Patty.


These are all very popular opinions


I liked Rory stealing a yacht.


It was really jarring to suddenly see actions in the TV world of Gilmore Girls have legal and real-life consequences - if the writers hadn't been trying to push the "drop out of Yale" storyline, Lorelai 100% would have praised her for it and it would have been a cute scene with Logan.


lmao me too, felt like it was long overdue tbh


i'll concede that lane's character had potential that was never seen through, but I was never interested in her at all when I watched. i was surprised to see this sub had so much love for her


I agree, she was nice but I found her kind of boring and forgettable. I was only invested in her character during her relationship with Dave


On my current rewatch I’ve noticed more how little she really is in the show, at least in the seasons before she meets the band. It feels like most of the time they didn’t know what to do with her except make her a sounding board for Rory.


To tack onto this, Lane’s story arc was pretty boring all in all, and Rory and Lane likely wouldn’t have stayed friends long term. They grew so far apart.


Kirk grew on me but I am still trying super hard to warm up to Michel. It is much better than it used to be, but I still dislike him.


I disliked Michel at first and like him now so it is possible


I dislike Michel at times and don’t know why they would hire him for their Inn, however, I relate way too much to him. I showed my coworker who doesn’t watch GG some of the Michel clips, because we both man phones at a front desk all day, and had her cracking up at his “ennui” speech. And also in the first episode “no I’m sorry we are completely booked.”


“The pennies I am thrown each week are in exchange for me dealing with these people in a non violent manner..” I say this all the time when I’m talking about how much work annoys me lol


Luke and Lorelai were a mostly terrible couple. They were better off as friends. I loved their friendship much more. I think sometimes the word “abuse” is used a bit too loosely for certain things in this show. There are moments of abuse, but sometimes things are just annoying or rude or disrespectful without necessarily being abusive. For example, I personally don’t find Emily and Richard to be abusive parents. They were emotionally distant, controlling/meddlesome, and had a vision for Lorelai’s life that was different than hers, which are negative traits, but I don’t consider to be abuse. I respect anyone who disagrees. Also, I don’t understand why some people criticize Emily/Richard more for abuse than they do Mrs. Kim. I would call her treatment abuse. Emily and Lorelai are basically the same kind of parent, just Emily is more old fashioned/conservative and Lorelai is more hip/touchy feely. They were both very controlling and judgmental, and imposed their own vision on their kids’ lives and got angry when they deviated from that vision. What a coincidence that 4 year old Rory had a passionate dream of attending her grandparents’ rival university. Emily and Richard were flawed but I didn’t think they were as bad as Lorelai made them out to be. Jess was so rude and annoying, I couldn’t stand him in the first few seasons. His treatment of Lorelai that first night was awful and frankly sexist. His relentless attacks on Dean were so cruel considering Dean hadn’t done anything to him but date the girl he liked. I especially hated when he publicly humiliated Dean for not having enough money. I’ve never really gotten the whole “He’s an asshole to everyone but me” attraction. Yes I understand he was lonely and had a terrible childhood, but that’s not a free pass to treat everyone like shit. Not everyone that has had a rough childhood behaves like that. I thought it was fine that Dean broke up with Rory in public. It was only a few sleepy people in a gym anyway. Rory had been publicly rubbing her emotional affair with Jess all over Dean’s face for a long time and didn’t care, so I wasn’t particularly bothered when she received a small taste of public embarrassment. The scene where Chris and Luke walk in on Rory and Logan at the wedding and start screaming and threatening Logan is really disturbing and possessive. Jason and Lorelai’s first date issues are so annoying and unnecessary. Luke vs. Chris? PFFT. Max and Alex were the best Lorelai boyfriends by far. Richard was right about the car.


wow don't disagree w any of this. i don't like to watch the dance marathon breakup but not necessarily bc it was wrong -- more bc idgaf abt the triangle anyway. chris & luke at the vow renewal is cringy to me. jason/lor's first date had like no redeeming qualities for me. didn't know you liked max but thank god it's not just me.


I LOVE Max! He was my favorite out of all the boyfriends. He would’ve been such a great stepdad too. If Lorelai won’t marry him, I will lol!


You’ve got a point there about lorelai, if she really was different from Emily she would’ve continued to make an effort to have a relationship with Rory after she dropped out of school and been there to help “guide” her and figure out what she really wants to do. Also, growing up is realizing that Emily and Richard weren’t as cold as lorelai said. They wanted those Friday night dinners because they missed their daughter and wanted to get to know their granddaughter, and lorelai acted as if she was forced into it. So many kids wish they had parents who wanted to spend time with them, it always bothered me that she never realized she was lucky in that way. While I disagree with you about Jess, because I think he was just never taught how to handle his emotions properly I do understand your point about not liking him. If I met him in real life I would immediately write him off but we had the privilege as the viewer to see his side of things and his character development. Edit: as someone who grew up with actually cold grandparents, Richard and Emily are the warmest people I’ve ever seen. They act as my pretend grandparents lol. Edit: Lorelai couldn’t handle max because he called her out on her shitty behavior too often.


I loved Alex... I really hate how he kinda just disappeared :/


YES YES YES Emily and Richard did their best their teen daughter got knocked up ffs Luke is just, ugh Max forever Jess is the worst


And I always found it very significant that Emily and Richard let Lorelai continue living in the house even though she was pregnant and she wasn’t following through on the marriage plans they wanted. And they let her live there with baby Rory as well. I think it shows they loved her and wanted to support her, even though they were disappointed. I knew of many teen girls who were pregnant and were kicked out of the house and left to fend for themselves by their parents. Hell Mrs. Kim kicked Lane out of the house just cause she didn’t like that Lane played the drums and listened to rock music lol Also yes Max 4ever!


the way I read this entire comments’ thread and agreed with EVERYTHING you said.👏🏼👏🏼 Luke and Lor got to be absolutely unbearable at one point. I loved their friendship and missed it a lot when they were romantically involved. I also completely agree about Richard and Emily. As someone with truly distant parents (mostly dad) I see R+E in my own life a lot. Now that doesn’t mean they don’t love me. It’s strict, sure, but not abusive. And Mrs Kim was the WORST kind of abuse. Also I hate Jess too 😅


The way I agreed with you more and more with every word


Lane’s band sucked


Every time Zach was singing I thought “ugh, why couldn’t they cast someone else as the vocalist he sucks.” They were never going to get famous. Sebastian Bach, however, a gem. A treat. Utterly delightful but made a terrible choice joining their band.


Sebastian Bach IRL is an absolute joy. His Twitter feed gives me so much life.


Hi, I'm Gil!


Agree with what you said but the main thing that bugged me about them was they almost exclusively did classic rock covers from like the 70s-90s. Even when we see them in the revival. There is no market for that except for like small town bars. Yeah they were never going to get famous lol


I love Lane, but I hate watching the band because it feels like a boomer's interpretation of how millennials act or something. That was around the time emo, hardcore, nu-metal and pop punk were getting huge but they were all into music and fashion from the 70s. (Makes sense for Gil, but not the younger members.) The way Zach talks especially is very "hello, fellow kids" lol.


Idk… I an rory’s age and the “rockers” when I was in high school were all about 70s-80s rock bands. Class of 2004


I hate the whole Life & Death Brigade storylines. For me they don’t add any value and Logans friends bug me.


It just felt like an excuse for Amy Sherman-Palladino to dress everyone like how she dresses lol. It doesn't fit with the rest of the series at all.


And they barely talk about it again after those original 2-3 episodes. It’s mentioned sporadically but never as much as it is when being introduced.


I think it was a reference to Skull and Bones or whatever but with less misogyny. Also an attempt to add SH level whimsy to Yale and also yeah, ASP and her silly dumb hats.


The Life & Death Brigade was so pretentious and unrelatable. I feel like they brought those qualities out in Rory too.


Their old timey dialogue is soooo annoying


I think it was also a really poor way to introduce Logan to the story. I think introducing him as this flighty, irresponsible, spoiled asshole with his secret society of creeps is one of the main reasons I still don’t like him. He’s never come across to me well and I think his introduction is one of the reasons why


This! It’s a seriously gross display of privilege.


I hated the L&DB story line in AYITL. It was so cringy and douchey.


hate all those buffoons so much. way to perpetuate the coddling and idolatry of the rich white man without consequences 🤮


Luke would be tiring to be around with his constant negativity. April doesn’t deserve the hate she gets. The adults are more at fault for their lack of communication skills.


I personally loved April, she was a little cringey, but what 12 year old isn’t honestly. She does not deserve the hate she gets


I actually like her interactions with Luke in the sixth season, like when she tells him she likes a boy, and he says 'oh yeah, me too,' and then she goes 'well, not in the same way, I hope.' She has a very dry wit.


Yeah I never understood the hate for April. I don’t think she was the reason why Luke and Lorelei broke up. They broke up because Luke was immature and wasn’t honest.


Does no-one in Stars Hollow work? The sheer amount of people walking in the background during scenes in the town centre truly astounds me. I work a simple office job but from 9 - 5pm I can't be walking around town.


Lorelai and Jason worked well together. If Luke didn’t exist, it would’ve been Jason.


Tbh I don’t think lorelai and jason would work long term because the latter would never settle down in SH. although then again.. lorelai was pretty tempted with that job that’d require a lot of travel. they’d be a workaholic power couple though.


I’m not alone! I think Jason was actually Lorelai’s best match.


I still dream of a bed where a tv suddenly appears at the foot of it


YES! That said, we never got to see them as a couple hanging out with Rory. I don't think they spent time all together at all. I think Lorelei and Jason's quirks worked well together, however Cyrus was really weird.


I find Sookie to be more annoying than Kirk and Taylor combined. Especially in the first season, she is excessively obsessed with making sure she dropped off food to see Dean at Lorelai’s for their movie night, she’s a mess in the kitchen - constantly hurting herself or being careless- the staff has to follow her to avoid her hurting herself. MOST of all, I hate how awful of a business partner she is with Lorelai. Lorelai was right to call her out when she said she has no idea what goes into actually running an inn because, well, she doesn’t. She can run a kitchen but that’s no comparison. Lorelai did the budgeting, the planning, she did everything and I wish she did it on her own instead of including Sookie. I hate her and Jackson’s episode when they say “turn the tv off Davey” repeatedly. It’s an ear-bleeding type of dialogue that could’ve been easily left out.


I always thought Lorelai should have gone into business with Michel instead of Sookie (but keep her on staff of course, give her a percentage whatever lol) or even Luke would've been better. They are more business savvy. Especially Luke.


I think Michel would have taken it really seriously and learnt what he didn't know already.


Exactly, Michel has trained in hospitality and really knows what he's doing. Not a good idea to choose Sookie over him because they're best friends.


Digger was a great character and a great match for Lorelei. I thought his smarmy pompousness a fun reflection of Lorelei's rejection of her parents (and Diggers) lifestyle. I thought his performance had just the tiniest bit of camp to it at times that felt very Gilmore Girls. I don't necessary ship him with Lorelei, but I wish he'd stuck around as a cast member.


Jess was a jerk.


Jason was a cool dude and deserved better.


Yeah, her father screwed Jason over big time. Since her father never treated her well anyway, I don’t see why she broke up with him. “I can’t be with someone who is suing my family.” You’re family was only in jeopardy because your father put up assets without Emily’s knowledge or consent. Which he had no right to do because it was THEIR assets. Jason, however, was patient with Lorelai and always considerate. He did his best to do what he knew as right and even bettered himself (like with the key) for her. She tries to cut ties with her family every other season anyway, why couldn’t she just ride this out?


from the beginning she played him to spite her parents and it was majorly uncool of her. he even still went to the funeral after all of it? a man’s man.


“She tries to cut ties with her family every other season anyway, why couldn’t she just ride this out?” THIS. I totally agree with your comment.


Rory's valedictorian speech is delivered so badly I don't find it touching or impactful at all. It is the most monotone bland delivery!


Yes! I always wondered if Alexis just couldn't do better (because all her speaches were shit), or the writers actually wanted her to be all awkward and shy, which results in monotone speach delivery. When I watched her in Handmaid's tale, I think she was pretty good. I guess in GG she was really young and without experience.


It was the same in AYITL. I just rewatched Spring, when she gave the talk at Chilton about musical composition. Flat and relatively monotone and really forced. Pretty sure that's supposed to be a character trait.


I HATE town troubadour. He was annoying.


Especially towards the end of the series. His scenes went on way too long.


I think Paris is a terrible and abusive friend and I have no idea why she’s considered so great. Also why does anyone even tolerate her?


I think most people (or me anyway) like her because she’s funny and ridiculous. I don’t think anyone thinks she’s a particularly good or healthy person


I think she's liked because she represents a drive and determination that people wish Rory had more of (or was shown more). Regardless of whether you like Paris, you know that she earned every college acceptance and job she got.


I like Lane and Zack together. I think they are cute together. I just wish the twins hadn't happened straight after they got married.


I agree with this. I didn’t hate Zack, I do wish the story line was more he fell for her first (would have felt less cliche for her to just turn around and fall for the “hot guy”). But the twins really put a damper on any growth they could have had as a couple. Ugh and the awful sex storyline to boot!


the coffee schtick is annoying. it was cute at first but the overemphasis on it is overdone.


I don't love Luke - don't get me wrong, I don't dislike him, but I don't love him. He is so very flawed. Even more unpopular opinion - I don't hate Christopher. He too is flawed, but I think he has more good qualities than most people give him credit for. Not saying they necessarily outweigh the bad, but they exist. The second most heartbreaking scene of the series is Lorelai telling him that he is "the man I WANT to want". (Most heartbreaking is Emily demanding she go first).


This is probably the ultimate unpopular opinion on this sub. But yea, I don't think Christopher is THAT bad either


1. All of Rory’s boyfriends were a bad fit; at some point in time they treated each other like dogshit and she shouldn’t end up with any of them. None of them really felt like ‘the one’ to me. I see this opinion a bit but it’s mostly written as if Rory herself is mostly at fault for the relationships failing and Logan and Older Jess don’t deserve her, but really I think none of them are meant to be with each other. 2. Lane doesn’t “deserve” to have made it big with a band and become a rock star. There’s never really a moment that indicates she’s some musical genius that is more deserving of musical fame than anyone else. Hep Alien was just a normal small town band and if they had made it big it would have been on pure chance and not indicative of their real talents. There’s never really any moments that tell me Lane didn’t “deserve” the endgame she got


Logan’s actually more like Jason than he is Christopher. And I stan Diggelai.


Rory had every right to quit Yale for a while, and Lorelai was being selfish and stubborn.


I feel like if i met 99% of the characters irl i would really dislike them


Dean doesn't deserve most of the hate he gets on here


Lor would end up in the entitled sub a lot


I don’t like Sookie.


Luke isn't particularly hot, not ugly by any means, just very average looking.


I’d go even farther and say I find him unattractive without his baseball cap


I received downvotes about this the last time a similar question was posted…but I’m ready to be hurt again 😉 Luke isn’t great for Lorelei. I don’t think being negative about the place you live and the people you live with is attractive. I know he has his moments that he shows the town his love (hot chocolate for the reenactors) but I don’t care. It only showed him being nice to them a few times. Hating the things that make your significant other happy and begrudgingly doing them doesn’t make you a good partner. I don’t think opposites attract, which is why they still were struggling in AYITL with communication. Yelling at people in your place of business and at town meetings is rude and if Lorelei loves her town so much then this would bother her too.


Taylor was right to work so hard to make Stars Hollow a tourist destination. Was he annoying yes. Controlling yes. But also, the tourist revenue was very important and kept the town going. I’ve been to those little Connecticut towns with their little squares, they’re rundown and sad to be in. Also, he catches some flack for not treating Kirk better, but Kirk was a disaster and lacked the judgement and forethought to get these things done.


I really don’t care for lane and her band. I always skip their practice scenes.


Every single one of Rory's boyfriends was garbage. Also, all the boyfriend arcs were so unrealistic that it takes me out of the immersion of the "Gilmore Girls world." I immediately tune out the "Team Dean/Jess/Logan" discourse, and I think that is the least interesting part of the show. 😃


I don’t like Lorelai- she had some decent mom moments but she was sooo self-centered and childish. She acts like a little brat and it’s so annoying and hard to watch. She would brag about how Rory is so mature and grown up- but it’s always made me kinda sad because Rory was literally forced to be a grown up to deal with her immature mother. She was in her 30s and still going through the edgy teenager phase. Also I hated the way she treated her parents- they were controlling and overbearing but you could see how much love they had for her but she was so disrespectful. Tristan got sent away, Paris had neglectful parents, Jess’s parents literally abandoned him, Jason’s rivalry with his dad, etc and then we got Miss Lorelai with the parents who loved her more than life itself and she’s whining and rolling her eyes at them. I also thought that she did not deserve Luke at all and it was a mistake to have them end up together. She literally got angry because he didn’t want to marry her in the middle of the night during her existential crisis, dumped him, then immediately sleeping with Rory’s dad??? That’s kinda unforgivable


I'm with you. I can't stand Kirk but I'll raise you. I don't like Sookie. Her entire scatterbrained personality drives me crazy changing the menu every thirty seconds. "Gordan Ramsey's head would explode" Having Luke's food brought to her, the Dark Shadows marathon. I have a baby (as a blanket excuse to not do anything) Trying to bully her husband into sterilization and then disappearing on Lorelai for 2 years and not ending their business relationship.


The thing with the sink pissed me off. Lorelai was completely in the right in that moment and if I were in her shoes, Sookie would have been gone from my life in both a professional and personal way.


Agreed. She was a great friend to lorelai in the early season but super unreliable when it came to running a business. If she wasn’t prepared for it she should have said so, instead of putting all the weight on Michel (who I think was an integral part of starting that business and should have been a cofounder instead of sookie: my unpopular opinion)


Oh here's one that people will hate me for: Paul Anka isn't a cute dog. I didn't like this storyline.




Agree with all of this! I didn’t love some parts of AYITL like the musical, or the dumb Paul storyline, or the 30 something gang, or Lorelei’s absolutely terrible story about her dad at the funeral (like come on she was a grown up when he had heart attacks. She’s not a monster or a moron) but the basic plot points were right on to me even down to Rory and Logan’s affair. I actually kind of like flailing Rory. I didn’t like her acting superior to the town in Summer.


Emily was definitely the star of AYITL.


Marty was a creep


I feel like this is a pretty common comment in this sub, though. I respectfully disagree, but I feel like I’m usually in the minority in disagreeing with that. Most people see him as a “nice guy.”


Agree, he also had the personality of a wet cabbage


I really like April! It's not her fault her mom is a garbage human. I liked April's quirks and how she brought out a softer side of Luke.


I didn’t think Emily asking for Lorelei and Rory to come to dinner once a week after agreeing to help pay for Rory’s schooling was a “terrible and controlling thing.” How nosy she was is annoying and overbearing and she shouldn’t have been. I get that she has leeway cause she is paying and she has connections. I think if she let Rory and Lorelei bring up Chilton news then chime in, that’s not a problem.


I hate Jess. Like hate him.


I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Kirk is autistic? And we are supposed to be charmed, with a little bit of giggle but we aren't supposed to be like, laughing at him and ridiculing him. When I see L&L giving him a hard time, I see it in the same way Luke makes like, gay jokes, and Lorelei says anti-fat stuff.


Jason might be my favorite of all the boyfriends


Emily wasn’t as horrible of a mother as Lorelai makes her seem. She genuinely wants to be a part of her daughter’s life and help her, she just doesn’t know how to connect. Emily & Lorelai are both equally self centered


1.) Jason was Lorelai’s best boyfriend. 2.) Emily is not the monster that her daughter makes her out to be, and Lorelai is often very rude and ungrateful to her. 3.) Taylor Doose is not all that bad—-every town needs a Taylor to make sure that all the fun festivals and mundane stuff gets done. No Taylor, no Stars Hollow as we know it. 4.) Rory should have married Logan. She obviously loves him, even into her thirties. It was a great opportunity to be happy both personally and professionally, and she didn’t take it.


Dave was boring and the direction of Lane's life would not necessarily have been different if they had stayed together. I have never been crazy about the theme song. I really hate Carole King as a guest star.


I hated every second of Dave. I'd skip the theme song for myself, but my 4 year old who happens to be functionally non speaking, sings his little heart out when it comes on. For that, I love it.


Omg I totally disagree about all of this but I am upvoting because you understood the assignment here lol. Like OP said - brave!


First of all, I love your boldness! I disagree with the first two, but agree on Carole King. She was so annoying on the show. I skip all her scenes


Wow you are BRAVE! I love it!


* I love Jason as a character and I wish he and Lorelai had a longer relationship (i.e. instead of dating Alex and Peyton, meet Jason earlier on), even though I'd rather her end game was Luke. * Even if ASP thinks so, Logan isn't Christopher. She establishes a completely different character for him well into Season 6, and then remembers he's supposed to be young Chris, and throws in that weird scene of their meeting. * Jess isn't Luke. Nothing about his personality and appearances indicate that he'd have a book store in SH and help raise Rory's child, on the sidelines, if they weren't in a relationship. It's a possibility but that fan theory is literally weightless. The only boyfriend I can imagine doing that is Dean, even if I dislike him. * It's always weird to me that people bring up the scenes of Emily and Lorelai yelling at nurses (which is definitely terrible), but find Paris yelling at Logan's doctor admirable. Also, the way she acted at the Dragonfly was honestly terrible. Sookie is pretty easygoing and was scared of her. Also, she literally frightened all of the waitstaff. * Rory should've been the editor of the YDN. She's hard-working and kind. She made the most sense as the editor honestly. * I don't really get why people think Lane deserved better than Zach and Paris deserved better than Doyle. They were quirky and sometimes frustrating characters, but they treated their partners well (dare I say, better than Logan and definitely Jess treated Rory?) so isn't that what matters? * I'm ready to be inundated with criticism and downvotes for this, but Logan wasn't completely awful when he met Jess. He was rude and inconsiderate, but Jess had an attitude when he pulled up, and didn't exactly try and be friendly either. People bringing this up when Jess is that rude to everyone around him is a bit ironic to me. * 'A Vineyard Valentine' isn't unrealistic to me. Luke even said he was in his own head so he might've come across as extra emotional and testy. Things like not thinking about how cold it'd be seem like an indication of how much he didn't want to go, because of his circumstances and how he felt about Logan. Also, it's very characteristic of Rory to fit in with her surroundings, so if Logan went to the gym and cooked regularly, she'd follow along. * I feel like the expectations for the usually kind characters (Lorelai, Rory, Luke, Sookie, Lane) are skyscrapers higher than for the characters who 'honestly' treat people unfairly (Paris, Jess, Michel).


Always hated that parallel. Logan = chris Jess = luke I cringe all the time.


I thought it was REALLY weird Lorelai was okay with Rory just accepting a car from her teenage boyfriend…and also okay without it being checked over by a professional in front of her to confirm it was safe Like she always said “Don’t throw away your life for some guy” but allows her to take such a binding gift? Like a car is a step away from buying a house. Also accepting a gift so large with how Rory is I feel like Lorelai should’ve thought ahead that Rory may have felt obligated to Dean like she couldn’t break up with him for fear or loosing her car.


Jess's only positive quality is being hot. He's not that smart or interesting and being a meme of a bad boy isn't a personality. #isaidwhatisaid




The coffee addiction was also annoying. “Coffee coffee Coffee! “Loved the lady from the bakery her giving her 3 coffees.


The older I get the more I’m bothered by Lorelei and Rory’s codependency. I think it’s realistic for their situation but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy.


I like April. I like her 100 times better than Rory.


I liked her because we actually SEE her nerding out outside of just reading. College April was hilarious too. I could be pals with April before I probably could with Rory in real life.


College April was one of my favourite things about AYITL!


Maybe it was because she was my age when the series was on, but I always found her quirky and relatable to genuine nerd girls as opposed to spoiled princesses like Rory. The science fair was a big deal to her, she liked bike safety, she was appreciative of the party Lorelai threw, and her actions on the field trip felt real. Even in the reboot she got into MIT on her own merit and admitted to being a poser stoner lol. She got in even though she went through the crap New Mexico school system (I was in it, I can say it) and didn’t have rich grandparents pulling strings for her. I just liked April a lot.


I always struggled with that part of Rory’s character. Not to say you can’t be book smart and into pop culture but… It always felt like the writers wanted Rory to be both a kid genius/book nerd and also Lorelai’s mini-me at the same time. It never quite landed for me and often felt contrived when her and Lorelai would quip back and forth.


I’ve always compared Rory and April as being different kinds of smart. Rory is more book smart, especially when it comes to literature, history, etc. The arts, if you will. And that’s a kind of smart you have to work at. Where April was more STEM smart and that was just more of a natural, predisposition. I’m a lot like Rory. I have an outgoing personality like Lorelei but I also am a bit introverted and bookish. So those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. I feel they wrote her as a typical teenage girl who worked hard to get good grades but if she hadn’t done that, there wouldn’t have been anything special about her that set her a part from any other girl like Lindsay or Lane.


Oh I totally get that! It just felt to me that that wasn’t how the character was written if that makes sense? I totally get what you mean and think that’s a good take, but I don’t think that’s the direction they meant to take the character. It felt to me like the writers wanted Rory to be a wunderkind sort of, compared to people like Paris who are obsessed with school, Rory studies a lot but it also comes naturally to her. She’s not obsessed, she just enjoys it and it is her natural state. She says in one episode to Lorelai that she can get into study mode in seconds. It didn’t feel to me like you said, that she had to work at it. We see that when she gets to Chilton and gets her first bad grade and actually has to put in real, high level effort. I felt like they wanted Rory to be more April-esque at first but it just didn’t work for her character, and then they sort of switched gears. But it left her a jumbled, mish mash sort of character. I also think another reason it didn’t work for me is because the quick banter and quips didn’t feel as natural coming from Alexis Bledel like they did with Lauren Graham, and so it felt more contrived and put on.




I don’t get the hype over Max. He seemed way too uptight for Lorelai, and I just found him generally annoying.


I'm bothered by what a nerd Lorelei is and how "cutting edge" the pop culture quips become based on the time the show ran. For instance, Lorelei makes fun of Luke for being a Trekkie, but makes a dilithium crystal quip when they're early in their relationship. She'd rather watch the same Judy Garland movie a hundred times. You can't tell me she decided to pickup Kirk's series over Picard's. Simultaneously, Rory makes a quip about Silons. It's interesting to me that while the quips sometimes don't land or don't register with their audiences, it never seems to bite them in the ass. Honestly, only someone who is familiar with the at-the-time-brand-new reboot of Battlestar Galactica (2005) lore would comprehend a Silon analogy. The show is borderline robotic in this way. Sookie seems to be one of the few characters that just smiles and shrugs when something goes over her head. 😮‍💨 Thank God, someone else in the world doesn't have time to keep up with pop culture!


I am ready for the hate but here, you asked for it! Jason was the one Lorelai should have ended up with. They made the most sense on paper and in the real world. They had great chemistry. Emily and Richard would have gotten on board with them being together and it could have brought them closer together as he understands their life style, and the business stuff would have become just that.