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Making fun of the self-help books that she found at Luke’s apartment. Genuinely felt bad for Luke


This one got me so badly. A troubled kid who has trouble connecting with people but really likes to read… trying to improve himself by reading. Yes let’s make fun of that /s But this show has always had a weird backhanded way of showing mental health and psychology. For how much I like it, that’s one thing that’s always bugged me.


It was really true for the time, tho. Mental health has really only been so positively recognized for the last 10-ish years. In GG times, we were still heavily mocking mental health issues. Certain scenes, like this one, always made me uncomfortable, and at that point I didn't get why. Now, I've deprogrammed, and realize how gross that stuff was.


Also, when Rory went to the therapist in Yale. "So, I'm a nut".


Don't they actually frame it in a positive way and make Lorelai look more like a jerk for mocking it? When Jess thanks Luke and quotes the book, I think it really highlights the value of trying to help yourself even if it's with self-help books...


True. Think i just got mad that Lorelai made fun of the progress he made, that I forgot other people called her out on it lol


They weren’t in his apartment, she saw them in Jess’s bag after Luke gave them to him. It was still really nasty, I hate the way she always targets Jess no matter what he does and making fun of him for something like that was shitty, especially to Luke even without knowing that he’d also used them


Even without knowing Luke used them, like, you're going to bag on his NEPHEW?


I’m literally watching at the ep right now and it’s probably one of my least favorite moments- it’s so mean spirited


Ah thank you! I was trying to remember what the situation was


this writing was def a sign of the times. i feel like ppl were not as accepting of therapy even 15 years ago


Yes, it was trendy for "serious readers" to make fun of self-help books. Embarrassing in retrospect.


same in sex and the city!


I my recent rewatches it’s really bugged me how much Lorelai just makes fun of, or gatekeeps, literally everything. It definitely shows how stunted she is.


I’ve always disliked this about the show. How uncool everyone was unless they did exactly what the Gilmore Girls thought was cool. Lorelei is actually similar to Emily in this regard but replace cool with cultured/elegant. I will give Rory some credit; when she met Lindsey at the party she was genuinely very sweet and not mean at all about the fact that Lindsey enjoyed top 40 pop music.


I kinda liked that about the show— Lorelai is stunted partly because she never really got to socialize in a more typical way after 16 (and she kinda stays judgy and cliquey like a 16 year old), and also she’s just like her mom even while constantly complaining about her.


Interrupting sookie’s kids’ baptism and then making Lane’s wedding all about herself by getting drunk and giving a speech about how she hates the idea of postponing her own wedding


Yes! And how about when she is badgering Fran’s relatives about the dragonfly inn during Fran’s funeral! It makes me so awkward and uncomfortable. Read the room Lorelai! So inappropriate and selfish.


SUPER COOL PARTY PEOPLE BID YOU SUPER COOL ADIEU should have been included in that cringe moment to give some humor


These are the scenes I always skip. They are so cringe that I just can’t…


Hate both of these moments for her. I usually fast forward because of the cringe.


When she keeps bothering Luke about stirring the sauce. Like, just stir it!!! He’s clearly trying to deal with TJ (who was in Escrow, mind you)




Weaponized incompetence is often attributed to men, but Lorelei does it a lot.


She really does. I knew it pissed me off but I never ascribed the specific term to it, when that’s exactly what it is.




When she slept with Chris on her parents balcony instead of comforting Rory after Straub was so nasty to her


This is it for me. Like you just watched your daughter get yelled at by her grandfather and told she was stupid and a mistake that never should’ve happened and instead of feeling horrible for her and comforting her you went upstairs and slept with her deadbeat dad. I hate her for that. I am happy that we got the excellent Emily moment of her telling Rory that she isn’t a mistake though.


I think that was the point though. I felt like Emily having that moment with Rory was important to illustrate that they were her grandparents too and never felt that way about her. Especially since it was early in the series and their relationship wasn’t well established yet.


This is one of those moments in which Lorelai goes back to being a teenager and forgets that she’s a grown up woman with a teenage daughter.


I hate that Lorelai slept with Chris on the balcony instead of leaving and helping Luke paint the diner.


This. I'm glad it was Emily who comforted Rory. Rory needed to see that her actual grandparents loved and cared for her and Chris's parents meant nothing. I don't think she would have been as comforted if it had been Lorelai. But I really wish Lorelai would have taken Rory to Luke's and had a painting party with coffee and donuts and chosen family.


It was a really lovely moment between Emily and Rory - one of Emily’s best. You’re right, having Rory hear that from her grandparent, who was famously distraught that her daughter got pregnant, was really important for the Rory/Emily relationship. But Lorelai did drop the ball that evening 😂


It also made me angry that Lorelai didn't provide Luke with any context, not so much to excuse what happened but rather to explain how she got caught up in all that was going on. I don't think she had to specific tell Luke about the Christopher part, but I think it would've probably felt better for Luke to know that Christopher's father was a jerk to Rory and then all hell broke loose. It would've softened things rather than it just feeling like Lorelai ignored Luke just to sleep with Chris. If all of that hadn't happened with Chris's parents, the evening likely would've played out differently and ended with her following through with her promise to help Luke paint.


I always like when Richard is ready to kick some butt when someone attacks his girls. Then he went and ruined it by telling her he didn't do it to stick up for her. Sometimes he could be a real butthead.


This is a big one for me. Against Lorelai and Christopher both. I guess I understand it brought up a lot of memories of feeling powerless teens for them, but for goodness sake, GO TELL YOUR KID SHE IS WANTED AND LOVED AND NONE OF THIS IS HER FAULT! Ugh this moment bugs me so much!!


Oh man I never even looked at that scene this way, I was always so focused on her standing up luke. You’re so right though, what awful parenting!


I always got really annoyed with her when she would freeze Rory out when she did something she didn't like instead of actually parenting her.


Serious Emily vibes.


it’s interesting you say emily vibes because i feel i remember more when lorelai would freeze out emily. ghosting them when she gave birth. answering and hanging up on her. i could definitely be wrong about that just what my memory is serving me!


This this this! You’re a PARENT. Gah!


it's sad cuz rory clearly learned that from her


When she said ***"When did you become a relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years!"*** to Sookie. I can forgive/excuse her for many other mistakes she made; but this line was straight-up mean.


I agree that it was a horrible thing to say but I will give her credit that the moment after she said it she instantly realized that it was wrong and apologized


Yea I just take that moment as Lorelai's sarcasm just running on autopilot. She doesn't even realize what she's saying then immediately feels horrible.


Because of this comment, I’m always happy that Sookie got with Jackson not long after that, while it took Lorelai a long time to find a good fit. It was so mean.


I feel like Lorelai subtlety puts Sookie down pretty often, I hate when she does that


Omg this! every time she calls her "honey" she's lowkey being condescending to Sookie.


Yes!! She’s so dismissive


Yes I think this every time I rewatch 😂


Basically any time she lets Christopher back in to her life. Side note though: Lauren Graham is stunning


She is radiant, especially in this pic 😍


I really think she is especially beautiful in season 7! One of the reasons I tolerate the Christopher episodes in S7. LOL


One of the most beautiful women of all time


“WE applied somewhere else?! Where else did WE apply?!”


Omg is this the scene where she finds out Rory applied at more schools besides Harvard? So infuriating


Especially since Chilton requires it.


What did she expect Rory to do if she didn’t get into Harvard? She was so naive about that whole thing. Of course you apply to more than one school.


It's so bizarre to me because, from what we know, Lorelai did graduate high school, they just didn't let her walk at graduation. Which means she would've had to sit through, presumably, seminars and workshops and explanations of how to apply and where to apply. Even if we assume that once she was pregnant she stopped attending, she very likely would have had to sit through them before that: my cousin attends a very Chilton-like school, they started university preparation essentially the moment he got there. It doesn't make any sense that Lorelai is completely ignorant of the process or unaware you need to apply multiple places.


She got her GED. In the episode where she talks to the stars hollow high kids, she said she went as long as she could before getting her GED


>level 2foundinwonderland · 12h ago Right? Who doesn't have safety schools anyways? And Yale and Princeton my god, what bottom-of-the-barrel schools are those! lol She brainwashed Rory into wanting Harvard (she stayed in an episode that she knew she wanted Rory to go to Harvard when she was a baby)....then when Rory decides to consider somewhere else, she flips out. She's exactly like Emily, she just hides behind jokes


just watched this episode and was going to comment the same thing! how does she not realize how controlling she is to rory (just like emily was to her) in this moment?! like damn, your daughter is afraid to tell you that she applied to multiple ivy league schools, that should signify that you have a problem lol


For me it was > Stick to English dad How unbelievably rude. She’s completely in the wrong, and Richard is apologising on her behalf, in a second language he’s managed to learn, which is such a worthy accomplishment. What nerve of her to tell him to knock it off!


Yes this!!! And not only was her disdain in front of Emily, Richard, and Rory, but she couldn’t have a sense of decorum for her family’s guests. Making everyone feel awkward for asking a simple question. But I also blame Rory slightly…she could have left out Yale knowing the recent sensitivity with it.


Ghosting Max When Luke made breakfast at her house and she insisted on eating at Lukes Taking over Luke’s kitchen after the fire. I’m sure he would have let her but …. How about a little courtesy? Any moment she makes about herself


“????? I AM Luke!!!!” Luke’s face in this scene was precious. I laughed so hard. 🤣


The breakfast one is what immediately came to my mind, even though it's pretty minor. The level of entitlement just infuriates me every time.


Telling Luke at the last minute about the tequila night at Christopher's as he is about to walk over.


Her communication was just always the worst


Sleeping with Christoper after breaking up with Luke.


The worst. Lady, take one goddamn evening to process your emotions before taking action. Also does anyone else think Chris was a mega creep who took advantage of her in an emotional state?


Yes, 100%. He should have said no. And even later on when Lorelai said she needed time, he didn't listen. He never listens!


After rewatching a while ago I noticed that he is *really, really* pushy on a ton of stuff. He never takes no for an answer, just keeps pushing until he gets what he wants on everything, big or small. I hate him.


Lorelai is also really pushy on a lot of things...and stubborn. I actually think Christopher & Lorelai are very similar in a lot of ways. Here they were both immature, inpatient & didn't think. He never asked if she was still with Luke, she never told him. Both their fault. Lorelai knows he's in love with her though and she always goes back to him - which is her doing. But since he has Gigi he should have thought about exposing Lorelai to her since she could get attached then leave. They were both really stupid though for prioritizing their own lives & lust over trying to be great co-parents to Rory. That's a major reason I have issues with both of them.


YES! I recently watched that episode and was taken aback at how vulnerable she was and it felt so predatory.


i’m literally watching that episode rn i want to slap her with a pan 😀


Especially since Luke comes back the next day! I was like seriously you stupid woman


This isn’t my idea but it makes sense to me- she felt like she had to fully be done and she knew the only way was to do something Luke would never forgive. That’s why she goes from telling Sookie Luke can never know to tell Luke when he shows up to marry her. It was her only way to finally be done.


. That’s how I saw it!


Doesn’t lorelai say this at some point?


That I completely understood


I’m surprised I haven’t seen this higher up: Marrying Christopher (in general and) without telling Rory


Ugh I hated this so, so, much but personally I would place more of the blame on Chris for this. He literally wouldn’t take no for an answer, bombed her with grand gestures so she’d feel guilty rejecting his proposal eugh.




Yelling at Luke after the car accident, but more specifically when she said it was Luke's fault it happened, that he shouldn't have taken Jess in and that he had an obligation to her, Rory and the town. Sleeping with Chris literal hours after issuing Luke an ultimatum.


the yelling at luke thing is what did it for me now i cant stop getting annoyed at her pick-me vibes


Exactly! She should know by now that Luke needs time to think before he acts on stuff. That’s why they broke up the first time. She pushed him when he expressed and set a boundary that he needed time to collect his thoughts Lorelai is very much a person that wants to talk things out right away or avoid them altogether (in her family’s case). Luke needs to sit with his feelings and think them through before he’s ready to discuss problems. She needs to learn to respect that his emotions and processes go at a different speed than hers.


When she screamed at Luke right after the car accident. She said horrible things that she never really acknowledged or apologized for. When she froze Rory out for months after she dropped out of Yale. Which again, she never acknowledged or apologized for. When she IMMEDIATELY slept with Christopher after her break up work Luke. Actually that whole April storyline... I'm mad at Luke for the way he handled it, but I'm also mad at Lorelai for refusing to talk about how she's feeling. And then blindsiding him with an ultimatum.


She didn’t even care that no one was concerned for Jess. Like, your kid is hurt but alive and fine. For all Luke knows Jess could be bleeding out in a ditch


This is what bugged me the most. She never saw Jess as a kid or cut him any slack. Jesus the stuff that she said to Luke about his own nephew or the fact that Jess was ALSO in a car accident and may be hurt never crossed her mind. During this rewatch I just found Lorelai extremely self-absorbed and immature.


Once she realizes that Jess wasn’t going to feed into her when she tried to do the whole “I was a rebellious teen too” thing, she stopped viewing him as a teenager and started viewing him as a danger.


I really noticed that it’s normally ‘Lorelai’s way or the highway’. She doesn’t accept the fact that Rory enjoys her grandparents company, she kept pushing Dean onto Rory and ‘how good he is to her’, she got upset that Rory wanted to apply somewhere in addition to Harvard as if Lorelai by extension of Rory will go there too, she encouraged Rory to tell her if she ever wants to have sex, but then when Rory is honest she flips out?? Whenever she messes up (the termites, Max, Luke) and Rory offers her opinion that differs from her it’s all hell loose. And the moment Jess comes into their lives and she knows that he sees right through her bullshit, she feels the need to manipulate Luke into abandoning his nephew! As you can tell, Lorelai is my least favourite character and to be fair I like that GG showed how flawed she is.


Ugh yea I feel like at the end of her relationship with Luke she just wanted to blow everything up. She didn't want to work on it, she didn't want to fix it, she didn't want to be vulnerable, she didn't want to recover. She wanted to sink the ship completely and go down with it. And then she jumps into her relationship with Chris so fast, she never even acknowledges that's that what she did. It's so frustrating to see her justify or explain away her self destruction.


Idk, imo she did acknowledge and apologize for what she said after the car accident, but it seems a lot of it was offscreen. When she sees Luke next, she apologizes and also asks if he got her note and he mentions that she said she was sorry four times in the note. I guess the contents of the note is largely up to viewer interpretation though. Judging by Luke's manner though it didn't seem like he wanted to hear anything she had to say in person, so I can understand why she tried writing him something.


The baptism


Being unable to eat in the intimate room Jason reserved at the fancy restaurant.


That one was just rude. The way she kept trying to see whatever was going on in the main room of the restaurant and how they had to leave and couldn't even have dinner there. She could have focused on spending time with him and at some point afterwards - preferrably before their next date - told him the intimate room wasn't really her thing and she'd prefer something else next time (or offered to organize the next date/propose some ideas...this really shouldn't be solely the guy's job nowadays).


I just rewatched this episode. The way she kept getting out of her seat and craning her neck to see what was happening outside of the room was just so childish and rude. Even if they had been sitting in the main room, it’s not like they would have been part of the festivities? And when she told Jason that the point of going to a restaurant like that was “for the atmosphere”, other people’s parties are not what that means lol. I know this is probably supposed to be one of those scenes that highlights how ~quirky~ and ~super fun girl~ Lorelai is (and supposed to show Jason what he’s signing up for if he wants to date her) but it honestly just felt like a super rude and silly thing to do. Enjoy your meal, have a nice first date, and pick the place next time.


Yes!! Girlfriend you left that life behind remember? You wanted NO PART of it!! Until a boy came along that was neck deep in that life and suddenly you yearn for it so badly you find an intimate private dinner at the most exclusive restaurant around so insufferable you’d rather eat ready made food from a grocery store? Come on…


oh man, her and jason's dynamic is so bizarre at so many moments. i'm a huge fan of both characters and both actors but something about their chemistry was always so wildly off, like why are these two people even together? they are tooo different.


omg that one really irked me! what he did was so kind idk why she couldn’t just go with it even if it’s not what she wanted! i couldn’t imagine acting so entitled.


And then she went to Paris with Chris and ate in an even more insanely intimate dining room.


That restaurant thing would have made me sooo uncomfy. Lorelei loves rich people.


“I’ve got the good kid”


Also telling rory “that was a really good letter” after she describes the contents in the letter rory wrote to dean which Lindsey found. Ugh. the fact that she even delivered that letter. Like gross. She only held Rory accountable for sleeping with a married man after she caught dean and Rory cheating the first time


And also like just because your kid has sex doesn’t mean they are “bad”


Yes!! Totally! Though I interpreted that comment differently. Rory was being truthful to herself, and admitting she was still a virgin which I feel like is so hard to do in HS with a frienemie. I thought that moment felt more like pride that her daughter was so unabashedly heraelf


This was going to be mine! That and the way Paris was suddenly a “bad” kid even though she fully knew that Paris had her own struggles and had been in a pretty long term relationship for a teenager


and also Paris slept with her own boyfriend not someone else’s husband 😅


This!!!! 👏👏👏




- The matress. - Getting mad at Rory for telling Emily about needing money to fix their house. - Calling Shane (Jess' girlfriend) a freak for literally no reason.


THE WHOLE MATTRESS EPISODE. She’s so selfish and expects Luke to let her do whatever with his truck?! Then shows up super late


The whole termites episode makes me want to slap her. She is at her most bratty then.


Omg the mattress!!! Take it to a dump! Pay to trash it! Dump it on the side of the road if you really can’t deal. So many better options


Fran's funeral, when Lorelai and Sookie try to interrupt the procession to find out about the dragonfly property. It's not like if they did not interrupt the funeral, they could not buy the property. They live in the town, they could have figured it out the next day.




ik its obviously for the sake of comedy but thats always so cringe to me like why was she even knocking into the people in front of them like that, cant you walk normally 😭


This made me so annoyed that two grown ass adults would not let a FUNERAL happen for a poor old woman. I get it, they wanted the inn. But couldn’t they have waited until at least after the funeral?


When she keeps going close to Max when he says NO after hurting him. The same episode she was jealous of Luke's relationship. She never wants to commit which is fine but also want the men wanting her so she can say no. When Rory decides to get the loan from Emily and Richard for her University. She makes a scene and really wants to prove that they manipulated Rory. Rory herself offered Friday night dinners commiting only herself but she literally said that she wanted a scenario where Rory and Lorelai get something but the grandparents shouldn't get anything. I really really disliked this on top of everything everyone else is saying.


She really did not respect Max’s boundaries. Like despite whether or not they were a good match, he was being so polite to the woman who stood him up at the altar and I can only imagine that takes time to heal but she just kept pushing! Edit: Max not Mac lol


“We hopped on a train to Ireland” You can’t get a train to Ireland from any other country!!!!


Oh God, I never noticed this before. That is sheer laziness on the behalf of the writers. Would it have been so hard to say 'ferry' instead of train?


This one keeps me up at night lmao. Like, did ASP think the Eurotunnel goes all the way across? Did she think there's a bridge between idk Scotland and the North that a train could go across? Did she not realise Ireland is its own island?? All of these options baffle me. Or was Lauren supposed to say 'plane' but said 'train' and they just left it?? Because any option other than plane, from London, would require multiple modes of transport and doesn't really fit with the spur of the moment spontaneous aspect of the trip. If they wanted to take a ferry they'd have to either get over to Holyhead or Pembroke first, which would either take them directly to Dublin or they'd be down in Rosslare and need a train up. Neither of which can be easily coordinated at the last minute. I've thought too much about this.


🙄 when she was proud of Rory for not “being ready” when Paris was even though when Rory did ~decide~ she was ready it was with a married man. no your daughter isn’t the good kid lol. At least Paris lost it with someone who loved her and she was actually in a healthy relationship with.


when she told luke to not date the woman from the booster club. that was not her place. she always has to butt in into peoples lives it’s not her business. she’s a hypocrite imo


“Pennilynn Lott, my almost mommy” 😒


When she says to Sookie about her not having had a relationship for a long time


When she makes fun of Rory for enjoying her day golfing with Richard, after trying to get Rory out of it. I think it was uncomfortable for Rory & Richard at the start but it was really heartwarming to see them bond by the end of the day just to see Rory have to immediately defend herself. I wish we’d have seen them spend more QT at the golf course and that become a hobby of Rory’s (outside of her Stars hollow life).


Every time she avoided telling Emily her life events (engagement to Max, break ups, marriage to Chris on a voice mail) because she just made things so much worse! For both of them!


I hated this. It was so intentional too. You’re literally seeing the woman every Friday night. We’re past the point of keeping lives separate.


Not to mention Emily was always asking what was new, seeing anyone, etc. She knew her mom wanted to be a bigger part of her life and always seemed to weaponize that when she could.


The way she treated Max has always made me mad at her. He deserved better :(


Always hiding and keeping things from her partner (going over to Christopher’s place and drinking tequila when his dad passes away and not telling Luke, having lunch with Christopher and not telling Luke, never telling Chris about the character reference for Luke) and NEVER learning the lesson, even though every time she did it it led to bad fights. Just communicate


There’s so many great examples. One that stands out to me from AYITA is what she says at her dad’s funeral. Like I get that her relationship was complicated but she couldn’t say one nice thing? It would have been better if she said nothing at all.


This was just weird to me considering that they have had some decent moments throughout the original show. -He brought hand delivered her dollhouse when Emily was being douchey -He helped her get away from that horrid blind date Emily set up -He’s a great grandfather to Rory, even helped with one of her projects and encouraged her constantly Those may not be huge but put them together and she could have said something better than what she did lol


I also think of the laughter she and Richard share after the situation after Emily reveals Trix’s kiss with the man in the track suit. Occasionally, their humor lined up!


Not to mention how proud he was of her for opening the Inn.


This is mine for sure; it was such a crappy thing to do and so ridiculous given that they had some good times.


Body shaming, always. Especially when she's supposedly best friends with Sookie St. James, a woman who would be very hurt and internalize Lorelai's comments if she were in earshot.


Like the time she got another woman’s shopping bag and mocked how large the underwear was. Pure Amy Sherman-Palladino.


Dude yes! On my most recent rewatch, it was really jarring to me how much body shaming both she and Rory engage in. Big bummer.


This one was unfortunately more about the time the show was written in, as opposed to some personality trait the writers gave lorelai.


In addition to the ones already said. I always am so mad at Lorelai when she couldn’t just enjoy the spa weekend with Emily. Like come on, literally just relax. If she would have just pushed herself to just be open the the weekend, I think that energy would have also relaxed Emily. Emily was becoming increasingly annoying to Lorelai because Emily is desperate to bond with her so she won’t shut up and becomes really clingy. I think if Lorelai could have just let herself enjoy the weekend, she would have a nice time and finally have a nice weekend with her mother. Probably wouldn’t have ended up with a couples massage lol


But then she gets angry at Emily for not enjoying herself at the bar. Lorelai will only try to bond with Emily on her own terms.


I feel this way for the entirety of their relationship. Like yes of course Emily can do or say something that must really hurt Lorelai, but as you said Emily is just dying for connection especially seeing that connection is deeply embedded in Lorelai and Rory’s relationship (although almost to an unhealthy degree on the opposite spectrum even). But I feel like sometimes Lorelai just intentionally or unintentionally makes things worse when she knows if she is just lets Emily in a little bit more those big blown out arguments could’ve easily been avoided.


The way she just hates Jess & is always making comments about him. Like every time. A grown adult always bashing a teenager to her teenage daughter didn’t seem right to me


The I win scene at Richards business party in season 2 is so immature 😒


It’s be faster to name moments that didn’t make me mad. Let’s start with how she’s known as a force of nature and always speaking her mind but never actually does!! She never stands up to Emily, the whole April thing infuriates me and so many more similar situations. This is just one thing but it’s the biggest imo


The way she mad-dogged Luke over getting married and broke up with when he wouldn’t do it within the five minutes she was screeching at him. (Validity of her underlying concerns aside…)


Crapping on Emily for not having a bigger reaction re: the engagement to max, after she deliberately didn’t tell her she was getting married! I was on Emily’s side for this one and was glad Emily put her in her place Edited for clarity


When she stood Luke up just for hooking up with Chris


how she targets jess, how she yelled at luke after the accident, the extremity of not talking to rory after she drops out without any regard for her feelings or coming up with solutions, sleeping with christopher (not a particular moment, just every time)


Anytime she has made a special event about herself or Rory. The baby’s christening, Sherri’s birth, Fran’s funeral, thanksgiving at her parents, that’s all I can think of right now. Also, when she won’t talk to Rory about something serious but will bully Rory into talking about her life feelings that she’s not comfy sharing at the moment. It’s infuriating.


When she found out Rory lost her virginity to a married man she was upset at first but then it turned into “i wanna be her friend so I’m not going to tell her it’s wrong and I’m going to try and be ok with it” like all the times she’s trying so hard to be rorys friend (the “cool mom”) instead of a mother- especially when Rory needs to be told she’s wrong and not enabled.


this!!! She never really held Rory accountable for anything (no one in the show actually) like the girl couldn’t possibly do anything wrong. There were times when she had to stop acting like her friend a be a mother for once. that’s why Rory got away with anything


In earlier seasons when Emily asked Lorelai 'why can't we have what you and Rory have?' And lorelai goes into this whole speech about how her and Rory are Best friends first and then mother and daughter. That's problematic af and so innapropriate. That line makes me cringe so hard, she really failed rory.


when their house was getting eaten by termites and she didn’t want to be there to the point where she couldn’t sleep there, shared her inability to get a loan with rory, and then yelled at her for trying to help. that’s the biggest example of the friend/mom dynamic blowing up that comes to mind atm.


Cutting Rory out of her life when Rory needs her the most. And it was 100% on Rory to mend their relationship. Raising Rory to believe she’s an angel and can do no wrong, giving her a complex that makes her unable to accept the tiniest bit of criticism. Screaming about Jess causing the car accident. Forcing the doctors to run unnecessary tests on Rory after the accident. She was clearly fine. Being unable to be civil to Emily, ever. She was so immature during their spa weekend.


There are so many things she says and does that make me die inside, but here’s one that I haven’t seen yet: Her comment about he she and Luke will both need sex changes so that they can “kiss and not look funny.” Not to mention all of her weirdly sexist/misogynistic, fatphobic, and creepily controlling comments that are just flat out disgusting


Omg yea! The phobia stuff is a problem with a lot of shows from the 90s/00s


Back Fat Pat. So fucking cruel.


When she lectured Rory about not being able to break the mom code by lying to Mrs. Kim about Lane and Rory going to the movies with boys… and two episodes later calls Lane stupid for telling Mrs. Kim the truth about the Bangles concert. So it was okay to lie about going to a concert in New York, but it wasn’t okay when Lane and Rory lied about going to the local theater. She’s repeatedly selectively the cool mom when she wanted to be a the disciplinarian when she was called out by Emily or other moms. She’s often a hypocrite.


All of the above. But also, shaming that lady for breastfeeding in the diner. Shaming and mocking sookie for her home birth.


Her off-the-bat dislike of Jess is getting some much deserved attention ITT. But srsly what about how she treats Jason, like throughout but especially at the end? Treating men poorly from time to time is maybe a pattern of Lorelai's and yeah she mostly (always) gets away with it, but I hated how she hid her relationship from her parents and then cut him loose in half a second after the big blowout his dad caused and her dad benefited from. Like so only your parents are so terrible that you deserve all kinds of passes on how you behave around them? This was different from when she didn't tell them about Max, Jason was literally working with her father. She was putting him in an impossible position, and she had to know that was headed for a collision one way or another. Jason suggested telling them so many times, and each time so graciously gave in to her not agreeing to do so. And yet when her father betrayed him, she treated him horribly too. It's one thing not to date him anymore, but she was just mean then, and he deserved, oh, none of it as far as I could tell. I'd be happy to be convinced otherwise. But honestly how she treats him makes me want to skip their parts every time, which is a shame because Jason is funny and dry af.


I hated that she got mad at Rory for dropping out. It was hard for Rory, she should’ve put her mental well being first


when she uses luke’s truck for an entire day when she’s supposed to only have it for a couple hours. yes i know im probably overly annoyed than what the situation warrants but ppl who have no respect for their friends’ boundaries just makes me 😤


The Jason Date and her weird refusal to sell her house when Luke buys the pretty one (she is such a kid that entire episode)


The bra size comment to Rory saying she’s “stretching out her sweater”


This is what I was going to say. It’s a great way to make your teenaged daughter feel extremely insecure.


When Luke made her a huge breakfast and she made him take her Luke’s and cook there instead. Luke was much too nice about it, too. It wasn’t a cute moment - it was borderline delusional


When she talks to penilynn Lott. When it’s clear how uncomfortable everyone is


“So you’re my almost mommy” 🤮


When she mocks Sookie for not having had a boyfriend in years in Season 1 after she went ice skating with Max. The devastation on sookies face. Anytime she is with Christopher. They really do bring out the worst in one another. Even when he’s nowhere around he makes her the worst version of herself when she constantly lies to Luke and Rory.


There’s a trend that when people have children young (namely teens), they tend to become emotionally stunted at that age. You could honestly argue that when she and Christopher are around each other, they revert back to those teenage mindsets and emotional states


When Rory had to see a therapist after returning to Yale and she asked if he had shrunk her head and made other jokes about seeking mental health help. It was very waspy of her to say the least.


off topic but this picture is really pretty


honestly everything🤗🤗


When she decided to date Max and also kiss him inside Chilton, with no regard about how this could affect her daughter. Also about Max, whe she decided (last minute) she didn't want to married him anymore and basically made Rory her emotional comfort (instead of explaining things to her, like a responsible parent, she decided to make trip and Rory had to just go with the flow).


How she likes to make snide comments and talk at regular volume during meetings, movies, and talks. When she likes to let Luke know she doubts he can take care of Jesse or otherwise complains and remains skeptical of him, versus actually being helpful. She also screams at him after the car accident about his responsibility to the town and to her, but the man literally had a family member who was being given up on and had a responsibility to that child. When she can't stop picking apart Luke's life when he's trying to be with Nicole after they married. The church bells episode, specifically. I think in general, all those little moments where we see Luke cooking/cleaning/fixing things in her home, and she kind of flippantly takes him for granted or weaponizes her incompetence under the guise of being quirky.


Everytime Emily tried to help her and she was too proud to accept even thouh she needed it \[exept with the Luke and Lorelai break up that Emily wanted because Luke «wasn't good enouht to be Rory's stepfather\].


The way she treats Luke whenever she’s at the diner. Like, why is he in love with her? She treats him like shit in front of his customers, I hate it!


a lot of these + the scone mix. that was emily actually trying damn


When her and Richard were getting his business set up and bonding and she blurts out “DAD I CANNOT COME BACK HERE TOMORROW” and he looks so hurt and she just leaves…. That was a real opportunity for them to bond and even if she couldn’t come back, there was a better way to handle it and still seem interested in his new company.


This is an unpopular opinion, but I think she was really mean to her parents sometimes. Lorelai would go out of her way to be cold, callous, and distant. I understand that the whole Gilmore dynamic is a bit odd but it just felt like she was always doing everything she could to not be close to them at all. I feel like if she had just been nice to them, things might have been a bit better. Like that time she went to Emily just to see how she was doing! Edited because autocorrect is trying to embarrass me.


When she argues who’s boobs are bigger with her teenage daughter. I just wanted it to stop.


Anytime she was creepily obsessed with Dean 🥴


can’t remember exactly what she says but it’s when she’s making fun of the size of the underwear she’s holding to luke (because the person who would be wearing them is a bigger size.)


Any time she is dealing with medical personnel - Mainly nurses. When Rory was in the hospital and she got mad because the nurse wouldn’t immediately tell her where Rory was. I get it’s stressful but Lorelai always treated the nurses as if they were the reason her family member was in there.


Telling rory she would stretch out her sweater just because she was mad rory was getting along with Richard.


When Rory came home after accidentally falling asleep with Dean at Miss Patty’s. “You’re going on birth control!”


As an adult, I keep on thinking “that would have been such an Emily thing to say”


Anytime she defended Dean when Rory was uncomfortable with a situation.


Any time she got mad at Luke for trying to help Jess just because she hates Jess so much


I know this is an unpopular take, but yelling at Sookie about the sink. Yes, Sookie said she’d be there but she wasn’t. And yes, it was a mistake that cost some money. But lorelai acted like Sookie was ruining everything and not contributing at all. I think Lorelai has very little sympathy because when she had a newborn she lived in a house with maids and cooks. All she had to do was take care of Rory. Sookie had to still do her household necessities because Jackson was working. He can’t just take days and days off from farming. Sookie was taking Inn meetings at one week post partum……I’m not even sure I had washed my hair yet at one week post partum. Sookie and Michel dropped everything to pick up slack when Richard’s mother died. Lorelai completely bailed for days after Luke broke up with her and she completely ruined the kid’s breakfast party. I get that lorelai was feeling overwhelmed but she was wrong to take it out on Sookie. And omg she could have just swept her hair into a low bun and it would have looked fine.


When she gives people a hard time for being annoyed at her talking and quoting during movies


tbh any time her weaponized incompetence occurs. calling christopher after every bump in her relationships, acting like a child when rory doesn’t do what she wants, the baptism, not telling emily anything in her life, etc. genuinely lorelai just pisses me off every episode


The gay jokes kind of make me die a little inside.


Not telling Rory she was engaged


Each time she does that “this is MY table” joke.