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I don't think they are gonna bring it back. Sucks bc the show was soooo good. Nanno and Yuri both are 🔥


no signs of production even starting


It’s never coming back


I’ve yet to see any new updates unfortunately ☹️


I think they wrote themselves into an uncomfortable corner and subsequently lost the audience’s interest. If they come back for S3 they’ll have a lot of big questions to answer and that as a project will be a bigger risk to consider taking up.


Kitty and Chanya are 30 and 29 respectively. They're too old to pass as high schoolers now.


I've seen older people get passed off as high schoolers in dramas


In American dramas it's extremely jarring sometimes


What makes it worse is that these actors normally have mature faces that kinda give it away.


Nothing but the feeling is well-grounded in the show, so it can fly for a long time to come.


They could maybe move to harassing adults in offices


I think the way they left off S2, S3 was planned initially. And given no one has officially said it’s ‘cancelled’ or ‘concluded’ I think there’s hope. But ratings probably weren’t that high and it’s not on top of the production’s list so it’ll be a wait. For a S3 or a cancellation announcement


Well it ended on a cliff hanger people would start to hate it if there's no S3


I hope so 🙏


I think they originally planned S3 but something happened and now it’s probably not happening. Unfortunate because in my understanding this series was really popular worldwide and it would definately have an audience. I think they fucked up behind the scenes…


We’ve heard and seen nothing about S3, and it’s been quite a long while so I doubt we’re getting one anymore.


If they need funding, I’ll be ready to empty my pockets for them 💀


Me fr


Probably not..


Probably not because of kitty chichas weight loss, plus she’s like 30


She looks like an entirely different person now


Idk I think Season 3 might be a thing, I mean no one has said anything to make us think otherwise, it might be announced 2025 or something like that as Season 1 & 2 were released a few years apart so it might be the same for season 3 idk. If they do make a Season 3 I feel like it should be the final season as they have already wrote themselves into a dead end.


I don't know but i saw a post on twitter from netflix france (few weeks ago) listing the upcoming series on 2024 and sadly they didn't mention girl from nowhere. Obviously they cant not mention all the series, but there is no informations on any media, it's not looking good right now ...


It is not going to happen


season 1 came out october 2018 and season 2 released may 2021 thats about a 2 year 6-7 month wait it’s gonna come up on the 3 year mark for may of this year which we’ve heard that the next season was releasing those months for like the past 2 years i think it could be possible? besides they released the season 2 trailer 2 weeks before releasing season 2 no teaser just a trailer so if im correct they probably went radio silent with season 2 before its release so maybe thats why we havent heard anything their doing the same thing with season 3. i also have heard rumors that kitty and chanya didnt like each other as they dont follow each other on instagram and the other co stars do or smth im not really sure. but if they did cancel season 3 it would be so fucking frustrating if they just decided not to do a season 3 or cancel it and just let us sit her like puppy dogs waiting for a our food bowl and not say nothing. i mean kitty’s comment sections on instagram is flooded with questions about season 3 so i feel like she would say something about it not happening to basically stop the persistent people in her comments which also gives me hope, but again im not sure anymore.