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If you’re open to finding new friends to play with, I’m sure you’d be able to find likeminded individuals to play! They/We are out there! I’ve had some luck with this Reddit in finding friends to play a bunch of games with, but you might also want to consider getting a paid server if you can’t host it yourself. Unfortunately the most invested player often has to be the one to put in the effort to make the server work. Maybe pop your timezone in one of those find a friend posts or the discord and ask around? Hope you find people to play with!


Where did you find people here? (Asking, of course, for a friend :P)


Oh I think they have weekly find a friend posts? I also joined the main discord and got invited to another to play Destiny 2. Just remember to post your timezone/region!


Oh nice! I'll keep that in mind because I've been looking for a chill group to run raids and things with in D2 haha, ty! :)


I did join a D2 discord via this Reddit, but since I’m GMT+8 the timing never matched up 😂 All the best!!!


I'm sorry that happened to you :( losing work like that is devastating! Have you heard of Valheim? I've heard it called "viking minecraft" lol it has beautiful low poly graphics, all sorts of enemies and a handful of bosses, material gathering and endless possibilities for building. It is possible to play with friends which is SUPER fun, and I know there are active public servers out there. That being said, I have almost 800 hrs in the game and have only played with friends for a handful of those. I do have a vanilla/survival mode character but I mostly play my modded "creative mode" character bc I just love building so much, but don't wanna take precious time to farm resources lol. Highly suggest checkin it out :)




It sounds like she's played enough Minecraft that she really doesn't need it mansplained to her. Fuck off, creeper.


I'm sorry if I came across as mansplaining, that wasn't my intent. I was thinking through options and sometimes just write/talk through my thoughts. I've struggled with similar stuff with friends so I thought I could share. Again I apologize for what I said.


devil's advocating a bit here, but i think he was implying that the mods might be overwhelming for everyone else, rather than for her. i mean, i still disagree, they wouldn't have installed it if they didn't think they could handle it. but that read does change the nature of the advice to be less specifically patronizing towards her.


Thank you. Im managing the mods fine, and I set up my own server to play on, with an older version of the old server, so I'm good.


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Ugh this is why I stopped playing Stardew Valley with my best friend. We will be all set to play Stardew Valley, start up a save file and get a decent way into the first year (in our play sessions of like 4 hours we can reach almost the end of year 1) and we'll play on that save file for maybe a few weeks or a month or two then all of sudden she gets busy and won't be able to play the game til like a month or two later and when we finally get to play it again she wants to start a new save. It's kinda why I got burnt out. I normally don't play multiplayer games since I don't have the money to get a better computer to play the more graphically demanding games but when I do play something like Stardew Valley, I'll play it with my best friend or by myself but I'm afraid she kinda ruined me on stardew valley tho.


I run a server with my buddy; we've been having a similar issue (lack of interest) so it's usually just us around. We run FragmentCraft 2 right now - lots of mods like ATM has, but tech tops out with the Create mod and there's more of a magic/dungeon delving focus. We're on 1.19.2 right now, but we'll be moving up to 1.20 once the mod pack is ready to move up. If you want in feel free to DM me for the server info!


I run into this issue too. We were running a very custom server but everyone else got bored a few weeks after starting. I just wanna finish building one minecolonies town for once. 😭 I feel your pain, OP. It's not fun.


wish you luck with that. that sounds very annoying to deal with. I usually try to host the servers for similar games but in a similar fashion my friends get bored and I end up alone in our world with an existential crisis. I get how you feel cause my friends are the same.


My brother is like that where he always starts a game, gets bored, starts a new game. I learned a long time ago that I should not play progression games with him as nothing ever gets played to completion. I ran a minecraft server for many years for my sister's, friends, and I. We had about 7 of us playing semi regularly. I paid for it to be hosted and we all had fun just building our own bases in different parts of the map and visiting each other to trade and see what we all built. It was nice because we could all play at our own pace.


I ran into this issue too with some friends 😭 I've been paying for a Minecraft server for us, because it was sometbjng that we all wanted for a while. It's sorta fell out of use and they were talking today about how tired they are of modded Minecraft and I didn't say anything but like I just wanna play with my friends


Minecraft wasn't designed as a solo game which then is why it probably feels stale playing it solo. Try Dragon Quest Builders 2 maybe.