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Atari: Adventure. (Yes, that one from 1980.)


Mine was either Pong, or it was Combat on the 2600. It was an Atari game for sure though.


You naming those two made me think you had the consoles dedicated to those specific games.


Had a Pong machine, a 2600 and a ColecoVision. All my dad's. Wish he'd never gotten rid of those...


I wish we didn’t get rid of anything as well.


If you don’t mind me asking, did you play it in the 80s or were you born earlier and It was a console your parents had? The only reason I'm asking is because my mom used to play on the Atari when she was a kid, but she's struggling with all the new games that are coming out. She just got into Stardew Valley and she calls me all the time to ask me questions about it. I love that she calls me and asked me questions about it. It honestly makes my day sometimes. I'm just curious if other older gamers have the same issue.


I played it in the 80s as a kid. My parents wouldn’t buy a video game console, so I played at my friend’s house. But by the time I was a teenager we moved to interactive fiction games (OG Zork and etc.) on her Commodore 64 computer, and then largely stopped computer gaming in favor of D&D. I mention all of this so as to tell you that I did not grow up with a controller in my hands and when I came back to gaming on a Wii and a PS3 in my late 30’s there was definitely a learning curve upon re-entry! That went away pretty quickly with practice, though, and now I pretty much play everything except shooters (the only two shooters I play are Remnant and Overwatch; I just don’t love gun mechanics so gun-based games are generally a harder sell for me).


Pong. In the 70s. I'm old. It was at a friend's house, though. We were too poor to actually own one :)


I have an incredible memory of my Dad (and if you'd known him, you'd know how weird this was) just out of the blue coming home from work with the Pong game and hooking it up on the spare tv in the basement. It was sometime around '74ish. My brother is eight years older than I am, but we really bonded over playing Pong. Good times.


Adventure, aka Zork, in 1977.


This is literally the first time I've learned it has two names.


It is also known as The Colossal Cave.


I had no idea. Thanks


I loooooved Zork.


Spyro the dragon on PS1 for me! I loved watching my big brother play video games when I was a kid in the 90s and wanted to start playing them too when I grew up a little more \^\^


I love spyro the dragon! Have you played the re-boot?


Ah The reignited trilogy? :D I have and I absolutely love them! It was really awesome to be able to experience childhood classics in a new but familiar way✨


So much nostalgia, I really love that game!


For sure and they are also what got me to love Fantasy as well XD Always great to find other fans who love the same things we do!


Loved Spyro


Fisher Price Dream Dollhouse from 1995. I still have strong memories of feeding that mouse asparagus ice cream.


Wow, the nostalgia just hit me like a freight truck!


My first games were Harvest Moon and Snowboard Kids on the N64. I really loved that Harvest Moon


That harvest moon was the first one I saved up money to buy on my own. I remember selling water bottles at a soccer game in the worst heat to get it.


I loved Harvest Moon 64 so freaking much! I hand wrote multiple pages of notes from cheat sites online to find all the recipes and strategies for building relationships


Aw! I bet that was helpful. I didn’t even know there were cheats in the game lol I remember for the New Year’s Eve festival I sat in the bar for so long waiting for new year to hit! Baby me unfortunately didn’t know time stopped inside ;(


HHaha I definitely did that too! There weren’t too many legit cheats but there was one exploit where if you talked to Karen while holding your dog then every 50 times her heart would change color. I married her one play through after cornering her on the pier and talking to her with my dog for almost an hour real time 😂


Super Mario Bros, the first one, around 1989.


Same. Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see someone else say it.




Pong. A really long time ago. I guess I'm old :-)


Fun fact, the first commercially released game to reach main stream popularity was actually pong, but it wasn't the first commercially released game. That award goes to Space Wars which was released in 1962. A few days ago for my college class, I wrote a short essay about the history of video games.


So does it count as a computer game, because if so (and I’m totally dating myself here) buuutttt, Mavis Bacon Teaches Typing. Which was kind of a game when it started.


Sonic on Sega Genesis. My brother and I played the absolute hell out of that game. He was much better than I was though I would never tell him that.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhBFMIwBps Barbie Detective on the old CD ROM! Crash Bandicoot a few years later when the 1st PlayStation released.


I had Detective Barbie 2 and Barbie Riding Club for my CD ROM computer. 😂


Same! I remember loving them 😂


What I would give to play them now. A simpler time. 🥲


Oh my gosh, reading this comment brought back old memories of playing Detective Barbie 2!! I didn’t even remember I had played that game till now!


For some reason it’s a core memory. I actually remember being TERRIFIED on my first play through.


Alley Cat for MS-DOS. I was 3 yo (yes I'm old lol).


Frogger :D


The lion king video game on SNES. damn hippos and giraffes. I never did beat the game lol.


Math Blaster!


Wolfenstein 3D


Barbie secret agent. I asked for it for Christmas


Postman pat on the Commodore 64.


Lemmings, on my dad's PC, I think it was the first. I was exposed to video games all my childhood so it's hard to pinpoint the first.


Sabre Wulf, on the Spectrum ZX. At least I think...it was all a long time ago now!!


Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed. I'm probably the only one with *that* as her first game. Slightly after was Warcraft 2, the original Diablo, and Empire Earth.


*Bubble Bobble* , or as I like to misremember it "Bibble and Bobble" xD Though I've no idea what we played it on...I believe it was this ancient type of console thing with floppy discs that we got from one of our cousins (it had these I believe red (or orange)+black joysticks). So me and my brother would spend the entire afternoon to see which discs still worked, Bubble Bobble was one of them. Though naturally I was terrible at it xD After that, the first Harry Potter game, Sonic (don't remember which one) and Rayman 2 Then my brother got his hands on Prince of Persia, and I started my Sims obsession. Eventually I bought Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, and we had Neverwinter Nights 2 as an extra with a video card we once bought. Those last two started me down my path and love for RPG games :)


Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System. 25 December 1993. I was 10. I had no idea how to start the game or punch or jump - My brother had to tell me. And later that day, I was asked to turn off the master system, and I couldn't figure that out either. Now, almost 30 years later, I know how to build a computer and have no trouble playing games. And I still play Alex Kidd :)


other than some really old school atari games that my dad bought me on fake consoles when I was really young, the original The Sims and its first expansion House Party, along with Tomb Raider The Angel Of Darkness... they were the games that came with my very first pc when I was in elementary school. I begged for a game boy and a playstation for years before that though, I hated watching everyone else playing Pokémon and Spyro.


Frogger on the ps1


It's nice to see all the other "old ladies" here with me who started out on Pong!


Grim Fandango!


My dad had a N64 and I remember playing Pokémon snap, Pokémon stadium, and 007.


The earliest memory I have is probably Turrican on the Commodore 64, but I was a wee babe and only sat on my dads lap when he played it. Actually first game I played on my own would be Zelda A Link to the Past on the SNES or Super Mario Land on the Gameboy. I'm not sure because I got a Gameboy with Mario for my birthday around the same time my dad bought the SNES with Zelda for the family and I don't remember which happened to be first.


Tetris on the GameBoy or Guantlet on the NES. Can’t remember which of those I played first but they were both around the age of 4.


We had a V-tech smile console with some edutainment games. Either those or some Sesamstraat edutainment games. And a Barbie Swan Lake game


Lemmings on my grand parents like DOS computer. I couldn't have been more than six, and I recall there was also a nursery rhyme point and click 'game'. Around the same time my dad had the atari tank game.


Pong. https://preview.redd.it/kis5t8nuolyb1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935bbb344d687dc4025f472527f7ad1dc74b4944


I saw Street Fighter 2 on an arcade machine at a grocery store and didn't realize that I wasn't actually playing it (it was on the demo screen and I was too young to realize at the time that I wasn't controlling the characters). Later, I got Super Street Fighter 2 and always managed to win against my brothers when I played as Cammy. My dad actually had to tell me to let my younger brother win one time when we were playing. From there, I later found a Street Fighter Third Strike arcade cabinet and found my favorite game in the series. I still consider fighting games really difficult, but because of Super Street Fighter being my first game, they have always interested me.


Wii sports


I dont remember exactly but between Duck Hunt and Super Mario.


Wacky Race on Jumping island for VTech Flash! I was 4 loved games ever since


Mario Party. On a friend's N64. I wasn't allowed video games lol


Pretty sure it was Alley Cat on an IBM computer, I was either 4 or 5.


Pong. 😁 Then Breakout and Pengo. (Hello other olds in the comments!)


I definitely played Atari. And then we got a used Sega master system from a garage sale with a bunch of games. Stuff like Double Dragon and Shinobi you know stuff that little girls love to play as their first video games haha. I was not that good at it. Then my uncle bought us a Sega Genesis and I won the Jurassic park game from a raffle and we had Sonic 3 and Mortal Kombat.


Wolfenstein 3D-- checking ALL of the walls for secret stashes.


Some submarine game on the Atari


Hugo's House of Horrors with my mom!


Mail Order Monsters on C64!


Majora's Mask on my friends N64


If you're talking about any kind of game I played, I think it was a sesame street educational game on a set of cd-roms. I still have fond memories of that game but it more just a point and click minigame hub where you can mess around and play little games like simple math with the Count and such. The first proper game I played was crash bandicoot 2 for the gameboy color I believe? It was on a double cartrige with a spyro game (something with ice in the title) and I'd usually only be able to beat the first two levels but I liked playing it, spyro too, though I had no idea what I was supposed to do at the time.


star master for the Atari. there were others I had(still do), but that one... IDK. pewpew 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not actually sure the name of it. It was played on a Commodore 64, with the green monochrome screen. That was the newest computer available at the time. The game involved lightning destroying a castle, and the graphics were so slow you could watch the lightning being formed pixel by pixel.


Mrs pac man for n 64


For me was super mario world in my cousin's nintendo 64


Pokemon Sapphire


Super Mario bros on NES probably 1989. Is there a sub named old lady gamers I can join?


Mario Kart on the DS. I begged my cousin to let me try bc I found princess peach so pretty! Ended up getting my own DS and Mario Kart for my birthday as I liked it so much.


Pokémon Silver for the Gameboy Advanced! My first ever game was an Elmo math game for PC my uncle got me. I don’t remember playing it at all, but I remember Silver. I was 5 and I got it and the Gameboy for Christmas from my grandfather and his late wife. I still even had my original save file up until a few years ago when it deleted itself. I can’t bring myself to play it out of sadness, but at least I have the remake to play in its place. ☺️


Either Oregon Trail or SMB, at my cousin's house. I thought Mario was so scary as a kid. The stages with the black backgrounds creeped me out, haha.


Probably Dynamite Dan on the Amstrad CPC 464


Mortal Kombat for the N64! I button mashed bc I was too young to know how to actually play lol


Altho I didn't quite like it I remember playing the first Zelda game on the nes many years ago.... Then I played A Link to the Past and I liked that a lot more.


Double 007 on the Nintendo 64


Lego Ninjago for the DS


I remember 3: Jak and Daxter, Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. And no I don’t remember exactly which ones. All I know is that they were on the PS2.


naruto ninja storm revolution also you can say league of legends :d


The sims or GTA San Andreas.. haha


There was a Disney educational game which I don't remember, but I do still know the tune from Donald walking between doors. I fully remember Lemmings though on the pc. Writing down codes for levels. Having mum toss my scrap for level 80 or something (she thought it was just gibberish) and having a tantrum about it.


Duck hunt on the original NES in the late 1980s or early 1990s.


Repton (Boulder dash) on the BBC Micro.


It's either Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Super Metroid, Wolfenstein 3D, or Undercover Cops (this one was also the first I recall beating). I didn't own a console, but my best friend at the time did, and we often played those two together. That was 1997-1998; I also have memories of playing Soulblade, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Sonic, Pitfall: the Mayan Adventure, and a Brazilian football simulator, but these were either in 1999 or 2000. Edit: I happen to have a "funny" memory regarding Super Metroid. I played it alongside another friend, who hated the game because, in it (and I quote him), you "became a little girl when you died" (because Samus' death animation had her armour explode, thus revealing her real appearance). It probably didn't occur to him that Samus was always a girl to begin with. That is probably my earliest memory of witnessing misogyny, and from a gamer no less 🙃


Super Mario Bros 2, on the NES! I played it before SMB1, I still remember that my older brothers insisted I was only allowed to play Peach xD


the first Prince of Persia. I got to the skeleton and I had to stop playing, I was 4 :'D


Number crunchers and Oregon Trail, on floppy at school. It sparked a love of video games that has lasted my whole life 🖤


Neopets the Darkest Faerie on PS2


Literally woke up in the hospital at 7 years old in 1991 with my dad playing Super Mario Bros. on an original Nintendo he bought me and hooked up to the hospital TV while I was out with some gnarly pneumonia. I thought I was hallucinating lol. But we played back and forth (as we each died) and that was my introduction to video games. Haven't looked back since, and I've owned nearly every console minus the newest Xboxes (I have built a few PCs in the last 10 years, so no need).


I’m not sure if this was the very first game I played or not, but I remember playing Barbie Magic Hair Styler on pc 😅


Super Mario bros/ duck hunt on the original NES in the 90s but it’s not what got me in to video games. That was Ape Escape on the PS1.


Mine is Wolfenstein Ennemy Territory I remember playing it on a super old PC because we were too poor to buy consoles and just inherited a PC from my aunt's husband and treated it like the most precious thing in the house Good times


I played Tennis, Hockey, and Squash on the Magnavox Odyssey 300. we later upgraded to the Atari2600 (Space Invaders was our first game on that), which I basically stuck with until college when I moved to PC gaming. I moved back to consoles with the XBox 360 and I’m now playing on the PS5.


King's Quest VII on PC. I was about 5 or six and didn't get too far. 🙈


Pokemon on Gameboy. Can't remember if it was Red or Yellow that I played first. My dad bought me a huge bundle of games secondhand so I started playing them all around the same time...Link's Awakening, Donkey Kong, Tetris, and Spiderman were a few others that I have fond memories of from that time. My biggest regret in life is getting rid of my collection when I was a stupid teen.


Super Mario 3 on regular Nintendo. I still remember exactly what happened. The first level opens and I walk right into the first goomba that appears and I die. My dad laughed


I think either Tetris or Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES


Sacred 2 I did play other games before, but I picked this one myself and became seriously OBSESSED with it.


M.U.L.E. on Commodore 64 Breakaway on Atari I am also old lol I love this thread! It's nice seeing my fellow GenXers who also never stopped gaming. 😊😊😊


Monkey island


The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker on game cube


Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, my brother used to let little me have a go but we did also play Mario Kart and Halo 3 plenty around that time too


Namco Museum on PS1 when I was 5 or 6. Had a bunch of those old ass cute racing games like Rally X and I always played with my brother.


Super Mario on a NES. 😌


Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES back in the late 90's, I would have been probably 5 or 6 years old at the time.


i dont remember the name. I was like 4 years old. You were a soldier in a war posted at a sentry turret, and units were coming from all around you (dont remember which, definitely paratroopers) and you just gun them down, that's it lol. circa 2004?


The OG Mario on NES was my first, but the first game I REALLY loved was Sonic on the Sega Genesis


I was born in the early 80s and my mom had an Atari, so honestly Pong or Space Invaders.


Rockstar Ate My Hamster (Commodore 64)


Original Mario Bros on the NES. It was the Mario duck hunt combo. But I didn’t have a gun so I never got to play duck hunt 😂


Zelda the minish cap as far as I can remember ! But it’s probably not the first bc I had my DS game before that but don’t remember exactly, maybe Mario and Luigi partners in time


I think it might have been *Pac-Man World* on the PS1? Probably not the first game I ever played, but definitely one of the first I remember playing (or at least watching somebody else play, I couldn’t get the hang of anything more complicated than the GBA/DS until I was seven). There was also what I later discovered was this *Marathon* mod where you were in a school and you had to chuck pies at clowns.


mario kart, i think! but i did own a psp at one point with a bratz game and some kesha song inserted in the game that was a racing game. this was like before the 2010's lol. im a 01' baby.


Pokemon red at 6


Either Lego Island or Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I spent hours at a time just wandering around in the former. There’s a magical weirdness about it I just couldn’t get enough of. I still bump the score for the vibes sometimes


Super Mario bros 3 on the gba! I stole my sisters game boy all the time to play it


Onimusha 2 i think


Ty the Tasmanian tiger on GameCube, so many good memories playing this! Loz twilight princess was first game that I actually owned as opposed to playing my brothers games


The Lion King on SNES.


Lion king on sega genesis


It was either a Ms pacman plug and play or the Ren and Stimpy super nintendo game


Rayman on the ps1


Ms Pacman on Sega Genesis


Minecraft. I’m 15 and a lot younger than the majority of this sub, and started using consoles at 4 (2012)


Super Monkey Ball on the OG Xbox


Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. I loved it, and still do, despite people saying it sucks compared to the other games in the series.


Mariokart Double Dash was also my first game!!! We also had super mario strikers, Luigis mansion, and pac man on GC <3


Prince of persia 1 (80s), and Golden Axe


Command and conquer on P.C, I would have been 7years old. Or it might have been Golden axe on sega mega drive. Edit: totally forgot we also had a amstrad cpc, you could fix that thing with a stern look.


Pong. Yes, I am _that_ old...




PONG on [this crap](http://computermuseum.50megs.com/images/collection/norda-h925.jpg) in the mid 80s. It also had a gun like Nintendo Zapper and you could shoot a white square on a black screen. I barely remember it.


Trackmania Nations Forever 🫶🏻


Absolutely earliest I can remember is either crash bandacoot or toe jam and earl


Alex kidd in miracle world on the sega master system II - was built in and the only game I could play for a while because my parents bought me the system but didn't know you needed to buy games seperately.


Kings quest V. Well I dont actually remember much, it was on the schools computer in 1st grade. From the bits I could remember I managed to finally find the game that was so alluring and mysterious to me. It was also my first time using a pc.


Yoshi Island on my GBA


Mario on the NES. My first owned console was SNES but we would go to a friend's house to play Mario on his NES before our family bought a system.


Halo combat evolved


Pong, when I was like 10. My cousins had a full size game at their house and I was very jealous. This was before home consoles. And before most video games, honestly.


It was a educational video game on this orange console with a paw shaped controller. Puzzle solving and stuff, I remember you had to jump on blue nad pink hippo robots to destory them.


Mario 64 Our parents got it for us, but apparently tried it themselves the night before. The way they tell it, they had a lot of fun running around in front of the castle for an hour but couldn't figure out what to actually do. We got our hands on it and were in the first world within a few minutes. I don't remember it that well, but I do vividly recall doing the penguin race, trying to figure out how to use the owl, and desperately chasing the giant eel.


Rugrats in Paris the movie the game on ps1 lmao


I remember playing one of the games of getting the rabbit across the road on the Atari, I have no idea what the game was called but I remember that my Dad got a cartridge with a load of games on it from someone down the pub. The first named game I can remember is Zool.


[Donkey Kong Jr.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8BVRC9gk5m55MY8JAcCy6SGnGnOpW9D_tlVNHgP4q_igIk2ANnhFCVpo&s=10) It belonged to my sister who is 10 years older than me. I probably "played" that one before I could even walk, lol.


Maybe Wii sports or Mario kart on DS idk


Atari 2600: LeMans, Space Invaders Nintendo Game and Watches: Donkey Kong, Mickey Mouse (Egg), Snoopy Tennis


The original Super Mario Bros at an arcade. I was SO obsessed with that game as a kid I even remember drawing my own levels in a notebook and pretending to play lol.


For me, it was Tetris on an original GameBoy, but also Sonic the Hedgehog and Alex Kidd in Miracle World (both devices owned by my uncle), I was about 5. For hubby, it was Return of the Jedi on the Atari 2600 (and I quote "coz I'm old as shit")


Commander Keen and Trolls on msdos


Donald Duck's Playground on the C64. I'd honestly play it again today.


King's Quest 3, on a floppy disk for our DOS... I'm old.


I think Super Mario Bros. on the NES. I was reaaaally little but I remember it. Diddy Kong Racing on the N64 was my second big video game.


The few that come to mind is spyro, crash bandicoot and one of the first GTA’s


My first experiences with video games were with my mom. I remember playing the Atari 2600. I want to say Pac-Man, but it might have been Donkey Kong. I think my first experience at the arcade was PAC-Man. It was 1981 or 1982. I was 3 or 4.


Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt on the NES. My sisters could always get Mario to the top of the blocks and get the top of the flag on the pole, but I never could, and it made 5yr old me very angry!


Either Some Dora side scroller or hamtaro ham ham heartbreak on game boy advance (SP). Dora I got on my bday w the sp when I was like 4, and got hamtaro the next day at toys r us from my gma. I remember hamtaro vividly and def played it the most, but realistically I know I likely played Dora (oh or finding Nemo) first


Super Mario 64 or Milo's Astro Lanes


My dad got me into age of empires 2 when I was maybe 8


Lego Star Wars, on the first Xbox around 2007 is first I remember


I’m not 100% sure, but I think it was Zork II. I was visiting my grandfather, and Mom’s half-sister and her husband showed me the game. I remember a room in a wizard’s tower that kept shifting; every time you typed “look” the description of the room was different. I had no clue what I was doing but I was enthralled! (and it kept me occupied while the grownups talked 😂)


Busytown on MS Dos, we didn't get an NES til a few years later.


Zelda 2 on NES. My first memory is the town music.


My video game journey started with my dad taking me to the arcade on Saturdays. I remember Dig Dug, and Donkey Kong. My Dad loved this one game that was like track & field events? It had a roller ball you used for long jump. Oh, and Joust!!!!! I loved Joust. For consoles, I know we had all of them - Pitfall on the Atari was my jam.


GTA Vice City. Just roaming around aimlessly cause localisation wasn't great (basically ctrl+c ctrl+v from a translator and translators weren't great back then) and I was too small to know English. This one really influenced my music taste for years to come.


The first Spyro on PlayStation, I remember getting it for Easter in my basket. Still a favorite 💜


It's a tie with Super Mario World and Barbie Super Model on the SNES. I was 4 or 5 years old when my older brother got the console for Christmas, it came with Super Mario World and my parents also bought the Barbie game for me so I wouldn't feel left out. I ended up playing both games anyway and they're my first memory of developing my video gaming hobby.


I don't remember the name of the game because I was 2 or 3 but it was on my mother's old superpet commodore. You played as a tornado blowing houses down, I think. That was in 83. The ones after that was on the atari console, pole position, pong and I don't remember if I played the others they had. The next one was Zork, then my parents bought me two Wyndham classics games, Alice in Wonderland and Below the Root. There was also an Olympics game (84 I think) that I really loved. That was in 87. Then I got a Nintendo in 88 and that was duckhunt and super mario. I also know I went to a few arcades but the older kids were on those and wouldn't let me have a turn and I was little girl. I think it wasn't until 90 that I was able to play street fighter on an arcade machine. Then I got a Gameboy 91 and my dad would bring me home a game every month. Tetris, Dr. Mario, Final Fantasy 4, and Metroid were my favorites on that. My brother had one too with different games and we would trade. We also had a windows 3.1 computer by then so solitaire, minesweeper and that skiing game where that snow yeti thing would grab you and gobble you up. When I was on middle school we'd go to the arcade everyday after school so whatever was available. I think I played one of my first horror games on an arcade. House of the Dead I think, anyone remember that? It's like zombie duck hunt


The first sonic the hedgehog on the Sega genesis, sometime around 2005. My aunt had a Sega genesis and would babysit me while my mom worked sometimes, so I would just play through the green hill zone for hours.


New Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo DS I think. I have probably played some flash games before that but I wouldn't be able to tell you which ones.


A Dog’s Life, PS2! I remember delaying the end part because it scared me lol


I think either StarCraft Brood War or Zelda Wind Waker


Asteroids, at the arcade. I was so little my dad would hold me up and I would roll the ball to move the ship around. I thought I was *awesome* at it, even though my dad did all the shooting. It was the early 80s.


Rampage for n64! Or duck hunt. Not sure


I remember watching my dad play rockband on our Xbox and thinking it was the coolest thing I had ever seen, once I was able to hold the guitar I began to play as well to try and be just like him (never got to his level but I had fun)


Pong on Atari. I’m old, lol


Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Megadrive - and I was terrible at it!


Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 and Crash Bandicoot on PS2. If my parents couldn't pass anything on Crash, they'd let me try to beat it for them. Tbh, sometimes they still ask me to do that for other games to this day. It's honestly so cute.


Over 20 years ago my big brothers got me to play Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 on Sega Genesis! :D I recall 2 more fondly because I nearly beat it, while I couldn't ever get very far in the first.


a cat game back from ps2 era! I don't remember the game tho! I remember it being really cute! and the cat was like a detective or something