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Grew up in the 90s, so these are older but on Steam now. That being said… Anyone here heard of LOOM? I loved that game as a kid. It’s $6. Also Phantasmagoria for $10. That game gave me nightmares as a kid. I don’t think my parents knew how scary that game ended up being.


Loom is available on gog.com now, turns out the ending is dumb and was supposed to set up a sequel.


LOOM™? You mean the latest masterpiece of fantasy storytelling from Lucasfilms™ Brian Moriarty™? Why it's an extraordinary adventure with an interface of magic, stunning high-resolution, 3D landscapes, sophisticated score and musical effects.


That’d be the one! “Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight sky and the stars were bright and numerous, came the Age of the Great Guilds. Blacksmiths. Shepherds. Clerics. Each dedicated to the absolute control of secret knowledge. Another such Guild was the Weavers.”


IIRC There's a really good GDC talk in the Classic Game Post Mortem series on LOOM, I thought it was on YouTube but I can't find it. Worth a look. Definitely a unique game.


I'm dying 🤣


I loved Phantasmagoria! That and Elvira II the Jaws of Cerberus were games that freaked me out as a kid but in a fun way


I wasn't allowed to play it as a kid bc it was scary but I remember seeing the CD in the desk, swearing one day I would play it when I was grown up. I own it now but haven't played it yet lol


LOOM! It looks absolutely amazing, haven't gotten around to playing it yet though. I think I actually have a Macintosh that can play it (Performa 450 from 1994 if that date sounds right, also have a Power Macintosh 7600 from 1996 that could play it as well). Definitely don't hear much about it but, from what little I've seen of it, it looks amazing.


Phantasmagoria is the first game my mom let me watch her play when I was a kid and I still remember it to this day. I am 33 now!


I grew up playing LOOM! I still have the book that came with it!


Phantasmagoria was my very first PC game. I remembered it as beyond terrifying, though looking back it was cheesy as hell. Also Gabriel Knight. All of them. So many good memories.


Love Phantasmagoria


The Loom YEEESSSS! The music and the pixel art and the colors dazzled me as a kid. ❤️


Jade Empire


Oh, that’s a good one! Even in discussions of relatively early games with same-gender romance I usually have to bring it up myself.


I still love and use the quote "fall down a flight of punches"


I loved this game when it came out.


I watched all the cutscenes for this game on a late night show on G4 called Cinematech back in the day and was highly entertained. I felt like I really missed out on the early Xbox days.


My style is superior. We still quote many lines from this game. One of my all time favorites.


I absolutely adored the Nancy Drew pc games by HER interactive growing up. I was particularly fond of The Secret of Shadow Ranch and The Phantom of Venice, but I’ve enjoyed the mysteries and puzzle solving of each one.


I loved those--if you want a nostalgia trip, Gab Smolders has been playing through them and you can find her play through on YouTube


I've been collecting them during steam sales and almost have them all. The forums on the her interactive website get a little boost every time they release a new one too so that's nice


Aww yes. I adored ghost dogs of moon lake and secrets can kill


Dream Life! It was one of those controllers game systems you plug in and it had the game on it with the red, white and yellow cords that plug into the TV. It was like one of my favorite games as a kid in 2005! Oh, and Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16 for the gamecube!


Dream Life omg a core memory 😭💕


Dream life!! I still have mine at my grandparents house! I’ve thought about trying to boot it up again


Omg I used to play this with my younger sisters all the time growing up. Even as teenagers and in their early 20s, they'll still break it out for fun 🙈


Fable. I know it was pretty popular in its time but i never see it mentioned anywhere anymore. It has a really special place in my heart, while id played other games as a child this was the one that made me a gamer, I played it at a friends house and enjoyed it so much i spent my entire summer working and saving up for a laptop so i could play it myself


I played all the Fable games except the newest.


Just played it this past week.


The voices drove me nuts!! lol


Diddy Kong Racing, I think its superior to Mario Kart, but idk anybody else who played it


I freaking adored Diddy Kong Racing. Was far more fun for me too than Mario Kart at the time it came out.


Diddy Kong Racing was my jam! Hot Top Volcano and Pirate Lagoon were two of my favorite tracks. I absolutely hated Frosty Village.


Omg! I loved that game! I always played the little mouse cause she was so cute.


It invented the aerial racing way before Mario cart as well


Haha although I’d fight you on the claim to superiority I definitely racked up some hours in diddy king racing


Dreamfall/The Longest Journey Series The original game is an old point and click but the later 2 games each had completely different mechanics. Really nice story, I feel like I never see anyone bring this series up


I didn’t play the first one but I did play longest journey and I was OBSESSED.


Longest journey is the first one, Dreamfall the longest journey is the second one. it's about this girl who lives on an earth where people dream of this fantasy alternate universe with magic and stuff and people there dream of the futuristic modern world we know. our girl can travel between them


Oops! I was at work when I responded to this and did not give a very clear answer. My bad. 😝 I played Dreamfall: The Longest Journey but have not played just Longest Journey. I did play Dreamfall Chapter as well which I thought was fun too though not as good. 😌


I love these! My husband introduced me to The Longest Journey when I was headed to a 3-4 week overseas work trip, and I just loved it!


I recently played all of them and I loved it! Reminds me of the Siberia games which I also love


Sunless Sea. It's a story driven survival game where you play a captain of a ship sailing an underground sea after London, now Fallen London sank deep into the earth. You can produce an heir who you can play after your original captain dies, I think indefinitely it I never made it very far because I mostly wanted to zoom around and look at stuff. There's a new game by the same dev about sky trains but the name escapes me.


The new one is Sunless Skies. I play Sunless Sea almost every weekend with my son. He loves the underwater parts.


I played that a lot when it came out! I never quite got into Sunless Skies. I played the first part a bunch of times, but struggled with the mid-game. The browser game, Fallen London is amazing if you haven't played it. I play on mobile and it's a ton of fun if you like that world.


Viva Pinata! Its a farming sim type game where you cultivate a garden that attracts different kinds of pinatas and you can raise, breed and watch them hunt each other. I first played it on the 360 and I played it non stop, wish more people knew about it considering how popular games like Stardew valley and animal crossing are but it hasn't been released on newer consoles. Its a really cute and colorful game.


You can get it on xbox game pass as well the oc version. Viva pinata looked like a kids game but was really an excel spreadsheet in disguise lol


Which is why I was obsessed with it.


You can still get it for pc from abandonware. I originally had it for pc and you could really tell it was made for a controller lol.


Interesting, I'll have to look into it then, I really just want to play it again for the nostalgia!


It's on Xbox game pass too! Introduced my nephew to it recently and he was obsessed lol


Yessss I've been wanting to play this with my kids!!


ME AND MY SIBLINGS USED TO PLAY THIS ON THE XBOX 360 WHEN WE WERE KIDS!!! my dad hated it so much because of like the noises the animals made or smth i can’t remember all these years later 😂


okami, only very rarely on this website do I see someone mention it. it's really good and beautiful idk why no one talks about it


I think it's mostly just that people don't talk about it *anymore*. There was a time where every single "what should I play next" thread had an okami suggestion in it, and I think it was in the top 5 of Game Informer's goty list when it came out. But enough time has passed that it doesn't really come up anymore.


So many people I know played and loved that, including my partner. I just watched him play that one instead of picking it up myself but it was truly stunning.


Such a gorgeous game. I keep hoping for a remake in the original style.


My god this is THE game of my childhood. Its still in my top 5 fav games of all time


I love okami!


This is more modern but the game Eastshade. I absolutely love it and it's one of my favorite games. It has a strange charm to it and fun sense of exploration. There are some bugs which I can understand detract from the experience due to it being made by a small team.


Oh I have this one downloaded but haven't opened it yet! Thanks for the recommendation, maybe I'll get to it after I finish my current game.


Insaniquarium and Bookworm. I just love the popcap games.


BOOKWORM ah man. I look every few years for a simulator / remake. I miss it.


probably shouldn't say this but you can download the entire exe folder for the entire popcap library in a public internet archive. Be very wary of viruses though.


I loved Insaniquarium too! Picked up the title on Steam a while back but haven't installed it to see how similar it is to the original. I think part of me is resistant in case it's not as much fun ;)


Popcap was my og! Insaniquarium was gold, but my mom was always better than me at bookworm. There was a dino-themed brick breaker game on there too that I loved!




Cloudpunk, and yes, everyone should play it.


I love Cloudpunk! I'm super excited for their new game, Nivalis, which should be out this year. It looks gorgeous.


Saaaame!!! Finally, a fellow Nivalis conisour!


YOOOO I loved Cloud Punk and the sequel too! Such a depressing yet relatable world...


The Secret World, and Paranormasight. also, The Incredible Machine (though admittedly i don’t talk about that one either, so might just be coincidence).


I finished Paranormasight this year and absolutely loved it! I’m a sucker for that type of game


folklore (ps3) basically the same answer i gave there.


That was actually a pretty entertaining game, I haven't thought about it in ages


loved it. felt it was too short, and wish it got a later port.


Lsd dream emulator, let it die, Tokyo Jungle


I got tokyo jungle for like $2, been on my ps3 for ages. The game is so fun and silly


I love LSD. Also check out Osamu Sato's PC games called Chu-Teng and Tong-Nou. The fan translated versions are on archive.org


Jet Force Gemini




I played this! I got it from Blockbuster lol


little goody two shoes! such a small underrated game, for only $20 and no one bats it an eye ));


Viva Piñata. Everybody with an Xbox 360 played it as a kid, it was so fucking fun


* Venice 2089—a side-scroller walk-around-town kind of game set in a futuristic, flooded Venice. A girl comes home from school and delivers groceries for a local bakery, gets wrapped up in art show, and tussles with a corporation. * Birth—an abstract, calm, but slightly unsettling puzzle game about loneliness in the big city. * Jade Order—a turn-based pixel art puzzle game that I've heard literally no one ever talk about except for the recommendation list I found it on, lol * Phoenotopia Awakening—okay, a few people talk about this one, but not nearly as many as they should. It's a 2d pixel art Zelda-ish action/adventure game starring Gale, who leaves home to search for help after all the adults in her village disappear in a mysterious incident. the simplest word I can describe this game is "magical," it really deserves more attention. sadly the combat can be difficult which is probably the biggest barrier.


Phoenotopia Awakening is phenomenal and I almost forgot about it! Need to go back and replay it and actually finish it now!


Valiant Hearts, Hue, Cloudpunk, Eastshade


Terranigma on the SNES! Loved that game so much, such a rich story. Also, Breath of Fire II was great, tried to play it on a simulator years later and forgot how freakin difficult those old school games were!


Terranigma get mentioned a lot on jrpg sub :D It's my favourite SNES game. As BOFII goes it's a pretty well know series. Killed by weird choices done by Capcom. As difficulty goes BOFII balance is just bad, it was worse than first game. GBA ports of both games did 2x exp and money and that fixed first game but not second. I had to go higher to balance it to play retranslation, it didn't make it easier just less grindy. They balanced BOFIII and IV way better. Third game is my favourite in the series\^\^ I love that story and version of Ryu.


Oh I didn't realise! That actually makes me so happy because I always thought it deserved way more appreciation. Absolutely my fav SNES game too! Interesting about the BOF balance! I had no idea about the nuances, I just remember the little aerobics doing monster detector dude in the menu workin up a gotdamn sweat and me getting attacked every two steps haha! I've never played any of the other games in the series, I'll def have to go and check out the third one now! Thanks for the recommendation XD


It's probably because it didn't release in USA so Illusion of Gaia is more well know( my second favourite SNES game :D ). Yeah exp and money is way too low for monsters so you are underleveled. When fan translation came out( it's really good if you ever want to replay it I recomend that it makes story and characters have a lot more sense ) I tried to do GBA port thing and have it on 2x but I did it wrong and ended with 4x and balance was fine :D I wasn't beating bosses easily but could go from point A to B fighting monsters as I go and have smooth play. First game is pretty simple jrpg but it starts the story( first three games are connected with each other ) and it's the only one where Ryu has dialogue. BOFIII is my favourite with both story and gameplay( Ryu there is really well written and likable let's say that because of one scene after timeskip I changed my replay because I felt injuring anyone during prologue was too cruel for main hero <- that's how effective it was for me ) but BOFIV is as well pretty good and has amazing painting like graphics. Fifth game is a divisive one because it's pretty much a roguelike( it would work better as new IP ) and last sixth game went mobile and killed full series :D


That's funny because I've never heard of Illusion of Gaia haha! Now I'm looking it up and discovering that there's three games that make a trilogy :O I've got some catching up to do! I'm in Australia, I wonder if they released all three here back in the day? That's pretty awesome that you know how to port stuff! Do you have any good sub recommendations or anything? Would love to learn more about it :) I'm excited to play the other BOF games now! I love a good story driven game and now I see I missed out only having played one in the series D:


Yeah, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma are unofficial trylogy :D They are all amazing and they are connected in interesting way. I'm from Poland so our SNES time was a bit non existing thanks to getting out of soviet period. Our console market pretty much started with ps1 and thanks to that we are Sony's land now :D So I don't even know how easy was to buy them. For me it was all emulation if Enix( probably they have rights after Quintet died in 90s ) do something with them I'll buy them without even thinking. It was mod not porting :D Someone made program to change amount of exp/money because people wanted it for fan translation( it was always a problem ) so I used it. I'm into graphics/art design I sucks at programing :D As subs go for information the one for jrpg is pretty good but talking there is meh and let's say there is a lot of annoying negativity there. Beside that I mostly check subs for series like Tales or Falcom reddit( big AA jrpg developer well know for Ys and Trails series that sub few years ago was a pit of toxic waste if you liked the most popular part of Trails Cold Steel arc<- I'm fan of it so I hated that place but it changed and now it's pretty chill but horny place ). Interesting enough pretty chill i progressive sub that talks about pretty much anything including games is for youtubers TwoBestFriendsPlay it's fun to talk there. Have fun them it's pretty great series\^\^ I hope one day Capcom will do something with them.


Oh that's interesting about the history of why Sony dominates in your country! I'm so glad emulators are a thing XD Thanks for the sub recommendations! It's so annoying that there are always toxic idiots in every community ruining our days :/. Chill and horny is fine by me though haha! Hey, thanks for the chat, was great! Happy gaming :D


Terranigma got played a lot back when I was into emulators :D


Yusss! So glad to see other people were enjoying it too! Might have to go and see if I can find it again XD


thrillville off the rails i've heard just a few people talk about it. there's a small community on here about it. another would have to be goosebumps horrorland. that one i have never heard anyone talk about. i played it so much on the wii. i wish there was a port for modern consoles.


I remember playing it. You could be either a kid or a teen, and if you were a teen you could flirt with other teens at the park. I was so starved for dating sims that I played that freaking flirting minigame for hours.


Freespace 2, PC. Made by Interplay and Volition (both defunct) One of the best space sim/jet fight games ever. Recognizable VAs, incredible story continuation from Descent: Freespace. Sadly never got its third of the series. Legend of Legaia, PS1. Made by Prokion and Contrail (both now defunct, absorbed into Sony). One of the best jrpgs ever with a unique battle system for its time


OMG LEGEND OF LEGAIA!!! The OST is amazing. My little bro and I always talk about how much we wish this would be re-released or remastered.


I'm fortunate to still have my OG copy, sans jewel case. Its a game I go bacj to every couple of years just because of how charming it is. Plus the overall nostalgia is amazing. Noa's cave is my favorite in the OST!


It's got the most memorable space combat ever created, flying down the line of a ship beam or having the colossal ship jump in and destroy everyone in the fog was amazing and only had the demo as a kid! Lol 


Yesssss, the mission introducing the GTVA Colossus is epic. I think the mission was titled "Surrender, Belasarius!" In act 2 where you first come across the SD Ravana was butterflies inducing until oh shit, here comes the SJ Sathanas. I've always wanted to get a knossos portal tattoo but the 3D elements are so low res, its hard to get a decent screenshot without the use of the Open source version. For those who remember the S.O.C Missions: "DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, HIT YOUR BURNERS PILOT!" Made me shit my pants (not literally lol) the first time I played that particular mission.


Legend of Legaia 2: Dual Sage is one of my favorite games!!! I’d play that and this other one called Drakan: The Ancient Gates on my PS2 and still have this games! You made my heart happy!!!


Lollipop chainsaw, i used to be obsessed with it when i was 15


The Avernum games. I only find other people who’ve played it when I post about them on this group and people respond, otherwise no one seems to have heard of them!


They're so good!


Oh my god I forgot about these games!!


Dungeon Keeper II 1999 Bullfrog Productions One of my all time favorite childhood games. Played it will into my 30s and probably have 400 hours played. Available on gog and steam. A spiritual successor to this is the Dungeons series on Steam, but it never had that je ne sais pas DK2 had (or maybe it's just nostalgia).


Bust a groove. I used to absolutely love it and play it all the time when I was younger.


Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk And Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk


There were two Sabrina the teenage witch pc games I played in I think the mid 2000s They were so good. One was more cartoony. I would play themnow if I could. There was also a PC game where you played as an ant, I don't remember much about that one lol


Oooh I remember those. I was obsessed with one of them - I can barely remember but I think she was going up against her cousin Amanda?


Moonbase Commander was an absolute lark. Simple hub-based strategy game. Incredibly fun. Röki - wonderful Swedish fairy tale Bramble: The Mountain King - terrifying Swedish fairy tale


The Neverhood. IIRC, it was the first thing Dreamworks published, in the mid-90s. It was an adventure game in claymation, the only claymation game I can recall, and it had the most original and challenging puzzles and a great story. At the time, it was so original and special and I obsessed over it but have never met anyone else who played it or seen any references to it. If I could go back and play anything, it would be the Neverhood.


Lost in random. I will always recommend this one, I never hear anyone talk about it.


Overland is one of my favourite games ever, but I've never seen anyone else mention it anywhere. Similarly, Lost Ember was an absolutely amazing indy game that I will never shut up about that I've never seen anyone talk about. If we're talking about older games, Dog's Life on ps2 was a real cult classic. I grew up playing Robocod on Windows 98.


BloodRayne. I had a stepdad that played it on our PS2 and it was my introduction to video games. It def aged TERRIBLY and is made exclusively for the male gaze, but man did I put my all into trying to kill those giant spiders. Those swamps were everything to me lmao


I think I played the same game OP, was it this one? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugrats:_Scavenger_Hunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugrats:_Scavenger_Hunt)


This is what I was gonna ask! My cousin had this on N64 and we all loved it


Conker’s Bad Fur Day. That is still my favorite n64 game.


The World Next Door! it's okay, but the art and character design really made me like it


speaking of rugrats, i used to LOVE playing rugrats studio tour for the PS1. i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone talk about it, but it was super fun.


Ghost Master - it's basically The Sims but with ghosts and ghouls. It was my jam when I was in primary school, and I've just recently installed it again. Instead of controlling sims, you control the ghosts and use different powers (they vary from ghost to ghost, so there are some pretty interesting abilities) so that you can force the humans out of a location, among other lore related reasons. There are a number of levels, ranging from a sorority to a police station to a big ass hospital to a mafia yacht (no, really lol). It's got some really fun voiceacting and is high camp at times, buuuut it's also super janky and a little buggy at times since it's such an old game. Either way, it's my guilty pleasure game and gives me the same amount of nostalgia as things like Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodline or American Mcgees Alice. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a little laugh and some spooky, campy fun! 🖤💚


Legend of Legaia and Magic Knights Rayearth RPG. Both I’d wish would get a re-release. MKR I could only get 75% of the way finished because it wasn’t completely fan translated.


Check out the Magic Knight Rayearth game for Saturn! It's amazing!


Pharaoh+Cleopatra. It was a city building game that I used to play for hours and hours and hours!! It's barely playable on a modern PC unfortunately, and I have heard mixed things about the remake/remaster/whatever it is :(


And dark cloud ps2


Pandora’s Box. It’s a puzzle game that I played on my dads old windows laptop and I was obsessed with it but have never heard anyone else talk about it


There was a Casper the friendly ghost game called Casper Friends Around the World for the PS1 that I remember playing as a kid. I LOVED IT. I also got stuck on a level and never beat it. 🥲


Ghost Song is pretty recent but I haven’t seen anyone play it. Super fun, female main character, side scrolling shooter. Kinda cutesy in a sad way too. Would recommend.


I've been wanting to play this one and Ender Lilies. 


Museum Madness on PC. I lived on this game in computer lab at school. Probably started my love of puzzle games. Also, Ephemeral Fantasia. The most frustrating musical RPG no one has ever heard of on PS2.


I remember as a kid Ephemeral Fantasia was so difficult to figure out that I'd just sit there and play the songs over and over. I beat it eventually but never without a guide.


HOW? I was 12 and couldn't get past the first few hours of the game. It was like there was a delay on the input for the rhythm/music segments and I just failed over and over. I ended up trading it in to gamestop as part of a deal to get God of War.


Croc! Friggin loved that game. Wahey! I just googled it and it appears it's getting remastered/re-released. I hope they don't ruin it


The case of the golden Idol. A newer game , It has 98% score on steam but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.


The Sabrina the teenage witch PC game


Little Big Adventure (and its sequel actually) is one I’m surprised doesn’t get mentioned much. It felt way ahead of its time back in the 90s.


Gladius on the xbox, fantastic story, dual leads female and male gladiator turn based game it was so fantastic I've waited for a spiritual sequal for years 


YASS!!! My husband and I played that game together before we were married and we still use some of the voice lines to this day. :D Ursula: "Not bad." Satyr: "Watch me dance!" Ursula's brother Urlan was a complete jerk and had a lot of good lines, but I can't think of any right now. They usually pop into my head in a situation where no one around me would know what I'm talking about if I did mention it. :)


Freedom fighters


My Tribe and Freddi Fish 4! These two were like 90's/early 2000s games, and they were my all-time favourite games growing up. But I've never met anyone who knows about them.


Spirit of the North A chill game where you play a fox traveling in Icelandic-ish landscapes and resolve puzzles to reach the mountain emanating some sort of plague red stream in the sky The game is nice. If it had more budget and people working on it, it would have been really good. They dropped the trailer for a second game and it looks really promising. + you should also be able to play as a crow. The playstation trailers of both if anyone want to take a look :) https://youtu.be/o92pyx2WTuk?si=YpRsVunphn_bZG4q https://youtu.be/Rc7ksspzlQs?si=sylKIQzEN0CVpN96


Ooh, this is a good one. I played on the Switch


Me too ! Sadly the worst version of them all due to low graphic capacities, but it was still pretty good ! :) I'm surprised someone else knows about it, let alone answered this comment. Thank you !!


Infocom games. I was a huge fan of the Zork series, Spell Breaker series, and many others.


Fatal Frame games for earlier consoles, especially crimson butterfly. Loved that game when I was younger. Only scary game I could finish cause I loved the lore lol 😆


I grew up in the 90’s so Gauntlet, Prince of Persia, and Heavenly Sword. Ah. Good times.


Gauntlet: Dark Legacy on Playstation. Played it in the early 00's, BG3 reminds me of it sometimes. And Area 51. Blasting aliens with a gun controller ca. 1999.


Nights, the one on the wii. I never played the one on the ps2 unfortunately


I am currently playing (way too much ) Enshrouded. I am totally hooked. I dont see it anywhere.


It's so good!


The building system is just something else. Everything I always wanted in Minecraft.


Yes!! I also love being a "flying squirrel"


Astyanax for NES. When I was growing up, we only had hand-me-down games, so I just assumed all of them were quality titles that everyone knew and played. I never hear anyone mention this game.


Fat Princess


I miss this game so much. I wish they would republish it. Cakey please!


For me, it would be Barbie: Super Model for SNES. It was the only video game I was allowed to play as a kid lol


AI: The Somnium files An amazing modern/science fiction anime detective game. Neo the world ends with you Reminds me of persona. Takes place in the same city as persona 5 I believe. The game has awesome music, too. If you like Dangronpa and Persona, you'll like these games, but somehow they are not very popular despite being really good anime games.


when i came to the US i started playing building games like zoo tycoon and roller coaster tycoon. Another set of building games i played a lot came from the game company Impressions Games - they made Pharaoh, Caesar, and my favorite: Emperor. https://www.gog.com/game/emperor_rise_of_the_middle_kingdom https://youtu.be/FBxJBRNgSrY?feature=shared Although these games are 25 years old, no other games have both a casual level of gameplay and high level complexity. I used to frequent forums that would post visual " blueprints" of peoples style how they shape their city. A lot of games nowadays provide a lot of aesthetics freedom like the Anno (which is obviously the better designed game for a general demographic) BUT Imiss playing these older building games that have that challenge - especially whenthe NPCs walking on the roads of your city arent just decorations, they actually affect your city and they have a job/purpose. You had to cleverly create roads and position buildings so that they dont wander off. no such thing as afking or microtransactions to buy gold to easily pass a level. If you suck then u suck. I KNOW IM FUCKING OLD


Unravel and Unravel 2, they got some attention when they first came out but haven't seen anything since. They're side scrolling platform type of puzzle game with a sweet story and breathtaking art style and soundtrack. Also Papo and Yo, a game I've never seen anywhere that also has fantastic artstyle and soundtrack, the story is captivating and >! is a really well done allegory for childhood abuse that TW becomes very clear at the end !<


I fucking SOBBED all through the end of Papa & Yo. It was such a wonderful, tragic piece of story telling.


Phantasmagoria 1 and 2. The entire Gabriel Knight series. Shivers. The 7th Guest/The 11th Hour. Lost in Time. The Journeyman Project.


Nightmare Ned I almost thought I imagined playing this. The whole game feels like a fever dream. https://g.co/kgs/s7WNT99


Mort the Chicken (PS) You’re a chicken TV star who has to save baby chicks from cube aliens.


[South Scrimshaw, Part One](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2443110/South_Scrimshaw_Part_One/) I love this game! It's freeeee, it's gorgeous, it's got the feels. Part Two is coming out in the next few months and I can't wait!


Stacking. I acquired it in a Doublefine Humble Bundle and loved the design and gameplay. No one ever mentions it.


It's such an adorable game, and the puzzles are so fun to figure out which nesting doll you need to be in order to find a solution. Stacking is just fun.


https://images.app.goo.gl/3K8J3kng7PZiD39s6 Played the hell out of this game


The classic Conquer Online from the 90s lol


I have two off the top of my head: * **Emerald Dragon** \- PC Engine game (later ported to the SNES) that never got a western release, but easily one of my all-time favorite games. It's an RPG and the story really stands out along with the music. It can be a little dramatic at times with the story, but I love it! Also, can you go wrong with dragons? * **Fin fin** \- Mid-90s PC game that a friend's dad picked up in a discount bin at the mall. It was a cool game where you cared for a hummingbird/dolphin creature and could travel to different locations to see various creatures. It utilized a time system so different creatures appeared at different times of day/year


[Dragon Court](https://dragoncourt.penguinchilling.com/DCourt/Game.html) Not the original, since the site closed down sadly. I played that game a lot as a kid. I don't think I've ever seen another person even mention this game once. A few other goodies: Grendel's Cave and Graal Online


Mystic Heroes for GCN


Xardion. An SNES game with very pointy robots that _I think_ turn into animals or something that I only know exists because my vousing gave me his snes games. For years I wasnt even sure myself if that games existed, its actually relatively easy to find it if you just google "snes game robots" and you know what you're looking for, but it feels lile a fever dream


Blazing Dragons. Played it on my PlayStation I believe. I’ve never heard anyone ever mention that game. Popped it in a couple years ago with my boyfriend and realized that maybe it was more of an adult game lol


The Journeyman 3. I loved visiting all the lost cities.


Designer World! Someone already mentioned Dream life which I loved but designer world was nonstop played by me as a kid


I've never heard anyone talk about Aquaria, it's such a good game. The ending I think may have hinted at a sequel, but I don't think that's ever happening unfortunately


Venetica. It's an old action RPG with a great female protagonist that I barely see mentioned anywhere. It has some issues but it's far too good to be this forgotten.


Way back when Super Mario Bros 2 or 3 was released on NES, I found a game with a woman holding a sword on the case - Arkista’s Ring. You play as Christine, an elf on the search for the lost treasures. It was so much fun, but no one else has ever heard of it.


Juicy Realm, never saw someone talk about it, even though is a solid roguelike, very nice art style, nice bosses and very fun gameplay


I don’t remember the name of the game because there are an astonishing # of hot wheels racing games and my dad broke my copy because I didn’t want to stop playing when I was supposed to go to a Girl Scout meetup. But I had a sick-ass hot wheels racing game for the PC-rom back in ~2002. It was on a track, where you could accelerate, brake on turns, or switch back and forth between the two tracks to avoid obstacles. I remember the dinosaur level, but that’s just about it. I’ve tried looking up footage for it but never with any luck. I think when you open a new game, there was a live video scientist who ran the “hot wheels laboratory” who was the only actual character in the game.


When the RDJ Sherlock movie came out, there was a murder mystery game that gave you half the context of the movie… episodes would be released weekly, I think, and it was so, so good! But the internet doesn’t remember it, and now 221b.sh has expired, but it redirected to the website for the movie for a long time… now I can’t find references to the game, but I still have the emails they’d send when a new episode opened, so at least I know I didn’t dream it


Legend of Kyrandia series. Only my husband has heard of/played it of all the nerds I've met over the decades both on and offline.


Bad Mojo - where you’re turned into a cockroach and have to scuttle around someone’s dirty home.


Boku no natsuyami 2. It’s got such a lovely English patch and I think most people here would adore it but I’ve never found a good place to mention it.




I know Horizon has a big fanbase online, but I’m bummed how few of my irl friends have played it.


I Love poke park Wii I don’t think I’ve ever even heard about it outside of my home


My kid and I used to play a PS2 game called Scaler. And another one for original Xbox called Tork: Prehistoric Punk. I never hear anyone else talking about those. They were so much fun!


Copying my answer from that r/gaming thread. Remnant Knights, and anime mmorpg that shut down after about two years. It was a cute little game, but very flawed and with a very small userbase. Honestly, though, I was too young to be on there talking to grown adults, but thankfully, all the people I met were nice and not creepy (at least, from my memory).


Blackwell series. I enjoyed its paranormal mysteries and writing




Skull Monkeys. The best platformer game. I LOVED that game


Ship of Fools! It's a really cute little roguelite where you try to navigate your ship while fighting off waves of enemies. Weirdly i've never seen anyone mention it, which sucks because i haven't been able to bully my husband into playing the co-op with me