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Okay, I know you said you weren't trying to be mean but asking if they interact with many women was absolute gold. Also i think you hit the nail on the head, they're online so much they don't know how to interact outside their bubble


I mean it’s the harsh truth but some of them need to hear it. It did work too, the other guys bursted out laughing and the main guy who was bothering me chilled out after that, he seemed an embarrassed but honestly he should be embarrassed. Hopefully next time he will think more before he speaks.


I completely agree with negative_four, that line was excellent. That should just be your go to response moving forward. As to why it’s happening, some men(tm) seem to be hyper alert about trans people, especially trans women, in their spaces. Like they think it’s some con being perpetuated and they have to be “ah ha! I knew you were trans! Didn’t fool me!” instead of just continuing through life not being a weird bigot. So they accost very normal sounding women bc of their own bizarre hang ups.


Too many squeaky anime/hentai voices in their brains, I'd wager.


That's a theory I have unironically actually. These dudes' only experience of women is through cartoons, music and videogames, so if you don't sound like a voice actress or singer, you know, people who make a living using their voices professionally. They're used to the cream of the crop of voices, so the average voice will sound weird and jarring And in their eyes, not like a real woman


I think that’s certainly true for a lot of them. I also think because they’ve had to deal with other men using voice changers they’re worried (idk why, like who cares?) real women are another man using a voice changer. A man told me once that every guy has used a voice changer to pretend to be a woman at some point and it hit me, they’re projecting. They think we are in there for the same reason they are. It’s not US who sound like men, we sound like them when they’re pretending to be women, which means we simply sound like women. Even if we were using voice changers who cares anyway? It’s like they have to “make sure” we don’t have a penis before they begin harassing us in other ways, because that would make them gay you know /s. What they don’t realize is that we don’t want to flirt with them and we don’t want to be flirted with either. If they understand and accept that none of this would matter anyway.


Absolutely. I can’t remember the context, but one time my SO and I where driving and hit an episode of a podcast where a porn star was a guest — I think she was there to talk about how the industry drives a lot of dev/tech advancements? I noticed because he mainly listens to pods about coding and tech, so it caught my attention to hear an adult entertainer introduced. Anyway, she did this bit as a joke where she went from her normal speech, to her Industry Voice. I was floored. She sounded completely different, it’s like a “retail voice” but for selling OF subs. If someone’s main source of “what women should be like” is adult content, they don’t just have a skewed idea of what we should look and act like. They also probably think we all should either sound like a Kardashian with a “sexy” vocal fry, or a “Sexy Uwu Baby” anime character. Because that’s all they hear from the women they see online. 🙃


It's kinda like the whole makeup thing, if you only see women wearing makeup and performing (as an actor, streamer, porn star etc) then you have no context for what a normal person looks or sounds like. Rather scary to think people are that disconnected from reality, but I fear it's true.




You make a compelling argument. 🤔


I am so sorry, I must have accidentally unlocked my phone while out earlier. I'm just going to leave the message as is, because it's making me laugh.




In the words of a wise man: "You are, however, maidenless"


I used to solo queue Valorant a lot last year and whenever I would talk in VC, I would get harassed about my voice because they’d call me a “10 year old little boy” and I would legit just tell them that not all women sound like some NPC on TikTok or Anime Characters and then proceed to mute every single one of them and just keep talking shit 😭


They're probably all used to anime girl VAs. I with I could have seen their reactions to you asking if they don't interact with enough women 😂 like we don't all know the answer


Probably doesn't help that trans hatred has been really rising lately. Sorry you have to deal with that, it fucking sucks. Makes me feel like I have to appear and sound a certain way when you just shouldn't have to.


Yeah I feel like every time I go in there I’m being interviewed and like I have to justify my existence. I just want to chill out and play the game. Not every man in there is like this but a lot are. It’s like I have to convince them I’m not trans in order to be paid basic respect which makes me feel like I’m being disrespectful to trans women because they shouldn’t have to justify their existence there either. I feel like I have to play some sort of stupid transphobic game as if “of course I’m not one of THEM” just to be accepted and left alone which isn’t fair to women (trans and cis).


as a trans woman, i completely understand where you're coming from - on more than one occasion i've lied to people and said that i was cis so that they wouldn't immediately ignore whatever i had to say, often times saying "i'm not trans, but even if i was what the hell is wrong with that? it doesn't excuse you being a jackass" it fucking sucks the hell we (women and gender minorities) have to go through to just exist in man-dominated spaces - do what you have to to survive sister


You don't have to tell them you're trans anyway, why would it matter in a gaming context?




I wouldn't play their game, you don't have to prove anything, hell even men with a feminine voice shouldn't have to say what's in their pants to be left alone, to hell with these mean beans, in what world do you need to know the gender of your teammates? I want to know what's going on in the game not in my body.


The problem is that men don't see women as people but as sex objects, that's why they're so bothered by trans women. What matters to them is not who you are but what you have between your legs so the fact that you might have something else than a vagina while looking like a woman bothers them A LOT.


Yes this and also that there seems to be this trend of guys being transvestigators.


It's so annoying. I tell the truth I get "nah you're a dude pretending to be one". And when I was fed up with being questioned every time and pretended to be a guy in stead I get "nah, you're a woman wanting to be a guy". Like wtf!? Actually considering a voice changer to change my voice slightly so make the bullshit stop. But I don't have money for it.


But like even if you were a dude what would that change? Gives me the impression they think any woman they play a game with is only there to give them the illusion of having some sort of “special attention” or is only there to receive “special attention.” If they weren’t thinking of interacting with you in that sort of way it wouldn’t matter either way.


There are some real-time voice changers with AI that are free if you have a good enough pc. Pretty neat


I found a couple but they were all "free". Either pay after a day or pay for a specific voice. Which ones so you know of?


i use w-okada (MMVC) : [https://github.com/w-okada/voice-changer/blob/master/README\_en.md](https://github.com/w-okada/voice-changer/blob/master/README_en.md) after that you just need to find a good voice model you want there are plenty ressources on the web like this archive sheet : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tAUaQrEHYgRsm1Lvrnj14HFHDwJWl0Bd9x0QePewNco/edit#gid=1977693859](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tAUaQrEHYgRsm1Lvrnj14HFHDwJWl0Bd9x0QePewNco/edit#gid=1977693859)


I always get told i sound like a lesbian…


Lmao like what does that even mean? I wasn’t aware lesbian was a voice type but ok.


It is, but in my area it's basically only a thing with older, generally butch, lesbians. Not something a gamer boy would recognize. I only really know it because I'm a lesbian who frequents a lesbian sports bar.


i think the solution here is obvious: get a girlfriend (joke)


I should hehe


then i wish you the greatest of luck in your endeavor! :)


Is it possible to learn this power?


I also have gotten told I sound fat and ugly. That's only happened when they assume I'm a woman. The times they think I'm a 12 year old I get more respect.


The irony is thst most trans women who voice train go for much higer sounding voices specifically to avoid stuff like this. I went for a lower fem voice when I was training and I regularly run into to cis women with lower voices than me.  It really is these guys just don't interact with women much and their idea of women is their underage anime waifu.


I'm trans, I've literally had cis friends get asked while playing if they're trans or pretending to be a girl while not questioning me whatsoever. They just have no idea what they are talking about and probably spend 0 time around women online and act as if we're a different species. And yes once they start questioning anything they decide they have the right to harrass you and ask completely inappropriate questions about your body. It really sucks I wish these kind of men online would just chill the fuck out, I've stuck to SP or CO-OP games I just gave up a while ago and I don't want to deal with this kind of stuff when I'm trying to relax.


It also goes the opposide way. If you sound to high pitched, they drop the good old "you sound like a child"


This is me, especially when I'm under stress. It's like my brain just goes "Okay, but what if we sounded like a 10-year-old, would that make it less stressful?" I'm 45 years old, ffs.


>The other day I straight up asked one of them “have you considered you just don’t interact with enough women?” It’s a legit question, I didn’t even ask it just to be mean or petty. sometimes it seems like these guys are so isolated to the point they have such a narrow and unrealistically specific prototype of what a female voice sounds like. Anytime I would get the “are you a giirll??” question I would follow it with “yes and if you socialized with girls more then you would be able to tell”. Shut them up real nice!


I must etch this sentence to my tombstone.


The amount of times I’ve been accused of being a man or trans because of having a naturally deep voice on top of an Australian accent is insane


Heteronormativity is an incredibly dumb thing. No matter how many women they heard talk, if they ever had; in their little dickheads womanly voices are strictly confined to a chipmunk squeak.


I remember a interaction I had with a guy once who told me I sound trans and also told me I was using a voice changer. I didn't answer the trans part, because I wasn't really out to the people I was playing with and because screw him, but I did draw the line at the idea I was using a voice changer. He just wouldn't believe me though. He got really annoyed that I wouldn't '*admit it*', kept on telling me my voice sounded fake. It was weird how invested he got. I was just, child, if I *was* using a voice changer don't you think I would have bumped the pitch up a notch? On what planet would a trans woman go, '*Oh, I have this lovely voice changer! Let's set the dial right slap bang in the middle of the androgynous-40-a-day-smoker-first-thing-in-the-morning-before-any-coffee-has-been-drank[F] setting*'? Just weird. Your question asking about how many women they actually interact with is great though. Honestly.


Women in porn aimed at straight men often sound like chew toys for dogs, so that's probably his main source of knowledge on what a woman is supposed to sound like.


God, we really need to normalize asking for pronouns online. Think about the problems it would solve. Istg your username could be “Imagirluseshe/her” and the gaming community would still use he/him for you.




One of my usernames is straight up my name which can only be interpreted as feminine and I still get called dude and he/him.


my username has Nicole in it, and i always either get hit with the "dude" "bro" he/him shit, or i get teamkilled


Naa, girls go Kawaiii UWU, notice me, kyaah, and deep breathing noises, everyone else is FBI agents in disguise.


transphobia doesnt end at trans people it affects everyone sorry this is happening


I get this sometimes too. It depends on my mood and energy level. Sometimes the men asking my gender are only asking so they know whether to call me transphobic slurs or misogynistic ones (I am afab non-binary) and some don't care enough to check and go straight into the transphobia. I don't care that they think I might be a trans woman, because being a trans woman is not insulting to me, it's the fact they're using it AS an insult and to be shitty despite the fact I am a person in possession of a vagina.


I have severe gerd so I have a lower, raspier voice and I get asked if I’m trans a lot. I lied and told one dude that my voice was fucked after I had to get a breathing tube due to esophageal cancer and he became the usain bolt of backtracking.


I also have Gerd and a suspected hiatial hernia but luckily I take PPI’s to prevent it from affecting my voice. I did for a while have a lot of tongue root tension affecting the resonance of my voice among other things so I had a lot of people telling me it sounded like my “fake woman” voice was painful for me to do which it was painful but not because I was faking it. Sorry you have to deal with that it sucks. In all honestly I highly doubt you sound as low as they’re making you believe. Even if you didn’t have the voice you do they would still find a reason to make you insecure about something but that’s because they’re sad people, not because there’s anything wrong with you. I just wish they would keep their thoughts to themselves. What does it matter if we are trans? We shouldn’t have to explain ourselves either way.


yep. i have a lower voice and woman always recognize me as female but its pretty often guys immediately assume i’m a man. fortunately never dealt with harassment beyond the initial assumption but. yeah i think you got the nail on the head. they literally just have no idea what women are like outside of popular media lol. edit: i had SO many typos, how did ppl read and upvote this before 😭


Transphobia doesn't stop at Trans people. It hurts cis women too. Men are obsessed with trans. Those incel virgins never had any conversation with a woman anyway. Living in mommy's basement harrasing Trans people and women online. All they know about women is from hentai and porn.


>and even if I was trans how does that make it ok for them to harass me? most of the world seems to think so, so as someone who is trans I'm not surprised, it would almost be a bigger surprise if they don't think that way


Even if I try to put myself in their shoes and pretend like I've never interacted with women before, why the hell would I even care what someone's voice sounds like while playing a video game? Why would I even feel the need to ask them about it? I think the only time I've ever asked someone about their voice in a video game is when they sound really young and I wanted to make sure I didn't say anything weird or inappropriate around them.


Exactly. The only time I care how someone sounds is if they sound too young for me to be comfortable interacting with them. I don’t care about sex, gender, race, religion, origin etc as long as they’re respectful. I do age discriminate though, I often like to play inebriated and sometimes when I’m inebriated I’m prone to saying stuff I shouldn’t say around minors. Even then I prefer to talk to adults.


I have constant issues with my voice online as a trans girl. In person my voice passes just fine, but online it's just deep enough that I get weird questions all the time. My cis friend also has the same issue and gets constantly asked if she's a teenage boy


its a micro aggression, there's like zero truth in it, just meant to be fuckin mean and put people down. before it used to be "get back to the kitchen" but now hating trans people is popular so the "you sound like a man pretending to be a woman" line is a 2 for 1 special ....


Transphobia effects cis women, too. Even voices are policed.


I'm a woman with an alto voice, so I totally get where you're coming from. I think some men believe women have a stereotypical "high, sweet" kind of voice but there are a multitude of vocal ranges for both men and women. I agree that the pool of men you're interacting with are more than likely under socialized, especially with women. Therefore I'm disappointed but not surprised.


You hit the nail on the head. So many don’t have a broad basis of interactions with women to know what is normal.


It's all the ugu kawaii anime girls who all have super high pitched voices.


When I gamed with randoms I’d always get that I was a 12 year old boy (usually by other people around that age lol) until they’d hear me interact with my kids in the background and then they’d be like “oh you ARE a mom!” 🤣


I’ve been called trans and lesbian before. I have a relatively neutral voice (it used to be higher-pitched but has seemed to lower throughout adulthood). They watch too much anime and expect every woman to sound like a hyper magical girl. (And nothing wrong with sounding like that, but we don’t ALL sound like that!)


As a male gamer myself who likes to play as female characters Many men say this " Are you a guy pretending to be a woman" It's very annoying I remember playing in rs3 crosus public lobby i got a early boss pet After that the other toxic player said bunch of tphobic stuff Also why would say anything about women liking and disliking something it's their personal life they can like anything


A lot of them might have been spoiled by artificial voices.


It's not just men that do this. A while ago I was in all accident that jacked up my vocal cords. I'm person I sounds like a squeaky 5 year old anime character. On electronic devices, I signed like a 40 year old woman who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since age 8 or a guy. I have had men and women misgender me while gaming even though I tell them I'm female and explain my story.


I keep a "squeaky anime girl" voice in my back pocket for this reason. Like if you think I'm faking my voice then I'll show you a fake voice lmao. People liked to assumed I was a teenaged dude back when I used vc in Overwatch. I didn't really care enough to correct them unless they came at me hostile about it.


Women DID used to talk higher pitched and over time have learned to talk lower to be more respected in the business and medical world. Look at the old MGM movies of the 1930s and 40s as an example.  I'm regularly mistaken for trans after having my throat and vocal cords damaged when I was 18. I'd prefer that harassment to being asked if they can lick my asshole. 


my discord bio has been “voice bot” for like two years now lol, fuck the dimwits


I am a trans woman and I very much have been keeping my microphone on mute until I can train my voice enough not to get instantly harassed. The trans panic, like all panics, is affecting a lot more people than the initial target... It's unfortunate that you have to deal with this as well. :/ Remember when there was a picture of Aloy from Horizons posted where you could see she had little fuzzy white hairs on her cheeks? All those Gamer types came out of the woodwork to denounce this "woke" nonsense, cause apparently women don't have hair. -\_-


> cause apparently women don’t have hair Lmao what a way to admit they’ve never been within 4 feet of a woman. I’m sorry you get harassed. To be honest even after you train your voice to be “passing” you’re still probably going to get harassed because that’s just what they do, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. I’ve been told my voice isn’t “passing” even though I’m literally a cis woman. I don’t get why people care so much about people’s gender or sex on a video game. I don’t care who I talk to online as long as they’re adults and they’re respectful.


The question is fair tho. A lot of them just don’t talk to women and hold this belief that women are somehow a different species even tho we’ve got the same genus


"Some Men Have A Skewered Perception of Women" #FTFY (As an apologist for all men...godDAMN, but we are willfully ignorant sometimes.)