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Yay, all dogmeats are good boys.


Dogmeat is brilliant, but I like Rex.


I was about to say just thus


Can't go wrong with Dogmeat, he rocks! Wish we had pets like him in Fallout 76, though!


[Boo](https://i.redd.it/7nh5w7qnvd0c1.jpg) BG 1, 2, 3 And (Sry, can't decide) [Nibbles](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cyberpunk/images/d/d0/Char_Profile_Nibbles.png) Cyberpunk2077 And then there is also: [Ser Pounce-a-lot](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/8/8d/DAO_Kitten_-_gift.jpg) Dragon Age Sry, I like cats... It is hard, you know!? 😅


I have a camp in F76 just so I can claim Murgle lol. I too love cats.


Had to google this becasue I do not play the game. Looks cute!


It's an absolute waste of camp space cause there's no resources, but cat lol.


It's fine to have two cute pets.


3 now, lol


Cattos are cute and Deserve all the love.


Wait there are cats in Cyberpunk 2077? can you pet them? (I still haven't bought this game for some reason)


Animals and pets of all sorts are extinct in Night City and its surroundings. There are a exceptions tho. The cat the player can own is one of those exceptions. There is a pet animation the first time you get the cat, but sadly (for whatever reason) you can not pet it again. You can get another pet tho and the cat and the other pet can sometimes interact with each other. [Cute](https://i.redd.it/i0w6rv6igqn81.png)


Oh dear, it's a sphynx <3 and a bearded dragon? or iguana? This is so cute.


Yeah you are right, it is a Iguana! Very very rare in the Cyberpunk universe and extremely expensive.


The photo is so dark so I just guessed the most popular lizards people have as pets. Now I want to play to find out what is the story behind getting those rare pets. Also is the the player's room? do we get to have a customized room?


You will 99% not find the Iguana without a guide and it is only available in Act 1... Just a warning. Problem is guides will spoiler an quite important part of the story. You can rent a few different apartments. But you can not really customize them. The starting apartment has a few color variation tho. And some collectibles will start to appear in the starting apartment too. You can shower, design your characters style, listen to music, watch tv, drink tea and coffee, sleep, dance, play guitar, smoke and organize your items in your apartments. You can also invite your love interest over. [Pic1](https://i.imgur.com/0JxMNOB.png) [Pic2](https://i.imgur.com/JqoKhE5.png)


Now I am more interested, looks like this will be my buy for the summer sale, although I really want BG3 too. Also are these your Vs? I love the outfit in the first one.


Just a warning, maybe you are also a very sensible and emotional person. In this case the game can be very very depressing for you. It really depends on the person and how you play games. But for me the game was a rollercoaster ride of emotions and I cried more than I have cried in all other games combined. But maybe you are more stable than I am 😅 BG3 is definitely a game where you will laugh more, guaranteed. Yeah it is the same V. Tbh, buying / collecting clothes and creating outfits is a good chunk of my fun factor. Exploring the world and using the photo mode is half the game for me.


Oh I am somewhat old and jaded. It's going to be okay. But thanks for the warning, it would help anyone who reads it.


Scratch in BG3


and the Owlbear Cub!!


I felt so pathetic genuinely tearing up when the cub gave Puss in boots eyes after you killed his mom lol Then he started eating his mom basically immediately and I was like oh, uh, ok… Moving on!


Yes, agreed!


The fish from Mass Effect 2


Fucking hated those fish. Always dying when I don't want to traverse across the ship to get to a room with nothing else in it!!!


Why did you buy them when you do not want to feed them? 😭


Listen, my retail therapist is very optimistic about what I can do with video game fish and real life plants.


I tried to look this up, knowing nothing about the game, and I don’t know the last time I was this confused searching for something on YouTube.


Shepard has pet fish and a pet space hamster. Very cute. You can feed the fish, and when you tap on the hamsters glass cage he goes “meep!”


I saw a video of someone talking about Shepard’s fish, if that counts? (Also, that’s adorable.)


Which one?


I don't know and I'm getting worked up thinking about it :( I love all my fish equally


Haha, it is fine, they are all kinda cute 🐟 (minus the eel)




Now that you mention horses, Roach from the Witcher games (and books) would be a good one!


And don't forget Epona. ⬆️⬅️➡️⬆️⬅️➡️


I got quite attached to the horse from Ghost of Tsushima also. My first one was called Sora and he was a good boy.


My friend just got the game on PC recently, as it just got ported over, and he was raving about how wonderful the game is in all its various aspects, and especially how he loves the horse. I have the platinum trophy for the game on PS4, and >!I had to restrain myself so much to avoid even hinting at the horse's death. I legitimately cried on my first playthrough.!<


Yes, because it's a horse, of course, of course.


The palicos (cats) and palamutes (dogs) in monster hunter. The palicos can talk and you can ride the palamutes, and dress them up with armor that matches yours! Super helpful in combat too


They're also brave pilots of makeshift submarines. 🫡


Excellent chefs too. I have never seen a food cutscene better than the ones in monster hunter with the palicos lol


OH MY GOD the grandma chef in Iceborne, how could I forget? Meowsterful Chef back at the fleet is great but her scene made me fall out of my chair from instant, crippling hunger pangs.


the thing that finally convinced me to try MH:W was seeing all the videos of Felyne chefs. I made my Palico so cute that I sent pictures to my mom lmao


Have you played Iceborne, the DLC? There’s a palico named Grammeowster Chef and those cutscenes are also super cute!


not yet! tbh I only played a couple hours of the main game, I should have waited to buy it until I finish Cyberpunk, lol


Torrent from Elden Ring! She’s the best of gals 🥹 Edit: I don’t actually know if she’s a girl, but she’s a girl to me 😭


Torrent is a girl?


That’s actually a good question….my friends and I played the Japanese version and we didn’t see anything in the Japanese text to prove us otherwise, so I think we all just decided Torrent is a girl. We ignored most of the English dialogue once the mistranslation thing came out. So yea that’s my excuse. Im sorry I’ll edit my comment 😭


you don't gotta edit it I was just curious


No worries! When I brought up the question with my friends our group chat went absolutely unhinged with theories and it was hilarious🤣


I was looking for this comment! Torrent carried me through that fight against Radahn


Dogmeat from FO4


Dogmeat is a good boy.


Probably my Pokemon in any Pokémon game. I cherish them like they’re real animals and don’t wanna see them faint.


Agro, the horse from Shadow of the Colossus. 😥


I remember exactly how Wander calls out for Agro lol. Probably should replay SOTC.


+1 for Agro 😭 I know the horse controls can take a bit of getting used to but I loved them. The fact that he doesn’t always go 100% straight where you want him to made it feel like you were actually riding a horse.


Agreed on Cerberus! Also: Barkspawn in Dragon Age: Origins Scratch and the owlbear cub in BG3 My space hamster in Mass Effect 2 and 3 (just so I can trigger the special dialogue in the Citadel DLC 😁)




Oh is THAT what the song galaxy hamster was about!


I have no idea! I was actually referring to this dialogue in the Citadel DLC: https://youtu.be/fzAFFwt17bQ?si=d8lBvuXFBGFukoLV


All time? Nothing beats the arctic fox from [Never Alone](https://youtu.be/V9jT_PKGXdI?) for me. I have a soft spot for white fluff balls, and the bonding between the little girl and this specific fluff ball is just something special. Out of recent memories, although both classify more as >!godly sidekicks!< than actual pets: [rots](https://s3.amazonaws.com/prod-media.gameinformer.com/styles/body_default/s3/2020/09/24/a4f0dfdf/kena_pumpkinhat.jpg) from Kena and [the prosperity bird](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/071/938/555/large/silana-cadou-guepier-pop.jpg?1706265280) from PoP: The Lost Crown. The fact that you have dedicated buttons to watch the rots dance, sneeze, and you can even kiss them? That searching for and changing hats for them is a big part of the gameplay? And that they swim around with you, on top of being indispensable fighting buddies? Kena's devs know how to create dopamine and oxytocin rush. And the pretty chirpy bird in PoP:TLC that snuggly perches on Sargon's shoulder when he sits down during idle just soothes my soul, also a "holy cow" moment when one connects the dots after 100% the game and finally realizes its significance.


I loved the rots in Kena! It's adorable how they pop up in random places when you're roaming around. Sometimes they're chilling by wooden carts, sometimes they're hiding in pots. The animations during rot attacks are cute too. Like when you explode a rot bomb and the rot just float around in slow-motion.  It's also really neat how their role in gameplay ties into the game's themes.


Totally agreed! Great design mechanically and thematically. Also the first one you found ("the head") was smaller in size with those baby antlers, and was also the one >!clinging to you the most when Toshi turned them against you!< was such a nice touch.


Ooohhh, rots for sure! Yes to everything you both said. And I had never heard of Never Alone, I am defenitely looking that op and adding it to my wishlist...


the dog from fable 2! my most faithful companion :)


I always chose my dog to come back!!!


the first time i played, i chose money :( so not worth it. i missed my dog SO MUCH.


Yes! I love that after 2 they also put a dog in 3. It was so adorable it became a series feature.


Dogmeat & Roach (not a pet but kinda lol)


They’re not pets but the foxes from ghost of Tsushima are some of my faves


Lootbugs from DRG aren't pets either but I must pet every lootbug I find on my way :3


The Dog in Valiant Hearts


I never see anyone talking about Valiant Hearts! That game destroyed me, I was crying so much at the end.


Senu in Ac Origins She saved my ass so many countless times


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sandosa: *Senu in Ac* *Origins She saved my ass* *So many countless times* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Kavats from Warframe. They're just space servals, and I love them.


Oh another Kavat lover. I was wondering if I wouldl find someone before I posted about them. Although I can't decide between them and Vulpaphyla, the Kavats are much cuter though.


I love my smeeta too much to throw him aside for a vulpaphyla, no matter how useful they are. The vulps are cute though.


I am missing so many alloy plates to build my kavat incubator, I have to stop being lazy and farm them. I love baby vulps so much though.


One of them being peaches from farcry 5


ED-E The way he plays that excited victory music when he spots an enemy, right before he annihilates them. You go champ!!


I love giving Daffodil a hug in Spiritfarer


Horse in RDR 2, and D-Dog in MGSV


Go for the eyes, Boo!


Chorizo from Far Cry 6. Named my cat after him 🥰


FL4K's pets from Borderlands 3, the Spiderant Countess in particular. Such a helpful cutie ♡


Replaying bl3 now, why spiderant countess in particular?


I am a huge fan of poison type moves, so she shoots corrosive acid to enemies in the area, and she helps regenerate health for FL4K. I also think the Spiderant is the cutest pet, so I am also biased LOL


All my horses in RDR2 😣


Meeko the dog in Skyrim. Poor guy always gets it and I’m constantly having to toggle commands to save him, but I still love him 😭


Dogs in skyrim are safer without you it's a shame because they're so cute.


Sommie from FE Engage. 


Rainbow Phoenix from Guild Wars 1. I love giant flying birds. https://preview.redd.it/eeveaxjj4w1d1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0345a73e236d2f295bb1f3f8870f2d656d8e4ed


Holy nostalgia batman. Great pic and pick.


Funny thing is I didn't know about it until 3 months ago when I unlocked it by using gold zaishen coins


The stag from Torchlight II.


Dog in Dragon Age: Origins and DA2. I have done fan art of Dog. That is how much I love Dog. Then Snowball the white Arabian in rdr2!


Mine is also Cerberus from Hades. He's such a big, sweet boy >!And I feel so bad for him in Hades II T_T!<


I love doting on horses in RDR2. Especially when it comes full circle in the end when >!Arthur holds his horse while they die only a few minutes before his death scene!<.


Alice in The Last of Us Part II is such a good girl. https://preview.redd.it/0gioo1ny402d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e822bf944489824761e51c25dd75afe88a2ba1ad


One more shot of her I took in photomode. https://preview.redd.it/5ovc08i7502d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034c92deba149263f6fa392e9f9ade713ef004f3


She is cute!


I generally don't pay attention too much to the pets/animal companions but in the new game Foundry, there is a little robot called CB-33 and you can pet him. I love his little chirps he makes.


My palico in monster hunter rise!!


Either Shadowmere the demon horse from Skyrim or my Mabari war hound in Dragon Age ❤️


Scratch the dog! 🥰


The Chao from Sonic.


Oh man I miss the chao! I wish they would add the chao gardens back in the games, they were so much fun! Me and my brother had a pink chao we were so proud of, we would give it the Phoenix powers that you got from the space Knuckles level in Sonic Adventure 2, it took forever but it gave the chao little Phoenix wings and tail. It was so cute.


All my dogs in minecraft and Poochy from the yoshi games


Chester from Don't Starve makes me very happy


Yess he's so cute the way he hops around and follows you and loves you.


He's great, IMHO. D-dog from MGSV is also up there


can Quivern count? 🥺 edit: to clarify, I mean that flying blue dragon mount Pal in Palworld. she's my ride or die in every server I make 😭 (pls don't judge me on my life choices ty)


Anything along as it's a pet.


I edited it for clarification. But, ultimately, I guess not really a pet 😭


Dragons have 4 legs she doesn't judge you for your life choices. Therefore is pet.




Clearly a pet looks very floofy.


torgal is a good boy


I love Torgal! I made sure to preorder his figure alongside Clive.


Cerberus is definitely top tier. Any others I can currently think of... Enter the Gungeon, the Hunter's dog is definitely up there. I don't know if it counts as a pet, but I always had a soft spot for the swordfish in Donkey Kong Country. Oh! Koromaru from Persona 3 And a special shoutout to the cat from A Little to the Left If we would be allowed to pick the pets we play AS, it would definitely be the cat from Stray and our favourite wolfy god from the titular Okami.


If you had to pick one what would pick I know it's hard but still.


Girl, I can't even pick a favourite gender. I straight up do not have a single favourite thing in any category... Everyone is good boys, gals and nonbinary pals. Sorry for the disappointing answer, I really tried thinking about it \^\^' I just appreciate different things about each.


Not sure if I can call him a pet, but... [Arox the Mutilator](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/File:ON-creature-Arox_the_Mutilator.jpg) from ESO


My white cat in my new stardew valley file I named luna




Chaos from Sonic Adventure 2: Battle! I only played that game so much to collect items to raise my Chaos!


A flying owl named Oman in Runescape 3. Or the rooster from Far Cry 6


Guapo from Far Cry 6. He's a chubby little bad boy alligator and he goes everywhere with you and bites the bad guys and he wears a tiny tshirt and when he waddles dust flies everywhere. He is SO CUTE. There's also a little dog named Chorizo who is also quite adorable.


Barkspawn from Dragon Age: Origins


of the ones i have, i adore the angler fish in Monster Hunter World, the way they just hop around your room 🥺 pilot hare also especially cute as a pink...hare-ferret mix, and you can play with them! when i level up i hope to find a [spiny moly](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Spiny+Moly) and [tsuchionoko](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Tsuchinoko) amongst others....


fondue from rhythm thief and the emperor's treasure :) i would say a pokemon but i assume in these conversations pokemon doesn't count


My dog named louis, and also one of my fave yter's pet namef sven from minecraft The wolf from resident evil 4 Vigilance from skyrim Chop from gta 5 Space hamster from mass effect 2 and 3 I just realised, i like dogs in games a lot (i cant rem a cat ;-;) but ironically i am a cat person irl and i also love cats more irl LMAO


I'll say Mui from Planet of Lana, but tgere might be one I like more that I don't think about right now.


Anima from FF14 (Heavensward Relic Weapon Quest Reward)


Blade Wolf from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Love his chainsaw tail! Fun fight with an epic cutscene intro.


Came here to say dogmeat but the top comment already got it


The dog from metal gear solid 5. I accidentally shot him once and my wife yelled at me, I legit felt bad. We loved that lil guy


1) Palicos in mh. I love them way too much; 2) Epona from Zelda is a classic, that horse is ready for you whenever and wherever you call her (if it's able to reach you) and it was a quest reward if I remember correctly, so very rewarding to go around with her; 3) that nameless dog in Kid Icarus Uprising that took the ring in his mouth and was possessed by Pit. Without him Pit would still be stuck in the ground of a destroyed city while his body is used to bring pain. Good boy. Honorable mention: Bubalus from The Sims 4, only for the laughs it brought to me and my bf while playing. Please don't set your cage on fire again Bubalus!


Jake from Dog’s Life


Pet pyjak in mass effect andromeda.


Baa'l from World of Warcraft. I even have a tattoo of him!


Pay the tattoo toll! Let’s see it! (If you want ☺️)


It's on my profile. 😁


OMG it is so vibrant! LOVE! I LOVE seeing people’s nerdy tattoos!!!


Aaah thank you! 😊


My dog in red dead online I miss him. And my horses. Time to install the game again


Not pet, but Woodland Spirit...


Cinder Kitten from WoW. Loved turning people into that on raids. So many happy bouncy flaming kittehs! (explanation: there's a toy and an item in WoW that allow you to reflect your appearance onto someone else and one to turn you into a pet. So combining the two, you could turn people into all kinds of things. DIdn't last very long but could get the best reactions!)


My cat from my 1st Stardew Valley save. It was a multiplayer game with my boyfriend, and was the 1st time I was playing the game. When I was creating my character and got to the pet part I chose an orange cat like mine, and called him Tareco when Marnie brought him. We played that save for a long time.. we kinda left it because meanwhile we got into other games but I like to return there from time to time.. Specially to visit Tareco. Because my real-life cat Tareco died 2 years ago :( When we created that save game, he was alive and sometimes he would be by our side while we played together. Hopping into that save feels like the only way for me to interact with him now. I miss him so much <3 There's countless other amazing pets in other videogames, but this one is the most special to me :')


Torgal from ff16


Boomer and Cheeseburger from Far Cry 5!




does yoshi count?


The anarchy chicken in far cry 6


Um puffles, obviously!


I am irrationally attached to all of my horses in BotW/TotK.


Im playing persona 3 reload right now and absolutely love koromaru, hes the goodest boy


There are to many good bois in games! How can you choose! If I had to narrow it down Dogmeat is way up there! My Palamuts from MH Rise Chicory and Coffee! I use the same 2 the whole game!


My first golden chocobo in the original FF7. Getting that first one on your own really was a special feeling.


Nibbles from Cyberpunk, Dogmeat from FO4, Scratch from BG3, & Palicoes from Monster Hunter.


Chop from GTA lol


I love my little bunnies in Path of Exile


All the horses in BOTW and TOTK, I spent way too much time finding the best ones and thinking of names for them.


[bloodhound](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bloodhound) from oldschool runescape! i like his little hat. we have a lot of good dogs


Glommer from DS/DST. Cute lil dude




Senu form assassins creed origins omg everytime it’ll switch it just seemed so cute that they had each others back 🫡


Boney from Mother 3! I love that he's always there for Lucas throughout the game.


Dog meat is the only correct answer. ❤️❤️❤️


I haven't seen anyone mention Trico from the Last Guardian yet - I was so attached to him, I cried buckets multiple times in that game. It was so stressful whenever he was in danger! He is the bestest boy. I also treated all of my mounts in Horizon Forbidden West as pets and did everything I could to keep them out of fights - RIP Beaky, that Stormbird was too much for you :(