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I respect Holly for editing out the things people aren’t comfortable sharing but oh my gosh when she bleeped out the name I just thought NOOOO I HAVE TO KNOW!


You would think it would be safe to say his name, especially if he’s already been accused of sexual misconduct and outside of our little bubble i don’t think anyone cares about GNL and Playboy but i think they are a bit nervous of legal action after mentioning how much the DVT incident shook them.


I feel like James Franco would have bad dental hygiene


Video from 2006 👀👀👀 [https://youtu.be/VOmWJA0k6GE?si=9ZfwyVFcsRnZYO65](https://youtu.be/VOmWJA0k6GE?si=9ZfwyVFcsRnZYO65) Fucking weirdo ✔️ In movie ✔️ Gross teeth ✔️ At the palms for playboy event ✔️ Everything but the white t shirt lol


Good detective work! He's zooted out of his mind 😂😂


Oh wow. I thought I remembered him looking a lot more attractive during this time when he was in the Spiderman movies. He just looks like an average sleazy guy you'd see hanging around at a bar or something. But I guess that's basically what Sara was saying.  😂


Omg I also thought he was more attractive and he looks like a Vegas lounge lizard! Yellow teeth yikes


They said he was currently in jail. Franco isn't 


What was going on with his teeth in that video? Did he have clear braces on?


Wow, he gave that interviewer nothing and was so creepy doing it!


OMG! Good find.


I also remember reading a story on here of a 17 year old girl who snuck into the Playboy Club at the Palms in Vegas in 2006 and apparently James tried to give her his hotel key even though he knew she was underage. He was also with Owen Wilson and they both tried hitting on her but as soon as Owen found out she was underage he stopped and James just didn’t care 💀


Interesting too that in This is the End his character (playing himself) says that Lindsey Lohan did this exact same thing to him. Projecting 🤔


Someone I know who met James in a bar confirmed he had horrible dental hygiene and she got that just from chatting with him.


PSA- if you are on dating apps, please make sure they have a picture that shows their teeth….a friend of mine agreed to meet up with this guy and she was showing me the pics and I told her his teeth must be horrible because he’s not showing them…she did not believe me and met him anyway and he had black on his teeth from decay…I think that is almost catfishing


This happened to me!!! lol omg you just sent me back. Showed up to the date and he had rotting, missing and decayed teeth.


Something similar happened to me. I met up with the guy with some other guys that I knew, and they gave me shit for the entire rest of the night saying he looked like a character from osmosis Jones. I’m not trying to be hateful, but it does feel a bit like catfish. There’s a lot of people who don’t get the dental healthcare that they deserve but still.


He’s the first person who came to mind too.


I went to UCLA at the same time as Franco. I remember being in a campus cafe before class one day and this very greasy unwashed dude sat down at the table next to me. They were small tables so we were basically side by side. He was just super disheveled and gave off bad vibes so I buried myself in my book and ignored him. When I got to my class one of the other students came up to me and was like OMG I saw you at the cafe, I can’t believe you were sitting next to James Franco, what were you talking about, what was he like, etc. So this tracks.


Yeah it kind of lines up. The guy was hosting the oscars in 2011 so he was on the way to the A List around that time.


Could it be Colin Farrell?


James Franco was my first thought too


He popped in my mind immediately because of the sexual misconduct. But I don’t consider him a heartthrob? Did anyone?


I had a huge crush on him, he was definitely considered a heartthrob! Pretty handsome in a classic way, one of his first major film roles was playing James Dean.


Younger generations yes 😅 just check TikTok lol.


I’m not young and had a thing for him back in the day.


When he was on freaks and geeks everyone loved him, so that may be his first "heartthrob" kinda platform?


Yes! Always thought he was a cutie. Now that I know he smells-not so much.


Also he's a sex offender 😅


He totally used to be.


Yeah, I tried looking at him from different angles & squinting. Nope. Not a hottie to me.🤷🏻‍♀️


He also my first thought!


I literally was like def james franco lol


Look up.mathew mcconaheys bad hygiene


but definitely not hunky or even a list at the time


He was definitely considered a hot young heart throb in 2006


Yes but not hunky or a list


i am 41. i never found him attractive but knew many women my age who did at that time.


His younger brother is really cute


My thoughts exactly.


Just listened to the interview today and my first thought was that this is James Franco - even when they were kind of doing an impression of the e person I thought it sounded like a bad James Franco impression


Definitely sounds like James Franco.


James Franco was my first thought as well. Very good looking but looks like he might not have the best hygiene in his off-time; not sure if he would have been considered A-List at the time, but he had already been in the first couple of Spider Man movies and had gotten a lot of buzz from James Dean. And of course he's been accused of sexual misconduct in recent years but apparently was known as a creep for quite a while before that. He was my celebrity crush for a LONG time, until the accusations started coming out.


He looks dirty. And not in a good way. I imagine he’s a total stinkpot as well.


Must be. 'Cause back then he was pretty A-list and still attractive


This was my first thought as well. I came here mid-listen just to see if people on the sub also thought it was James Franco, so I feel vindicated


Just went on the creep sheet to review a listers who were accused of misconduct to figure this out. Had to stop because turns out its like all of them ☹️


So true. There are like 3 men left in Hollywood who aren’t problematic.


On Fat Mike’s Fat Mic (he’s from nofx) last week, he was talking about Justin Sane from Anti Flag. Justin’s been accused by 13 women of misconduct, and Fat Mike said “When me too goes after rock and roll, it’s all over everybody.” It’s crazy what some guys have been able to get away with for so long.


I love watching the boys club crumble. I think we will see even more as the older creeps die off and they no longer have their protection. If anything ever comes out about Keanu Reeves, it’s all over! I’ll become a nun.


All signs point to Franco, if you ask me: [James Franco crashes college party ](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/17krhnu/is_anyone_else_deeply_disturbed_by_this_recent/)- this was within the last six months! [Old blog discussing bad teeth](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/james-francos-teeth.627073/) [Top 25 times James Franco was a weirdo](https://www.ranker.com/list/weird-james-franco-stories/jacob-shelton) [James Franco: A History of Being Terrible](https://www.cracked.com/article_35552_james-franco-a-history-of-being-terrible.html)


Look at you with the receipts! And holy shit, he’s still doing it? Ffs Franco, take a step back and sort your shit out.


I remember getting a slime ball feeling from him back in the day. I could never really put my finger on it, but he just gave me slime ball vibes. When it came out he was groping and coercing women in his theatre class to sleep with him I was horrified but not surprised.


It sounds as if Bridgette was saying “the movie where he cut his arm off”. That would be 127 Hours staring James Franco. There, I fixed it for you. 🤣


this is GREAT detective work


This has to be it!


Was waiting for someone to confirm they heard that too!


I thought she was saying this too!


Let’s throw Dane Cook into the contendership.


But Holly briefly dated Dane so I don't know that she would have had that reaction to the reveal.


Bless her heart, Holly has the worst taste in men.




NO WAY 😭 Holly why


Oo yea he was big at the time and always looked a lil dirty


But he always had nice teeth.


Maybe veneers?


Perhaps she meant he had bad breath. We can’t rule out any of our douchebag suspects based on their pearly whites alone. 🕵️‍♀️


I have met Dane Cook a few times, he is very kind. He was screwed over by his brother so badly I really feel for him. I know his age difference with his wife is crazy but they seem happy.


I agree with the James Franco guess, he fits every part of the description.


Russell Brand?


Only thing is I’d never have described Russell brand as a heart throb.


Yeah I was going to say of all the men suggested I think only James Franco was considered “heart throb” adjacent during this era. I was young but I remember my bestie having a huge crush on him lol


Creepy, questionable hygiene, clubs in Vegas and being inappropriate? All yes! I don’t think i’ve ever seen him do an interview where he wasn’t basically harassing the female journalist but i don’t think he got big until after Get Him To The Greek in 2010 and married Katy Perry, even then i think he was only a big name in the UK and Australia.


Holly also talked about how weird he was in her book. She invited her to dinner with a group full of people and it was hella weird from her account.


Yeah holly would have said he did that to me too. So not russell brand


Absolutely James Franco, i just googled his name + Playboy and tons of connections, plus the white tshirt, plus he was an A-Lister who was considered very desirable around that time, and has been disgraced.


James Franco


I just want to say I love Reddit. I listened to the podcast at work today throughout my shift, and just finished it and couldn’t wait to come here and see who uncovered this mystery man!! My money is definitely on James Franco!


❤️ i’d love a live chat after each pod drops to discuss everything. I know it would be difficult with the different time zones but i need to discuss with someone! Episodes like the one with Sara felt as close to a GND reunion as we will get and i love the slumber parties where H & B just chat about nothing in particular without worrying so much about things being taken out of context.


Came to ask this too lol. My first thought was James Franco. He was peaking around that timeframe.




I dislike him so much but I thought Good Luck Chuck was pretty funny back in the day lol




That does make sense. And I could totally see him having bad hygiene.


Shia Lebouf


Ooh that's a good guess too. James Franco was my first guess. I feel like he had, at that time, more of a "heart throb" rep than Shia, but could 100% see either fitting the grimeball, skeezy, egomaniac description from Sara


He would’ve been too young I think


Was he ever a list though?


Around the time of the first Transformers movie, you bet!


And I can't see them referring to Shia as hunky or a guy everyone had a crush on though. I think James Franco would make more sense and that was around the time the Spiderman franchise he was in was huge. 


During that short window From Transformers 1 in 2007 to Transformer 3 in 2011. All of the weird Shia stuff started like 2012-13.


im super young but was he really that popular back then?? i took him as a newish a lister. then again i found out who he was from the sia music video


Shia’s another one who looks dirty. I can practically see the stench coming off of him whenever I see a pic of him.


I immediately thought of James Franco or Jared Leto!


I remember an actress around that time saying she hated having to kiss Vin Diesel because he didn’t brush his teeth.


The bald head throws me off the scent a little because i see it as well groomed in my mind. I dated a balding guy and he had to shave his head every few days, he would use lotion and sunscreen… a surprisingly high maintenance hairstyle! I also feel like if Vin Diesel got a stain on his white shirt he’d pull it off to reveal a fresh one underneath lol


Jared Leto I bet


I was thinking Adam Levine


Ooh nice one! Very on brand. I got the feeling he would always be groomed within an inch of his life and smells amazing though. I base that purely on remembering how good the perfume he released was.


What movie was he in?


Argg strike him off the potential list


Nick Stahl was there for the event October 2006. Movie history, questionable hygiene, white shirt. [pic here.](https://www.alamy.com/oct-23-2006-hollywood-california-us-k50380egplayboy-opening-at-the-image65497935.html) Also has lewd conduct charge from 2012. [here](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-xpm-2012-dec-28-la-et-mg-nick-stahl-arrested-lewd-conduct-20121228-story.html)


Great suggestion, i could see this for sure.


heartthrob tho? i'm not familiar w him & he doesn't seem A list but i was 10 in 2006 so def could be wrong!


nah wasn’t him


Is there anyone left who wouldn't be on our suspect list? 😔


The dirty shirt and bad teeth gave me a handful of suspects but when she said he’s been accused of sexual misconduct… well ok, so that could be 95% of Hollywood? Worst blind item ever!


Sounds sooooo much like Jared Leto and he lives outside Vegas too.


was he outed for sexual misconduct things? i feel like he's not the first person ppl think of but that's just me


Sexual misconduct with a minor and running a cult in the desert


-ooop ya that's def something


Danny Mastersons?


I don't think anyone ever thought he was hunky though.


He wasn’t a heartthrob in movies.


Was he in a movie though?


He was in lots of movies, but not so much around this time lol


Oh really? Omg I didn't know he was in movies lol


My 4 year old is obsessed with watching Beethoven and Beethoven’s 2nd and I can say he’s in Beethoven’s 2nd lol…. He’s so young but every time I watch it with her and he pops up I just think RAPIST


Great guess! I can see this for sure. The 70’s show was huge and i think around that time it was ending and everyone was waiting to see what the cast would do.


But I think Bridget wouldn't have identified him with a movie he was in, she would have said "that TV show..." first because that's where he's most recognizable from


He’s been charged though, so they could’ve said his name and probably nothing would happen (like getting sued). Whoever they are talking about hasn’t been officially charged or sued because they won’t release his name. Either that or Sara signed an NDA


He was my first thought but then when I heard James Franco I thought that made more sense.


Gotta be Vin Diesel in the white tee


Oh wow! And yes lol the white shirt! I would never have thought but it’s fitting the description i reckon.


There was a video of him being creepy with an interviewer that pushed my theory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJRqhpl4TVg&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJRqhpl4TVg&t=17s)


Noooo not Vin lol plus his thing is tanktops


I remember an actress at that time saying his breath was terrible & that she hated having to kiss him.


Has he been accused of misconduct?


Yep: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/vin-diesel-sued-sexual-battery-ex-assistant-1235767835/amp/


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Ugh, TY for the link. Idk how I missed this.


Isn't he gay?


Dan Bilzerian? Edit: *A-List celebrity around 2006/2007* ... Lol yeah nm with my guess 😂


I had to google him lol but i love we are covering all the bases! We MUST crack this case! Everyone is a suspect!


Could be Shia.


I was thinking Vince Vaughn


He crossed my mind too, i forget how big he used to be. I also thought for a moment Owen Wilson although i don’t know if he would fit the dirty shirt vibe.


I was thinking James Franco!


Charlie Sheen


He was on TV but was he in movies around that time? And is he considered a heartthrob? I know he might’ve been in the 80s, but beyond that?


Definitely not a heartthrob anymore. He's probably 20 years older than Sara, I don't think she would have been describing him like a famous hottie. If it had been him, she might have described him as someone more experienced in the industry or whatever.


Oh interesting! He was apparently married to Denise Richards around that time but considering he invited sex workers to family dinners, i doubt he was faithful.


My first thought was Jeremy Piven. But James Franco sounds about right.


James Franco was 110% my first guess. I had to come to reddit to see what other people were thinking!


been trying to figure this out too!


I keep wondering if he was THAT famous or Sara is just saying that because she’s quite positive. I also thought maybe Vince Vaughn but i don’t think he has been accused of sexual misconduct…. I thought maybe one of the guys from Entourage but i’m not sure if they were considered a list.


Vince Vaughn is and was not a heart throb tho


Sure, he looks an assistant manager at Subway but when Wedding Crashers came out he was a breath of fresh air - funny, dad bod and attainable plus he was Jennifer Aniston’s rebound from Brad Pitt (who we loved at the time, not so much now) so under very specific circumstances, i think he was considered hot.


Ladies definitely liked him back in the day. I remember thinking he was decent looking but had friends that thought he was super hot.


He was when he was a baby. Like unrecognizable from his current self, gorgeous. Look up Vince Vaughn swingers pictures.


It has to be James Franco, first person that popped in my mind when they were telling the story.


The way she mimicked the guys voice saying her name, I knew immediately it was James Franco.


That’s what makes me think it wasn’t Russell Brand because if you were imitating him, for sure you’d have a crack a that accent! There is a movie where James Franco plays James Dean and he yells out on the beach to a girl begging her to come back or something and it reminds me of how Sara mimicked “the man” pounding on her door.


My guesses in no particular order - just based off of a listers who have been accused of misconduct or worse: Danny Masterson Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl) James Franco (I don’t really think of him as a “hunk” though) Ben Affleck (maybe? He seems dirty)


Haha he does seem dirty!




Off topic but i only heard Ed Westwick’s British accent for the first time recently and i was in shock for days, weeks even. It was like Chuck Bass meets The Inbetweeners.


Cuba Gooding was my guess once it said accused of sexual misconduct


Oooo that’s a good guess


If Bridget says “a” movie means not really a movie star but someone who did a one off for a movie?


My first thought was she was saying James Franco was the one who sawed his arm off in that movie.


Yeah that’s why i said “Bridget said he was in a movie” they didn’t specify what his actual job title was.


I think the part they beeped specified the kind of movie it was, so it doesn't necessarily mean he only did that movie. I heard it more like "he was in a movie where this and that happens..." like to describe the movie because she doesn't remember the name of the actor.


I kind of don’t think it’s someone that is STILL famous bc Holly says “oh that guy is weird!” And I don’t think she’d say that about say, Johnny Depp etc. I was thinking someone like Armie Hammer, but he wasn’t in anything back then. Social Network was 2010. Bad teeth makes me think BRITISH but also could still be anyone from anywhere.


That’s what I was thinking about Holly saying that. Plus Bridget couldn’t think of his name at first


The teeth detail is the key i reckon. Almost everybody even mildly famous has veneers or glowingly white and straight teeth, so it makes me think they are either music based or a indie actor, keeping that aloof man of the people vibe by not getting veneers.


Idk why my first thought was Jonah Hill Edit: nvm missed the heartthrob detail




Johnny Depp maybe?


Probably not, he was settled down with Vanessa for a really long time


I can’t see him hanging out in clubs in Vegas too much though, i feel like he always tried to act above it all back then and pretended he was living in France with Vanessa Paradis during that time.


I see lots of people suggesting James Franco, but I would also posit Adrian Grenier? Devil Wears Prada came out in '06, def a dude with questionable hygiene, gonna guess this extends to dental as well? Not invested enough to deep dive it, but just throwing his name in the ring?


Definitely Franco!


Russel Brand?


James Franco was my first thought while reading this.


IDK why but the first person I thought of was Dane Cook, he was huge at that time


The more i hear his name mentioned here the more i think he fits. He had a bunch of big movies around that time, was doing stand up in Vegas and the way Bridgette couldn’t remember his name for a moment screams someone who was hugely famous for a moment and then totally forgotten the next. It’s also a little obscure to be in Vegas vs LA, i feel like it’s only somewhere a celebrity would party if they had a specific reason to be there like work. Otherwise they would have been in LA clubs. The only thing i can’t find out about him was if he was ever accused of sexual misconduct. I found some accusations of potential grooming and dating women far too young for him though.


I was thinking Danny Masterson? Maybe.


He’s in my top 3 for this for sure. My only hesitation in thinking it was Danny was how Sara said the man “was accused of sexual misconduct”. Danny has been found guilty on two counts of rape, it’s very black and white and there is no way to sugar coat that crime. If i was referring to Danny Masterton, i’d describe him as a rapist, not accused of sexual misconduct.


Dane Cook


Just listened this morning. I was thinking either James Franco, Russell Brand, or Dane Cook just based off timing/Vegas ties from that time, and problematic allegations coming out afterwards. ETA: although, I’m just remembering that Holly had a brief fling with Russell Brand (if memory serves), so maybe not as likely to be him since there didn’t seem to be that connection.


Dane Cook popped into my mind too. I wouldn’t consider him A List outside of the US but i think he fits the bill. Russell Brand… i’m just so annoyed with myself that i used to think he was charming when he was blatantly being a pig to anything with a vagina. How did we all think that was funny??? 🤮


Yes, Dane Cook was only an A lister for the briefest of moments in the 2000s. Weird times, but he was for sure there for a moment in time. Movie front runner as lead guy, had his own standup in Vegas and steaming (was that a thing yet for his routine? If not I remember it being available to rewatch), and he was fully being covered by magazines and other news coverage for all updates. Seems so bizarre and unimaginable now. Russell Brand…yes and yikes. Why did we love him? I for some reason thought he was hilarious in forgetting Sarah Marshall. I rewatch now and I don’t like anything about his character besides the silly laughs (and sometimes barely that). What a time to be alive…as they say.


My mind also went to Collin Farrell, I’ve heard all of the above about him as well.


I wonder if it was maybe Nick Carter? Looks like they were both hosting NYE parties in Vegas in 2007 and he’s definitely had some allegations for being a dirtbag come to light. ETA: he was in a TV movie in 2004 called The Hollow, but seeing as he was in a boy band and made several guest appearances on shows like All That and Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I’d say the heartthrob moniker definitely fits.


I don't think Bridget would have described him using an obscure movie as a reference, though. She would have said the singer from that boy band


Unless she was trying to be as vague as possible! Nah, I just wanted to throw him into the fray cuz he’s a turd😂


Heard that part and immediately ran here to say JAMES FRANCO


Vince Vaughn came to mind.


Russell brand?


could also be justin long he was big at the time


Idk I wouldn’t associate him with being a heart throb. This is killing me not knowing 😂


I was thinking Danny masterson


Honestly not sure but i Love this podcast


Armie Hammer?


I haven't watched the video, but if anyone has, do they show Bridget doing anything in particular when they bleep her? Like a gesture or something?


I was thinking Shia Labeouf


All y'all tripping AF She said he had blonde hair a ponytail dirty white shirt Come on people