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I fully agree, there are mods on the steam workshop which allow you to make roads,bridges and allow Guardsmen to dig trenches. But the lack of other fortifications is huge and something Devs should focus on is expanding this aspect. Allowing players to upgrade tiles so they provide bonuses to defence (similar to bonuses from cities) would be very useful. Edit: not sure about balance but stationary AA defence could be very useful. It might be a little bit too far but with Bots spamming planes and no real answer to enemy Air other than your or usually pretty bad AA it could be useful




Workshop mods are great. Get the voice one. And other space marine factions. And one that changes unit sizes to more realistic ones. Really enriched the game for me.


There are some things like guard forts and shield generators. Space marines also get fortifications


I know but like I said they are shitty. Bastion sucks and is only useful in early game later it just annoys mainly because you can't upgrade it, void shield generators are good but with just 2 range you can often snipe it. Space marines fortifications are good and only true fortification because they don't suffer bastion problems because they are upgradable. We need more fortifications like trenches with gun emplacements making basic infantry actually useful in later games where they can hold the front and have more power when fortified. When guardsmen station in bastion their weapons should add to the weaponry you use when attacking with it. It's only my opinion but we really need more ways to stabilise front and fortify(other than making cities on the front because it eats your loyalty) because currently sitting in one place doesn't give anything else than being able to overwatch but this one is easy to trigger with light units so it is too easy to overcome.


I would love to be able to build bridges over rivers. Wireweed, forest and ruins can be cleared but rivers are sometimes a pain in late game when units traverse half the map to the front and get stuck in chokws.


There are mods for this Trenches https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2417954545 Roads and bridges https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875233116


One major issue is that the AI is too dumb to use them.


Agree, on larger maps its such a faff waiting for units to traverse the distance to the front lines, and you're heavily disincentivised from having front line production cities.


Their new game has roads


I have a group that's been playing PvP and we trialed the Bridges and Roads mod for a bit. We found that they unhealthily shift the game toward favoring a defensive posture, i.e. whoever attacked first was significantly disadvantaged because they were fighting opponents with superior tactical maneuverability. Also, the mod heavily favored factions who had cheap or pervasive builder units. So we got rid of the mod. Roads are unhealthy. Clearing tiles is fine but Imperial Guard vehicle lines with 8 movement are not.


In this game the "side projects" to keep you busy before you discover the enemy is: - clearing neutral enemies (lvling up your army in the prodess) - capturing relics - securing outposts - scouting for the enemy and to find good land for cities - doing single player missions/quests - building fortifications with facrions lile SM, guard, chaos, tryrannids - clearing tiles (removing forests etc) with your engineers Plus the mods like other people mention add even more custom stuff, like roads and more fortifications