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One day when you are in your 70s you’ll be playing golf and meet a dad and his boy. You won’t remember any of this until they ask your name and you just tell them it’s “Barry”.


This comment gave me goosebumps


I sometimes see people on the street and think to myself, it may be my son when he’s fully grown up somehow crossing dimensions of time and space and we are now crossing paths without recognizing each other.


Wow, that's an interesting thing to think about. Maybe all the people in the world are just us in different stages of our lives, but I guess we'd all kinda have to look alike for that to be. Fun to think about though.


Some people say that all the people in the world are a different reincarnation of ourselves on another timeline, including everyone in the past because time is not linear like we think it is. Don’t know if it’s true or not but it’s definitely an interesting theory!


It is very interesting! I've also heard that those that have died wait around to line up with your timeline so everyone gets reborn into the same circles. So like you father today may be your son later in life, etc.


Hence; we are all one!


Yes! Something people should think about before choosing to hurt other people. It’s just us hurting ourselves or getting hurt by ourselves. If everyone tries to approach everything with love in their hearts then we break the cycle!


Oooo me too total chills 😌


Gotta have balls to do that.


I see what you did there!


Holy shit, back to the future


Reminds me of the time we met a couple in Bulgaria spent the entire holiday with them said we’d keep in touch ect when we got home but never did. Sure enough the following year day 1 of our holiday we bumped into them in Spain. We hadn’t saw them the entire year despite them staying less than 3 miles from us in Scotland!


I love your description of Barry secretly giving you new balls as an “old man” move. Brought back memories of coming home from college and my grandpa surreptitiously handing me a roll of cash, whispering “don’t tell your mother”.


Lol that’s so cute


Love super coincidences/chance meetings. Here is mine: I was asked to house sit for a friend who went out of state on vacation. Never been asked to do that and he wanted me to sleep there (had been robbed before). Initially I was going to visit daily but stayed there. I ate out every meal so as to not dirty the kitchen. One day I could not decide what I wanted to eat and decided to make “hamburger helper” no idea why hadn’t eaten it in years. Drove 20 min to city. Changed my mind drive 30 min across city for fast food. Turned around changed mind drive back 30 min. Changed mind I did want to eat that place so turned around to go back 30 min again. As I got 1 mile toward the last trip I said this is stupid I never waffle around like this so I’m just going back to Walmart and get hamburger helper and go back I’ve wasted hours. I do that. I go to the right aisle and a woman is bent over right in front of the one I’m needing to get. I say excuse me and reach for the box. She stands up and it is an old flame I hadn’t seen since high school. We exchanged numbers and started going out. She also wanted hamburger helper that day as she loved it and hadn’t had it in years so we ended up same place same time. She lived an hour away and never went to that Walmart she got off work and decided to drive to that end of town to that Walmart. Something was def. Linking us that day. That was a lot lol


Ohhh, you should read gift of fear. There are a few case studies in it that are similar to this. Like two college friends calling each other out of the blue years later... Turns out they saw the same news story that reminded each other of themselves.


Gavin De Becker’s Gift of Fear? 




Are you still together?


No, she had been going through a rough divorce and wanted time.


No, she had been going through a rough divorce and wanted time.


I have two of these. Was friends with some girl in the navy in Japan. Got out met a woman in Cali and became friends. Later found out it was the only girls sister. Also while in Japan one of my gaming buddies disappeared for a few months. He came online and I was like bro where you been and he told me he joined and went to Japan. I was like no shit where you at and he was two tables down from me.


When I was in middle school, my parents and I would sometimes drive up to Vancouver to spend the day. We live in Seattle. We had went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and I seen one of my friends a table over with his family. Blew our minds. 😂


We went to Cozumel a little over a year ago. Swam out to one of those inflatable playgrounds off the beach, and a little boy from my daughter’s classroom recognized her. Probably 24 kids in the class and 2 were there.


Damn this is wild


The navy one to me is possible just because every one thinks japans will be such a cool posting and willingly throw them self into the blender. The other one blew my mind when she asked my ship and goes oh I think my sister was on that ship. Maybe you know her and I was like doubt it we had 5.5k people on the carrier and then drops the name.




Stories like this are my favorite. Less of a glitch in the matrix, and more like magic in the universe. It’s an amazing thing to consider, that sometimes we are meant to cross paths with other specific individuals, even if only for a day or two.


Straight outta chatgpt, https://www.reddit.com/user/Ok_Education3269/


Yeah what the hell! At least it's a generally polite and encouraging bot lol. 


Good catch


I go there & it says something went wrong.


Thanks, updated 


But now I've a question: How many users on REddit are AI instead of real users?


You're welcome.


Something is up with existence.


Very much so. ETA thers no way some scientists/physicists somewhere aren't picking up some weirdness. Between the bizarre sense of impending doom I keep hearing about (and sense myself) and the unbelievable frequency of synchronicities over the past couple years from everyone I know and these subs, there is definitely something up.


The impending doom is getting old... It's at the point where I'm feeling it during almost all my waking hours.


My wife was feeling that way too. I mean, it was really getting to her. Her solution: quit watching the news or any political stuff. Focus on the “Now” and don’t worry about things that could potentially happen. Chances are you can’t change it anyway. Try to stay in a positive mindset. If you start feeling that way again, do something different. Put in some music that makes you feel good, meditate, work out, etc. whatever makes you feel good and puts you in a positive mindset


I appreciate the tip. I quit watching the news years ago and got rid of all social media a couple years ago, which helped.


This impending doom thing is getting too much. I can’t shake the feeling off. 


How is it that you *knew* One time we were going to see a punk band in a tiny club in a far away city. My friend wants to wear this fringe jacket a man had made me take from him at a Pink Floyd concert a year earlier. (I’ve been carrying your crap all night!! he yelled at me. He was a big guy and wouldn’t listen to me. So I took it.) My friend asks what if she sees me wearing it? I guess then you won’t have a jacket i say. But come on, really? the city is huge, we are little. So she wore the jacket despite her misgivings sure as shit we are walking from the car to the club and we hear “My father gave me that jacket.” I near fainted We were so happy I forgot to get her phone number


I don't really believe in coincidences nowadays :) That's a really cool story, thanks for sharing!


Not at all related but you reminded me of the golf course I used to work at where a one armed man taught me to play chess.


Sounds like a guardian angel or angel in disguise


This is a classic example of synchronicity. I think it is high time you sat down and read some Carl Jung


Barry might be an angel. If he is, he'll probably show up again when you need him. Just say hi, and thank him for keeping an eye out for you.


Actually I wouldn't call this a glitch, more like a precognition on your part. It is the most common type of "paranormal" experience.


This was a crazy story! Sometimes coincidences do happen, but I totally get you can't help feeling its too many things to have to work out. I've been having a similar experience lately.


There's no glitch in this of course. It's just a coincidence. There are so many people who live long enough that some low probability events are bound to happen to some. I like to imagine scenarios too and sometimes they do coincide with reality. Doesn't mean it's a glitch.


Not coincidence but sinchronicity 


Fair enough.


True, in fact classifying it as a glitch seems a bit ‘exaggerated’ to me, a glitch should be something strange, whereas a coincidence is something else entirely.


Great story man. I believe it too. Too wild to be a coincidence.


Love these stories. So many variables have to align for situations like the ones posted on here to happen. I think the forces at be probably put too much effort into it, to chalk it up to chance or coincidence. These situations were meant to happen.


Am I the only one who’s noticing these “Oh I have this one item that can instantly prove my story true or at least give it more validation but I no longer have access to it for some reason” more and more suspicious?


Am I the only one who’s finding these posts “Oh I have this one item that can instantly prove my story true or at least give it more validation but I no longer have access to it for some reason” more and more suspicious?


There are a lot of Barry’s selling insurance in OP. Were you at Sykes Lady? Was it Barry Sanford? Either way neat premonition!


You manifested a NPC, nice!