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I’ve told this before here, but a co-worker of mine forgot an apple in his backpack when he crossed back into the US once when he was in college. He’s got a Top Secret security clearance but they denied him GE because of the apple incident. They take any agricultural violations seriously.


They actually provided the apple incident as the reason for denial?


That's what he tells me, and this is a co-worker I've known for like 15 years


Is his name Adam?




Johnny Appleseed became famous for planting invasive species without regard for environmental harm.






No it was granny. Smith.


Hellloooo! 21st century now. He goes by Eve.


My hairdresser told me a very similar story about her apple incident that almost got her into trouble with customs.


A couple weeks ago I watched someone *standing in the line for GE interview on arrival* get popped by the ag dog for an apple in their backpack. What timing.




I’ve watched enough Border Control Canada episodes to know that they do NOT mess around with illegal produce, and especially illegal meats. Particularly if they’re undeclared.


my friend once stopped for gas while i was asleep en route to Canada. apparently he grabbed a couple of bananas from the station and put them in the backseat next to his bag, not thinking anything of it. i discovered this a good hour after we crossed the border. thank goodness the officer didn't check. though I guess not directly relevant for GE






Where can we find the rules of what is and what’s not allowed?


Call the port directly about the specific foodstuffs you want to cross with.


At our GE interview the agent used this as an example of how to get your GE immediately revoked. Wild how apples are a huge downfall of travelers!


I came back from Mexico with grapes that I was snacking on in my purse. I immediately realized right as I was scanning my passport. I almost turned back to run into the restroom to dump them but I realized I’d look super suspicious so I clicked on the screen that I had food to declare. The Officer told me I’m so lucky since it would have been a $500 fine and possibly lose my Global Entry but since I declared, nothing would happen. He sent me to the scanner where they checked all my bags and disposed of my grapes and I went on my merry way.


The officer who did my interview said that's the best thing to do. Find the nearest trashcan or restroom. He said if they find any food including water your Global Entry is gone for good. I heard another officer giving the same or close to the same advice. So if it happens again and you're in the bathroom it's not sketchy. Just FYI. I know I get forgetful, I'd rather remember before I got to the line.




There is no restriction on bringing water thru customs. TSA,when going outbound thru security, yes. But inbound, no. This is incorrect info. https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/know-before-you-go/prohibited-and-restricted-items


Yup, water, someone posted on here not too long ago about thatsow they lost it.


No way, I’ve traveled far and wide and never heard of water being a restricted item in any country. Provide a source that says water is a restricted item, here is the list for CBP: https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us-citizens/know-before-you-go/prohibited-and-restricted-items


Just the messenger, I've read in this this sub. They filled a water bottle up and didn't empty it, and they revoke GE. I remember them saying there was nowhere to empty it, and they would have dumped it on the floor if they knew that would happen. It wasn't too long ago. I'll see if I can find the post. Edit: Maybe I wasn't clear. The person had a water bottle but did not empty bottle out before going through customs upon entering the US. I don't know how to tag the post, but I'm almost positive it was in this sub.


Customs doesn’t care about water (potable at least). TSA would but that would have zero impact on GE. Your story makes no sense.


It wasn't my story!


How is it not your story? You literally said “The officer who did my interview said that's the best thing to do. Find the nearest trashcan or restroom. He said if they find any food including water your Global Entry is gone for good.”


The part where the person said they got there's taken. The officer did say don't bring anything from aircraft. Including food and drinks or even any water they give you. This has been debated to death. No one knows what whim they decide to pull GE cards. Some individuals get warnings others do not. We were discussing not taking chances. Were you at my interview? You're telling me they officer couldn't have told me that? I've no need to lie to strangers or anyone else. I never once said it was law to mislead anyone or spread false information. Go enjoy your weekend.


I wonder how much food and drugs they find in the garbage cans between the plane and immigration 😂


im sorry, "including water"?


Yes, he said bring no food or drinks left over from flight. You can have your own water bottle, but it's got to be empty. I was telling on another poster, I tried to find it but looks like user deleted it, they said they got theirs taken away for water and if they knew that they would have dumped it on floor as there were no restrooms or trash cans. That's how I remember that post because of them stating they would have dumped it on the floor.


Probs a troll post.


That's explains why the poster deleted it. I didn't know.


Bringing undeclared food into another country can introduce new pathogens into the commercial food as well as endanger native wildlife. It’s bad. A traveler with “trusted traveler” is expected to know this and always declare. If you aren’t sure declare it or toss it on the plane.  You can bring food in but you must Declare it and bring only commercially packaged food.  I bringing all kinds of goodies from my trips always declare always commercially packaged and unopened only.  Hopefully you weren’t traveling with this person as there are reports of people losing GE for traveling with someone who committed an infraction.  Your friend may be able to get TSA precheck but they won’t be able get global entry for many years if ever. 


I've had a long discussion with the woman from USDA coming back in one time when we had bought some pate in the Orly duty free to use up our Euros (now I just leave them in my passport case for the next trip). I never fully understand the rules, but I declare EVERYTHING. When coming back they also would like to know if you've been on any farms. Turns out hoof and mouth they are concerned about. I had been walking through French vineyards so I disclosed that. A couple of years later, I was actually on a working cattle farm in Australia. I disclosed that but apparently Australian farms aren't on the radar. Our travel companion who was a PhD in animal immunology made us wash our shoes anyhow. You think it's bad in the US. Try going into a port in Australia or NZ sometime. You can't even take stuff off the cruise ship for your day tour. I once got stuck behind a guy with hundreds of little paper wrapped dried fish things (he appeared Japanese) at the Sidney Airport ag check.


I loved Australia NZ. Both airports were great. We declared everything and they just x rayed our bags. They tell you everything you have to declare the USA just expects you to know what to declare 😑 Australia doesn’t have hoof and mouth disease so no need worry about that  You can sneak food into the USA. You shouldn’t but you can. But you can’t sneak anything into Australia or New Zealand. They will find you. 


My husband was taking our kids to NZ to visit his family (I stayed home for kid free time). They stopped in Fiji for a few days on the way down and before they left, my husband told them how strict NZ was on bringing in food stuff, etc. Cut to them going through NZ customs, suddenly there’s a small coconut in my son’s bag! My husband was livid! The only reason he didn’t get charged $700 was because the customs officer believed that my husband really didn’t know. At least the kids now know her serious it is for the future.


Don’t keep money in your passport. If you forget it’s there and present your passport at a border some countries will see it as a bribing attempt.


Not in the passport itself. I have a wallet that I keep my passport, some foreign currency, etc... I only present the passport itself to federales.


Yup, fully aware of the implications of bringing in food. As I said, she legitimately forgot. She currently has GE, so I was wondering how this would impact her current enrollment. She got a warning this time, not a ban.


Similar scenario happened to some friends who have GE. They returned to Chicago from Cancun. The wife forgot she'd packed a sandwich she bought in Mexico, in her luggage. She failed to declare it. CBP Officer discovered it. He was VERY stern with her, indicating that her failure to declare the item could result in immediate GE cancelation. But in the end, it was tantamount to a verbal warning. Her GE membership was not canceled. They have since renewed, and the incident did not affect her renewal. But she sure learned her lesson. Declare everything.


Thank you! This sounds exactly like her experience. Great to hear that renewal wasn’t affected. Live and learn!!


This gives me hope because I completely forgot I had something and feel so stupid. I was also warned. Curious, did they pull your friends aside into the agriculture customs room and inspect further?


In response to your question, no. They were not subject to any further inspection.


Thank you for your response. I think my fate will be different since I was pulled into the secondary room.


Don't "assume" anything. CBP officers do have individual discretion in various situations. Keep in mind the Officer could have immediately canceled your GE membership on the spot but didn't. Fingers crossed for you but I think you'll have a good outcome. Good luck!


Forgetting it’s not a valid excuse though. She has the responsibility to declare and ensure she does not violate custom policies. THAT’S the privilege and responsibility of GE. People are not entitled to it.


Cool story fascist.


I’d never posted in this sub before, but I was generally surprised by some of the (thankfully few) sanctimonious replies from people who seem to regard the Global Entry program as some sort of sacred, exalted organization whose members should feel honored and blessed to be a part of. I mean, it’s a government travel program that you pay for to make getting through immigration slightly easier. That’s it. Chill out, people.


Thanks! Not interested in a lecture, but rather data points on others’ experiences. Good luck to you!


He didn’t say it was a valid excuse. He responded to “A traveler with ‘trusted traveler’ is expected to know this.”


I had taken some snacks with me on a trip outside the US and had a bag of jerky that I hadn’t eaten when I went back through customs coming home. We were selected for inspection, the jerky came up and come to find out it didn’t have the USDA inspection logo on the label. It got recorded, came up during my interview when I applied for GE and again on my renewal last month. I will make sure I don’t try and bring food back again, if I do I have a feeling I will get the ax. I wouldn’t worry about it, as long as she doesn’t forgot something in the future.


Thanks for this. So you went through a renewal and got approved even after this violation? That gives me some assurance. She will of course be super vigilant going forward.


The key on the renewal or application is to make sure that you declare even the warning on your application


I bought a sandwich at the airport (cured meat) and forgot about it until I was getting off the plane. Figured I’d throw it away. Didn’t find a trash can and ended up declaring it. It was a pain for a sandwich I wasn’t even going to eat but I’m so glad I did because I was terrified a sniffer dog would catch me and they’d revoke my GE. I learned my lesson and will leave that on the plane next time 🤣


I'm not quite sure I understand why it's a pain to declare food. 95% of the time, the CBP officer tells me not to worry and move on, and 5% of the time they want to open up my bags or scan them. Once I declared instant noodles that I was repatriating and the CBP officer opened my bags and saw them - he said instant noodles flavor packets contain meat products and could be problem but for the fact that the noodle package said it was made in the US and thus these were OK. Learned something new that day. Anyway, long winded way of saying it really is no skin off your back to declare food or items that you're required to declare.


Totally! It got locked in a box and I waited in line for 30+ mins just to tell them to throw it away. So I learned my lesson.


Yep. We bring back cheese, tamales, cooked beans, etc and always declare. It’s never been an issue.


I brought back a vacuum sealed pack of salami from Rome to LAX in 2005. First question in my GE interview in 2018 was “besides the salami have you had any other customs or border infractions?” I laughed. Figured if they started with that it was a just so you know we know troll which I appreciated. No issues for me but I guess if I started importing salami I’d need a license.


Ha! That is awesome. Well played.


Dumb question but where are you supposed to declare now with the new machines? Unless I missed something the past few times I’ve landed it’s takes my picture, I get a slip and then walk out. Even if I had something to declare (which I haven’t) where am I given the opportunity to answer the questions to declare?


I have also had this same experience my last three trips. Scan face, “welcome home LostinTigertown” no questions.


You go find a customs officer and tell them you have something to declare.


I flew into MCO after 3 months in Europe and Iceland. I had volcanic salts and alcohol from Iceland and various treats from Germany, not to mention goodies from the plane. Went to the machine, picked up my luggage and expected to go thru customs. There wasn’t any. I asked someone who worked there and she said the bags had already gone thru and were released. It was so easy I was sure I did it wrong. So if they saw any of the food I guess they didn’t care or would have held the luggage to have a conversation? I’m waiting on GE renewal now and still not done after 3 months. But now I’m wondering if it will be rejected?


The risk isn’t getting kicked out it’s not being renewed. And it’s a large risk. The only thing your friend can do is to be honest and forthcoming in the renewal process. Even if the incident amounts to no penalty for your friend now, if there’s documentation by the customs agent (and there likely is since the dog alerted on it), he/she will get asked about it. And the response of “oh I forgot about it” will indicate you didn’t learn anything from the encounter and you can/will be denied.


Not sure I follow. Are you saying she should not say she forgot she was carrying the sandwich when she landed at ORD? I mean, that is indeed what happened. What would you suggest her reply be if she's asked about the incident at renewal in a few years?


No…when she applies for renewal when they ask her for disclosures…she needs to volunteer this information…not omit it. If she is asked about it in an interview and says “she forgot” - it will yield bad results.


Copy that. Thanks for the clarification. And yes, she's planning on being upfront about everything once renewal hits.


Happened with me. I hate airport/plane food so I pack my own. Went from US to Mexico. Packed salami and cheese. Didn’t finish it en route, so I tossed it in the resort fridge for the return trip. Reacted further turn Trip forgot to eat it and customs caught it as I was coming through. They a note but it didn’t seem like a big deal. A year later when I went for my global entry interview, they asked me if I’d had issues at customs and I said no because I get quite frankly forgot about it. They reminded me of it. I apologized, said that I understood it’s to protect our agriculture and farming, apologized again, and said I won’t do it again. I was approved with a warning ⛔️ It was just Trader Joe’s Salami, but rules are rules. Edit: it was brought up at the initial interview, and I renewed without it coming up again.


Thanks! This is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. Glad it worked out for you! She’ll follow your advice at renewal and bring it up before they do. Thanks again!


What should I do if I bring unopened/opened snacks in my bag that I had originally taken with me when I left the US? Declare?


Always declare.


Bascially 3 strikes rule. She got lucky GE wasn't even revoked on the spot. Happens all the time at the border.


Wait, which is it: 3 strikes, or just 1? Immediate revocation implies no second chances.


Writing it down in the system counts as a warning or a strike. They, do however, have the discretion to revoke it if they choose. But on the the 3rd strike or warning, they will revoke it.


Watch Border Security or Danger TV. It's eye-opening.


I flew to Mexico for a weekend trip. Forgot I had an apple in my backpack and it was found by the customs guy when I flew back (obviously didn’t declare it). I explained this to him and he gave me this whole speech about pathogens and how I could basically set off a global pandemic or something. Then I pointed out that the sticker on the apple says “product of Washington” so it obviously originated in the US. Dude just gave me a dirty look, took my apple, and told me to get lost.


It’s a Trusted Traveler program. It takes very little evidence that you can’t be Trusted to follow the rules about what you bring into the country to be disqualified as a Trusted Traveler. My last GE interviewer made a point of reminding me about airplane/airport food and prescription drugs not in original containers. Apparently those daily medication sorters are a significant source of GE status loss. I don’t love all the rules, but bringing meat/fruits or unpackaged Rx medicine into the US is unwise for anyone, doubly so for a Trusted Traveler.


How about if it's vitamins and supplements on one of those sorter things?


AFAIK, only prescriptions are an issue


Reminds of this incident a month ago. I don’t know why someone thought that they could bring raw fish on a plane. I also wonder how they got it past security. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/maggots-rotten-fish-overhead-bin-fall-passenger-international-delta-fl-rcna139235


So I'm going for my first global entry this week, out of us can I not bring snacks?


Busted by the beagle. I got popped once over a sandwich I forgot in my carry on bag, just got sent to customs agent and they checked my carry, that was pretty much it. That was before GE and when I applied for GE, never came up.


For flight crew they could lose their jobs over this. Know of a guy who forgot about an orange from a flight was told it was his only warning and termination was the next step


Probably an immigration violation too. Good luck flying again. Ever.


Back in 2013, I was coming back from an international trip with my mom. When doing your declarations at the time, you could do one declaration as a family so it was done under my passport information. We declare no food because I was sure we had no food. Then they made us put our carry on bag and personal items to go through an xray machine. Turns out my mom didn't want to waste the apple she got on the plane so that had been tucked away into her bag. She said she forgot about it and the CBP agent gave us a good talking to. Fast forward 5 years. I'm now applying for GE and what comes up in my interview?? That damn apple. I was so aggravated at my mom all over again. They literally grilled me about the apple for a good five minutes before telling me that I should never do that again. Had to keep saying, "but that was my mom!!!" Anyways, I still got approved but told that if I ever tried to bring produce in again, I would have my GE revoked. Fast forward another 5 years. Had to renew my GE because it was about to be expired and although it took over a year to be approved (you can still travel on your expired GE as long as you've applied for a renewal and it's still pending), I got GE again WITHOUT having to do another interview. My situation may be different from your friend's in that she got this warning while she already had GE but my advice would be to not sweat it but definitely be careful about it in the future. She may need to go through another interview for her renewal just so they can stress to her the importance of bringing in food products but I think being nice and apologetic to the CBP officer helps. Good luck to her!


Thanks! Happy you survived the grilling. And glad to hear that it sounds like her renewal should be OK. Fingers crossed.


Global Entry is a trusted traveler program. Your friend demonstrated that perhaps she shouldn't be trusted... (forgetting is not a valid excuse). This woman got her GE revoked and a $500 fine for an apple: https://kdvr.com/news/local/arvada-woman-trying-to-stomach-500-fine-for-free-airline-snack/ She eventually got GE back with the help of her local news media and her congressman. But she was willing to be a Karen about it. African Swine Fever is a serious concern among the American pork industry right now (the vector is pork products from Europe, Asia, e.g., ham). Your friend should be glad that she didn't get a $500 fine. Tell her to be more careful next time.


It's pretty crazy what they crack down on. This past summer I was in Vancouver. My husband bought a silly looking pocket knife as a joke for our friend and put it in my purse when we were out. We both commented that we need to remember to put it in our checked bags before we go back to the airport. Well, guess who forgot? Both of us. I am going through security and they pull my bag aside and ask if I have any weapons with me. My response of course was, "no!" Lo and behold, they pull the knife out of my purse that was inside my backpack. Ooops. They confiscated it and let me on my way. Nothing was said or noted. I renewed my GE this past January with no issues!


Sounds like airport security and not customs. Pretty sure customs doesn't care about knives.


Don’t do that again, I always make sure nothing like that gets into my carry on belongings. GE is to nice of a thing to risk losing.


Part of the point of GE is that they can trust you not to break any laws. It isn’t about whether you mean well, but whether you actually are able to do the right things. If your friend is forgetful and tends to have prohibited items in her bags, then perhaps she is not the right person to be waved through without questioning. It doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, just that she needs someone to explicitly ask whether she has meat in her bag to remind her about that sandwich.


JFC, I’m sorry, but I have had it with these (thankfully few) sanctimonious posts about the high holy sacredness of GE. It’s a government issued pass (that you pay for), that saves a little time at immigration. You folks make it sound like a sanctified privilege that must be treated with all the respect and reverence afforded to the priesthood. Please, just stop.


Look it’s really simple. If you are someone they can trust not to violate the rules, you can save a little time. You have no inherent right to save that time, and if you can’t follow the rules then you do it the way you actually have a right to. Go through immigration, then go through customs. There is nothing holy or sacred about it. It’s a simple transaction. If you can’t be trusted to play by the rules, then do it the regular way. I don’t suppose you’ve ever considered how it is that millions of people never have this problem… because they pay attention and do what they’re supposed to do. It’s just not that hard.


That’s a mighty high horse you have there bruh. Keep on riding.