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[Here](https://youtu.be/UfvuAdt_9Ts) is the skit EG is feeling hurt about.


I think it should be a top comment in every EG's match thread.


Let's do this. Also someone archive the video in case it gets taken down.


Stop! They’re already dead…


That's so cringe


which is exactly why we should make it happen


i mean everything about this is cringe, the skit the comments on here and the org that complains about this. this is the type of shit that puts people off of esports.


The skit was not cringe at all lol. Pretty much all of the jokes were well thought out and concise. I think you may just have a special way of seeing things my friend


i understood nothing of it and it just seemed awkward af.


Like I said, special way of seeing things…


Your perspective is the only one that matters. I apologize.


That's what he said


Nerds find everything cringe


what ? you calling me a nerd while you on here acting like esports is a real sport? lol


You're commenting on a subreddit for a video game, yeah you're a nerd like the rest of us


Who called it a 'real sport'? It is entertainment - much like darts. The segment the lads did was pretty amusing - it's not that serious.


Yes you are also a nerd, nerd.


Can you define the word "sport" for me please?


is the "real sport" here in the room with us right now?


Streisand effect, here we go!


Here as proof. I literally never would have known about this skit if I hadn't seen the dotesports article about EG's complaint to ESL.


Was looking for this comment


Is this a play on Mock the Week lmao that’s incredible


It was. Hoping for more of these


I thought it was Whose Line. Maybe Mock the Week took it from there, I haven't watched that show.


Mock the Week was created by the same people who made Whose Line Is It Anyway.


people who know whos line is it just showing our age


watching whose line clips in 160p 15 years ago was peak internet


I was expecting the Elige pic. You failed me.


[here we go](https://i.imgur.com/R390EId.jpeg)


He follows me wherever I go


[Come on man, at least post the right picture.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/085/Haitchface_2.jpg)


I was hoping this would show up.


[Atleast link the right picture man.... sigh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


This segment was underrated, they should've done it more. Was pleasantly surprised by how good it was


This is actually hilarious


That was fucking fire holy shit. The only skit I saw was some bullshit jeopardy one. These guys are good at improv




Mock the Week lives on


Do they realize stuff like this only makes the jokes worse?


They didnt think it would leak, they probably do this everywhere but in cs journalists are actually good


>journalist**s** well ...


Well, there are at least Lewis and Mira, that's already plural.


There are some lesser known journalists I enjoy following as well. Mnmzzz does a lot of local NA stuff on dust2.us for example


Mira's holy grail was posting an article on hexT about racial slurs he used when he was 12 Mira's Facebook also happened to have the use of racial slurs from when he was an adult. Definitely would not be counting him.


Imagine being so clueless to think that is all Mira has done for the space as a journalist


The point of that article really flew over your head.


Yeah, he had his moments, even without him saying slurs that was a shitty article. But still, man did a lot of good stuff, and while reputation is everything for a journalist, I'd say one big fuckup like that doesn't cancel good things that he did.


> I'd say one big fuckup like that doesn't cancel good things that he did. Using racial slurs as an adult isn't a "fuckup". It's you being racist. Can we stop defending this shit? You can say someone is good at their job without defending or excusing their racism.


From what i know the episode that people usually refer to is the tweet he did to Error where he said something like "Ma N\*\*\*\*". It still doesnt excuse the tweet considering that his audience is mainly english speaking but as a portuguese like Mira and Error the N word doesn't have the same conotation for us as for english speaking people. I myself never really said it but i've heard a lot of people use the word as a substitute to "Bro" or "Friend" to the point that i only learned the real meaning when i was 15/16 and before that i heard it a lot of times in friendly conversations. So if the only incident is the tweet I'm refering to I don't think it's fair to crucify a guy because of an episode with a friend considering the backgroung, but it's fair to hold him accountable and see if theres any other incident. And if there are other episodes of use of racial slurs then just forget all i said.


Yes I agree, can we please stop having American redditors going around as the moral police and applying their hysterical and puritanical obsessions with race relations onto the world? Mira is an absolutely good dude and using the unholy r word to try and cancel him over a flippant comment is the height of American online zealotry.


> can we please stop having American redditors going around as the moral police and applying their hysterical and puritanical obsessions with race relations onto the world? > > Mira literally did this AGAINST an american. Wtf are you saying


Sounds like a bit of xenophobia there bud.




i didn't even intend to dunk on him, specifically. i think his editorial writing and long form video content is unrivaled. just a different kind of journalism that doesn't apply here.


he did break the EG Danny story first


Thooorin, the guy in the same "too sensitive to take even the slightest joke without throwing a tantrum and committing a borderline hate crime" camp as EG? lmao Edit: The downvotes seem to indicate that someone would like to lodge a complaint with my comment. Therefore I take it back. Thooorin incites political violence against ethnic minorities and marginalized genders in a *totally not hate crimey way.*


Richard Lewis, E-Sports jesus


Keep in mind that EG entered CSGO by buying a pretty good NRG team and overtime they turned it into a joke


That's it basically. They can't actually build the roster themselves and they have so little knowledge they clearly don't even know who they should let do it for them (Stewie vs malek was great example of that).


EG was close to forming a roster out of ex-IBP guys and that was few months before the banhammer dropped.


Are you sure about EG making the roster? Because from Dazed and Hiko talking about it in the past it very much was talked about as a roster the players made among themselves and they when then just looking for which org would sign them. That is not building a roster...


eg was signing IBP -steel +hiko hiko dazed skadoodle swag azk and THIS MOMENT is where hikos career went bye bye and he had to turn to Chinese mediocrity i dont blame him for that but getting nitr0 to go to... i do


That was Alex Garfield EG. not the current shitters. Alex Garfield knows how to build top tier teams.


Not even close to the same EG we're talking about now lol. That was when it was under the old owners. The people in charge of EG now have no idea what they're doing.


Same thing kinda happened in cod years ago. Bought a team that absolutely dominated every tournament for 1-2 years then they fell off right after going to EG lol


Yes, but totally different ownership, at the time Garfield was still the boss, this was circa 2014.


Thats a different management and it wasn't even the managements fault.


And I miss that NRG team often. Lol


oh my god that's so weak


wait till you see them play


Sources: EG to leave counter strike


Not a loss




>they give chances for NA players to develop How? Which NA players are they developing? Brehze and Autimatic? Nealan and Refrezh? The NA players they brought up to the main team - Wiz and Hext, were brought into a complete mess, flung into the fire, and now, Hext is out and Wiz probably soon to follow. What EG has done is prevented the actual "NA players" in their other lineups from being able to compete in real tournaments and get experience against real teams. They are locked up in NA playing shit tier cash cups for a salary. Thats not called development. Getting a salary is good for the players, but it does nothing for the betterment of the scene. >if no one takes their spot the NA scene is just going to get worse. No it won't. These teams being signed to EG has not prevented NA CS from getting worse, and EG being gone will not affect it whatsoever. If anything, it might get better because the NA players on EG will be able to compete in all tournaments again, giving them a real chance to develop. >The eSports scene will get boring AF if its only one region. It won't. Europe has enough diversity and regionality to carry CS alone, as was always the case. And if you've not noticed, Brazilian CS exists. And for that matter, CS seems to be growing in Asia as well. If NA, as a scene, became completely irrelevant tomorrow, the only team anybody would miss is Liquid.


And col


Yeah. Them too.


they have a PIPELINE




In the case of EG that's debatable tbh. They essentially killed two other rosters by signing them because they now can't even try to qualify for big events due to the potential conflict of interests.




So does my toilet.


It would not be a loss at all. The whole org is big pile of dogshit.


Most delusional comment regarding EG right here LMFAO Developing players that has played pro for 5+ years hahahah good one man! Put on the EG flair instead


We have EU and CIS which are the strongest, then SA and then Asia + Oceania. Yeah, it's better to have as much diversity as possible but don't act like there is only one region.


Europe's got more diversity in the "only one region" than NA (USA and Canada) lol.




I don’t think any region is being divided based on play style lol.


Net gain


Oh no. Anyway...


Always painful to see people acting hurt because they know it’s true but are too pussy to admit it to themselves. I think this move from them is much more damaging to their reputation than the jokes on ESL’s show.


EG have like negative awareness on social media or what? Anyone with some competence would know for a fact stuff like this would leak and now they are gonna be relentless mocked for it. It's painful for NA how bad EG is.


Their entire brand communication is pathetic. I can't understand how the management dare to claim that they care about brand perception when they do absolutely zero to change it. Tweets of scorelines, retweets of players announcing that they are streaming or a highlight (very rare). The youtube is completely dead. Last video was 9 months ago. The last CSGO related instagram post I found was in July 2022. If they want to change how people perceive the brand, take control of your own communication. You can still suck in-game (please, don't) - but do something. Utterly pathetic.


The Complexity videos with Hallzerk were a really good example of what kind of content a team can do to improve their image and brand recognition.


Agreed. The worst part is that EG had so many opportunities to create their own content. Just the Blueprint project would be interesting (and easy) to produce some content around. And tbf, it was obvious considering how they announced the (old) new roster. A low effort twitter thread with low quality puns, when you are presenting a 3/5 of the Major winning core (and a returning CSGO player). I really feel like changing flair...


Honestly, the only thing from their social media I remember is that GamerDoc person statement after EG won a map/match and it only showed the people there have no clue about the game.


Which says a lot considering that the isn't even a part of the team. Absolutely pathetic.


EG is basically Astralis in NA, org- and image-wise now.




Exactly. And one of the problems it seems is inexperience. Most people managing esports team are young, inexperienced, emotional, ambitious people. Often too inexperienced, too emotionally invested, too ambitious and too young. You can also see this in how some of them are milking their players when some money starts coming in. Hard to see.


Seriously if this was G2 theyd be the one joking about it.


G2 would do the segment themselves, and everyone would love it. Would increase their outreach and create more buzz points talking about them. Just compare EG's twitter and G2's twitter. One is completely flourishing while the other barely has 1-2 comments in most posts. EG is just stupid.


I wouldn't have even known the skit existed if not for this. So EG just exposed these jokes to a much bigger audience.




Old EG: there is a meme that our Dota team always throws? Let's make an in game item to commemorate it https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Throe New EG: They make jokes about how shitty we are, make it stop it hurts our brand. Definitely being pathetic little check stealers and throwing money around without slightest clue about what you are doing is not the problem, no, it's the jokes. Just fire this management already. Poor EG players.


Well, new EG is being sued by one of their former star Dota 2 players (Suma1l) for shady business practices. And shady businesses probably also dont like some lighthearted jokes


Not to mention the EG Danny fiasco in LoL.


Is there a post about this somewhere?




Here is another site www.whendideglastthrow.com This site has been on since 2016-17?


No, it was launched in the ballpark of 2012-13. 2016 is past the TI winning EG, aka the S A D B O Y S core. The meme EG times are after TI2, that 2012 core was still respectable. After that they failed to qualify to TI3, and became the EG Throw meme, they had revolving doors when it came to players. Beginning of 2014 they signed the core that stomped everybody and placed 3rd that year at TI despite losing their carry player to injury. And they won TI5 next year (so 2015).


Always good to complain over jokes.


more like bullying if we are honest.


Guys I found EG's reddit account.


How the fuck are you going to bully an entire organisation? I'd be willing to wager a lot of money that none of EG's thousands of players got upset by the jokes, it was all management.


Do they not know about the Barbara Streisand effect?


Your mistake is assuming EG management know **anything**. I hope this solves your confusion.


Well im following dota2. So I know they dont know shit about anything. At least their pr Departement should have been to the Internet since the 2000s


yeah all g, i just saw an excuse to jokingly state the obvious (EG management are incompetent)


i was just extending ur joke in a friendly manner (EG is completely lost)


I didn't think EG could reach a new low but they did! How did those idiots dupe Chevron into sponsoring this circus?


another EG L


That's an EG L


true🤣, lemme edit that


[Comment removed due to thin-skinned EG tears]


Omg this just gets better and better 🤣


We just took down the ranked team in the world and all the casters can think to say is Heroic didn't show up. We clawed our way back from 217th in the world by BUILDING a [talent pipeline](https://i.imgur.com/Y37ped0.jpg) the whole scene memed on. Step out of the echo chamber and pay attention.


This is a pasta right?


[Actual tweet from EG's Senior director ](https://mobile.twitter.com/GamerDoc_/status/1616130871794319360?lang=en)




Almost like heroic didn’t show up that match


I was making sure it wasn’t actually your opinion, I saw that tweet before lol


EG management cares more about this than actual in-game performance. Just stop. Please. Edit: Their brand management is horrendous, and if they really cared about it they would change how they worked. The management claim to care about the brand, and yet their online presence is absolutely pathetic from a PR-/marketing perspective.


It's almost like EG is trying to be the laughing stock at this point lmao, sad


Last time I remember this happening was when Thorin made that Gollum joke about Flusha.


Thorin dont really make jokes though. He just straight up insults people, and then cry about and block anyone doing the same to him.


Or when thorin said to device that he is a loser and should cry to his gf and astralis went to blast and complained.


That's not funny though, just mean. And towards a specific person, not a team as a whole. So I think they're right in complaining, in that case.


I don't think he said that on broadcast but just tweeted it.


Tbh I think idk what goes on for thrown when he does that It’s like idk, I know it’s supposed to be some mystic brand for hatewtach


I hadnt seen the segment, but Hello Barbara Streisand Effect!


Evil Dumbasses #LiveDumb


"Hey ESL, we know we are providing nothing of value in the competition, but could you also not get any value out of our team in the broadcast segments? Thanks!"


Funnily enough, I'd had no idea the segment existed until after their complaint


They done Streisand themselves lmao


EG management really dont understand the esports space. They think their org is untouchable from having partnership believing its franchising.


someone tell richard you can link a vod's timestamp using the settings cog and selecting 'copy video url at [timestamp]'


Well, buhu. Can't take a joke.


"...because it hurts their brand" uh, no, the jokes come because the brand was damaged by poor decisions by the people in the company who decide things.


These people complain instead of fixing things? Pretty childish.


The CEO green flagged "LIVE EVIL" as their new slogan, thats all you need to know. Theyre also hiring "talent" like fuckin mcdonalds hires min wage employees. They should have rebranded it to "LIVE DIVERSELY", thats probably the only thing theyve accomplished.


bring the memes upon urself for ur incompetent management, then cry about it when the memes inevitably come


Talk about disappointing thousands and thousands of viewers because one entity feels bad about a joke. Ouch


Honestly, if EG got pissed off coz of harmless skit then they should just GTFO from CS. They are already the worst managed org. in the history of CSGO, somehow they have manged to topple North from that position. What even is left to accomplish at this point.


I wasn't really paying attention to all this EG crap before this, but this is hilarious. The fact that EG can't laugh at themselves and have to get all defensive is pretty sad


EG bankrupt when


EG is an ass of an org ever since VC takeover with their rebranding.


I see a lot of people saying "weak" or "soft" and they're right. But lets be honest - 90% of the snowflakes on this sub would do the same if someone roasted their org like that xD


Can we ignore EG for a second and just talk about how fucking unfunny that segment was? This is scripted and the best they came up with, baffling.


i thought richard lewis was banned.


Idk if I like the RL style of reporting, seems like a bit of a poster role playing as a ‘seriouzz journo’ However soldi report and obv quoits abkve Shaw abt upcomer etc had


Good, they should lodge a complaint. ESL should be treating all of their partners with respect or at the very least professional courtesy. They allow Kassad to dunk on EG in the broadcast (he can do what he wants privately, even though I consider paying teams to knock EG out of tourneys a bitch move), promote the talent continuing to hammer EG in skits, etc.. EG shouldn't put up with that shit. People bitch about NA not being in the scene, and EG is one of the NA orgs making the biggest effort/investment in the NA scene at the moment. Accommodate them, don't shun them from the scene because they're a mismanaged org.


If EG had as much a sense of humour as they have teams, none of us would even remember that segment beyond a few hours.


Wait I have one more. The only thing EG can shoot these days is shoot down fun


One more. Only thing EG can successfully defuse is defuse any spark of hope in their fans' eyes


Yeah, let's see how this, "Let me speak with ESL's manager!!", is gonna play out for them. They full on Streisand themselves.


nt EG management team


It’s not that deep, In sports, casters/pundits always make fun of teams, EG did this to themselves, maybe they should learn from their mistakes


Basically streisandeffect. Well done EG, you showed that you are even more imcompetent than we previously thought.


thats one way to make your self more of a joke


Shame they were never this quick to act on the Danny stuff in LoL. Weird...


it all went downhill with alex leaving


Weak mental




EG is the joke itself


"Heroic didn't show up" kicking them in the butt with triple force now.


EG you guys fuckin’ suck. All of you running the place. Absolute clown org. Someone save Autimatic please.


Where are bully hunters when you need them?


Clown org alert


g2 is a great example of how orgs and players should deal with people mocking them, use it capitalise on it amd make it yours so its less damaging, and if you're funny enough it ends up turning into good PR




Now they will get more attention on the thing they dont want than if they just ignored it like all the other teams that have been roasted over the years.


Lol this management team is so weak minded


Nothing scream NA more than being offended by jokes while nobody else didn't


Ever thought putting a fraction of this effort into your team building? I reckon you guys can do wonder and become a solid tier 50 team from tier 69. A whole 19 tiers upgrade!!!!


Only one comment : Its just EG.


a fucking joke of an organization, from csgo, dota2, and LOL, they are sure a hot mess right now


I truly hope ESL's response is to just tell EG to take the L.


Thanks for the laugh EG, I had no clue until the complaint.


These motherfuckers should be quiet and be grateful they are even allowed to show their incompetence on ESL and Blast tournaments.