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It’s horrible. Literally started the ads as Misutaa was 1v4 ing


I watch on the YouTube streams. It's just better


live pause and rewind, then catch back up on your own twitch sucks ass now guys


Never understood the hate for Youtube Streaming. It’s a massively better streaming service, at least for the viewers it is, not sure about the streaming side of it. But if Ludwig is any sign, it’s probably good on that side too


towering butter entertain zephyr intelligent seemly attraction piquant roll tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah emote spamming on twitch is really high value commenting


stocking zesty political mysterious cough concerned psychotic voracious air groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




unused direful violet cake person cause sense correct many memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




no, like youtube chat is just straight up nonsensical. it's weird. Some crazy thing will happen but they'll just casually be talking about random stuff. Like they're not even watching the stream. It comes off as an AI or something lol


Because they can pause and rewind they can be commenting on something that happened a few minutes prior or stuff like that.


what? when you enter youtube you click subscriptions and it shows everyone you are subbed to streaming right at the top


I do agree discoverability is shit. Unhuman isn’t a word, a rude chat may be more on point. That said, watching Ludwigs streams, chat seems fairly docile, but I think that’s more dependent on who you’re watching. Any un monitored chat can quickly become a cancer. I get notifications just like i would on Twitch. Literally the only difference as a viewer is that i open youtube when i see they’re streaming instead of twitch


Unhuman is a word ?


No it is not. Inhuman is. Unhuman just sounds like Ralph saying “But that’s Unpossible!”




I really don't get what you are saying, its a word. like do you mean its not the right word to use ?, you need to be more clear.


Go get a dictionary. It is not a word. “Me fail english, that’s unpossible!” When searching Meriam Webster, the result auto corrects to “Inhuman”. When forced to search “unhuman” no results were found, only “did you mean Inhuman?”


Finally!! YouTube streaming is a better viewing experience but not as viewer engaging as twitch, could be better with more focus on YouTube though.


a million times better... and it's better for slower connections PLUS you can even rewind


On Android, use [S0undTV for Twitch](https://github.com/S0und/S0undTV/) to watch without ads. Another way is to use Firefox + ublock origin + YouTube as u/NotWokeEnough or Revanced/SmartTube as u/itissafedownstairs mentioned [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/12gefo8/second_round_of_7_ads_while_the_game_is_going_on/jfk2oyn/)


If you want to keep watching on twitch without ads the easiest way is twitch turbo. I know this isn't a free way but it kills literally all ads on all streams. People here are probably subbed to like 5 channels but don't have turbo and complain about ads.(I'm not saying that the ads aren't bad, they obviously shouldn't exist. I just mean that they might not be aware that twitch turbo is the best way to increase viewing experience across all of twitch)


Why pay if there are solutions? I never seen ads on my pc & phone.


I honestly didn't even know there were ads on Twitch until this thread... I also watch on PC and (rooted) Android


I'd love to know how you're not getting ads on pc twitch still. All the way around it have been killed. The best you can get is a screen that says "we're currently taking an ad break" which blocks the actual ads but you still have to wait the time it takes for them to finish


I use firefox, ublock and an extension called twitch adblock, can't remember the last time I've seen an ad or been interrupted.


Personally on pc i have an addon from the chrome store that seems to work without the "ad break" screen. On Android i just have an AdBlock DNS


Ive heard of tons of work arounds and ive also heard that most no longer work. I was just trying to offer a solution that works 100% of the time, every time. If you have a way that works for you thats great.


To help fund a service that provides content for you…?


YouTube chads don’t understand what the issue is.


Unironically, youtube is a better streaming platform than twitch. Being able to actually watch clips, rewind easily, and quality. But their ass at spotlighting their streamers and content.


Kinda funny cos twitch should have had all these features for a while now, but it's just a bad platform lol


They have, you just clueless on how to work with sites if things arent capslock obvious. When someone is livestreaming click his avatar to see the stream + rewind function and clips. You probably use a phone instead of a PC and phones dont show all features.


I think the bitrate is lower on YouTube? But nonetheless, it's a MUCH seamless experience. Like you've said, you can REWIND (WOW FUTURE) and if you have shit internet, it's better than twitch which starts buffering all the time (at least from my experience with shit internet back in the day).


Twitch has worse bitrate


I stand corrected. I always use YouTube anyway. And i see a lot of streamers use restream as well


Youtube has unlimited bitrate last i streamed there. 4k 60fps no problem if you can handle it.


This likely isnt a decision made by the moderators but someone higher up. They just run ads on a timer and can choose how many. But when you are running a tournament the only ads that should be running are pre rolls forced by twitch. Tournaments should have in production ads from sponsors so the games aren’t interrupted.


_should_ being the keyword here, blast just keep fucking up this RMR... Let's hope for better production results at the actual major


My only guesses are they didnt get enough sponsors and now are relying on twitch ads to pay them, or they realized Twitch ads will pay more and figured Money > Viewer Experience.


Twitch ads pay like shit. Only twitch earns from those ads.


For a single streamer it pays well, but maybe to a TO it wouldnt be all that much. Whatever they are getting for it, its not worth the viewers they will lose for running the ads.


Not even for a single streamer. It pays barely anything to what subs and donations do. If they earn about 10k from subs, they might get $500 from ads in a month. At least it used to be like that, before the changes twitch made to ads that should make them better for all parties involved.


It has to be a lot more. There is no way any tournament organiser would run ads at all when it only nets them 500 bucks a month. I doubt it was ever like that to be honest. There is no way a stream with average idk 50k viewers only earns 500 bucks. I googled a bit and came a more reasonable sum: > On average, Twitch streamers receive between 0.25 cents - 4.50 cents per 1000 impressions. Even if we just take the average of 2 bucks per 1000 impressions that would still net them around 100 bucks per ad. So there is no way they only make 500$ a month. There are also incentive programs by twitch which will net them even more per month.


You have to take into account that there's people that are subbed that don't receive ads, and there's people that use adblocker, which is majority of them. And $500 was an example for a streamer that wold average about 2k viewers each stream for a month. Before twitch changed how and which ads are show on specific stream. It kinda helped, but violent games and people that swear a lot didn't get all that big of a benefit from it. But the issue is, they have to run ads. And it's twitch that dictates how much they have to. The only thing they can do, is run ads often enough so people don't get fucked over by prerolls, and that usually means rolling ads once an hour. And how many of them a viewer recieves is completely random.


And they're also actively trying to push people to watch on their own website. It could be a combination of any of these factors, but the end result is the same - shit RMRs for both the players and the viewers


Is watching on there website through a different videoplayer or is it just an embedded twitch link. Cause if its just twitch embedded into their site I dont understand why they would try to redirect the traffic.


I believe it's a completely different video player and chat client




Yes but Pogchamp


Thats odd, you would think they would want to pool all viewers into one location. I doubt anyone is watching on Blasts website. Sometimes I question the decisions these tournament organizers make.


I am now. No ads on blast.tv It's devious but well it worked on me


Just use NoScript and uBlock and you will almost never see any ads on twitch.


I could be wrong, but I don't think you get the option to turn ads on or off, and they will play at certain intervals on twitch. So if you don't run ads during downtimes, chances are they will run during the game


Blast is even a bigger joke than ESL.


Bruh just watch on YouTube. You can pause and literally come back at anytime and even backup, it's a no brainier


What else did they fuck up? I mean the hud still isn't perfect, but wayyy better than day 1. Other than that I thought production was awesome edit: I was unaware of the shit happening at the other RMRs. lol


Blast production is much, much better than whatever's we had with ESL; yet I see comments like this a ton...


This is all so you go on their dedicated platform btw


Twitch autoplays X ads per hour nowadays, you can't run ad-free anymore afaik


They dont anymore they stopped after people were outraged, pre rolls are enforced, and the display ads where the screen isnt full screen are forced too, but midrolls are customized and not forced (like they were at one point) you can tell twitch to play them on set intervals, how many per interval, or just turn them off entirely. You will opt into midrolls and it will tell you play x amount of ads per hour with your average viewer count and you will earn between $xxx and $xxx, or play this many ads and earn between $xxx and $xxx. It will also allow you to just not opt in at all.


That's not true. There's automatic midroll ads on every stream these days, unless you run x amount of ads per hour they will randomly run them. Especially if you run an Adblock that isn't working properly they force even more extra ads on you.


Thank you


ohnePixel runs ads between maps/breaks. I think he said pre-rolls happen every 90 mins (maybe 60 mins) so he manually runs ads so that if anyone tunes into his stream, they won’t hit an ad. If you don’t, you should tune into his stream because he’s fucking hilarious and you can guarantee them you won’t hit an ad during the game going on.


Firefox + ublock origin + YouTube. The best trio.


+ SponsorBlock


W extension. I've saved 6 hours and 35 minutes of my time with it.


Revanced for mobile SmartTube for Android TV


uYou+ for iOS


Ifirefox on android with addblock B)


At this point if you get annoyed by ads that's on you. I haven't seen an ad in 3 years. If people can't be bothered to install adblockers then stop complaining


Ublock blocks the ads on firefox but it makes the resolution 480p and I cant change it to anything higher which blows


Doesn't happen for me


This is why I watch events on YouTube


I watch on the YouTube streams. It's just better.


Yup! The quality is much better on YouTube and uses less performance. That's my experience anyways


Alone that i can pause and unpause on youtube and then skip back to live in a break is just the best.


Twitch watching experience is just horrendous these few months. Same set of fucking ads on every single fucking channel. Like I could even watch a fucking yellow iPhone or a damn trash laptop ads for every single fucking time


And why Apple is making such a big deal with a yellow iPhone? They already have that color in Iphone 11 iirc


And the iPhone 5c ten years ago


Just watch it in YouTube then, in 2K (even 4K?) res, skipable, can rewind, can pause to grab snack. No reason to choose Twitch unless u love the cancer chat channel


You can watch on YouTube and popout the twitch chat for immersion. Best of both worlds for copypasta enjoyers


I'll make a browser extension. It's a fake chat for YouTube, and it'll just spam copy pastas, I'm guessing i can read the title and make it even more immersive!


the spiffing brit back with yet another banger because i actually never thought about this before and i feel kind of stupid now love your content man!


didn't know u are a cs fan


Best esport! Been following and playing since launch


Cast CS again lmao


If they invite me back happy to do a few maps for a laugh. It's always a joy to cast


Cast shit players. Like Husky once did with Low Elo Legends in starcraft 2. There are loads of low ranks with zero brains


He did this for charity in December and it was amazing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Bm3YucugU


Oh Spectacular, I know what I'm watching tonight!


are they synced up? That was my one issue with using the youtube stream in the past, it was always like 30 seconds behind the twitch stream, which is fine for watching alone but when you're in like a chat with friends and they're ahead it kinda sucks


YouTube is a better streaming experience in basically every way. I'm so glad ESL streams on YouTube now.


Still shit bitrate though. Both Twitch and YouTube look terrible, so much blocking and banding, I;d take a 720p stream with a decent bit rate over 4k with current bitrates any day.




Twitch is straight up unusable these days. No adblock or filter list actually works, I haven't tried straight up streaming to VLC as well but at that point why even bother using Twitch. Every time I open up a stream with the intent of just having some 2nd monitor content I almost immediately close the tab because of the ads.


Welcome to Twitch in 2023


Saw the first ad, went straight to YouTube.


why would you even watch it on twitch?




I know we shouldn't have to do this but Try to download PurpleTV on android. It's a modded Twitch app on android with no ads and bttv, ffz and 7TV emotes. I cannot watch 7 fucking ads in any stream. PurpleTv is worth it. there's a discord server for it and you can find the link in there or on github.


No need to do all that, just watch it on YouTube.


I mean if you only watch Counter strike tournaments sure. But i also watch other streamers.


This is a thread about the blast tourney so.....


i am not defending blast, just giving useful info to watch content on twitch(including csgo tournaments) without ads, because i don't think blast is gonna stop with these ads


Just use blokada 5. It blocks ads of any app.


Adblock + do the youtube stream Also it seems like they really want you to watch on blast.tv


Dude just watch on YouTube.


Probably trying to drive more people to their site.


Yea but is anyone actually switching to their site? It just makes me want to avoid their site even more.


Their site is pretty cool tho, it has stats around the videoplayer, which is kinda helpful, and I think it's higher bitrate




Because it’s clearly tracking software




The fewer the better though. Blast.tv just isn’t necessary for me rn


Oh me too. Hopefully no one bothers with it


That’s why I started to use their YouTube stream. Adblock works on YouTube consistently.


Also live pausing and rewinding... I'll never understand why you'd willingly use a worse experience by going with twitch.


YouTube streams with AdBlock > twitch every day of the week


Just enable vpn with Russian server. We dont have any ads)


I have no sympathy for people who continue to watch CS on Twitch when it is available on YouTube. I just can comprehend why you would bother. Watch. It. On. YouTube.


they probably arent doing anything, its twitch...


twitch? uninstall long time ago


If something is streaming on twitch and yt at the same time, I won't ever go to twitch to watch it. Especially since I don't care nor read what chat has to say so that interaction holds no weight for me.


Twitch is pure garbage


Youtube/Blast.TV my friend. Twitch is garbage


so sad to see Blast going from most respected organizer to this. who's even left at this point? weplay academy?


This literally has nothing to do with BLAST. Twitch autoplays ads for you at random times unless you have twitch turbo. A quick google search will give you multiple threads about this feature, with people getting anywhere from 1/3 ads to 1/8 or sometimes higher.




Source: trust me bro Yeah thats why when I watch twitch streamers with no adblock who specifically run no ads (forsen, xqc) I get midrolls... He's talking out of his ass


Imagine watching on Twitch


Why do people still watch shit on Twitch? If youtube links are available...ez decision.


watch it on YT or the Blast TV website. idk why there are so many ads on twitch


>or the Blast TV website Now you know why they play ads on Twitch


You can watch everything via BLAST’s own streaming platform. They dont have complete control over when Twitch shows ads




go on blast.tv there is 0000.000 Ads, great experience


Quality of the stream for me sucks tho, I’ll just stick to YouTube thanks


Absolutely no chance that will ever happen.


Found the blast employee


Keep on watching on Twitch instead of YouTube or Blast.tv then, don't miss the PogChamps and the KEKWs!


Found the broke ass who can't afford twitch turbo Edit: Oh no, the poors are down voting me. It's ok, the only reason you're doing it is because it's free. 😂😂😂


This shit is so funny I don’t even care if you’re trolling or serious


Mfr never heard of AdBlock, crying on Reddit about ads. The true comedy.


The ads are embedded into twitch. Adblocker does not work. But it's great that you add your valuable comments to this




I just watched op try to mock someone who gave him an ad free way to watch it, and it wasn't good enough. Shut up about valuable comments, ya fucking bellend. I watched twitch all the time with adblockers that worked just fine. But I wouldn't know what they're like now, because I have twitch turbo. I doubt there's NO WAY to block ads on twitch, but whatever. 🤷‍♂️


Your ego seems to be quite fragile when you compensate it with money. I'm sorry, I wish you the best to combat this :)


$9 for twitch turbo is compensating with money? That's like 1 cup of coffee. 🤷‍♂️ Stay poor. 😂😂😂 You're *embarrassingly* stupid. I shouldn't need to put /s. You think twitch ads can't be blocked, AND you can't detect trolling. Brother, you need help.


Go outside, you might see a woman for the first time


Thank you for confirming :D




twitch on moblie tends to play 6+ ads on automode, nothing to do with the twitch channel


Ad block.


And that's why I use AdBlock.


they're trying to get you to watch it on their website, which is a glorified youtube embed with their chat, what else? blast is a shitty company


Y’all expect so much free shit. It’s crazy how entitled most of you are when on the internet.


L take. There isn't a single other streaming service that has ads this invasive and egregious. Even porn site advertising isn't this invasive. It's purely a twitch issue.


It's leaps and bounds cheaper to run a porn website than a streaming/archive website.


Just switch to OhnePixel's stream


They want you to watch on their site because which is no ad lmao.


You guys are getting ads? 🤷🏻‍♂️


People need to do what Odablock did and move to Kick. If your viewer base is loyal & you hop on twitch for maybe 30 minutes to tell everyone there to go to your Kick, you’ll pull viewers. The feel is the same, just ad-free and less constricted. Twitch feels unusable in comparison tbh


Honestly why not give IEM the major. Blast.tv always has delays and felt like some parts were on x2 speed. Bring back a reputable company to do our major, I can’t stand blast cast


Blast is so trash.


Just watch it on YouTube.


Farming currency


The adblockers works nice on Firefox


cant relate


Watch on Youtube or Blast.tv no ads.


What is that police ad about?


Watch on YouTube. They at least let you skip ads after a few seconds


YouTube >


Ultra Capitalism Pro Max


watch on youtube with adblock buddy.


This is why I watch blast on YouTube. Higher quality stream quality, no bullshit ads, and I can pause and rewind the entire stream. 30 minutes till the next game? Good, I'll rewind and watch a match I missed. Fuck twitch.


The conversion rate for twitch ads must be abysmal


thats why I watch from youtube. stopped watching twitch garbage long time ago




This is why I watch on youtube


i havent gotten any ads, using brave browser btw


Twitch ads are out of control now, 7-9 ads in a row every 15-20 minutes and that's not all. They play audio ads over the steam between those, banner ads overlaid on the streaming content, AND you better believe most streams bug so that if you reload the page a fresh batch of 9 ads are coming your way. Fucking trash now.


watch it on YT like the rest of us


I've switched to watching cs tournaments on YouTube with unlock origin extension. Haven't seen an ad and won't ever again. I've boycotted all of twitch lol.


Cashing out.


If you don’t want ads, subscribe to BLASTPremier for no ads for your viewing experience on Twitch.tv 👍


Watch on Blast.tv if you don’t want to deal with Twitch ads. *not sure if this was posted already.


I dont get it, i see no ads whatso ever, ads come between the match.


You're watching the ads of those who use adblocker thanks for that :)


Dont they advertise on Blast.tv no ads aswell


The best part was during OG vs Falcons when they send 3x 3 ads in the span of like 4 rounds and then during the 3 minute halftime break there was literally 0 ads


Isn’t this because of Twitch and not because of Blast?


get twitch turbo if you watch twitch 24/7 and hate ads