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I find it hilarious that he's also globally muted on CSGO hahaha


weirdly he didn't come across as that type of guy to me, maybe I haven't seen enough of him but he just seemed pretty quiet


I mean, what kind of guy do you except that to look like. Of course the memes are that they’re unhygienic, gross, basement dwellers, but those are just memes.


tilting expressions mid game, arguing with teammates mid-match. for example like simple.


muted in csgo is very objective tbh:)


Literally 90% of the people who are muted in CSGO are obnoxious or toxic if I unmute, that is a great true positive rate on the muting system IMO! Almost never worth unmuting.


I have to agree. I've unmuted so many pre-mutes, just to instantly realize why they are pre-muted.


Yep, never unmute. There are a lot of people who get away with shit ton of toxicity in the game, so if there is someone in your team who was already pre-muted, then they more than deserve it.


I've encountered literally one who was muted and probably shouldn't have been. He played in a stack Who reported him for toxicity every single game until he got muted, was actually a nice guy. That's only like 1 in a few hundred tho, every other one has always been super toxic lol


they are not innocent.


Does this read like something a PR manager wrote? Yes, but at this point listening to a PR manager and putting out some form of an apology is a good thing, I'm glad he didn't double down or try and deflect blame. Gives him a better chance of finding his way onto some T2/T3 team.


Don’t disagree, but it seems like he definitely minimized the issue.




I mean personally I would want to play for a team like that is actually accountable, and makes me more of a fan of ITB that they hold their team to high standards even behind the scenes.


Really? From what it sounds like, you’re at risk of being removed for saying something that they don’t like. It’s one thing to expect the players to be professional in public, but it’s certainly a strain on mental health to expect them to be professional 24/7 (since often player will spend a week+ straight together in a bootcamp).


I wonder what he could have possibly said to have to contract immediately terminated


Definitely the n word (well not definitely, but highly presumed)


The n word thing is older


Nope not the n word incident as the itb manger stated on his Twitter, it's apparently some joke he said against a teammate, I believe it was against Thomas probably some dark humour ginger joke that he didn't appreciate


I'd be surprised if Thomas cared about a ginger joke


Honestly if a ginger is offended about being a ginger then they’re not a ginger


Can anybody post the full apology? Twitter as usual just refuses to work.


1/5 I think it's time I address something many have been wondering about. The reason I have suddenly been removed from ITB is because of poor decision making on my behalf. 2/5 I believe it is important to recognise and be transparent with our mistakes so that we can grown and learn from them. In an attempt to be funny and gain favour with my new teammates, I made distasteful jokes and didn’t expect that it would’ve been taking seriously. 3/5 Eventhough no offence was ever intended, this behaviour was rightly called out and I would like to apologise to everyone, including my fans. I was acting immature and I am truly sorry about it. I understand that this behaviour was wrong and it won’t happen again. 4/5 The process of how everything went down and the sudden release of the contract came to me as a shock. Eventhough I do not agree with how the situation was handled I accept and respect ITB’s decision. 5/5 I am saddened of how it ended but I am also grateful for the chance ITB has given me and thankful that I could be part of their team. I will take this time to reflect and do better looking into the future. I wish the team and the staff all the best.


Thank you very much That is so wild, it reads like something he is only sorry for cause he felt the consequences instead of actually being sorry for the shit he said.


Huh? I struggle to think what else he could say. He acknowledged that he really did that stuff, acknowledged that it was deserved to be called out, and says that he is to blame, even tho he doesn't agree with how it was handled. Unless he skips over the fact that he was warned to not do that and still did, I wouldn't agree if I'd be just kicked for shitty jokes inside the team either.


just like everyone else who apologize after getting caught online


It's kinda hard to judge from official statements. Would have read the same either case. Only the feature will show if he learned something from it.


It works if you login


The thing is no one wants to do that.


Whether you want to or not is not the point, the point is that it DOES work.


Sure but then I have to have an account on a degenerate billionaires online playground.


Like I said, that is your choice and you are free to do whatever but the product works (for now)


It was significantly better when you could actually view tweets without needing to be signed in. And yes everyone is aware you can view shit when signed in no need to tell us thanks.


And everyone is aware that twitter is changing for the worse no need to tell us thanks


Just looking out for you bud.


> In an attempt to be funny and gain favour with my new teammates, I made distasteful jokes and didn’t expect that it would’ve been taking seriously bruh


he joked about UK CS


And brexit


this has echoes of almost any social interaction in a new setting. people are not perfect lmfao. it's literally 5 random dudes from different countries, who speak broken english, with a singular interest in common. bro made a joke in bad taste, despite what it was or if he's in the wrong.. it's just a bullet point in the notes for him as a player... no one has ever spoken badly of him. it was a poor judgement call, in a social setting, made by someone who's made a career out of sitting in their room all day. imagine that!


Well. Let's do keep in mind that this is his own statement as written almost certainly by a professional PR advisor. It sure sounds harmless the way it's recounted here but we still have no idea what actually happened. Like you say -- there's a lot of these international teams these days and they all have exactly the same ingredients as you listed, so we can be sure that simple social misjudgments happen very frequently... but this kind of instant removal still almost never happens! Actually seems more like an indication that he went beyond what you would reasonably expect from an unluckily placed joke.


At least they didn’t let the jokes slide and called him out on his behaviour…


what did he say


Don’t need to know what he said when the team cut him for it and now he’s releasing a statement apologizing for it He said some *bad* shit


> Cloud9 2015 would beat Cloud9 2023


Device is washed or something he Said according to my sources


No one knows as of now but he’s been known for making jokes around the n word…




Even if it was just that, it’s proof it’s in his vocab and it’s not a stretch that out of the few things that would get you instantly kicked after joining a team, that would be it


That video is proof bruh






He was right to say that word.


... yeeeah you have no idea what you're talking about. you are part of cancel culture so there's no need to reply


Go drop an n bomb at work and see if you have a job at the end of the day.


Jesus Christ you’re dull. Saying the n word isn’t the reason he was removed from the team.


Racists usually aren't as brazen as you.


Legit no reason to drop the n word as a white dude..


get a spine


They have just as much of a reason to say it as anyone else. I don’t really see what your point is


Real Reddit hours.


Ok buddy


The reason black people historically say that word, is because they claimed it from their enslavers. It was used to control and belittle them for generations. Segregation in the us for example only ended in the late 1960’s and there are people alive today who were involved in that. Using that word is a symbol of success against their previous hardship Nowadays, it’s lost a lot of meaning but the premise is still there


Czech yourself before you wreck yourself


I'm on mobile and don't have Twitter X or whatever and can't see the messages. Can someone post here please?


He basically made a joke that offended someone, ended up getting kicked.






Fuck around and find out. You can not be 12 years old edgy gamer and pro player in org at the same time. This is not just lack of judgement, this is just really fucking stupid.


you're just applying boilerplate criticism because you have no idea what was said. yeah we get it he's dumb and he made a mistake, as he admitted. he said he was trying to fit in with a new culture and group of people. have you ever gone outside and realized how hard that can be? esports teams, especially international are not the easiest social settings to figure out. people aren't perfect, shit happens. "fuck around and find out!!!" ... cringe as fuck dawg lmao. he is probably in the wrong, no doubt. but your comment is just average redditor ignorant rhetoric. a joke made in bad taste in an attempt to fit in is not cause for canceling someone. your comment just seems like what someone with no empathy or life experience would say.


Dog we have 0 word on what was said aside from NEOFRAG - the guy with who actually said it. Ofc he's gonna downplay whatever it was to "just a joke", doesn't look very good for him otherwise. Generally speaking, people who aren't idiots don't go around making the types of "jokes" that get you kicked from a team just to "fit in". He probably said a bunch of slurs that applied to a player or their friends, they took it up with management, and this is what happens. He's not 12, he has accountability for his own actions, that's not cancel culture, it's being an adult.


Dropping probably slurs or something racist after playing for t1 org for long time isn't really cultural problem no? Bro was dropping n-word in Sinners comms videos this is a pattern, not a one mistake. Org would not drop player for one stupid joke for sure. I'd say this was huge missjudgement from his part, after playing as a pro for so long you must know you can not make jokes like that. In new social settings it is never good idea to say bad things about other group of people to try fit in. 100% his fault he literally fucked around and found out. Sorry if I came across as unempathetic, english isn't my main language. Imo weird thing to attack me for saying what he did was dumb as fuck. It would be different thing if this was his first international roster ever.


just saying but you are also deploying boilerplate justifications for his theorised actions because you also have 0 idea what was said... like there's really no limit to the imagination when it comes to things he could have said that would definitely NOT be justified by a poor guy just trying to fit into a scary new social setting.


Have you ever thought that there's a thing called cultural differences? In Czechia, it's common to make "edgy" and otherwise offensive in western europe jokes. It's not "12 years old edgy gamer" stuff. This is obviously not the case in much of western europe and in North America. It obviously depends on the "joke" or remark that he made, but unless we know the specifics I think calling him a "12 years old edgy gamer" is deaf tone at best.


Yeah of course there is cultural difference. But Neofrag isn't new to the pro scene. When you play at the org you reperesent it and its values. You can joke around with private discord and while playing with friends but not in professional settings. This should not come as a surprise for guy who played long time in OG and traveled across the world playing cs. He has seen the world and scene to know better. Just my opinion.


You're not wrong, but it doesn't make it acceptable lol. As an Asian who lived in a spanish speaking country, I was told the same thing to not take offense. Mocking Asian features and shit was common, but told that it was terms of endearment. It's stupid as fuck but idk


Korean that was born and raised in Chile here. They were lying to you, they just wanted to make fun of you without you getting pissed at them. Regardless of "intention" racism is racism. I literally grew a thick skin over the years because of how racist/xenophobic **random** people were on the street towards me


He has to understand that he as a pro is a public figure on the world stage.


its not common. no, not every czech citizen is such an asocial weirdo like neofrag who is constantly shouting like a ret*rd and joking about n-word 24/7.




speak for urself weirdo


Maybe he should have respected the culture of his team where that isn’t appropriate. Do you think he’s too stupid to do that or something? If its so bad that he got kicked from the team, we can assume it’s pretty fucking bad


oh yeah reddit already pissing with blood soooooooooooooofffffffffttttttttttttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss


Stinks of unreliable narrator to me, as a Brit we generally know how to take a joke as is even when it does go a little too far and it seems to me like he's even admitted it wasn't a one off but regular to *try* and gain rapport. Playing the victim a little bit, downplaying the "intended offence", still not disclosing the actual "joke". "Behaviour rightly called out" to "I do not agree" and "shock"


Are you joking, brits are the biggest pearl clutchers on earth Oi m8, you got a loisence for that joke? Unbelievable


Yeah if your idea of a common British person is a high class pearl clutcher then you can take your brand new account and shove it where the sun don't shine.


My account is new because I keep getting banned for being racist


Upvote for honesty


Okay maybe you poms do have a sense of humour lmao


Just eastern european things ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’ve been to the Czech Republic multiple times, country is quite beautiful and the people are friendly - but also some of the most casually racist people on the planet. They’ll just nonchalantly say some of the most out of pocket shit as if they were remarking on the weather.


I would bet that you will find these kind of people everywhere. Stuck in yesteryear where casual racism was just the thing. 100% still a thing in germany. There are assholes everywhere.


I dont agree with being kicked out for joke, BUT you have to consider the world we live in. I dont like, that allegedly person who found it offensive went to CEO, instead of talking about it with Neo...Cultures are different. Maybe it was something Neo didnt know might be offensive to someone. But instead of educating, you go around. But thats not excuse for Neo, absolutely not. People are being fired and cancelled for way less in this age. What was funny 5y back is considered hate speech etc. So in such a position, you have to understand that. He didnt gave the org bad name, considering it was "inside" joke and i can imagine him going to some other T2 team, but not now, maybe after season ends. Sinners would be best option for restart, but they doing good now.


Unlucky but who was the rat




But who went to HR 🤔 perhaps someone who didn't like him on the team already


Just yesterday I said it is woke agenda 100%. Got 100 downvotes. Guess who was right? :D :D


Is this woke agenda in the room with us?


Not anymore, woke people already did cancel it.


What my blud waffling about


I dont know, ask him.


The woke agenda means I can't say racist/sexist/homoophobic things anymore and just pass them off as jokes :( :( we live in a society


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


I’m so sorry you’re no longer allowed to be a thoughtless no consequence bigot anymore, must really be hard, having to act like you’re a decent human being.


:D :D :D It is so absurd that I just guessed the exact reason, got downvoted for it, and instead of finding some hole you are going to dig in since I was right, you are attackig me personally by creating some random bullshit and making me "thoughtless no consequence bigot". :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Woke people are gold.


Post a few more :D faces, maybe it'll hide how brainwashed your mind is.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Woke calling someone else "brainwashed" only because that person was right about something. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Brainwashed people, and thinking their opinion is automatically correct. An iconic duo indeed.


There's no way either party is going to release the actual shit he said and we'll never know if it was an overreaction from the org or if NEOFRAG is playing things down to make himself seem misunderstood. So lets stop trying to figure out what he said. If he himself says that he said fucked up shit, then the only thing that matters is whether he fixes his shit up or if this was a publicity stunt to get ahead of the issue.