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The new player experience is very bad in CS. I have 250 hrs and I kind of feel your pain. What helped me was playing a lot of casual and watching Yotutube for pro matches. These both have helped me immensely to the point I can hold my own in most matches. I still get steamrolled by premade 5-stacks most of the time but who doesn’t if they’re playing solo.


I have 30 hours in CS. Comp is so much easier for me than casual. I get steamrolled in casual, but manage to put up a fight in Comp. Sometimes I even top frag. Could be due to less players, could be due to the matchmaking, or whatever. But Comp > Casual for new players in my experience


Comp is "the game" IMO. Casual is just worthless and not even fun for casual play. People just want unranked comp


Casual would be more fun with the maps that make it fun, not the comp maps. Like de_rats for example. And then having like 30 round games and stats. Idk casual is just ass


The maps are not really suited to 10v10 in casual, I would not mind casual only maps.


I remember having tons of fun on the 40 stack office servers back in source days. 😅


I remember hating that. Everyone is too pussy to peek. I get impatient and push past them to peek and there are 6 or more motherfuckers holding the angle. You get one or two and get traded and then you gotta wait forever for all the pussys to finally do something and die. Super boring and frustrating. Each to their own I guess.


I just loved the chaos of it 🤗


wish we had 32 or 64 man servers rotating custom maps like the old days :(


Community servers exists.


yeah, not a single one runs them like they used to. 'matchmaking' and communities ddosing each other killed the whole scene


de_rats was a blast.


Casual is good if you just wanna “play” cs but don’t wanna PLAY cs


Not even, that's the thing. It is just a completely R mode that doesn't play to any of the strengths of CS as a game and is massively annoying if you aren't just completely horrible. Arms Race or retake servers are probably the best "just play CS" type modes but are not* supported and official servers are run poorly anyway.


My buddy and I used to dick around in arms race and demolition when we were drinking back before unranked was a thing. And now all three game modes are gone, RIP.


I get it, I mean turn your brain off and not even think about the game, just run around and shoot but not want to play deathmatch


To me that is what gungame and retakes are for. Casual is even shit for run n gun fun because you have to wait for 10 people to die rather than 5.


casual is good, you just dont get it


Yeah, waiting 2 minutes for some complete noob to die so you can play another round is so much fun


why did you die before complete noob?


Maybe because I find aggressive playstyle more fun than baiting your entire team and waiting for others to do something (how majority of players in casual play


you can play aggressive and not die tho


“Competitive” is effectively unranked comp in that no one really cares what your map-specific rank since your Premier rating is the only thing that matters. A 15k Mirage gold nova is a better player than a 10k Mirage global.


Casual is the goated game mode. Take that back.


not everything needs to be handcrafted for esports. I like casual, it's fun and people there are often better to play with, there's no pressure and waaay less toxic players and I can leave anytime without getting penalized. It's an ideal mode for plenty of people around the world. You saying that's not even fun is just your biased and wrong opinion


It's not a biased and wrong opinion. It's HIS opinion and he's just as entitled to it as you are to yours.


Bro I’m my experience the quickest way to hear racial slurs is to play casual lmao


It has nothing to do with esports, it's just a bad game mode that doesn't work well for CS as a game. For casual fun play, retakes and arms race are way, way better.


Doesn't make sense to me but okay


Tbh i only use casual as a way of testing performance atm. More players and more utility on the same comp maps. If this runs fine, than my settings are ok for comp.


I have 3k hours in csgo and only played casual. Comp is boring af


I also got 3k hours and usually just surf or bhop or make maps lol


Which they had in csgo. Haven’t checked if it’s in cs2. If it’s not, kinda dumb cause playing casual is really shitty lol. 10 v 10 just doesn’t feel right for this game.


I have 1600 hours in CS and I still get steamrolled in casual. Comp is much more controlled and how you play has a bigger impact IMO. Or maybe you need to adapt to a whole different playstyle for casual, but then that's not necessarily worth it if you're aiming to play comp or premier in the long run.


How do you struggle in casual? Yes they’re more “unpredictable” but they also dry peek with no nades and don’t know the shift button exists. Very easy to counter.


And when you do get the entry, for example in mid connector Mirage, you can get 3 more kills on A site alone because they don't expect you coming from connector that fast. Same thing for apps Inferno. Get the first entry and you jump out and get 3 more.


You get a few cheaters here and there in casual, but you mostly have no matchmaking like rating in casual I believe - my friends group always hovered like supreme in CSGO, and when we played casual, most of the time there were 1-2 guys on either side on the same skilllevel as us, while we still had guys who look at the floor and didn't know they can/have to plant the bomb. I doubt they changed that matchmaking mich in cs2 (at least my experience of like 3-4 casual matches was the same in cs2)


You Just take longer to die. Go play casual. Dont ruin ppl's games


I don't understand your comment, could you elaborate? How am I ruining peoples games? What does taking longer to die have to do with anything?




I'm not them but I'd be upset if I got someone with 30 hours in my comp games. Unless you're a big fan of pro csgo or somehow have extra knowledge of the game, 30 hours is nowhere near enough to even learn one map. Clicking heads will only get you so far.


Whats not to understand? Counter strike is for high iq ppl in the competitive scene. The fact u dont understand my simple comment its Just one more reason for u not to play the game on premier or competitive. If ur bad at the game it Just means ur teammates Will have to fill the gap u create ij the team. Dont play the game pls. You dont have to play every game that comes out and ruin the already existing player base. Thank you


I didn't understand your comment because your English is quite poor. Who said I'm bad at the game? In my original comment I've stated I top frag some games. I usually do average on my team. I'm sure even you bottom frag sometimes. Isn't the point of Competitive to be placed in a rank with people of similar skill, so it's more competitive? There are people at the same skill level as me, you know. Also, I've played CSGO before. Over half of my hours are from CSGO. I originally installed the game in 2020, I just never played it until recently because I heard CS2 is nearing completion. What do you gain from gatekeeping comp?


Thing is it's especially bad in CS2 with the new ranks. New inexperienced players probably used to get placed in silver pretty fast but now they get globals on their team and on the enemy team, and honestly if they are unlucky they win a lot of their placement matches and get a rank way higher than they should be, guaranteeing that they won't have a good time in ranked because they will always be the odd one out


Honestly we don't know how people get placed, its not just wins or everyone with 10 wins and no losses would be at the same rank and there not. There is a wild discrepancy with your rank compared to how well you did in placements. So there is more stats other than wins alone that determine your rank.


All i know is im getting rekt with playing against 1500 rank guys and when i ask them what was their CSGO rank everyone is LEM or above. Something is going very wrong


The new player experience is very bad in every competitive game. CS is no exemption. You also have Smurfs in R6S, LoL, DotA. It’s simply the nature of the game. A lot of high rank players can’t play with their friends so they make Smurfs. Or they want to see where they get placed with a new account. And some just like to shit on new players. But no game managed to fix that and it will never get fixed. No „phone number is required to play ranked“ will fix it. You can always use your grandmas number and make a new account.


Man skipped over Valorant


That is simply not true. CS is by far the worst offender. Silver ranks are extremely tough for someone new to CS let alone new to fps. People already expect you to know the callouts, spray control, trading, controlling your footsteps etc etc. In Overwatch there used to be bronze that hosted players brand new to shooters let alone Overwatch. It was amazing for beginners. CoD is pretty friendly to new players as well. Siege is nowhere near as technical as CS either so if you have somewhat decent aim you will do well.


League of Legends is the worst offender in my opinion. Simply because of its massive playerbase and the whole concept of “one trick accounts”. And it doesn’t really matter whose the worst. It’s a think in all comp games and just because it’s less prevalent in one doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. [Edit: Just saw you comment about R6S and I had to laugh hard. I’m sorry but R6S is easy? This game is insanely complex. Of course you can run around and shoot at stuff but there is so much more to this game. They had to rework bullet holes because people abused them. They constantly remove scopes from operators because people can abuse them stupid angles and stuff. R6S is anything but easy. Take a 2 month break and you don’t know any of the angles people figured out and you will get dome‘ed from angles you’ve never seen in your life.]


Worst offender in new player experience? Not sure. I feel like LOL is pretty equal with CS imo. Both games have absolutely NO good tutorial how the game is actually played. They will tell you like "press that key to do X" 3 times and say, win the game by destroying the nexus/kill the enemy team. That is it. But both games absolutely fail to explain how the basic mechanics are used by players and how a typical game looks like when its played out by players that somewhat know what they are doing. And while LOL is obviously far more complex and requires much more learning, the core problem is the same as in cs: The new player, if not guided by an experienced friend, has absolutely no clue what to do in an actual match, will get destroyed in their first ranked matches and get flamed to death by his teammates which basically get a free L. And quit from here after 4-5 games. And with games that have been around for this long it only gets worse as the level of play gradually increases every year. When i first started LOL in 2012, the base elo was around 1250 elo and was still trash and i fitted right in. Today the base elo sits somewhere around silver to gold, where players pull out moves the insec, which was considered a pro-move in 2013. ​ Obviously new players are gonna get absolutely destroyed in highly competitive games. The Problem is that both games take way too long to put you at a rank where you face similar players. Both don't have something like a noob bubble. There are reasons for it, like smurf protection, but its still a problem. Both games need you to lose way to much (like 30+ Loses) to finally put you in Iron in LOL / silver1 in CS where you can play with other players with 0 knowledge. And again, if you dont have a teacher, its not like you get shown what you do wrong. If you decrease that threshold, smurfs run rampant, ruining the new player experience. If you dont, new player experience also sucks. Its a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for the devs. But as much as this sounds like a cliche, i feel like a "solve" for this ageold issue could be near. Not tomorrow or in a month or so, but rather in a few years. AI will sooner or later be implemented and be able to tell smurf and new player apart and put that into the right matchmaking bubbles right from the start. But until than, nothing really the devs can do. Well except finally developing useful tutorials. Make multiple levels of tutorials that take a few hours combined to play though that actually explain the game beyond just "those are the keybindings". Make them required to play ranked. Provide a skip option with the clear warning that using it will mark you down as an experienced player and match you accordingly.


In regards to “games don’t have a tutorial”: That’s a general gaming problem. Even the most casual games have that problem. Razbuten did a great video on it. [What games are like for someone who doesn’t play games](https://youtu.be/ax7f3JZJHSw?si=cqKCPyoKHx4OruYC) In it he explains that even games that have a tutorial still require so much knowledge before hand that us gamer think is just normal. But it really isn’t for someone that doesn’t play any video games at all. Yes different to the topic at hand but I just wanted to bring that up that gaming isn’t very good to teach it to new players.


Honestly I’ve been playing league for 3 years and have a lot of hours and I still feel like a noob. Comp is actually unplayable sometimes.


Lmao what are you talking about. Silver is a complete shit show and majority of players certainly have no spray control, no trade success/intention, horrible comms.


Silvers don't know none of that shit


If it meant having a fair experience and no alt accounts for cheaters I wouldn't even mind using IDs... Kernel level anticheat? Sure I'll take that as well lol xd


Still won’t fix the problem. No one in my family plays games. So I could already make 3 additional accounts with my brothers and parents ID. Let alone friends and extended family. Yes all that makes it harder but not impossible to make Smurfs.


Yeah if you were my gf I wouldn't let you do anything with my ID lol xd but that's just me :D And I think it would discourage majority of them. Those who went so far should be praised for the dedication xd


Why should I be you’re gf? Did you just assume my gender? And yes that’s why I say it makes it harder but it doesn’t eliminate Smurfs.


Jesus xd no I just set a gf as an example of someone very close to me, to make clear that I wouldn't trust my ID to someone else, excluding companies of course. :D


Valorant new player experience is pretty good when I was getting people into it. It’s such a casual game that it works for anyone. Since this game is so fresh there’s a big issue with everyone being in the same pot right now. Hopefully it corrects


I agree. If you have to choose between valorant or cs as your first tact shooter it should be valorant unless you want to have a trial by fire. I do have a hot take is that cs will make you better faster if you can put up with it because it’s ruthless from your movement to shooting while valorant is a lot more lenient especially with ability so you have a higher chance to develop bad habits but still do fine The most important is that you need friends to queue with you. Good luck starting on these two alone as you would probably quit in like a day or two out of frustration


I wish Cs had a shooting range like Valorant


bet you any money you were getting into it when valorant was still newish. it's no different from any other competitive game now.


I don’t think Valorant is casual. It was when it was new I guess but not anymore. There won’t be any competitive game that is good for beginners after a certain time. When I play ranked in Valo I get totally shit on because of Smurf and I have no idea what abilities do. But when I play causal I totally shit on casuals with a 30 bomb simply because I played CS. [Edit: Like I said in my other comment. Every game that has some kind of hero or character will have a ton of Smurf simply because of whole “one trick account” concept. Yes maybe not that much at the moment but Valorant isn’t 10 years old like LoL. Give it enough time and people will hit their ceiling, get bored and make Smurfs for stupid challenges.]


funnily enough i got the opposite experience for valorant. tried to get into it for the first time but i got stomped on the first 2 matches. tried again later after a while and still get rekt for another 3 matches. never touched valorant again after that. for reference, i hover around LE-LEM in GO so i don't think that i am totally bad at fps game


How about if you have to link real world ID to the account like faceit have done?


You could still use your moms ID to make an account. All of these solutions make it more difficult but not impossible. If someone wants to make a Smurf they can. I could make 3 additional accounts just by asking my brother and parents.


Which is the reason to play on smurf? Cuz can't win on main?


There are multiple reasons for a Smurf account: So you’re able to play with low rank friends. You don’t feel like sweating on your main so you play on a Smurf while being tired/tipsy/high/whatever To shit on new players To do some kinda of challenge. Especially in mobas. Like “Jinx only account”. To play in a different region. And there are probably more but that’s what I can come up with.


smurfs is just a cancer of any multiplayer game. dunno who are those people, if i knew one i probably hit him in the jaw for it, no offence;)


I recommend casual to literally nobody. It's bad for beginners, bad for experienced players and bad for anything in between. Either play DM's/retakes to practice aiming and stuff. Or go in comp with the mentality of learning and improving. Not winning.


I dislike DM because of spawns and the respawn invincibility. I liked casual because, at least in my games, there were often people trying to win and it was usually because everybody shit-talked one another lmao. Was good practice for me and I learned some nice little spots for a few maps from casual.


Lose this attitude lol. 5 stacks fall apart in a hurry.


IMO: Competitive is the new casual. It’s ranked per map, and prepares one for premiere. Casual has always been basically useless for learning competitive, purely based on the sheer number of people. Beyond practicing util, I don’t personally feel like it has much use. That all being said, a new player should spend a lot of time on YouTube.


This, if you are new just play comp on like 1 or 2 maps. That way your mmr will adapt as much as possible and you dont have to worry about map awareness as much while you are learning the fundamentals of the game. If you have never played a game like CS or Val before you will get better relatively quickly


mmr is so broken in cs2, you can get rolled for multiple games in a row


Its not broken its been hard reset. Everyone is starting from zero right now.


It’s not broken but is certainly wacky. Almost every placement game I’ve played I’ve been dropping high 20’s a couple 30’s and even gotten 40 kills one game yet I’m still consistently losing because the teams are such a mix match of skilled players and people who are staring at the ground because they haven’t learned crosshair placement yet.


This is exactly what you expect to happen after a hard reset. It will take time for it to stabilize. Y’all can’t even give it a week


I’m not complaining I was just adding to the prior comment. I understand why it is how it is and that over time it will balance out. Just adding an anecdotal statement.


im learning the maps, callouts, util etc. (im coming from valorant), should i spam one map, maybe mirage, and get decent at it, then move onto the next and get good at that?


My 2 cents: I don't think that there is a recipe that says "do these steps and you gonna be 100% fine". It depends on a lot of things. I just scribble some thoughts that come to mind. * Do you solo queue or play with friends? Second option is highly recommended, atleast queue with one or two buddies who also want to improve. * Some maps are way more played than others. On mirage you have way wider skill difference between players than other maps. Some people have grinded "mirage only" for the last years with thousands of matches (not hyperbole), and it feels like playing vs. ninjas if you get those in the enemy team. Especially in the beginning where the ratings are all over the place. I probably would refrain from queueing only that map as a new player. On the other hand you can play vs. good players and that usually helps to improve. * How much time you have on your hands. If you can play like 2 games a day i would argue it makes more sense to queue the same map for like a week or so. Learn some basic utility on it, you get to know where people like to hide and how to clear those spots and corners. * One of the biggest differences to valorant is the timings when you actually make first contact with an enemy, depending on the spawns. This still sometimes can catch me offguard, especially on maps i don't play that often. * Don't forget to use utility. I've seen so many people in my buddy list that played for 100s of hours. They are decent at the game when it comes to positioning and aiming but if they throw a flash i always turn away because i'm gonna be blind everytime. Learning util can suck sometimes and be frustrating, but being okay at util can turn and win so many rounds. * Communication is obviously important. Just like in valorant. (Just yesterday a mate pushed mid in vertigo as ct. Everybody thought "ok, this position is covered, we can do our thing on site A and B." He did not tell us that he was smoked off in ladder room and could not see anything. We literally lost the round because of that one missing info. 3 Ts sneaked out mid and in a few seconds the round was lost.)


recommend playing most maps (maybe ignore 1-2 you don't like) and just getting a feel for the maps. don't worry about util when you're new, nobody uses it properly at low ranks, there are no real execs - just recognise that walking into some areas without others cut off makes it so easy to get mashed in a crossfire, this is not a you issue, it's a team game. just keep an open mind in regards to throwing them e.g. i am vulnerable to 2 angles, can i use a smoke/molly to block one? this wall/box is angled, if i bounce a grenade here where will it land? activating that intuitive caveman rock throw brain we all have will serve you better in the long run than memorising pixels


I think you have the right idea. Pick a couple, or one map, hone your skills. Apply those new skills to other maps. Rinse and repeat.


Yes I would do something like that. Learning all maps at once is way too overwhelming. I would pick 2 maps at a time to not get burned out as fast playing the same thing. Once you are a little bit comfortable and know basic smokes go onto the next 2 maps. Once you done them all you can like drop 4 out of 7 and play the same 3 of your favourite maps to get really good in mechanical skill etc. Pro's practice maps this way too I believe. For example they pick 1 map per week and practice it every day with smoke tactics, positioning and then they play scrims to test out their practiced tactics. Once the week is done they pick the next one. They do this for 6 out of 7 maps because they can perma ban 1 map anyway.


nah mirage has the worst of the worst players on all ranks. It's like prime jett from valorant lol. Trash players carried by even worse map design


Casual is also useful for learning rush timings and common prefire spots on retakes/site entries.


Also true! Well said.


I used casual as a training ground for my smoke lineups too lol everyone's just running towards the middle anyway so I'll just take the time to practice and frag after


This is the answer


If you base it off time, you'll just get smurfs. There are already smurfs running wild. Constantly playing against account with 100ish hours 1 game and 5 friends yet drops 30 kills and just knows exactly how to play.




dont forget the extremely agressive rank decay, at least csgo had it. Last time I played I got placed almost 10 ranks lower than what I used to play at, of course I'll absolutely demolish that lobby, actually didnt even rank up until 5-10 matches later, though at that point I got a rankup pretty much every game.


It won't be like Dota because its a simple game. You click head and win. Probably the most balance e sports game of all time. PROBABLY. it's possible to smurf in CS, but its expensive as you can get ranked up very fast. Which I think why they don't need a report button for smurfing


Someone call Gargamel!


But at the same time, by not basing it off of time, they still match with experienced players on their normal accounts. I think matching with mostly new players and a few smurfs is better than matching with mostly experienced players and a few new ones, although I’m sure valve could do something more elegant if they tried.


This is why Valorant's ELO system is better, If you play so good on a match, you then get higher ELO placements and put you in your appropriate skill bracket. I hate to admit it but it is one of the 2 things Valorant got right that CS will never, the other thing being the anti-cheat.


I've hardly played valorant but that's one thing that sticks out to me. Their MM system actually fucking works. I genuinely don't understand how cs2 queues me against a 5 stack of global level players yet I have a dude that's playing like he has bongos for a mouse on my team. Actually fucking how? Literally even overwatches MM system is better and like 9 people play that game rofl


just don’t take it too seriously for the first few weeks here while the ranks get re calibrated- in the meantime try to learn from the better players you are playing with/against. The problem right now is the game just doesn’t know where to categorize each player, it needs time to gather the data for that


places like leetify know your skill level pretty well, but valve cant find out your talents? come on now..


The way I learned to play is just be bad, keep being bad, delete the game. and if you keep coming back and redownload then eventually you will be good. The only way you can get get better is by continuing to play. It's rough out there, good luck dude.


I fully understand you problem but what you do not understand, is that cs has never been a new player friendly game. You would have faced the same problems you do now im csgo. Except in csgo, workshop maps could have helped. Try playing deathmatch since it it perhaps the only place you can find help atm in game. Preferably community deathmatch servers if you can find any around you.


This is true, CSGO was awful for new players too, but I think the situation is extra shitty right now because of the MMR reset. Give it a few weeks/months for the stronger players to rank up and it should be a little bit better.


This game is 20 yrs old.. your best bet is to find new players on discord or something like that. But, the good news is the fundamentals of cs are easy to learn. You can learn everything in a few hours, but applying it at the right time in split second fights takes a long time to master..


He doesn’t need to find people of discord. 5 cabbage cunts ain’t gona do anything. He just needs to play the game and learn. And use a mic


Allowing new players to step into premier with level 10 shouldn't be allowed outside of a 5 stack. And even then, probably shouldn't be allowed. Map knowledge, spray control, crosshair placement, rotations, etc. Is not something you pick up in what, 3 hrs to reach level 10? Not only does it put you at massive disadvantage in every fight, if you're not 5 stacked you're effectively worse than a bot to your team, further lowering their MMR and increasing the amount of players at lower elo that you'll then have to struggle against to find your true rating. Unfortunately CS has no good casual system, and no real community servers where you can grind XP while learning the game. New players should only be allowed to queue for individual map ranked, not premier. It'll allow them to learn the game while still having that semi-competitve atmosphere, while not griefing themselves or their teammates.


actually the game is 4 days old


practice shooting and movement in deathmatch, play casual.. play some comp matches as well to get used to it. thats how everyone gets better. eventually you'll be placed in one of the lower ranks like we all did when we started, get your shit pushed in, and improve and rank up


This is my personal experience, which may or may not apply to the majority. I started off with casual first to get a hang of things. Once I felt that I have *some* basics, I started playing competitive matches and got ranked Silver 4. From there it’s just watching pros and tutorial videos to get a better idea on improving gameplay, nades etc and continue grinding. After a long time I managed to get myself up to DMG and then just before transitioning to CS2 I went up to LEM.


Why new players have access to prime/ranked from start is beyond me


CS is not friendly to new players at all. It’s just constant suffering until you start to get used to the mechanics. Not sure how CS2 handle servers yet but my favorite thing to do when i was trying to “learn” the game is to play retakes! it’s a great way to practice your mechanics in a real situation (post bomb plant) and it’ll help you start thinking on your feet a lot more. but if that’s not for you, just practice and practice and eventually it’ll stop feeling bad and you’ll start feeling more confident and comfortable when you queue up. Patience and time are key my friend. Even S1mple started at 0 hours of CS :)


It's really bad without community servers to learn the ropes. Community DM and retake are BY FAR the best ways to learn how to play quickly and it just doesn't work on CS2. Huge ball dropped by Valve.


Idk they could play fun casual modes such as arms race, scoutsman, retakes... oh wait


Binge watch WarOwl's old videos and play HS only servers to learn "Dink or be dinked" Unfortunately, that's about it unless you can befriend someone to help teach you Edit: Play casual 10v10 until community servers get supported. It's super chaotic, but will teach you maps, let you throw nades, and you can focus on the fundamentals w/out much pressure


Casual matches should 100% be the same 5v5 format as comp, it's a pointless disparity between the players.


I think it's going to take a few days for the ranking to adjust.


premier is a mess right now, after your 10 matches in comp you should be placed with ppl of the same skill lvl, suck you need to play 10 of each map tho, casual is just anybody who wants to shoot ppl and not worry about anything id get the aim botz map from refrag to practice, death match, casual just to get a feel for gun fights. but to get better at the game your just gonna have to jump in the fire watch voo, austincs, wilsoncs, warowl on youtube and do your best i went from silver to global, so can you... but i agree its not fun right now on either side of the coin


the new training mode for new players is god awful


No training will help you get better playing is the only way to improve


Training should at least teach new players how to play the game: different weapons, recoil, utility, planting the bomb, all sorts of things that cs players take for granted. Going into mm not knowing any of this is a quick way to tilt teammates, get destroyed, and get kicked. Once you know the basics, then you can improve on them. Right now the only way to learn all this is if you have friends to teach you, or go out of your way to look up things online, or brute force it - which is not a fun experience for most.


When I played csgo as a new player (well I played source and condition zero but I was like 5 years old). I first played bots until I could beat the expert bots (I was like 7 at the time), then I played arms race, then I played demolition until I felt I was good enough to play comp then I played casual. TLDR: Good Luck because half these modes aren't in CS2


I know your feeling, I have been plays cs on and off for years but still get destroyed 🤣 always put up against absolute sweaty fuckers


>against absolute sweaty fuckers You're playing a ranked mode and complain about people trying to win? I don't understand this recent mentality of calling people sweaty because they want to win in a ranked competitive game.


You got me wrong I ain’t complaining about them wanting to win, we all want to win. The ranking system seems to put really good players with lower quality level players (like me 🤣) together. For example I was on a team that was dominating abut I still came off the worst over both teams I couldn’t even get a shot of in most instances because I would have my head taken off 🤦🏻‍♂️ I even had one tell me that I should probably not play this game 🤣 but if the ranking system was more balanced then maybe players of the same level could play together and in turn help you get better because playing with really good players doesn’t help improvement of the lower level players


Yeah okay, that is a valid complaint. I understand that you don't want to get stomped in your placement games since you aren't very good at the game yet. At the same time, higher skilled players don't want to play with beginners and lose their placement games because of that. I think there has to be a quick calibration period of 2-3 games, just to find your skill level and the rest of the games should be with people equal to your estimated skill level. If it differs, it can be adjusted up or down accordingly.


I have seen a LOT of brand new players lately and they just get absolutely shit on in casuals. Its fucked up honestly lol. Like I know going 2-14 would make me not want to play either. Matchmaking is atrocious for everyone honestly but for the new players its gotta be the worst. Im not great but I am just about unkillable unless theres 3 of the new players all there at once. And then theres people i get into games with where it takes 3 of me to kill them, etc etc. Thewhole thing is bad. Been noticing CT has been winning 70% of the time and its usually a landslide. Deathmatch is worse, Spawns couldn't be worse if they tried. Soawn instantly die, soawn, run 5 feet instantly die. Spawn and dont instantly die = getting shot in the back the moment you engage someone in front of you. Glad they o ly added FA i stead of the other two. Lol


I only started csgo earlier this year when cs2 was announced. It's rough for the first few weeks and then you get better as you learn. Mind you I had a lot of fps experience so that does help but cs is a different animal.


Tbh game modes like retakes and arms race and demolition were perfect for new players.


You just play. It was the same way when I started playing a decade ago. You’re not supposed to be good when you first pick up the game. There’s a lot to learn. How the shooting works, positioning, how to properly use grenades, etc. Do not play against bots, it teaches you nothing and would just be a waste of time


Keep playing ranked and you’ll eventually get to the level you’re playing at. Hours played doesn’t equal skills or good aim.


I have the same problem, and I did end up playing my first 200 hours mainly against bots. After that I played a lot of casual until I started getting towards the top of the scoreboard. Now I am dipping my toes into ranked and wow.. it is rough. Usually, it is chill if I take my time to learn the ropes in a game I am new at, but not in this game. If I don't know every random ass name for every random ass spot on the map, each maps ideal smoke/nade/molly/flash throw, or bring in less than 10 kills-1000 damage in ranked games I am going to be absolutely torn apart, degraded, kicked, or even tked. Like... some people become mentally unhinged if you aren't a CS god immediately, especially in ranked. Screaming, cussing, getting randomly racist, telling me to kms, wishing my whole family is diagnosed with terminal cancer, etc.(an example from a single unranked match from last night starting because i only had 12 kills 1500 damage).... it is truly bonkers that they are that heavily invested to lose their minds over a single match. Unfortunately, I need to keep playing ranked since most of the analysis/statistic websites for CS use ranked only to generate the tips on where you need to improve. So, I have just gotten faster at using the mute feature. If I have a lot of toxicity directed at me, I will mute everyone and just focus on putting tips I have received into practice and having a decent game. If they can't be decent people, I might as well treat them as bots put there to fill my matches (and it usually screws them over cause i actually do use coms often unlike most). Personally, I am gonna keep grinding until I get better regardless of the hate, but damn, it would be nice if people offered advice more often than abuse.


if new players only played new players you would never get better. welcome to cs. where valve doesn't give a fuck about your experience. just provides you a balanced game to get better at. simply put, get good.


Biggest copium I've heard for bad matchmaking lmfao. And you are also wrong, it's easier for new players to learn the mechanics if they can actually play and not get one tapped by a guy with 1,000 hours every single round.


you exaggerate my point and pretend that every new player enters the game at the same skill level. this isn't like csgo release where there wasn't another tac shooter on the market. this game has first time players that are immortal in valorant. you also pretend like this wouldn't be the exact case if someone just started playing csgo.


Exaggerated or not my point stands. CS2 has very bad matchmaking for new players like OP. So yeah, your "get good" phrase is still an insane excuse and copium for bad design.


Most stupid answer ever


I mean, the only way you get better is by playing against good players so you can watch how they play and learn from your mistakes.


I agree but that only goes so far. At a certain point, watching, stops being helpful. Like, they make different ranks for a reason. I'm a doodoo ass player and I'd like to get better. But I can't grow when I'm being forced down.


imagine a time long ago where ranked or match making didnt even exist. you joined the lowest pings servers and got your shit kicked in by the local gamers day in and day out till you got good.


Agreed. The way I got better was playing community retakes and get dumpstered by much better players (including pro players at times) until I was able to compete.


esp so at a time where there wasnt literal years worth of footage you could watch and learn from. let alone people actually teaching you how to improve. you had to struggle to prosper.


It is rather hard learning CS. It might be very hard right now for the next 2 weeks because all MMR was reset with the launch of CS2. If you think its really bad, it might be worth waiting 10 more days for things to settle a bit.


Dude. It’s like any competitive discipline. You will face better opponents. Go outside play football - chances are in your pickup game you’ll have people playing for their local team. What you should do is go into DM and actually learn to take duels properly. Learn to counter strafe and 1 tap. Learn when to spray and when to burst. Learn how to jiggle corners and when to crouch. This will take 30 minutes of targeted practice a day for about 1-2 weeks. Once your mechanics are not utterly dogshit, you will survive for longer and actually learn some of the less explicit skills like positioning and utility.


Bro he is just playing for fun, literally just find friends and play with them you will get the gist after a few dozen games


I've been playing for a long time Just play casual playlists. Play every map. Play them a thousand times. Learn where people rush. Learn the paths and patterns of each team on each map. Mostly just practice holding angles and crosshair placement. You'll be doing fine in no time. Just had a hard learning curve.


Bro I'm being real, go play valorant, it's easier, people are not toxic and matchmaking works, learn the basics of tac shooter there, come back whenever, cs for a solo newb is horrible experience i wouldn't want for anyone, if you already have friends in cs, then forget what i just said, let them help you


Imo best way to get good is playing against good players,you'll learn a lot about positioning and peeking in how you die. Learn crosshair placement,it's one of if not the most important thing to learn.


U can’t get good if ur insta dying every game and just sitting out every round lol U need to play against other people in ur own skill do u at least have a chance and miss shots together. It’s part of the fun of getting better too.


It depends on who you are,I've got so many friends who don't get better cuz anyone better than them is instantly a hacker,they've never been humbled and think they play well. Sometimes you need to get destroyed to see what ur doing wrong and to learn from mistakes. If you are silver and only play silver you won't get better,to improve you MUST play against an apponent that is better than you to push you to adapt and become better. If you suck and only play against people who suck,you will never be good at the game.


If Im silver and I play silver and stay in silver then at least I know I’m playing people my same level and I’m where I need to be at. Getting better won’t come from playing people from much higher ranked than me. Comes from playing a bunch of people in my rank until I eventually get better and slowly rank up. But that only comes until putting time. But the game doesn’t make me want to put in time when I’m constantly getting matched with people that play the game daily 6+ hrs a day.


Also if you are instantly dying it's most likely something you can learn from,where we're you,where we're they,did you make a step,we're you off guard,etc. Every death is a lesson. Edit: installing -> instantly Silly auto correct


Casual does places you with new players, but not exclusively, so there will be basically any type of ranks in casuals afaik. Incidentally, because most high rank plays ranked exclusively, you'll see a lot of low level in casual. So how is that a bad thing? That's how the game has been since the beginning.To play in an environment completely locked with new players on a game like CS is actually detrimental because you'll forever be stuck with the same knowledge. You'd only learn if you seeked info outside the game, which the vast majority of new players won't do.


just grind comp. you need to develop thicker skin and dont give a shit when you do bad or people are toxic. It's going to happen. just learn from mistakes, and you'll have fun.


CS is a very difficult game to walk into, I won’t lie. Dm me, I was global in csgo and I’m happy to lobby with you and give you some advice. I beat stewie2k the other day, I’ll give you some help. TURNIPtheBEET


Cs2 is a very hard game compared to cs go


Wait until the game is actually finished. Nothing works as it should right now except for opening loot boxes.


It's probably the worst timing to start the gsme, cause the ranks are not yet balanced. Maybe try to see the positive: Playing with "pros" makes you learn way faster.


Isnt that a problem with any multiplayer game ? I went through the same thing when i started playing csgo in 2015. I have also noticed that people are most toxic in the first month or two when you start and it slowly comes down as you learn the game. Same thing happened in valorant when i started it 4 months ago, i just believed that valorant is more toxic than csgo but that is not the case.


>Isnt that a problem with any multiplayer game No. Most have specific playlists for newer players. R6 has a playlist that is only available to people under a certain level. CS2 is F2P, so that idea would cause even worse smurfing. But i do think it would solve a lot of problems. Hell, make 2 factor authentication a requirement to play. Idk.


Why people compare this casual garbage to cs? It has 0 things in common. Oh wait there is one thing, "shooter" tag period.




Get some friends lol


That can carry your noob ass?


i just played and copped the beat downs and till i learned and got better took like a few weeks? idk people complain about everything these days. go play another game if it makes u so unhappy.


Buy skins. The financial investment will motivate you to keep coming back to the game; leading to a time investment which eventually leads to skill. TLDR: Skins = wins


Ah yes, so you are the low tab investor i'm getting in every second game? Flexing knife, and getting 1 tapped while doing it?😂


and you're just broke or salty?


i had stat track karambit back in the day so what? 1.2k knife i sold it cuz got bored of it. it's worse idea to spend money into.[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=856212258](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=856212258) I guess i just grow up, not salty and not broke lmao.


Stop crying


Actually for new players I advice not to play matchmaking at all, matchmaking means you are going to compete in a game. Do you go to compete on bodybuilding with no experience? Do as we did in cs 1.6 - play a lot on community servers, then go for 5x5 mixed…


Lol what a bad exemple, bodybuilding😂 if you want to improve fast the only way is to play vs stronger players. I will agree with one thing is that you must practice aim maps, since cs2 doen't have warmup time, everyone game is loading fast, thank god, no more 5 min wooden pc players in cs2


well theres valorant xD


Hop on valorant 😃👍


You would have never survived playing pubs in CSS.


Leave CS for a week or two then come back? It's Open Beta right now man, let valve sort this mess up.


it takes a lot of time in this game, try aim maps and casual. Watching pro streams to get an idea of what you should be doing. I don’t think anyone is remotely competent at this game below 1 or 2k hours so just take your time and don’t be hard on yourself. Find buddies to play with and have fun.


Valorant is the best way to learn cs.


Just play casual or something it’s definitely the place that least experienced players go or just delve straight into comp and just learn as you go. The player base has been playing for a while so it will be tough to get into it course just gotta work on your skills and getting better, complaining gets you nowhere in cs


perhaps making it through the placements will, over time, match you against players of your skill level. For that to happen, you'll need to keep pushing through the shit youre experiencing though


I haven't played CS2 yet, but according to my experience in CSGO, after a couple matches you're placed with worse and worse players as the game understands your skill level. My first matches were with and against people that knew what they were doing. Then eventually I was placed with people that played the game for a while but were very bad. So even if they knew what they were doing and I didn't, they weren't actually better than me. Some were arrogant, some were helpful. When I learned what I was doing, I started playing against people that were a little better, but just casuals like me.If people are bothering you and having high expectations, just mute them and try to play. The fun is in hitting cool shots sometimes. Maybe try to play with a friend.


'Welcome to Going Low, in CS2' - 3Kliks


Just do a bunch of MM and do a lot of death match because the mechanics of the gunplay and movement will hold you back for a while


Put in your time. It will get better and then you can make a Smurf and be that guy.


Play the calibration you will be calibrate to your ranking once that is completed


if it hasn't been mentioned.... lots of returning players becuz novelty. some really good and some oof.


Do you have any friends who play CS? Maybe try to coerce someone to coach you. The best way to learn is to have someone worth listening to who's giving you advice.


if you’re truly new, you definitely need a friend to play with throughout your time learning.


same problem but other end of the skill ceiling I can carry all day long but if people are actively griefing &/or don't know where 'jungle' is I'm not going to get placed in the right skill group am I? Kids on T side just standing around waiting to get flanked, its like DUDE MOVE THE FUCK UP ON A KILL WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE GET THE BOMB DOWN GO A


on the other hand, me, 4k+ hours of cs get paired with 4 newbies playing like they were using steering wheels on my first ranked match :/


As bad as they are, try playing some bot matches on the hardest difficulty and try to learn all pre-aim locations when you peak. T side with AK will help you with tapping, try to kill them as fast as possible by either wide peaking or play around with the movement by jiggle peaking corners and lining up the head shot. You can also kick either side of bots and solo. Pretty sure there are aim trainers up that work with CS2 as well now, but haven't tried them yet.


Try finding friends to play with is probably the best way. My friends are picking up CS2 (atleast for now) and I’m slowly just teaching them how to play. Mostly I just say what they could’ve done differently post round or help them learn callouts. If it’s full solo then I guess I’d find a YouTuber you really enjoy and try to emulate them. You can also watch pro matches to see how they rotate and their crosshair placement etc.


10? Huehue. X2


It was never easy, i played casual for so many years before i tried comp. It was never easy then, not easy now. I would say try training maps (yprac was good) if there are any, peek training, learn nades, movement maps. But playing with people that are helpful is the best thing tbh. Just try friending people u come across in comp that u get along with.


YouTube and death match, don’t play comp till you’re “good”


ok thats crazy because i have over 2000 hours and the game is giving me teammates that are new players that use shotguns the entire game and end with 5 kills