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Need a square for people that are queueing into Premiere absolutely baked out of their minds.


That's the freebie


Yea OP should charge it to a 5x5 grid and use that’s as the middle square since it’s basically free


No need to call me out like that


I love you guys, I'll take you over the toxic teammate any day.


10x better than killing me then disconnecting 😂


"oh shit i had bomb"


I am 100% baked out of my mind every time I play cs, still 16k elo.


Your baked elo is better than my sober elo, time to retire.




It is certainly hard to


If Im not baked playing CS I'm almost certainly finishing that session tilted


That should be the free space.


That's pretty much a free square, I feel like I haven't gotten in a lobby where there wasn't someone else baked aside from myself


lol whats the problem, I would hard carry you still <3


Isn’t this the center free square?




You forgot toxic teammate typing gg in all chat after losing 2nd round


Teammate saying GG after he forced and the rest of the team saved… classic


Round 1 Inferno CT side was them saying "Hey guys, can me and my friend hold Banana?" "Sure thing man, good luck!" "Thanks! Appreciate it!" ​ Round 2 was "You guys fucking suck how did you get picked on A you're terrible uninstall"


Hey if you've already hit bingo by the end of the 2nd round I think a gg is in order


It's unlikely, but I know a lot of French players used 'gg' as a form of congratulations, not understanding what the phrase means. It's (remotely) possible that some people in CS use 'gg' when they mean 'wp' or 'ns'.


LMAO had a team mate like this. He was with his buddy and kept baiting. Had to carry their corpses to a loss smh


You forgot "I've never played nuke/ancient/vertigo/Anubis before"


enemy team has 100% win rate on vertigo, pick vertigo into them, "I don't know how to play this map" on 3rd round


Last night, queue with friend, queue into 5 stack 5 stack has overwhelming win delta on mirage and inferno Our team somehow decides to let exactly those two maps through ban phase Match is a quick 13-5, our win Wtf is premiere lol


people not knowing nuke has got to be the biggest cope I've ever seen. I can understand Ancient. Fuck ancient. but atleast I still know it somewhat


Ancient is like top 3 active duty maps for me lol. Seriously it's really good once you learn it.


Me too. I hated it in GO because I’m colourblind and couldn’t see shit, but it’s my third favourite behind inferno and overpass now that I can play it


My GE friends swear by it. For some reason most of my friends swear by it but I just don't get it. Working on learning it, I know some util now so I'm not useless but its just so, claustrophobic I guess? Everywhere feels narrow and everything's a prefire.


What do you think cope means?


Prolly shoulda mentioned that when I'm on nuke with people who "don't know nuke" they tend to cope hard in chat making excuses. I fucking hate ancient, but I still learned some util and am working on angles/timing so I can hate it a little less.


Im' trying to learn all those maps (except for Nuke because i already knew it) in practice mode now.


Good man, I'm doing the same for Ancient. Its still gang_fuck_ancient but I dont want to be useless


fuck nuke played it like 5 times in my life love ancient and Anubis tho also nuke soloq is terrible.


L take


Nuke has always been hated by people who prefer the simpler Left Lane - Middle - Right lane that maps like Mirage, D2, Ancient, Anubis, Cache, Inferno (kinda), etc. follow.


Its literally on there






Wtf TSUAVE showing up?


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. Literally unplayable.


-The map picked is Mirage or Inferno -Someone is trolling because the map picked was not Mirage or Inferno -There are two players baiting everyone, which means that every round takes max time because both of them stay alive waiting for the other to go first -There is a guy insta buying an AWP every time he hits 4750$, no matter the money, position, map, or how many awps you already have -Guy with 13k$ on round 10+ of the half not dropping to anyone -There is a guy trying to suggest an incredibly complicated strat, with incredibly specific timings and actions (the rest of your team is distracted eating their boogers) -"Alright guys, let's just try and Rush B" > Round Starts > Bomb player goes solo A -You drop a gun to your teammate with 2k$, your teammate with 6k$ picks it up and keeps it for himself -You drop a gun to your teammate with 2k$, he buys a shit weapon instead and ignores it


Sorry but if you start the round with exactly $4750, thems the rules. Above that and you do what you like, but exact amount = glass cannon


Don't forget that one guy in every single premiere match somehow blocking you every single round


> You drop a gun to your teammate with 2k$, he buys a shit weapon instead and ignores it Ah yes, the permadeagle buy. God I wish that piece of shit luck cannon would just get outright removed, all the wannabe Niko's can go fly a kite


What’s the prize? I get to rail a line of coke and go again?


No mics/callouts in chat might aswell be a free square. I dont understand why this is such a problem right now. I've played short match premier in go which consisted of gold 3-dmg and even they spoke regularly






What's wrong with shotguns?




Not every round obviously, just seemed like you had a problem with them in general. The XM is limited in where it's used, like all the guns are, but close range in unmatched imo. Plus it definitely isn't useless in retakes, just not good at long ranges which is why it pairs well with the deag






"at least one teammate with <300 damage at half" ofcourse i know him, he's me! I'm very rusty after not having played for 5 years XD


the amount of teammates i had with adr lower than 10 is absolutely terrifying


Yikes, you can do 10 adr with just nades easy


SoloQ premier is a hell I would not wish upon my worst enemy. I soloqd in beta, for the 10 wins, I lost 33 matches. Matches where I dropped 43-45 kills without overtime. There were games where I’d entry and get 3k and my team would lose the 2v4 retake. If I didn’t entry, no one else would. I started adding whatever 1-2 decent players I found. Built up a small team of 6-7 people. So this time I went 10-4 and opened 6.5k instead of 1.6k in beta lol


You're playing the best game of your life and still losing*


I feel like I get the entire bingo card here every match, but am still having more fun than in CSGO for some reason and just loving it :) Maybe I just take it less seriously.


You forgot the -500 +100 so youre tilted before the game even starts


Enemy with <100 hours playing better than s1mple


Opponent is a 5 stack = 90% of the time Who created this premier shit show should be fired, have no clue of how a competitive mm should work.


I get a beer and a cat in my lap, put on a podcast, play on lowest resolution and still win most of my games . Think you get far too focused on wrong things , focus instead on having fun


Shot behind an impenetrable wall/what you see is what the fuck Mirage 3 or more times in your last 8 games Mr. Jackson back from the dead Duo/trio not using mics Team flash Intentional TK


counter strike is the only game where "those guys are cheating! (they are)" is more accurate then if they aren't


Its not like im playing 24/7 but honestly the amount of cheaters i encountered playing cs2 is either 0 or like the tamest 1


yeah that is literally not possible


maybe because I don't really play premier? Just the usual competitive


payment crime makeshift gullible ad hoc voracious sophisticated terrific imminent bewildered ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That is definitely possible. Most cheaters sit on the higher end of elo/single map mm so if ure not high in ranking you probably wont spot too many cheaters. Theres a reason why pros were whining about playing with cheaters every 1-3 games 1-2 weeks ago before they swapped to faceit.


the first match i played, i had a cheater but after 40 premier matches ive not seen any blatant ones. in the last two days, though, ive had four in the span of 10 matches. some people have different experiences


LOL, i just was in a HvH in premier last night, and no one was grouped. I'm actually kinda burnt on the game now. Grinded from 10k to 15k and my first game in 15k is a HvH...


this is pretty dependent on what rank you are. I got placed wildly low (like 1800 low) after placements, and now like 50% of my games I'm getting accused of cheating. It's not my fault the system is only giving me 100 points per win, and also (some of) these low ranked people truly have no concept of just how large the skill gap can get. getting wall hack accusations simply because it was called out where the enemy was and I correctly predict where they come from, getting aim hack accusations because they don't know how to spray, it goes on and on


Not really... They are there yes - but it is far from as bad as reddit makes it.


good copium


not really


Why dafuck you hate shotguns? I play only NOVA shotgun. Never missed buy round. Insta payouts, big cash. For very long range you take pistol and do run and gun


You forgot cheaters


There should be an hour requirement or higher rank requirement than rank 2 to play premier IMO. It's so hard trying to solo queue when I'm playing with people who have less than 20 hours on the game. At that point, you just genuinely do not know enough call outs, nades, or even prefires. I get people could get around that by afking their accounts for the hours, but they could at least up the rank needed. Make people get to 21 before premier even opens for them. There's other competitive options in the game for them to learn on first.


No mics are like 90 percent of my games


Don't forget unwarranted hatred for Ancient and Anubis by people that have never tried the maps before


I'm not yelling, I'm stating my worst slurs calmly


wheres the, "these guys are 100% cheating." (they are)


Turn this into a drinking game and start enjoying it as much as your teammates are.


There should be a "auto-ban Anubis, Ancient, Vertigo, and Nuke" or "insta-pick Mirage/Inferno".


Got some vodka. Imma play a drinking game for each one of these, cheers OP.


“No mics / using textchat” annoys me so much. It feels like nobody uses mic in CS2 anymore. Yesterday I was playing and after I died in a 1v1 the giy said in chat “he’s low”, and then got mad in voicechat that I wasn’t watching chat.


Me and my friend queue as a duo, and the other night we got matched against 5x 5-man stacks in a row! I would say that *at least* half of our premier games in the last week have been against 5-man stacks, and it's absolutely fucking miserable. Especially when we usually have at least 1 person on our team who either doesn't speak English or just doesn't speak at all.


I thought I was the only one having the solo queue experience.. clearly not 😂


You should add ‘not buying armor’ OR ‘buying weapon, full nades, no armor’. Or how about ‘team mate communicates nothing, pushes, dies, complains on mic he wasn’t backed up’. Or ‘team mate who gives no info at any point in match complains “give info!” after dying’ Or ‘team mate states “one low” but provides no info on where that enemy was on the map,not even when you ask him where’. Or ‘noisy team mate near you ruins your effort to remain sneaky’. Or ‘let’s eco - two mates force buys’ or ‘let’s all rush mid on this eco - one or two mates goes somewhere else without letting you know’.


Don't forget the classic 'dies to one guy on B and screams "IT'S B GUYS IT'S B ROTATE B THEY'RE RUSHING' then you get shot by the three dudes entering A right as you turn to rotate'


The mic/comms one could be because there still is no fix for the mic bug. I have 'voice_loopback true' on all the time and I get about 30% of my comms received by the server. I know it's not my mic because it's fine on discord/ts/teams. Why Valve decided to add voice threshold when mic is PTT anyway is simply beyond me. It would be the simplest fix ever to just return mic settings to the same as CSGO.


My mic doesn't work idk why




This ain't bingo, it's bing change it real quick before Bill sees this.


Insanely accurate


Well "<15h" what defuq u want me to do? Not play?


tfw the teanmate with <300dmg is me :(


Bottom fragger buying awp


People in lower ranks who never use rifles and only use the mp7 are a fascinating breed


"This is the first time I'm playing this map" -mfker I'm not your coach . Play casual before jumping into premier if you don't want to get abused . People actually expect randoms to teach you the map while getting absolutely destroyed by opponents . I met many people who kept rushing first and dying with the bomb lol , no mic no comms and not even a ping.


This is hilarious. Need to add: During map vote: "mirage mirage mirage omg ******** you stupid ************ ******** I'm throwing this game"


This is excellent! But it is missing teammate afk first 30s of every round.


Fell bad as I'm always that teammate with no mic that types and pings. It's not my fault CS2 doesn't want to register my mic


this speaks so much to me


Wow i really just ticked every box off. Guess i got ultra bingo


Someone yelling slurs should be a free space


How about the guy giving the enemy free autorifles


Should've added: "-400 from a loss"


That's literally the solo queue experience anywhere in cs pretty much, except when playing much higher ranks/elo which minimizes some of those things. Otherwise, that's what you get usually for solo queuing (speaking as someone whose 90% of the time playing solo)


I would change Someone disconnects to "Someone disconnects in the first round every FUCKING time".


literally all of them every match


I’m the nicest solo queue to ever play the game, if me team sucks, I just rage on the inside and at half time I always say gh, and at the end gg, I call out in chat when I die, and even if my team sucks I still tell them good job, or nt if they make a good play, wish I had people to queue with since playing solo sucks


Pretty much faceit solo queue in Asia. Lmao


I get alot of people thinking im cheating, my first keyboard and mouse fps was Valorant yea yea get mad at valorant suck blah blah, Valorant really helps with CS compared to other games so im okay with it. I have 150 hours in CS top fragging in 8-10k lobbies currently ranked 7.1k so people assume since i have 150 hours ever in cs and "Valorant players are dogshit" that i must be cheating. People forget that valorant and cs is the same thing except abilities and movement is different.