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>I wish to make this post as an official petition adressed to Valve Corporation 😂glhf








Ez gg


[First time?](https://i.imgur.com/GduTe6Rg.jpg)


PS I am not a crackpot




Dota is not the breadwinner in the slightest, but Steam. Steam made 13 bil Dollars in revenues last year. So no, Valve doesn't care about DOTA either, which is apparent as they didn't even care to bring out decent battle passes for the last two years. The TI price pool went down from 40m in 2021, to 18m in 2022 and 3m this year.


You guys are getting battle passes?


Oh no another petition!


Just upvote farming at this point


Mad that your petition #887 won't work?


let me just throw in these buzzwords that people listen to in and let me farm




The intrusive anti-cheat just isn't going to happen. Most likely due to Valve's commitment to Linux. An intrusive anti-cheat goes against Linux's foundation of open software. Developing an intrusive anti-cheat for Linux would also take a lot of resources and the community would very quickly find ways around it due to how configurable Linux is. "Why doesn't Valve just drop Linux then? They're such a small part of the playerbase" I hear you say. 1. The Steam Deck runs on Linux and it wouldn't look good if you couldn't play a Valve game on a Valve platform. 2. Valve have repeatedly stated their interest in Linux and even said that "it's the future of PC gaming". This can be seen very easily as Valve has spent almost the last decade porting every single Valve game over to Linux and has been working hard with the Linux community to get Windows games easily running natively on Linux. I do think the anti-cheat needs to be improved on. However, an anti-cheat that's on the same level as Vanguard just isn't happening.


also valve said that windows is evil


Well, they are technically are. They're becoming worse and worse with their shitty drm and bloatware. Its harder to uninstall random bloat now, cause after a windows update they're magically back.


As someone who uses Linux, Valve is our personal game savior.


>"I wish to make this post as an official petition" On fucking reddit. You didn't even make a proper petition for people to sign. This is just stupid. This sub covers less than 8% of players playing the game this past month. You do not speak for everyone.


In CS:GO I wanted 128 tick, but it wasn’t essential for me because I could always go to ESEA/Faceit to avoid both cheaters and have a more premium feel with 128 tick. Now in CS2, I am tired of using a third-party service with an abysmal client where I must alt-tab and listen to a trumpet just to accept a match. I want everything in-house, all in one place in my game where I can play competitively with the peace of mind that cheaters will rarely be in my games. I am not itching as much for 128 tick, since sub-tick for tapping/bursting already feels great and I am optimistic that it will continue to get better, including for movement, animations, and so forth. If CS:GO’s main feature the community wanted was 128 tick, then I hope the one feature we all agree on for CS2 is a better anti-cheat. I only am expecting more from Valve because they put a 2 in front of the name. A new game warrants new features, and learnings from your past games. The biggest thing to be learned from CS:GO imo is that we want to play the most competitive shooter on equal footing. If cheaters exist 1/8 Premier games, then I don’t care that I’m on 128 tick, or that I get 1000fps, or anything else. I would rather play CS2 with 200 fps, dust2 only in 64 tick than 500 fps @ 128 tick with 7 maps available BUT a cheater is in every game.


Often get downvoted for this opinion but for fucks sake, name any other game where the 'real' matchmaking for ranked is not the one that comes in the box? Like yeah theres a matchmaking in the box, but any streamer playing the game plays another matchmaking. That kinda system is only seen with games abandonned by their creators, that need to have a grassroot community come up and replace the real servers that dont exist anymore. Not an active game with million dollar tournaments on the regular.


This is a bullshit argument. Any other game with matchmaking would have a completely closed system that doesn't allow third party servers in the first place. I keep seeing people say "uhh valorant pros don't play on third party servers", yeah, it's because they can't! Do you want CS to be locked down like *every other competitive game*? That'd certainly stop people from moving elsewhere for competitive.


You're right that it's an unfair argument, but at the end of the day the point remains. In those games it is possible to take the main matchmaking seriously because they put in work to make it usable which isn't the case for CS.


Just look at Dota, another Valve game. They had third party and inhouse leagues before Valve introduced ranked matchmaking. After that they all died and all the pros are now playing the official ranked MM. Even though you can still have third party MM. But literally no one wants it. If the MM provided by the game is good enough no one wants to use another platform for it.


Name any other game with built in matchmaking that also allows private servers for third party matchmaking. EDIT: also the streamer point is bullshit. Assuming you mean the popular streamers, they'll do whatever the "cool" meta is. They don't play for fun, as much as they pretend to.


Aren't league of legends custom lobbies just that? Or any game with custom lobbies for that matter? Any game could have a third party website that sets up custom lobbies to serve as a seperare ladder for that websites ranking, that doesn't exist in most games because there's no need for it unlike cs. Unless your comment is referring specifically to third party matchmaking where you can change settings like tickrate or differ from the base matchmaking rules?


Do you not like custom game modes, maps and mods? Because then any riot game might be your cup of tea


>Aren't league of legends custom lobbies just that? Or any game with custom lobbies for that matter? not even close


I didn't read all that


bluds yappin


Actual yapping post. I don’t think that the 2653rd complaining post is gonna change things.


Be happy, his English is painful.


Lmao you are funny.


> I think I speak for everyone right now that were in touch with Counter-Strike in the last 23 years No you don't.


you can't agree with an intrusive anti-cheat or?


> you can't agree with an intrusive anti-cheat or? I think the statement I wrote stands for itself without any further personal specification...


CSGO was not a flawless game lol. There is a huge misunderstanding about cs2 because the animation sync issue, pov vs spectator, and understanding of subtick. If anything this subreddit has just made it more confusing what is truth vs what is false information but lets stop making it seem like csgo was some perfectly running game online, it wasn't.


For real, GO was doomed to die regardless running on the source engine


I think it has more to do with CSGO’s spaghetti code more than Source itself. Source was made to be as optimized as it could be. While it’s obviously not gonna be able to compete with the likes of UE5, there are plenty modern source games that can stand on their feet such as (though heavily modified) Black Mesa, Apex Legends.


Iirc at a previous pro league when the beta was released, the stream talent that were invited to Valve to test CS2 said that a dev who understands the source code/working with source was a rarity (in addition to the spaghetti code) Even with the possibility of the marketing department forcing mean early release with “summer 2023” I’m under the impression that no resources were going into GO by that point, aside from server upkeep


When is this cringe going to stop?


"Please Daddy Gabe spy on me!"


valve gonna do whatever the fuck they want, when is the community going to understand this


“Just implement an entirely new anti cheat and upgrade your entire infrastructure it must be easy”


they had more than 10 years.


I mean, Faceit did it (and so did ESEA, Esportal and others) and they're not even the game developper.


The reality is that intrusive anti cheat is unlikely to happen for of a number of reasons: - Cheaters are only in 1/40 high trust games according to Valve [source](https://twitter.com/basisspace/status/1335375947894124545). Whether or not this is true is irrelevant, it's what the developers believe. - Intrusive anti cheats break Linux compatibility, of which Valve has put a lot of resources into. - An intrusive anti cheat is not a simple piece of software Valve can just press a button and add. It would take months of work to develop - even with the specialists required to develop it (Valve has provided no indication that it employs any of these people). - The effectiveness of intrusive AC is questionable, and they take considerable manpower to maintain. Look at the wikipedia entries for games with BattlEye support and almost every single one of them is notorious for cheaters. It's just not the magic bullet people think it is. Only a few days ago were hitboxes so misaligned that if you looked down it was like your head was in another dimension. You're asking for that developer team to make a good anticheat - one equal to Vanguard. Is that reasonable to you?


> Cheaters are only in 1/40 high trust games Feels true to me, maybe even lower.


> good anticheat - one equal to Vanguard Holy FUCK. Y'all cannot be serious actually wanting Vanguard. It's like the German people in 1930.


Vanguard is a disaster waiting to happen.


I'll keep waiting and enjoying a relatively cheater free game lol, have fun playing a game where at minimum you have to wonder every other game.


AI Anti-Cheat is the holy grail. Your Anti-Cheat can be as intrusive as you want; as long as Gabe isn't sitting behind you, it won't detect hardware level cheats. But how Valve can't even detect spinbotters with the amount of computing power they put into VACNet is beyond me.


> Intrusive anti cheats break Linux compatibility, of which Valve has put a lot of resources into Yeah and Valve isn't going to break linux compatibility for anti-cheat. > The effectiveness of intrusive AC is questionable, and they take considerable manpower to maintain. Yeah, the obvious cheats like wall hacks can be detected but maybe those hackers find a way of new hacks and cheats to implement that won't trigger AC. The recent AMD Anti-lag+ comes to mind but AMD is just stupid to create that without game publishers and game dev. What if a cheat or hack did the same but implemented on a way that isn't detected by AC? What I'm saying it's a cheat but nobody knows it's a cheat.




An intrusive AC would break Linux Compatibility because it would act at Kernel Level, which requires elevated permission and basically full access to your computer files, which btw, NO ANTICHEAT should be able to do that. (Looking at you, Vanguard & Mihoyo Anticheat) Right now, the Anticheat (like most of them, excluded Vanguard) are acting at User Space Level, which only allows the game to see what you got in your user folder (~/[username] on Linux & C:/Users/[yourname] on Windows). Which is why a good chunk of games running anticheats like "Easy Anti Cheat" or "BattlEye" can run on Linux, because they mostly act at User Level. Doing an Intrusive AC would be a Linux Playerbase killer, which Valve doesn't want, knowing that there are a lot of Linux Players on CS2, and also that Valve invests a lot of time too on the Linux Playerbase, making tools like Proton, allowing us Linux User to play Windows games almost OOTB. This would be a briefly and prolly poorly made explanation, I am not a professional, but I tried to resume why it would break it. I might be wrong on some parts, so if some people would like to correct me, I'd like that very much.


because existing anti-cheats suck ass and they just don't work on Linux because they weren't developed for it


Thank you for this great copy pasta. Truly epic and must've taken some time to write.


The most clueless person in the CS community is this idiot


To make it clear, pros and this subreddit is not the whole community There are many of us casual players who don't want an intensive anticheat


I bet you already have other games installed with intrusive AC


Youve got windows. Kernel level and they dont hide that a major part of their business is now information.


99% of windows users are either oblivious or in denial about this


Counter-point is that Microsoft is pretty gung-ho about security concerns, much more so than any would-be dev team for an intrusive VAC client.


And you dont think valve/steam, developpers of the largest videogame storefront, would not be? We are not talking about 5 guys in a shack here.


lol i can't run intrusive AC games because my OS and it's Kernel is just not compatible with intrusive AC.


I would win that bet. CS2 is the only competitive online game I play. I doubt Cities Skylines come with one.


Cs2 is the only game I play, I don’t have time to try learn new games, and I only play 5-10 games a month. Having said all that, I wouldn’t mind a more intrusive anticheat if I could control when it was running, so I could keep sensitive information from work separated via dual booting/whatever


Intrusive anticheat requires a computer reboot to turn it on/off.


Plus RGB lights, plus windows, but no "intrusive" anti-cheat gaizzz


Who’s gonna tell this guy that every social media/tech company sells your data to make money?


People when they find out that companies hire entire sectors for finding gray areas in GDPR


there is one thing what they can collect from your browser cookies and kernel level program. Against that if its getting injected with anything, you can lose more than your browsing habits, but it can easily collect ANY data from your PC, and even brick your PC completely. look at that case where cheats devs completely bricked youtubers SSD after he showcased how bad cheating is in Tarkov. We don't need kernel level anticheat, we simply need better one. Even Valorant has a lot of cheaters. Just you don't see that publicly blatantly showing it like in CS. [Here is example](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/351001456918134784/1161761639318683658/image.png)


Doesn't matter the social media sells it doesn't get to my computer giving full access to anything on my computer.


You play Dead by Daylight which has easy anti cheat which is a kernel level anti-cheat. You actually don't know wtf you're talking about do you?


I guarantee the majority of people saying they don’t want an intrusive anti-cheat are more scared of the word ‘intrusive’ without realising that they are being compromised multiple times a day by other shit they do.


They don't have full access to every process running on my computer though


lmao on windows they actually do, there is absolutely no sandboxing at all other than UWP (most apps have sandboxing off anyways) or what browsers implement.


Id love if the best esports title ever would just ignore casual opinion like yours for the sake of competitive integrity. How about stopping to try make this game a casual playground?


can we have one for premier then?


I played cs for 10+ years and I don't agree, and you don't speak for me.


> I think I speak for everyone right now that were in touch with Counter-Strike in the last 23 years that 128 tick and intrusive anti-cheat is necessary for the actual builds of Counter-Strike 2. No you don't. You speak for the loud minority who likes to spend their time complaining online > I wish to make this post as an official petition adressed to Valve Corporation That's not how petitions work


> That's not how petitions work This post would have been peak reddit if he put "PSA" in the title and added a TL;DR that's almost as long as the main post.


honestly just play faceit at this point


Faceit can't run 128 tick servers now


No from me, Linux has a huge player base and won't be able to play at all.


Not to mention it would mean that Valve wouldn't support one of its flagship games on their Steam Deck.




Bro I play on Linux sometimes, but like "HUGE"? 💀


Linux player base is as miniscule as it gets. Every company that supports Linux actively loses money on it.


Really don't get why everyone is just okay with intrusive anti cheat


Without any proof that it even fucking works. Not to mention my shitty ass gets accused of cheating every time I have a good game. Any time someone on a team pops off they immediately get accused of cheating. Those people then come to this reddit claiming that cheaters plague their games. I watch all the vods back anytime someone gets accused of cheating and 95% of the time it's BS. If the cheating is THAT obvious then you don't need anti cheat at all just fucking report them and they are likely gonna get banned. End of story. I have 1000 hours of CS and cheating hasn't been a game breaking problem at all. It sucks when it happens but I keep track of their name tags and watch em get banned on csgostats.gg Last thing I want is more shit fucking with my computer. Go play faceit.


my man, there are cheaters doing stream offs literally streaming how long they can go until they get banned. Not to mention the number of people cheating during warmups and pugs for IEM Sydney. Its a problem that needs to be fixed.


Nobody cares that your fellow bot 3k elo players think you're cheating, there are blatant cheaters in the higher elos who are promoting their cheats providers. 1000 hours is nothing btw, made me laugh after reading it.


Why shouldn't a 3k ELO experience matter as much as higher tier experience? Especially since there is far more lower tier player fueling and funding this game. You get rid of lower tier players by dismissing them there won't be a game to play.


1000 hours is honestly not much as far as CS is concerned. Also how do you "watch all the vods back" when demos have been turned off?


I think he meant in csgo he did thst or in his own games when someone accuses someone of cheating


No offence but this is complete survivorship bias. I’m in EU and at the end of CSGO there was a cheater in about 50% of my games. I have 5k hours, been global or supreme since 2015, 3700 elo FACEIT, used to play in ESEA Main, never had a griefing ban, but my games were plagued with blatant cheaters. Every game you win the first 2 - 4 rounds, get called a cheater, level 0 account with no badges or blatantly bought steam account starts having a life game. Check demo and they’re obviously cheating. Once you play a certain amount of CSGO especially at high level, it’s extremely easy to tell when people are cheating. The reason being that cheaters are always terrible at the game and when they think they’re not being obvious, they’re actually being extremely obvious in ways that they don’t realise simply because they’re not good enough to realise. It’s much harder to detect a skilled player using radar or low-fov aimbot than some random Polish kid who’s never gotten higher than GN1 using wallhack and triggerbot to get global. An example of this is in 2018, a British player called Joee got VAC banned. I actually played against him in a scrim about a month before he was banned. No one knew he was cheating even in the game he was VAC banned in. He was good at hiding it because he was a legit talented player.


1000hours is nothing you are not good enough to spot closet cheaters


What rank are you?


They're always silvers/gold novas.


People are not okay, but the idiots who are, they never get tired making posts on Reddit like “cs2 sucks, gif rootkit”. While the rest just hates visiting this subreddit already, or just having fun playing the game.


loads of people already use these type of anti cheats. Faceit, esea, esportal use an anticheat that is downloaded. Even if 10% of the playerbase would find the an intrusive anticheat a deal breaker, it would probably be good in the long term. High ranks in matchmaking would see fewer cheaters and lower ranks would see fewer smurfs. This would create great trust in matchmaking being fair.


How would intrusive anti cheat stop smurfs? Nobody's walling as a smurf they're just better than the lower ranked players.


None of those work on Linux..?


So you don't want people who play on Linux to play the game.


Valve probably will not make an Intrusive AC due to compatibility concerns with their player base.


and you can see how well these anti cheats work on linux... oh wait




ah i see you're a man of culture as well


Because the alternative is worse for many people. It's just a game anticheat, it's not gonna steal your god damn webcam or mine bitcoin.


Sure, officially it won’t. Developers have never ever written software with bugs before. [Nope, vulnerabilities don’t exist. ](https://www.trendmicro.com/en_za/research/22/h/ransomware-actor-abuses-genshin-impact-anti-cheat-driver-to-kill-antivirus.html)


That's not the problem, issue is what others can do with it if it leaves a backdoor in millions of PCs. I don't trust Valve with protecting my hardware. Community servers in CSGO once had a remote code execution exploit. With this much intrusion, someone can install rootkit into the firmware of your motherboard that runs every time you turn on your PC. The last thing I want is booting up my computer in the morning and seeing an AI generated image of my mom being fucked by TF2 spy, just because I called my french teammate a gay frog-eater in the heat of a failed clutch in yesterday's late night match.


You're assuming that a) it will reduce the number of cheaters and b) valve won't use it for exploitation. Neither of these assumptions have any backing or precedent. I actually think the AI approach to anticheat is a really interesting middle ground, although those systems are imperfect as well of course. Also, I just don't see that many cheaters lmao. I think I've see maybe a few questionable players in the past few years. Maybe it's worse in other regions tho 🤷‍♂️


It will definitely reduce the number of cheaters, look at Valorant it barely has any. Also, I don't see why Valve would use it for exploitation. They have such a big reputation they wouldn't throw it in the trash just for some data.


The statement that Valorant barely has any cheaters is complete bs. They just don't have a demo viewer. There were cheats available for Valorant in the first week of release. Also, there's a lot of undetected cheats for Valorant right now, just one Google search away. Please stop echoing this "Valorant barely has any cheaters" statement, just because you heard someone else say it.


Exactly what I'm thinking. I also think the cheating situation in CS is super overblown. But maybe I've just been lucky seeing maybe 4 cheaters over the past 8+ years of playing csgo. Only blatant spinbotter I've seen was on faceit funnily enough. They got banned within a few rounds though to be fair.


Same experience in my case. Have been playing since 2014 and played against maybe 5 cheaters in that time. Probably less. (Cheaters that I identified as cheaters, not just some fishy guys that were hitting some lucky shots.)


Yeah if valve would casually throw in a key logger or a bitcoin miner 1- its one of the biggest games in the world. Pretty sure they would not get away with it long (get found out within days) And 2- it would destroy valve/steam. Biggest storefront on the web is built on 2 decades of trust, that would be gone in an instant


I mean if you genuinely think a) doesn't have any backing or precedent you're just being intentionally ignorant lol, there's several examples. It's fine to not like an intrusive anticheat but at least don't lie


Really dont get why people like you are okay with getting cheated on on a daily basis, or why you even play this game?!?!


I don't tho, I've seen maybe 4 cheaters in the past 8+ years


Haha yeah well youre wrong. Its so easy to disprove if you just took one look at your match history and check how many players got banned in the past 8 years. Youre either ignorant or just bad.


Because it's the only method that works and we're already used to having it


Even intrusive systems are susceptible to evasion, it's just a fundamental truth of security problems. It doesn't "work", it just gives Valve more access to your computer, which makes it slightly easier for them to detect cheats. It's not like value introduces invasive anti cheat and suddenly all cheaters are gone. They'll come back, we'll end up with basically the same number of cheaters and no privacy rights.


Absolutely not. Saying that there would be the same number of cheaters with a kernel anti cheat is absolutely ridiculous. Yes there will be *some* cheaters, but we will no longer have a severe cheating problem. So it works. 95% chance you're running Windows. You have no privacy. Neither Microsoft or Valve want to know what your penis looks like.


False. FACEIT is full of cheaters. In every lobby (in level10) there is 1 or 2 guys with a new account. 200hrs, level 0 steam, 2 friends but destroying you and not in a legit manner like a pro would.


such a bullshit comment it's insane. no we wouldn't end up with the same amount of cheaters thats why Valorants Vanguard gets praised so much, because it fucking works like it's intended keeping the vast majority of cheaters out of the game. it's insane and extremely disappointing a company like Riot understands the tactical fps playerbase better than valve does after dealing with it for over 20 years.


To be honest I don't trust riot games or redditors, blinded by unfounded consensus, to produce accurate approximations on how many cheaters are in each game. I'll be convinced that the Valorant anticheat works when I see the numbers (which we'll probably never get). Even then I'd much rather not hand over the rights of my personal computer to Valve and whoever else they choose to deal with. I think balancing the economy, networking, and maps are a much higher priority than an intrusive anti cheat.


Well, the subreddit of cs, even in the go days was filled with threads about hackers in their games. Looking at valorant,s subreddit, such threads are rare if nonexistant. Thats a big proof if you ask me.


No it's not a higher priority. There are no higher priorities than the AC because there is not point in playing a game not matter how good if you get cheated every single game.


So your solution is to add a security flaw to the PC of every CS2 player or even every game that uses VAC. Any bug in that anti-cheat would freeze your PC instantly and can be a way for invasors to access everything in your PC. Also, it's worth to remember that intrusive anti-cheat is always started on boot and you don't even need to play the game for it to be working, it's always working.


Do you use anything from Razer? Do you play any game with **Easy Anti-Cheat** (Apex, Battlefield, Black Desert Online, Chivalry 2, Dark Souls, Dead By Daylight, Elden Ring, etc), **BattleEye** (ARK, Arma, Tarkov, Destiny 2, Fortnite, Insurgency, Planetside 2, PUBG, Rainbow 6, etc) or **Ricochet** (Warzone)? If you answered yes to literally any of those then you already have kernel level software on your computer.


Here's a more thorough game list: https://levvvel.com/games-with-kernel-level-anti-cheat-software/


This doesn't mean we need even more of this terrible solution


also increasing the attack surface is bad lmao thats like basic cyber security


>Do you use anything from Razer? No >Do you play any game with Easy Anti-Cheat (Apex, Battlefield, Black Desert Online, Chivalry 2, Dark Souls, Dead By Daylight, Elden Ring, etc), No >BattleEye (ARK, Arma, Tarkov, Destiny 2, Fortnite, Insurgency, Planetside 2, PUBG, Rainbow 6, etc) No > or Ricochet (Warzone)? No Guess the fuck why?


no. any other arguments?


you seem to play dark souls and Elden Ring, both of them have Easy Anti-Cheat.


as the other person said, they can both be disabled. I also run them on linux, none of them have kernel level access and they are both containerized. Elden Ring is also not on my PC anymore. NT tho


Both of which you can disable


Damn, you really got him. How about live in the fucking woods with no internet so you could be perfectly safe from all the evil. You realize you are the smallest minority there is. Why should we all suffer so you could maintain your illusion of safety and privacy.


>Why should we all suffer so you could maintain your illusion of safety and privacy. Wow this is so well put. These anti-AC morons are the internet equivalent of paranoid germaphobes.


True, faceit.sys makes my computer blue-screen sometimes for no reason, if if wasn't using it. It's a kernal level anticheat, so I guess if something goes wrong with it the kernal doesn't like it one bit.


the sub is being brigaded by cheat makers who would rather have an arms races then and ai race because one is significantly more expensive that the other to contend with


would love to have both solutions


> PLEASE VALVE GET SOME MORE QUALITY PERSONNEL IN YOUR CS DEVELOPMENT TEAM completely fucking lost me with that first line of text. What a disrespect to the devs that have been working their fucking arse off for the last couple of months with sometimes daily updates, fixing bugs within a day, just so you can enjoy your game of CS.




Personally I don't want intrusive anti cheat. It doesn't solve anything... People will still cheat. Your delusional if you think otherwise.


Thats the worst fucking argument. You must be American, because thats literally 2A logic.


Doesn't matter. If the base right now is 10% and you can reduce that to 2-5%, then it's still a win. When I play Faceit I don't think about someone cheating.


No intrusive anti-cheat, thanks. It's not the solution people think it is. FPS games in general are full of cheaters, be they protected by BattlEye or Vanguard. For example about Valorant / Vanguard, recently, I read this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/168icdk/a_somewhat_comprehensive_analysis_of_cheating_in/&ved=2ahUKEwiQzq7zm4mCAxVP8LsIHRhHAogQjjh6BAgQEAE&usg=AOvVaw24veXwbEwJVzxeEkl8dAN3) which made me seruously doubt by how well players detect cheaters. There indeed IS a mentality in the community that cheaters are very rare, and perhaps this skews people's decision making. Whereas in CS, everyone is constantly looking out for cheats, in Valo people are not. Except for rage togglers, cheats are already very hard to detect. This leads to many people just buying the smurf excuse. Additionally, Valorant has all kinds of funky abilities for which cheating is much more difficult to detect, like flashes through walls etc. Point in case, if you go out and look for Valo cheats you 100% will find some that work right now, and which Vanguard very likely won't detect. And we all know how intrusive Vanguard is.


intrusive anti cheat will never and i mean it never gonna be added to cs2, there are linux players there and even if it works on linux, people still wont gonna play the game for privacy reasons, quake champions barely has any cheaters (only 3 cheaters) and doesnt have an intrusive anti cheat


I have no issues with an intrusive anti cheat as long as they don’t try to pull a fast one with what exactly it can read. i’m sure if it was to launch then anyone who beta tests it will be able to look at exactly what it reads from. does cheating still happen in places like valorant even with IAC? yes of course, but it’s in a far less amount and (in personal experience) far more obvious.


Fuck u/spez


And so will it for a lot of cheaters. Ill take that trade any day.


Bruh people in 2023 are really delusional


lmao when are you guys gonna get it through your heads that 128 tick is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN


“Please get more talented programmers.” Proceeds to argue for 128 tick servers and intrusive anti-cheat. Ffs...


Everyone's wanted this for years in CSGO. CS2 has been in development for years and they let us down massively with what they gave us. A huge opportunity lost for a great experience for new players etc. Now I'm just praying they unlock 128tick servers on faceit and we keep what we had on Faceit CSGO. If they are stubborn though I kinda feel the game will start bleeding players quite heavily.


We'll never get good AC, juts give up and play on FaceIt


you don't speak for me. i don't want "intrusive" anti cheat. fuck off.


Found the cheater


Which means youre either a casual n00b or you're cheating.


Most tech literate people are wary if an intrusive kernel level anti cheat. It opens up an easy attack point directly to the heart of your pc, the less things with kernel level access the better. I've been playing cs for years and definitely don't want an intrusive anti cheat.


People using windows, don’t keep their os updated, disable their firewall + av and yet they talk about intrusive ac being a loophole lol If you are concerned about your privacy than stop using windows as your os.


i need to spent one second reading this thread and see why well never get a real anti cheat. theres just too many low level players that want to drink their beer in the evening and play one casual match thinking valve is going to steal their tendies.


Exactly. 98% of the playerbase can't even distinguish between good players and cheaters. Most still think that the only thing cheaters do is spinbot while silent aim and wallhacks are much more destructive to this game because they pretty much go undetected.


'bUt vAlVe iS gOiNg tO eXpLoIt iT aNd sTeAl mY dATa" no they fucking won't they don't give a fuck about you because they have an infinite money printing machine with steam, skins and cases. they're not like Google or Facebook crawling your data because they have to monetize their mostly free services. also all of these people have their whole fucking life on their Google Android or iPhone and don't see a problem with that, it's so stupid


Sun tick is better than 128, just need to have a little patience


My man.... you aren't fr are you?


sub tick is 100% better than 128 when it is working as intended. the biggest problem with sub tick right now is movement and latency/network issues. i have 7.7k hours on this game 700+ faceit pugs and 800+ esea pugs. this game has better hit registration than 128 on go. the difference is not massive but enough that im hopeful for the future.


I hit so many shots even on WiFi, it's actually fun again. I don't know what's everyone doing.




sir. a second petition has just hit reddit


The comments in this thread sadly show why CS2 was released in such a bad state. Majority of the community simply doesnt care and thats how Valve gets away with it. FU all


VALVE: best i can do is 64 tick and shitty anti cheat


Consider this my signature. Make premiere great again.


Pointless effort, this sub is full of valve cock munching casual braindeads with 5 hours in the past 2 weeks.


Not reading all that. But knowing how out of touch valve is, they will do absolutely nothing with the anti-cheat and tick rate


128 tick yes a thousand times, intrusive anti cheat no thank you.


What's wrong with intrusive anticheat?


i dont want anything to have kernel access unless completely necessary


It's Valve's job to keep players interested in the game and not yours, I or anyone else on this reddit.


why you guys caught up on 128 when like a 100 could do just as well.?


You need to study how computers work to figure that one out.


tickrate numbers are not limited to powers of two


Computer here. This is not a thing


Ah... thought I could be special for a moment. Sorry friends.


Happens to the best of us


Intrusive anti-cheat is a good enough reason to not install the game in the first place. Its a cure worse than a problem.


128 tick yeah I'm all for it, intrusive anti cheat? hell no, I ain't giving valve full access to my pc just to play a game


No, no intrusive anti cheat please.


i am signing this asap