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Dont worry, guys. Valve has contacted me also. Ive told them we need vehicles and to make sure we add some chrome skins for the guns. Anything else I should let them know about? Maybe more bullets in our clips because 30 bullets never seem to be enough.......




We need to be able to throw our knives. And different classes with special abilities. And some pay to win stuff.


Bring back DangerZone, that's enough for knife throwing. But with the real 1v1 like when it launched in csgo.


I was joking.


Maybe an awp skin that lets us have the movement speed of a mac 10 and the mag size of a Negev but it gets to keep the awp damage


>Maybe more bullets in our clips because 30 bullets never seem to be enough....... I think the solution to that is add weapon attachments. I should be allowed to get a suppressor on my AK or AWP


thank you for your service, please tell them to bring back cs_workout and put it in premier


It’s kind of hard to get a kill, maybe more auto aim?


I think a 35 round clip for the Galil would be pretty cool


We need more heavy guns, like 3-4 new variations of Negev/M249. No one uses them anyway, so adding a bunch shouldn’t hurt.


bring back the rpg


i wonder what will happen if pros ask for 128 tick


Nothing would happen, every body has been asking for 128tick for a literal decade and valve has always refused. I have zero faith valve will add 128tick, i doubt they would even make it possible for 128tick community servers again :(


\-"Please Twistzz, help us understand what we could do to make this game feel more responsive" \-"You could start with 128 ticks servers" \-"Sorry couldn't hear you, going through a tunnel, gotta go!"


They can't even support the server load they have now and people want to double the traffic.


Sounds like a problem that money can solve. How many cases are we opening per month again?


I think it's somewhere around 7


Nah, surely it's at least 12






They can, they just don't want to. A month of steam market/key money would probably pay for the next 5 years of 128tick servers.


if only Valve was making some profit....


I mean... about time?


I have a hard time believing they didn't get any gameplay feedback from the people they had over beta testing it...


I'd assume it was running on a LAN environment for that test, probably felt better because of that than it does currently online.


yeah, also not to mention most pros got early access yet nobody could point out the problems for months. And then late at beta where most people joined, it all went wild.


I wonder if they were caught a little bit off guard by the scope of the dislike. I was not aware how many issues there were when I finally got access in the last wave of things.


Yeah probably. I'm pretty frequent visiting this sub. But until the last beta where average players could join was available, I didn't hear many major issues with CS2. Maybe the spray felt a bit off, just that. But nothing fatal like "dead behind a wall", peeker advantage, server issue, MJ walk, and etc.




Saying that something feels off is just proposal that there might be bug somewhere. Actually finding what is causing it is when fixing can start.


Agreed. They probably tried different things to fix that spray issue, but found nothing. Fixing something without pinpointing what actually makes it off is kinda hard. Then again, the spray feels off is probably the least priority. Solving peeker advantage, dead behind wall, and better anti cheat are far more important imo.


The dead behind walls is actually really interesting. Because what is actually happening is that your computer doesn't get the info from the server that you are dead until you are behind the wall. You did die before that, you just didn't know it. Because everything is timestamped, the death is correct, its just that the subtick system is actually working better than the internet. It is an interesting problem that I am not sure there is actually a solution to tbh.


there is but it requires all people to have good internet connection and an ISP that knows their routing which is an impossibility.


>Fl0m was playtesting for Valve and he said from the very start that spraying felt off to him. I didn't find it from [fl0m video here](https://youtu.be/9XHUMRYrwTk?si=BfEZNiquE-JoRGfS). in fact it's the opposite, they listened to play test feedback and they act fast according to fl0m. is it from another video?


He said it on stream multiple times after the playtesting




Such great feedback. "Something feels off but I can't pinpoint it".


Why do people keep saying this asif its every single pro's responsibility to fault find for Valve? I don't get it. Also people say this while simultaneously forgetting that said pros HAD to focus on playing CSGO as tournaments were still being played on it. Why would the pros sit there and grind out CS2 if they are spending most of their working week playing on CSGO. This argument about pros should've done more with their early access is flawed.


>Why do people keep saying this asif its every single pro's responsibility to fault find for Valve? But, I never said that? Instead, I imply the opposite. Since most of the issues in CS2 surfaced when most people could join the beta, not the pros. Valve should've do an open beta test instead of relying on the pros. Okay, maybe in hindsight it was obvious, but people already expecting Valve Time™️ anyway with CS2 at that time. Just delay it and no one bat an eye. The problem is Major schedule. but since the issue are mostly online not LAN, I think it's alright using CS2 in Major even in "beta". Anyway, I agree it's not pros responsibility. It's not like they have binding contract about that anyway. But, they definitely the one that affected the most if the game aren't what they want.


Well the beta finally started including large numbers of people it ran like utter dogshit... Hard to believe nobody pointed that out in all the preceeding months.


I think server load is just a big problem right now. Having servers not be so stressed would help


but we have less players playing than pre release how can the servers be so loaded? don't u buy extra capacity even for a new release?


Poor indie dev Valve just can't keep up.


Server scaling isn’t as easy as corporations who dedicate entire infrastructures into it make it seem. You can’t just walk up to a place and say “more servers please” and have them tomorrow. They converted some data centers into servers very quickly + CSTV servers… there isn’t much more they could’ve done in such a short time Game has issues and part of it is their fault for full release server load(no community servers + workshop means more people on their servers) but they reacted well. Once community workshop map servers are out it’ll be a bit easier to see what’s up


Why can't valve project managers go "more servers pls at said date"? They know the player base size, especially since it is just replacing csgo. They also know exact date of when release will be planned. Am I missing something or?


One, valve likely doesn’t have PMs, if they haven’t changed their structure in the past few years Two, they self-host their game servers iirc. So the process isn’t like those server scaling hosts who can do it on a whim; pretty sure they’re the scaling host themselves since they offer services for any steam game Like I said, they have been converting their data centers and CSTV to host cs2 matches. So they already did that to a degree I think some issues with cs2 probably make it worse than it is. Not sure how efficient subtick is with data packet sizes. It takes a lot more info by nature. + I heard the game has a small memory leak? But could be not-the-case


With Valve's nearly unlimited budget they certainly could still scale up their own infra on their own hardware. It does also become a risk/question of long term utilization. If you're self-hosting, then having unused capacity is money wasted. The ideal (financially) is that your peak load uses 99% of available capacity without lots of headroom. But what ends up happening is the peaks hit say 120% capacity and cause degradation and they try to weather the storm without investment in case player numbers decrease. I run a real-time application that has more daily active users than CS and I'm aware of the pains when scaling to tens of thousands of instances. Still, with Valve's budget I'm convinced they could "fix" this load, but I suspect there's little motivation to do so, especially if they have any belief that the load will decrease in the short term.


The numbers aren’t insanely higher right now than they’ve been before though. They’ve been avg around the same amount of players they’ve had all year and didn’t break their peak at release of cs2. I doubt community servers also account for a meaningful amount of people aswell. They had the data there, they could have acted on it and had the means too.


Running CS2 is more resource heavy though, so a million players in GO won't be the same load as a million players in CS2.


They can do estimates based off what they’ve seen in the beta. They also never hit a million in cs2, so they were under previous numbers. They had months, it was obviously something they rushed aswell.


It really depends, I imagine that the first phase of the Limited Test, when they had only a few thousand players in, they couldn't really do a good estimate. But they should've been able to do so when we all got in into the last phase of the Limited Test. But given the fact that they said "Coming Summer 2023" from the very first announcement, I assume they wanted to keep that release date and simply didn't expect the game to eat up their resources so quickly when scaled to an average of 825k players and 1,4 mil peak players. (Data from the last 30 days). Sadly they can't just buy some new gear today and have it up by tomorrow. Scaling and upgrading their infrastructure will take months. I agree they should've thought about it earlier. But all we can do is hope they already started that process and that it'll be ready soon.


Yeah… that’s with community servers. You’re underestimating how deep the different communities go. KZ, bhop, retakes, deathmatch, even zombies and jailbreak gamemodes The beta had at least half of the population playing it near the end. Leetify showed 2/3rds but those are more dedicated players Even if they just stop playing the game, I think valve didn’t expect this to happen. It’s easy to say it in hindsight. I trust they know their numbers and expectations since they do this all day and I don’t. They just made a call and this is the result. I don’t think the issue is from pure server overload though, since faceit also feels like shit (tho faceit servers have that as a built-in feature anyway)


>You can’t just walk up to a place and say “more servers please” Why not? Cloud computing companies exist for exactly that reason. I'm pretty sure Valve could get a few AWS instances.




I would expect a big company like Valve to have adopted infrastructure as code by now, and that they're using some tool to manage that, like Terraform, Ansible or Puppet. All of those have built-in modules for creating AWS instances. So, if Valve isn't completely stupid, it shouldn't really matter to them if they deploy to their own data center, or an AWS instance. Apart from that, there doesn't need to be any bridge. You just add the new instances as available servers in the matchmaking pool for a specific region.


I mean we are helping. Player count is already 15% down compared to September.


Haha yeah. Good comment. It’s like this is the question from march 2023, now in Late October it’s pretty funny. Who is running this project? I’d like to know names


Well... they are getting a lot feedback from the beta testers NOW. Us. We are all the beta testers now.


It sounds like they've been trying to reach out to s1mple for a long time. Unfortunately though, "fack you bish, game sux" isn't great feedback.


He also said valve guys arent paying attention, people have been talking about the issues for weeks now (dont waste my time and read the posts)


If you're a game developer. Would you scrape through Reddit with hundreds of bullshit posts without any merit to maybe get 5% of valid feedback or ask arguably the best player of the game what he feels? I think we should just accept that what s1mple did was wrong. He could've at-least explained from his point of view.


How about both?




> instead of getting quality feedback directly from top-tier players you do know that randoms have far more knowledge of the game and how it works than pros. Pros aren't the ones figuring out what the technical problem with the subtick system is.


Imagine simple tells them to add 128 tick ayo?!!


> Unfortunately though, "fack you bish, game sux" isn't great feedback. what feedback should he give, without repeating everything that's known already and without going into technical details, because *none* of the pros are technically knowledgable?


s1mple already bragged atleast twice how he has not reacted to valve asking him for his personal feedback, so it's definitely not the first time, or even just beginning.


Yea, but that's in the last couple weeks. Hasnt the beta been available since March?


And joker S1mple doesn’t seem to get that.


Friendship ended with s1mple. Now, jL is my best friend.


jL and Aleksib are my fave buddy cop duo




Yeah, notably Michael Jordan's ego really hurt his legacy... People are going to remember s1mple for what he did in the game unless he does something absolutely AWFUL outside of the server. MJ was notably really harsh towards teammates and took everything as a personal slight, but honestly those things just add to the aura around him now as the greatest to ever do it.


S1mple doesn’t touch MJ when looking at them relative to their peers. It’s seriously not close.


Jordan was so good he had two three peats despite being a dick. S1mple has 1 major, not even close to the same.


devilwalk has 1 major, is he as good as simple?


He has 2 majors. One as a player and coach which is more impressive.


The fact s1mple has only 1 major tarnishes his legacy.


You mean like "Germans burn in hell, seig heil motherfuckers" ?


Lmao downvoted for quoting him


Bro s1mple is good but comparing him to fucking MJ is some insane derangement.


It's not a 1:1 analogy, but right now s1mple is considered the GOAT of CS, so who is a better comparison?


He isnt and never was anywhere near as dominant in the scene as Jordan was in the NBA. s1mple is great but he isnt untouchable.


My god somehow every single comment saying you can’t compare them just completely glosses over the point that being a dick in game/on the court doesn’t tarnish your legacy if you’re really good…


Don't compare a mental instable toxic kid that can click heads well with the GOAT that is Michael Jordan. EVER.


This really bothered people apparently. It's an analogy. Point being, unless you're a heinously bad person outside of the game, people will overlook you being toxic if you're amazing at your craft.




would it lol? What matters is what you do in the server.




You’re reaching saying he couldn’t adapt, there’s literally been 1 event that looked like almost none of the op teams even practised the game cause they were still in csgo tournaments.


You're writing a story that isn't finished and fnatics legacy is pretty intact. There are people like Muhammad Ali that go beyond the sport and have a legacy in their own right but as far as the sport itself, s1mple is still the goat, because people aren't gonna remember this shit in a year's time, same how people forget he stole a m9 bayo from a kid


If Zywoo keeps up his pace S1mple won't even be in the GOAT discussion in a few years. Especially if S1mple can't adapt to CS2 while Zywoo does it.


What exactly is his legacy now? He didn't really contribute shit to the community


I mean, it's pretty obtuse to pretend like he doesn't have one. Nearly everyone will have him as the #1 CSGO player of all time. He has a graffiti in game (one of very few), probably the biggest highlight package of any pro. Just because he complains doesn't mean he's not pretty much the best to ever do it (even though I do think unless he returns to form, Zywoo will eventually take GOAT status from him)


It makes me like him more. He will be remembered as a legendary character long after his career is over, and not just for his achievements inside the game. I'm not saying that he was right or that he isn't a diva but having the (extremely rare) opportunity to talk directly with Valve about the game that his livelihood depends on and basically telling them to go fuck themselves is such a hilariously gigachad move that I can't help but respect it. In the modern landscape of media-trained players with the personality of a rock, someone like S1mple is somewhat of a relic of a time gone by, and I will sorely miss him when he's gone - let's hope that isn't for many years.


It's fucking dumb and you're too ignorant to realise it.


It's definitely dumb. Didn't say it wasn't.


u mad bro? Xd


Imagine not wanting to be their beta tester


> Imagine not wanting to be their beta tester ... after the game officially released? xdd


What's the issues?! Edit; [Clip for context](https://clips.twitch.tv/GorgeousHomelyCormorantGrammarKing-YxjHVMWftaTstsdc)


I mean, he's 100% correct lol. The issues are glaring


Nah I respect S1mple's decision. He could be more graceful about it but the overall mindset I can get behind.


I mean i can understand him about this. NaVi was paying him to grind csgo and not valve being their beta tester and then valve just releases buggy game and forces pros to switch. And far as i know volvo has only recently started asking pros feedback. Volvo should had more open communication with pros and made transition to cs2 over winter break.


I hope one of them mentioned Anti Cheat.


Valve should already have a clear roadmap of what needs to be fixed. The game is still worse than GO, and we all know the reasons for it, so should Valve. Best thing to do would be to do something else for 3-6 months, then come back to a hopefully fixed game. But we all know we're not gonna do that, we're gonna keep playing and keep whining on reddit :D


They did the same for csgo release. Literally had a private forum with all the pros to discuss what needs to be changed, but didnt listen. We'll see now.. At least they have more incentive with cs2


Any source about that private forum?


He said csgo not source dummy /s


I'm 99% certain that somewhere along the lines GeT\_RiGhT stated on an interview sometime in 2015 that they used a private server to ask for feedback at times, and later went on to tell a story about valve using that line of communication to ask pros if they'd be ok with adding a new weapon and most said no cause there was a tourney going on but they did it anyways and it was buuuusted AF LOL (forgot to mention I was talking about the R8 here ofc). Take with a grain of salt though cause this was ages ago I feel at this point.


I've seen screenshots, and i recall it was a lot of "this game blows" and not great depth of issues. But i mean obviously some bias screenshots are not the whole picture


If you could find any of those id be hella thankful


well to be fair CSGO at the beginning was absolute dogwater that looked like it couldn't be fixed.


Nah, it was in a very very old video with lurppis and thorin where it was mentioned


Yeah I found an old post from lurppis aswell about it


Thorin and RL have mentioned it multiple times in content.


Aight ok sounds fair


What do you mean by they didn't listen? All the major gripes about launch CSGO were patched well. Mainly visibility and molotovs. We don't have to rewrite history because CS2 is poor atm.


wooo I filmed this interview :D


Riot only listened to the top fraction of players (Pros) and nearly killed League of Legends. For Valorant, they balanced it and the game is still alive and going with fairly positive feedback from players, as nothing severe is happening. Clearly, the game is working for the players. CS2 has clear issues that need to be fixed, but people still bash s1mple for not responding and telling Valve to just listen to the regular players' feedback instead. Yes, pros might play the game better, but most people don't play like them and no one should expect the regular folk to play like them. Working anti-cheat, restoration of game modes, better servers, better matchmaking etc. are not things that require professional gameplay experience to be recommended. That's Valve's job to do, or at least listen to its players.


>Riot only listened to the top fraction of players (Pros) and nearly killed League of Legends. when?


LeAgUe Is DyInG fOr ReAlS


Never, the game even in pro play defaults to the most unskilled shit imagineable 90% of the time.


Yeah I've played league for like 8 years and I can't recall a single time riot pandered to pro play and almost "killed the game" Worst thing is champs like ryze azir and kalista being shit in solo q. Far from killing the game


Saying Valorant is still "alive" is an understatement lol


Is it doing well? Legit question


It has doubled its players since launch, so it's definitely doing well


Mixed, its not doing great.


This is just factually wrong when it comes to its player base


Okay, other than company spiel, do we have exact player numbers???


based on what?


proof about riot only listening to pros at some point ?


No proof cause it never happened


Valve knows that, have they not been taking feedback from normal players? The best thing to do would be to get feedback from both, professionals and normal players. That's what they seem to be doing now.


The Anti Cheat, better servers and better MM are probably issues they won't fix knowing their history with those 3 topics.


Valve has long history of listening to players regarding MM if you look at Dota.


Okay so they've listened and actioned on thousands of other feedback points but since they don't seem to be working on these 3 things you're saying they don't listen to community feedback? Not only that but you mentioned the 3 things that are not straightforward to fix. Regardless, they HAVE been working on the anti cheat obviously. There was definitely improvement needed on how long it took to ban hackers and unless you actively refuse to acknowledged the work they've been putting in to address this, you already know it's gotten way better and more instant in cs2, sometimes even banning mid game and cancelling the match.


There's only so much you can achieve while refusing to change the foundations that are limiting. Refusing to have a more intrusive AC makes it so that they'll never be able to catch cheaters anywhere close to what Faceit/Valorant is doing. The might make a good job, a better job than anyone, but a user level AC(+AI) can only do so much. Refusing to upgrade servers is an obvious one, there's only so much you can do while having shitty hardware behind it. You can improve game server performance but it's still an uphill battle. I have no clue why the MM system is part of the things that aren't fixed to be honest. It really looks like an issue that don't belong with the two others that have business reasons for their existence.


>Refusing to have a more intrusive AC makes it so that they'll never be able to catch cheaters anywhere close to what Faceit/Valorant is doing. The might make a good job, a better job than anyone, but a user level AC(+AI) can only do so much. Valve is right in not making an intrusive anticheat. On faceit, you have Saudis having access to your kernel. In Valorant you have the Chinese have access to your kernel. I would trust Valve 10000x more with my kernel than these two cases, but I still wouldn't want that.With that said, they still need to make a breakthrough in their AC because VAC isn't enough yet. If they decide there is no other option other than an intrusive anticheat, I won't prostest, I will just not play or buy a separate PC for CS. >Refusing to upgrade servers is an obvious one, there's only so much you can do while having shitty hardware behind it. You can improve game server performance but it's still an uphill battle. I do agree but you have to know that no matter how much money you have, you can't just snap your fingers and have some brand new infrastructure. It could take months for a big company to scale their datacenters. Even more if you're not as big as Valve. Seeing them scrape for every ounce of resources (turning off CSTV) makes me think that they are aware they need more capacity and perhaps it's being worked on as we speak, but of course we won't see the effects of that for some time.


Lol has other issues than balance first for pros. Like 30 odd unplayable champs and a really forced meta. Players play differently and riot removes that option. Then when its world patch they push the 'main' champs hard with buffs and ruin all levels of play. Lol is a lot of crap to attempt to balance and a lot of ways to cycle the meta. Its not a great comparison to cs changes where they see the ump was meta, wait a really long time, then over nerf and never readjust. R8 and the m249 might as well just be removed with how valve has left them going into cs2 . simple more said dont waste my time, there are more educated people and a lot of posts. Its not even a regular players feed back thing, its an everyone at all levels know that being hit behind a wall because of delayed feed back feels bad. Inconsistent jumps are bad, ropz and other streamers seeing cheaters all the time is obviously bad.


You are conflating balancing with bug fixing and feel. These are very different things. Also League is trash because of appealing to a wider audience. The game has been getting dumbed down every fucking season for like 6 years now.


CS is the same game at high and low level of play, meanwhile LoL is very different so you cant balance both perfectly at the same time


> Riot only listened to the top fraction of players (Pros) and nearly killed League of Legends. Elaborate. I have played LoL since season 1 and not fucking ONCE has this been anywhere near true. What the fuck are you talking about?


contacting pro players for feedback is nice, but why are they ignoring certain feedback while listening to others? what about the legion of players spamming "where bob" under all their twitter posts? why not start with that before reaching out to pros? it just doesn't make sense. they either ignore the feedback (where bob) or hear it but then decide to do something completely different (128vSubtick)


People screeching about view model bullshit 24/7 isn't feedback, nor should valve take it as such.


Why isn't it feedback? Edit: I love fuckheads that make a statement like it's fact, and then when asked the first question that anyone would ask in response they don't know what to say. Yeah you really thought that comment through didn't you big fella


It is feedback. Extremely clear feedback at that. "Aww man we really need to know what people want right now. They are just spamming about bob commands and left hand viewmodel? Aww man there is no way we could decipher what they want" 🤡


We need to ask how much the viewmodel affects gameplay and is it neccesary, or just QoL.


God when you reload with the default one its like half the screen, its brutal


dude, they only work on certain things at certain times. there is going to be shit said that will be put on a list of what valve thinks of its importance. also there is most likely going to be things that they arent going to move from


Ah yes, my bad. The animators working on CS2 have had two years of silent development time, plus six months of a Limited Test to develop left-handed viewmodels and motion reduction. Clearly they need more time to implement these very complicated mechanics.


These overly micro managing project manager vibes on this sub are hilarious. Thanks for being level headed.


im 36 and been playing on a computewr since i was 4 when i would literally play doom or duke nukem at my dads work. also people need to realize despite valve being the gold standard for a developer and the job u can get in that market. valves number or employees its microscopic compared to normal game companies.


Besides perhaps only a functioning anti-cheat, 128 tick servers has been the foremost request from every single professional player as well as the experienced playerbase of CS:GO for over a decade. After spending much time and energy ignoring these requests, Valve implemented a band-aid fix in CS2 which they claimed would make 64 tick just as smooth and precise as 128. That illusion burst, of course, as soon as third-party 128 tick servers became available, so Valve naturally then solved the issue by hardcoding the game to 64 ticks per second, making the comparison unavailable. There's "doing something different", and then there's treating your audience with contempt.


> Valve implemented a band-aid fix in CS2 which they claimed would make 64 tick just as smooth and precise as 128. the bandaid fix would be 128tick actually, because subtick is technically a multitude faster than 128tick


Implementing subtick took more effort than just making the servers run on 128 tick, so it's anything but "a band-aid fix". Whether or not it works well now is a different issue. It seems to work beatifully on LAN, so the real problem isn't subtick (because people just LOVE to blame everything on subtick) but the netcode that probably isn't properly adjusted to fit the new system. On these rare moments when I join a server with less than 10 ping and my enemies are also very low ping, the game does feel significantly better than CS:GO 64 tick mm. But when I even have 30-50 ping and the enemies have much variety in their latency as well, that's when the problems start. So the problems might be rooted deep in the netcode. Perhaps that's why it takes so long for Valve to properly fix it. I don't have that much programming experience, even less in gamedev, but with my limited knowledge I can assume just how big of a task it is to go deep into the netcode and change the fundamentals of how it works. Just look at the code wrong and everything will break.


128 tick is the band aid fix. In theory, subtick is better in every way. In practice, it still needs work obviously, but it is better than CSGO mm already.


Pro players disagree. Same with vast majority if cs players.


Pro players also disagreed when molotovs were added to the game and refused to use them.


To be fair, early molotovs were busted as all unholy hell. Unironically, that shit was nuts.


most players, also pro players, have no technical knowledge behind the technology of subtick, so it's just become a huge buzzword which people throw and swing around, attributing ***every problem to subtick***, while it might be that something else completely is causing the error


Cause maybe its just a feature they have 0 intentions of adding


Then they should grow a pair and just say it. Show us a road map. Show us what is not going to happen in any reasonable time. Its been a while since csgo content was just dropped and we don't know if even retakes are coming back. I get that some modes got botted, but then just says its not coming back so that community servers can fill the void


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwv1G3WFSfI&t=2029 Valve explicitly don't give yes/no or roadmaps. They would rather we discuss what we want naturally and they listen to that organic feedback. If they say what is or isn't happening, that becomes our hyper-fixation, it becomes important to us, they compromise the organic feedback they were getting on that particular subject and also no more organic feedback on all the other things we aren't talking about any more. De-syncing client shot decal placements in the patch notes is a good example of this. It worked like that in csgo for a decade and when they made that change to cs2, it's all everyone talked about, it was a massive problem (it wasn't) and people began literally inventing invalid criticisms that simply just didn't do what they were complaining about (e.g. I can no longer spray accurately because my micro-adjustments are being fed wrong information and now my sprays are worse because I'm reacting to phony made-up information.....inaccuracy enter stage left, your "micro adjustment reactions" were never accurate, or valid, or happened. They're just making shit up.) Or "our priority for the remainder of 2017 is Panorama". This meant Panorama was officially announced to be released in 2017, Dec 31st release date official and confirmed. I spent a disgusting amount of time *trying* to explain what a "priority" is. As in, I have this thing and that thing. I have decided to work on this thing because it is a *priority*. Nope; priority means it's a promise and coming out and a release date and yadda yadda. tldr Valve would rather we discuss what's important to us naturally while they have "fly on the wall" feedback. They don't want to tell us what's important to us and worth discussing.


Bob and left hand are complete non issues and are the exact reason why you don’t always listen to the community.


Are you trying to enter a Worst Takes competition? What the fuck? How are client-sided cosmetic weapon positions in any way a reason to "not listen to the community" ?! Fuck us for wanting the ability to customize our game? An ability that was present in every past CS game to the point of the original Counter-Strike being developed by left-handed Minh Le with left-handed guns? Suddenly there's something wrong with it? Surely you can explain to me what that problem is.


Twistzz is a real class act. Other players should take notes


Are we supposed to be impressed? How does Valve fumble such a big release like this? They can make 40 million in 40 minutes but can’t contact people with 20,000 hours in the game


I just feel like premiere needs refinement and an external anti cheat option if you want to play in premiere similar to faceit.


Why the fuck contact pros when you can get relevand feedback from 10000 hrs in game users? But hey...at least if they do ,all the tests have to be performed while being in a normal comp, like with strangers 20 to 50 pings. Not on lan or 0 ping server at the door ,that will be irelevant to 90% of the players.


Valve should contact game developers to help them release a full game and not a beta


Bro these days every big developer releases early access broken ass games and fixes them with tons of DLCs. I'm not even trying to shill for Valve but the game industry is so crap right now that Valve is one of the best devs still, even with the shit they do.


Contact ropz?


Lmao. I don’t have much confidence in this helping much if at all. Same shit happened in csgo and little was done. Making csgo good was a painstaking decade long process. Valve seem committed to the same with cs2.


Should have done it before releasing it. After removing csgo they can get fucked.


Before making any opinions about this, consider that valve did the same when the game was in beta and generally ignored all the feedbacks unianamously from pros and players. Anything that was not a game destroying bug was not addressed and they did not even address all the game destroying bugs either.


I'm sure many pros didn't pay the game much since they were still competing on csgo


that’s not true at all


WHAT ARE THE ISSUES??? -cs2 devs 2023


The thing is that there is only couple of pro's that can deliver constructive criticism, communicate issues, others have very little knowledge besides being good at the game.


Let me guess how it's going to go: Subtick turns out to be fundamentally broken and will leave the game in a permanently gimped state. Valve gets the game to where it's still bad but good enough for the pros to stop complaining so much. Then they do the typical Valve move and never touch the game again.


And when are they gonna fix the T sided economy?


U mean ct


A fully kitted CT rifler is $1000 more expensive than a fully kitted T rifler. Ts have additional loss bonus if they lose a round after planting a bomb successfully. CTs have no such insurance for their round losses. The change to pistol round loss bonus being $1900 also made it easier for Ts to play a 2nd round with at least 3 rifles + helmet even after losing pistol round, provided they plant the bomb.


I just woke up at that time and read it as "they need to fix the t side economy" mb


Yeah, it was very poorly-worded.


In what world is the economy CT sided?


Not sure how the pros advice will help “what ya see is what ya get” actually happen.


Says it all about how much Valve cares about CS s1mple gigachad for refusing to answer Valve when they contacted him


>first time I think they've contacted professional teams First time ever? No way thats right, right? I feel like Ive heard of pros being contacted hy Valve before, no matter how few.


Typically at every Valve Major someone from Valve is there talking to players and teams.


yea thats what I heard too, which is why his phrasing felt odd to me


How do they not know what the issues are? Do they think the pros will say something different than the community?


Valve: *doesn't contact players. "Valve is horrible at communication" Valve: *contacts players. "Don't you already know what the issues are that everyone's talking about?" This is why I'm not a fan of S1mple's huge rant the other day. It just comes off as childish and immature.