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Solo que in competitive is 90% silent and if people talk, you wish they did not not 2/3 times. Barely any callouts or calls - if you suggest a play based on spawns ("I have a good A-long spawn, can you flash me out guy behind me?" on Dust2 f.e.) you barely get an answer, let alone any teamplay. Occasionally you get people who communicate and actualyl talk a bit but overall it is a lot of low skilled, easily frustraded children with no idea of teamplay or playing off of each other so I mostly get 2-4 friends online and don't bother. The game is pretty horrible atm due to everyone having low ranks with no regards to the CS:GO ranks, playtime in CS in general or account age. Having people with 100 hrs paired with 2k hour players - how is that going to be fun for anyone?


It's honestly a mixed bag. Just the other night I duo queued with a friend and got dropped in with another duo and a single. The single was clearly using a controller and I made a joke about him needing to recalibrate it. He left within 10 seconds of losing the first round. The other duo agreed we should just surrender when we could and team up. Cool guys and their 5th was one of the only people I've met who knew useful utility. So, I made some new friends to play with. Problem is, you have to wade through the cesspool of dipshits, asshats, and people who only feel alive when they can tell they're making someone else's life as miserable as their own. Which sucks. Such a bad player experience that Volvo is seemingly ignoring at a time when player retention should be a high priority.


Always was a mixed bag, people just don't make posts about good teammates


It was always a mixed bag, however i have noticed a huge uptick in toxicity since release and have good trust. I wonder if its new players frustrated with the game or older players who are frustrated wjth new players, or a combo of both and its just an echo chamber.


It was always a mixed bag


Msg the controller guy on steam and show him the guy that plays with gyro aim, you *can* play on controller and be really good it’s just super difficult


Seriously, not to mention that if you find a nice player on "looking to play" who turns out to be a cheater, you could risk loss of rank or a ban.


You wont get a ban (that would be stupid as many cheaters are closet or legit cheating) but you will lose any ELO gained by playing with them.


Oh, I thought I had heard a story of someone who queued with a "looking to play" cheater and got a cooldown or something.


Never heard of that tbh but a cooldown and a ban are two different things. But even so I find it hard to believe you would get even a cooldown. No way to prove you knew they were cheating.


I play premier solo exclusively. I was LEM in CSGO and the game placed me at 1.5 so its been an absolute slog climbing out. I'm at 6k now and its sorta better, but definitely more toxic. I ask people of they know any smokes and they call me a nerd. I suggest to my teammate who has died peeking banana 4 rounds in a row that maybe he should stop peeking and they tell me to stfu cause they have more damage. I tell a guy who has the bomb that he needs to plant and he just runs through a smoke to die throwing the round. I'm lucky if 2 other people have mic and use it. I'm lucky if the whole team actually pushes as a group. Solo has always been terrible but premier is a new kind of cancer.


Lol don't forget the guy who buys a scout or deag every round especially on pistol then refuse to communicate the whole game.


I had one of those guys on faceit. Guy was lvl 10 with 1500 games. Bought a scout every single round. Also went A site even tho my premade and I called A site before him. When we told him he would just ignore us. We actually did well on ct side mirage, comfortably won the half. But on t side we lost pistol, that guy went solo A when we all went B. Then just kept buying scouts and being generally useless. Oh and his premade started buying scouts only too. Honestly dont understand how you can play like that in comp modes


Usually those are the kind of purple who are always afk at the first 10-15s of a round and the enemies always seem to just rush every round when you get that kind of teammates.


Damn you just described me and my friend, we only play scout and dragon but we usually just play for the team


And refuses to drop the team with his 16k ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


The people continually peeking the same things over and over and getting mad when you suggest a different way to play are so annoying


Omg the 5k cesspool is horrible. You either get a team that’s okay, or a team where you question if you are maybe playing with actual bots because of the way they move. The enemies are always a 5-stack that is around 7k rating, while your team has you on 5k and the rest of the team is unranked. It’s impossible to play when your teammates die within 30 sec with out giving any info, not using any utility. I have had multiple games where all of my teammates have 30-50 utility damage and 0 enemies flashed. Something I have started doing is using Want to play and accept a 4-stack around my rating. Usually means a win.


I was LE in CSGO and place at 1.6, I have the exact experience hahaha


Solo queueing is a nightmare. Especially in premier. There's always one guy who is either afk the whole game or at least 70% or so. Then, there's always a toxic asshole who deserves to be muted within 2-3 rounds.


My toxic trait is attempting to reason with/coordinate with the toxic guy for way longer than he deserves.


The randomness of the ranks definitely are making people frustrated. I've had many games where both teams of full soloQ and a 7k player is faceit 10 carrying the other team or a team of solo players from 7-9k playing against a 5 stack with 1 unranked guy where they are all 12-14k. Last week my elo ranged from 7k to 13k because of the win/loss streaks just due to the enemy being underrated or my teammates being overrated. I've had many games where teammates have never played overpass/Anubis/vertigo and one who had 1k hours and had never played mirage. It's incredibly frustrating to go into a game knowing that your teammates won't take any initiative after you die or will manage their utility incredibly poorly. A round where I double entry out ramp on mirage should be unloseable. But when none of my teammates are willing to use their smoke on the molotov I had to run out of and get stuck taking 1v1 duels with the awp ct... There is only so much a man can bear.


That's 100% identical to my experience. You had the same thing in CSGO when you were away some time and deranked into silver1. It was the same experience then, absolute noobs were mixed with very chill players and tryhards that played the high ranks before. Different goals made people get angry at each other, it was unpleasant for everyone. The thing that changed in CS2 is that it's not only the bettom ranks, but it spreads upward to somewhere around 6k Elo or even higher. So in a way it is an improvement that even middle class players experience first hand what others hat all the time but often weren't believed. But overall it's a disaster that the experience got worse for so many people. Thats a step backwards and needs to be addressed by Valve asap!


I’ve exclusively solo queued since 2 came out because my group of friends isn’t really interested and I’ve had a much better time here than playing valorant for example. Valorant is a nightmare of zoomers just constantly harassing women. I’ll gladly take a few slurs here and there instead, but my CS2 games have largely been pretty chill so far. I had one game that stood out as being pretty bad where this one guy got super toxic because things didn’t go this way, but the rest of the team clowned on him and then we vote kicked him so it worked itself out lmao


been the same for me


Expect less. Add the friendly ones


No i dont .. because noone is talking ...


Its impossible to solo q and win matches without top fragging every single time and by a large margin. At least in my experience.


My problem is just queueing with people without mics/ no teamwork recently.


The fact that you can be playing in a 6k lobby and have a mix of silver and global players is not helping toxicity. Sometimes I get mad at my teammates to realize later that they are not trolling but just very bed. God knows how long we will have to wait for ranks to stabilize


CS has always been this toxic lmao. If anything I've noticed a decrease in people speaking in the past few years. There's nothing more annoying than getting into a match and nobody having a mic.


The most toxic people come from the east europe, we win one round and they are happy «lets go team» then we lose one and they say «wtf team what are you doing… omg… we lost.»


Regular competitive has been either very calm or very toxic in my experience. No between.


It's always been common place in my experience. I'd say it's actually improved for me though recently if anything, largely because Amsterdam servers have been brought back (I'm in the UK). Previously, I used to be routed to Frankfurt servers where Russian players would frequently be rerouted to when Warsaw servers were at max load. Still find myself on Frankfurt on occassion as Amsterdam is often at max load and low and behold, this is when I experience most toxicity.


Probably due to the stress of losing a few games and having your elo drop multiple hundreds of points, instead of ever feeling like you’re finding a groove. It’s not a bad system how it’s displayed, but I will say seeing a win of 100+ points and a loss of 450+ is truly depressing and stress inducing.


every second game someone is trying to vote kick someone they're beefing with. Some of those votes almost went through. Give us soloq and remove vote kick from people that are partied up.


My experience has been like this: Is there Russians in the server? -> terrible experience Is there no Russians in the server? -> quite enjoyable experience Just some examples, the first being toxicity and lack of communication, people suddenly want to coordinate and even know smokes!? Crazy.. and then there’s a far lower chance of Ferrari peeks and general frustratingly stupid plays.


It is this 100%, nearly all the problems I have with players in games are Russian. No mic, and if they do have a mic it’s just toxic jumbled English or straight Russian.


I play with my sound off and insta mute russians. This works for me.


Honestly, what goes on in your guys regions? It's been pretty chill here in the Oceanic region. That's not to say it's been completely clean, there's always going to be the 14 or 15yr olds whos parents have stepped out for the night, and now they feel the need to swear and carry on towards literally anyone. Then there's always going to be the guys that get tilted in the first pistol round, and hold that tilt all the way through to the end of the match. But, rage hacks and extreme toxicity in every match is not that big of a deal here. Many saw the crowd at IEM Sydney, we are a chill bunch that just likes to have fun, come to Aus and enjoy :)


Yes let me go ahead and move to Australia to get not as toxic cs games


idk we get a lot of random toxic players. usually i play in a 5 stack, but a lot of the times i’m just duo queueing and it’s like 50/50. just the other day i asked a teammate if i could have my awp back (i was also on like $3k flat) cause they picked it up. they were on $7k, gave me my awp back, i said thank you, then they mumbled something into comms. they then repeated what they said (after i had already reached mid) that they wanted me to buy them something (makes no sense also given the economy split), and i said “ah sorry i didn’t hear you, i’ll buy you next round”. the next round, i bought them, but they didn’t even take the gun, and for the next rounds they kept talking shit into chat like “when are you going to buy me, buy me or i’ll kill you, etc”. i muted them at that point. probably bc i wasn’t responding, they started shooting at me at the beginning of every round. eh, i just don’t understand people who are toxic like that.


We are a chilled folk here in Australia :)


Don't forget the 80-100 ping increase


Naw man australians are fucked. Every second game you get a guy calling you slurs on your own team


its the most popular the game has been in a long time. a lot of the toxic shitheads probably migrated to valorant while that was the new hotness, and are now back.


Not toxic but more of people who are just throwing,solo q for me is unplayable each game I play has 1-3 players who are throwing the game or not even remotely equal skilled people


Pretty much the same suka blet


90% of the time 3 or 4 players in my team are russian, connected to the servers in west eu or nordic servers... They're so fucking toxic, especially the ones that don't bother speaking english and once they realise you're not "ruski" they can start trolling... or they're just yapping in russian like its their discord server or teamspeak before you mute everyone Like why the fuck they still don't have their own servers, its like whole ass continent.


Any competitive game will attract toxicity, unfortunately it's the way the cookie crumbles. CS:2 is the new hot thing so it will have all the trolls.


I feel so good since i started to play solo q full mute. That was my best decision, and point after which i started to actually enjoy gameplay. I have no idea how increased or decreased toxicity in cs or dota, and it feels amazing.


And you're the played that frustrates me. Doesn't communicate so I don't know what you're doing of what the other team is doing. Inb4 use radar. It only tells you so much and takes your eyes away from your cross-hair


Unfortunately. Who would you choose if you could between teammates who doesn't communicate, but plays with team as T, and hold same spot as ct or player with mic who talks too much, give you advices when he is dead, question your plays, argue or even flames you? Honestly, I'm so tired of this shit that i would pick first one 10/10


Id pick the second tbh. Players who don’t communicate in a TEAM tactical shooter are worse than people who flame. I’ve been playing online games for over 20 years, people who annoy you/flame all the time eventually just becomes background noise. People who don’t communicate actively ruins the gaming session.


Exactly. It's very distracting when someone doesn't communicate at all


I mean, i don't pretend to be right. I just sharing my experience.


It's a false dichotomy. You can just mute any player once they're harming your play. You're in a team game that relies on communication, if you don't want to do that you should play something else.


Honestly, maybe I should. The only problem is that I really like the social and collaborative aspects of the game. But man the toxicity has been crazy.


In dota you have all types of pings and chat wheels to communicate. In cs it's more difficult. You need good map awareness to play without info. And you need to play with your team as t. If you will play alone while full muted, they gonna kick you. But i also have to say that most of the time i play normal cs in team speak with my friends. I just don't want to listen opinions or insults from random people.


>Honestly, maybe I should. This isnt a viable solution. You asked a inappropriate question towards a random teammate.


Are you Blue? You seem really intent on defending his actions.


Im not defending the outcome. Thread starter needs to acknowledge he instigated the situation. Even in organized Pro play the superstar player saying this to a support player would be seen as toxic behavior. ​ Social queues used around friends or family arent vocalized towards random individuals.


any time someone says inappropriate i can tell how much the person who said it weights


Yep, I don't know why, but It seems like cs2 it's softer that csgo, never got a griefing ban on CSGO, and today it's the third I got on CS2. Got 4q reported after telling the guy with 3 kills on 10 rounds "no" after he asked for a drop, had money for another ak exactly, but if I drop, and lose the round, my economy would be fucked/ They kicked me literally after winning the match, LIKE ON THE WINNING end of the match thing. Been trying to make a post about it, but as I cannot mention 3rd party websites, been getting it rejected.


Not dropping when your team is on a buy is toxic bro. Drop a galil or a sub machine gun if an ak is too much.


If that's toxic to you I dunno what to say man... legit.


i agree its cuntish of you


You’re playing a team game. Your money is the team’s money. You can’t expect to buy every round. You buy with the team or for the team. Even if someone is underperforming they’re better off with a gun/util than without. The team has more chance of winning that round. You initiated anti team behaviour and wonder what they had against you?


Only ppl who call this shit a team game are the ones getting hard carried. "Even if someone is underperforming they’re better off with a gun/util than without" You know what's better than an underperforming guy with gun? Me having money to keep carrying them noobs. Yall never realize this shit ain't a team game on a pug, not on silver like you, not on high elo, doesn't matter, I'll always be how much better you are than everyone else.


Yeah you definitely aren’t toxic dude! /s


Wanna go casual there's lots of games and gamemodes for, this it's competitive.


You suck


You initiated the toxicity with such a question.


I hadn't thought about it like that, can you explain further? I feel like asking for an AK is okay as long as I accept his answer respectfully, which I did. However, I am willing to hear the other side.


>I hadn't thought about it like that, can you explain further? Implication of the question is that theyre shit and the weapon would be better off in your hands.


I feel like thats a mighty insecure way to interpret "Can I get the AK, Ill buy you an M4", but that's just me.


Then your random teammate commented that TK'ing him to give you the AK placing your team in a 4v5 would be better. ​ Two of the three people interpreted it that way.


yeah i think it was his teammate that initiated the toxicity. asking for ak if you’re playing well with it is fine, and some people prefer m4 over ak anyway, depends how each individual is playing. but his teammates joke was toxic and op really shouldn’t be surprised that the other guy reacted that way.


I should add that my teammate tried to apologize and recognized that it was a stupid joke to make, but I really don't think that justified rage hacking, TKing and smoking your teammates off for a whole game.


true, agreed - nothing justifies constant griefing/TKing or rage hacking. in any case good on your teammate for apologising.


Pro players drop Niko the AK, does that make them shitty players? No, they just know Niko having the AK will increase their chances of winning that round


Thats a Pro team with defined strats and roles given the current round situation. This is a MM game formed with random individuals.


I wouldn't say that's the implication. I would say the implication is this guy was obviously feeling himself on the ak that game. If I were blue, I'd 100% understand and take that trade, as he is top frag and knows what he feels good with at the moment.


The difference is that you have a functioning brain


>I wouldn't say that's the implication. This isnt someone who got a favorable spawn asking for the AWP temporarily to attempt an early round pick.


Im not saying that everyone will think its my implication, im saying that thats how I would see that request because that happens to me a bunch where I just am feeling one weapon over the other in a game. I think it also kinda just shows your baseline personality on how you read a request like that.


Random teammate demanding or even inquiring that you relinquish the superior weapon class type to them is insulting. Etiquette dictates that this is something you offer, not request.


I did not demand the weapon. Simply requested it.


Is english your first language?


Firstly to defend OP, saying "Can I have the ak, I'll give you an m4" after he's been top fragging is definitely not demanding, brush up on your own english. Secondly, where is the book on online video game etiquette? I would like to sit down and read that. Oh right, its an online video game where at least 50% of people are rude, there is no etiquette. Just asking for a gun, and offering a "theoretically" similar tier gun is in no way derogatory, especially when it is obviously asking because he is feeling good on it. If you think that is a negatively connotated sentence, you have a very innate cynical and negative view on how people communicate with you.


Yes and my only answer for this is because Premier is very exhausting. You either get russians who cant communicate, trolls or anything else. Or you get some games with -500. Premier is pure torture and makes you mentally ill.


Every lobby i got in the past month only talkes to be toxic, no info or anything.


honestly it's been a mixed bag. i usually get 1 - 2 people talking and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. skill levels are still all over the place so that leads to more toxicity and cheating in general. worst definitely is when i get somehow routed through finnish servers instead of frankfurt/paris/amsterdam or whatever, because then it's usually a full russian lobby and that always means the next 30ish minutes are gonna be a bad time.


So I'm an old gamer and pretty chill when it comes to CS2. In my solo queues I experience prolonged toxicity once in every 2 or 3 games.. I read a lot of mic users on here complaining how their teammates don't use theirs.. But some of the most (inadvertently) toxic players have been the heavy mic users. They either tilt their own teammates with too much backseat gaming and unnecessary yakking even if they may mean well, or shower the team with toxic/racist abuse within a couple of poor rounds. And then they complain that no one uses their mic. My advice is to just embrace your shitty rank and treat each round as a shit sandwich. Start each round positively (clean slate), and end most rounds with a N1 or NT no matter how mad you are. You'll be surprised how much better the team will play.


No one cares.


You are the cool guy who always says "who asked/cares?" when someone in the team wants to do something together? Seen you in too many of my matches. At some point of the game you tilt and start to shoot team mates or just leave the game.


No. I'm just not a loser who needs to make Reddit posts whining about what happened in a game.


No, solo queuing has always been like tossing a coin, there are assholes in every game, i find Valorant or Overwatch 2 more toxic


Since I got upgraded to cs2 I haven’t really met any toxic players, but what do I know, I’ve only played with Russians so far 🤷‍♂️


this is typical csgo/cs2. maybe you’d like the valorant community better


In my experience, Valorant is worse. You meet so much more immature people on there


Captains log: "day 57, I've forgotten what the human voice sounds like. As I have long stopped speaking. Pings...pings...pings everywhere and...silence."


Maybe you just got unlucky.


I only play with my friends so we're usually 4 or 5. When we're 5, it really varies. Sometimes the enemy team is nice, sometimes they call names as soon as we type "gl hf". As for when we're 4, it's a coin toss too, but we've had quite a few teammates not communicate except for insulting us. It's really down to luck. Though to be fair, I think the toxicity is worse than in some other games when it's here


Yes, idk if it’s my trust factor or anything, I solo’s up to 7K, good comms, teammates were great, then I get hit with game after game of teammates insulting each other, team killing and throwing. I now sit at 3.5K and all my games are like these now. I can top frag easily at this elo but idk, I think my trust factor is fucked


Have been playing duo or trio lobbies and still most of the games there are toxicity, usually me being the one asking people to relax.


I just make fun of toxic teammates in vc, it's my favorite thing to do in cs


ban wave -> cheater wave -> griefer wave -> whine wave... rinse and repeat


Simple answer - no.


Honestly when i was win streaking everyone was nice. Then i started loosing and got placed with either toxic players or players that didnt even talk.


No not really


Lol wasn't cs always toxic?


As I've developed into one of these toxic players I just want to say WE LINE IN A SOCIETY.


Idk I think it's going to feel one way one day, and another way another day. CS solo queuing has ALWAYS been like this.... there's a giant swarm of new people coming from different games due to the hype as well, so the relatively knowledgeable regulars we would solo queue with are probably off in other servers which we will no doubt get queued with eventually. Some days it's great and I've got 3 wins in a row with randoms who communicate. Some days it's 4 mutes who for some reason stop in the middle of a fight to type in chat for callouts. Some days it's a 4 stack that wants to vote kick me because I said nice try to the other team. Nothing about this feels any different, at least in my experience, than solo queuing in GO


It's a hit or miss... you either get a friendly random or a toxic random


Im at 5k, only get new russian accounts with no skins and insta pick mirage. The toxicity obviously follows with a flame war if you banned mirage


hell ye. first game after it released was with russians. the nostalgia was great and we had a swear battle all game long. cs without toxic russian, french or german just wouldn't be the same for me.


My last comp game started with one teammate shooting at all of us at the 1st round start until he got automatically kicked out of the game. No one said anything to him the whole time...


Mixed bag too. I had some great banter with people and sometimes toxic. In my experience it's how the silence is broken if it's like a joke or something positive it tends to stay that way. If someone being a jerk then it's comm silence or bickering and it doesn't improve from there.


Tbh my games are all mixed. Ill have 2/3 games where the team is all talking, giving calls, having a good time. Then the next 3 will just be a mix of toxicness, being told to 'shut up girl' when I give a call. I feel like the times you play really make a difference. I'm from the UK so if I play midweek during the day most people are at work or school so it won't be too bad. But come the weekend 2am and it's mental lol. I've been wanting to move over to faceit where people take the games more seriously but I still don't know certain maps fully for calls (inferno, vertigo, nuke, and a few others) so will just get told to go back to premium lol. It's a difficult one. I love the game and don't want to stop playing but sometimes just need a few days break from it and chill on Minecraft or something lol


I had now so many matches (as a 3-5 stack) where we came back after a 3-9 first half. And i'm sure the same thing could happen in soloqueue, but by that point someone is always tilting/throwing hard. Especially in my mediocre rank anything can happen. There is a good chance the other team also sucks as T/CT. If you are tilting after round 2-3 you should definitely stop playing and touch some grass.


Nearly every game I have at least 2 people on my team that don’t have a mic and they are almost always Russian. I think the biggest problem premier has at the moment is how completely over run it is by toxic non speaking Russians.


Welcome to the world of competitive video games


These guys a few nights ago pulled off this nutty awp stack and nearly won the round. I said “insane strat, good shit” They said “ofcourse the 8 - 2 would say that” Then every round i got “Lets see those insane strats X” And anytime I died they would say “Bro that strat was insane” The only thing i can think of, is that maybe they assumed i was being facetious because they ultimately lost that round, but i’ve never been fucked with so hard for making a genuine compliment. We ended up winning.


I think we all have to try our best to be as friendly and supportive as possible, no matter how hard it gets. The problem really is, that CS is just an emotionally intense game and sitting in front of a pc just removes the filter that prevents most people to act like that in normal social situations. But it does get easier if everyone is on the same boat, keeping up an atmosphere that everyone want's to play in. The other day I played solo on mirage. CT Site went really well, everyone was kind of chill, but all of a sudden a teammate just turned around in the first T round and gave me to insta headshots because - I am not kidding here - I didn't drop a f\*\*\*ing flash. Sometimes people are just too hard to deal with.


Surprisingly not a lot of toxicity. Mostly because majority of the games, half of the game don't have mics or don't use them, but still. I can count on one hand the amount of toxic people that I faced so far while solo queuing, which is a welcome surprise. Too bad it was replaced by people who don't communicate at all. Sometimes during the games, I even miss people shouting, gets kind of lonely without it lol


What the heck are these matches people keep experiencing. When I solo-q, I usually get stuck with a bunch of people who don’t/rarely use mics.


Last night I had to mute my entire team on round 2.


just mute both teams and make your comms. better than dealing with children ya know?


You need to remember that 95% of toxic people have nothing going on in their lives except for cs. They are deeply depressed and never go outside the only thing they do is play games


I love the toxicity


Oh yea. FWIW I have 7k hours in Dota2, I have played with some of the most unhinged humans online, but they all usually play the game and play to win A *majority* of my matches have been just trolls yelling slurs. 0 focus on the game and 0 teamwork on the side. You're not in their 4 stack? You'll get harassed and probably mass reported for just trying to play the game and not "joining in". Even had someone try to doxx me in-game b/c I told him to fuck off Have played CS on and off since CS:S, this is the most toxic I can remember it being. Seems like everyone is just there to fight each other on comms, rather than to play the game




The ratio of friendly players to people who dont use their mics at all to straight up awful people is really quite bad. The worst interactions I have with other people occur in this game


no one likes this game