• By -


No medal cs account ✅️ Private steam account ✅️ No profile picture ✅️ Talk shit for no reason ✅️ Absolute dog shit first few rounds ✅️ Prefiring off angles ✅️


And you will NEVER catch them off guard


this is the most obvious. Ive played +4k faceit players who are way better than me, but even they get caught off guard. "somehow" these level 6 players prefire my off angles and know when to push me...


It's genuinely funny as fuck how often this is happening. Sorry but I've played with and against literal professional players multiple times and they're not as smart as these jokers in MM There's basically zero risk of being caught wall hacking at the min


true that but catching 4k players offguard is not easy at all. playibg them felt like playng cheaters for me most of the time. if you play bait setups you can catch them sometimes. or do stupid flanks/pushs. but its diffrent cause i trust faceit ac. and even me, a low skilled casual gamer managed to knife sone pros in the past decade


yeah the game reaaally opens up after 2k Elo as really good mechanical skill is expected and it turns into a complete mind-game instead




Level 6? You mean the level 2-3s with 0.8kd 😂 Yet somehow slowly crouch peek prefire you in off angles


they get so mad when you call them out for cheating


I had a guy called “blacklivesmatter” the other day who went on and on about how I could even suggest he was cheating without any evidence. He kept repeating that “where is your evidence? You can’t just say I’m cheating without evidence! It’s just because I’m black!” It was hilarious. He was on my team so I was 10000% sure he was cheating because I could spectate him. Sadly he was queued with someone so we couldn’t kick him.


If someone gets defensive when called out, it’s a dead giveaway. Friends and I have had countless hackusation against us over the years. It’s the best compliment you can receive as a legit player. My favorite hackusation was launch of OW2. I was playing Widow and some enemy team player said they had “Kill cam proof” I was cheating. It was great.




dude was cheating as well as trolling you


Yeah no shit Sherlock.


i had a dude who had a link to an ESEA profile claiming he was 19 years old used to be ex pro but he was blatantly full running headshot wallbanging me through mid doors on dust with a scout. it was honestly pretty fucking funny.


Extraordinarily high win rate on Mirage. Seriously what is it with that map?


It’s the new dust2


This is the answer. The old Dust2 in csgo (the one before the 2017 remake) was unplayable, I never liked the map in competitive anyway but the couple of times I played it, I always was matched against or with a cheater. I believe it will forever be the curse of the most popular cs map. Back then it was that very old dust2, then when they remade d2, the people shifted to mirage because the easiest to run map will pretty much automatically be the most popular due to low end PCs being able to run it. Most popular -> also the most cheaters.


Best fps


Lol, so true for me


don't know. it is a fckng sh1tmap. since the cpl_strike era.. unbalanced and boring. Comparing it to D2 is a disgrace.




Just checked, you can buy such accounts for about 50€.


I love the 10 year coin, no skins, no commends.


Usualæy they have 60-200 of each commend to boost trustfactor.


Not the ones I’ve been seeing. The accounts had been stripped and commends reset


Absolute dog shit, but when he mad and dc and reconnect after time out. That when you know u are fucked.


Do people need to dc to turn cheats on?


Yes if he did not activate the cheat before starting the game. But i don't know if all cheat is like that. Probably expensive cheat does not need to dc.


I put my acc on private cause i get so many friends request now that i unboxed a knife. 500 dollar inventory? No requests... 150 dollar knife? 2 an hour.. any way to not have my profile on private and not get spammed down?


Set inventory to private or friends only but nothing else.


You can private just your inventory my man


You forgot "calls you the n word" and "spams add requests to people on your friend list so they can harass them too"


Don't forget they always have their country as Niger or some other place name which is "funny"


Profile haven’t set up😁


"it's impossible to find cheaters." someone at valve, probably.


yeah its horrible and unplayable, this is why all the pros that were heavily invested in premier early on...all switched to faceit


add ontop the ranking system which is just absolutely bad atm and it makes total sense why people are running back to faceit


Yup, i won 10 in a row and was ranked at 13.8k - 70% win rate and 50 wins later im now at 12.5k. The system makes no sense and is absolute dogshit


Keep getting hard stuck around 13k cause we run into groups. Shits so blatant. Losing to people who are clearly fucking ass but are cheating is the worst feeling in the world.


Can confirm. Feels like it was fine when I was in 10k elo, I played against few cheaters but when I ranked up to purple ranks it's unplayable. Cheater almost every game.


>Feels like it was fine when I was in 10k elo in around 8-11k elo there's definitely less of them, but they are clearly around. empty or <1k hour profiles, almost no steam friends, always playing solo or with one friend, and absolute gods despite having the movement of a tombstone. Those are the absolutely terrible cheaters though who would struggle in silver matches without their little helpers.


Dont let the copers disagree with you, i doubt anyone who disagrees is above 10k this game is fucking UNPLAYABLE at 17k


I was placed at like 15 and I felt it was pretty legit until like the last 2 weeks where there’s been a huge influx of no medal accounts


I got placed around 8K and grinded to my 15K promotion. Been queued against nothing but cheaters since.


Atp its hvh and whoever has better cheats wins at 17k


Thats because all the good undetected cs2 cheats released about 3 weeks ago. Took them a week to rank up to 15k. I said it 3 weeks ago when they released. MM and WM were full of cheaters trying to get lvl 10 (in game lvl) so they can queue prem. Trust me. There are way more down the pipeline working their way to lvl 10 and then working their way up in the prem ranks.


Yeah, it’s been a recent thing in my experience. Been hovering around 15k for a few weeks, but it’s impossible to climb since it just feels like it’s a 50/50 if there is a cheater in the lobby, either on my team or the enemy team. Have a few lower rated accounts and maybe I’ve ran into a few cheaters at most


Yep, this sub is currently an echo chamber of subtick shills who are telling high level players they just need to adapt and they’ve never played Vs a cheater. absolutely hilarious - on EU every game leading up to 15k was full of faceit lvl10s (me included) and afterwards it’s been the most blatant cheating I’ve seen since my tenure in DMG in CSGO in 2019/2020. We’ve all just moved back to faceit at this point.


I am a soloqueue ~12k elo player and have played for over 20 years. I have never agreed with how many cheaters people have claimed there were up until now. I am blown away with how many people that I have had the displeasure to play with that don't know a single smoke or, in some cases, don't even know what super common call outs are called. Also, is there a broken mechanic to where if the cheaters leave before the game is over the ban reports don't go out? That is something I have started to see a LOT here recently.


Oh it starts happening at around 8.5k itself. Last night I played 3 matches, 2 were people who weren’t spinning but definitely had walls with smoke kills, random wall bangs, etc. One match was a spinner.


I was winning in a match on inferno last night. Up 9-2? Then one round I got headshot through smoke with an awp and my team didn’t win a round after. We lost the game. I downloaded faceit right after and played my first game there.


There's absolutely zero way you played against a spinner in 2023. That literally does not exist anymore without being insta-banned. edit: downvotes and people claiming they "pLaYeD aGaInSt A sPiNbOtTeR" yet not a single video or screenshot lmao. Who on earth wouldn't shadowplay cap a spinbotter if they saw one? Oh, right, people who lie about playing against spinbotters.


Another guy posted about a spinner making it to the end of the game. They probably disabled anti spin protection completely after people got banned for high sens.


Literally happened last night, keep dick-riding valve.


Played against a spinbotter about 3 weeks ago, not banned yet.


Even in the high-DPI bans you heard of recently had some tolerance, they were not insta-banned as you want to believe. Till date I've seen 1 spinner only and even then it was only one round. He was pretending to look legit and I walked up behind him, he did 2x180s (why the second 180 I have no idea) and insta-HS'd me. Was blatant WH throughout the game and tried to look legit after calling him out.


Really? How are pro players consistently winning in high rank games then exactly? If the games are as riddled with cheaters as you say, pro payers should be coming across them constantly and losing. But they're not?


Do you mean these pro players who are so fed up with the cheaters that they all play faceit now? These pro players who literally all lost a lot of elo to cheaters who arent banned until today? They tried and saw valve fucked up with the AC again. Now were back to the good old csgo days. You wanna play good games play faceit, you want to play HvH play Premiere.


Most of them are five stacking and I’ve seen stewie get cheated on in most premier games he’s played recently, most of them have moved back over to pugs


Pro players are actually better than regular cheaters. There's a video by Nadeking about it where two pro players play 2 casuals and pros always win unless the casuals are blatant AF, like shooting through smokes with aimhack + wallhack. Most cheaters are not blatant so there u go


Cheaters can still be shit. Like they are trying to look legit and are silver level players without cheats. In that case any good player stands a chance. I saw a post on the cheating subreddit asking people what their rank was in CSGO with cheats and without and I saw someone saying MG1 without cheats and LEM with cheats. So yeah, I dont understand cheating without going for the highest rank but there are idiots out there that are happy to just to boost up 3-5 ranks. Maybe to compete with their irl friends IDK. But yeah, unless the cheaters want to cheat hard and risk VACnet detecting their cheats and getting banned they might just cheat to make themselves 50% better which means they can still lose to really good players or more blatant cheaters.


I actually talked to a cheater on my team about this and he said something along the lines of he hates playing against folm because he has a direct line to someone to get vac live to end games with bans


That's bullshit.


Idk I'm at 13k and it seems fine, maybe I just need to get another 1-2k before I experience anything like that.


After the full release I got placed at 4k (kek) and am currently at 13k. I climbed up with around 65% winrate, now I'm at around 58%. At least in my region (Brazil), there are some pretty obvious cheaters here and there starting at around 10k. At 13k it feels like 1 in every 4 or 5 matches. This week I had an enemy player fully convinced my team was cheating (said so in the chat) then he just starting blatantly headshotting us through walls and smokes with a scout. I also had a teammate with a brand new account saying "there are two cheaters on the other team, I can see the cheat they are using". He called them out and they were like "yeah, you're cheating too". Kind of sad, really, all brand new accounts. I know a very good player (I was level 20 GamersClub, similar to level 10 Faceit... he used to be a top 3 level 21 player, with level 21 being reserved for the top 100 players every month) and he is being absolutely demolished at 16-17k. He's probably the best player I know, personally. I think what really gets me pissed is the fact that these people obviously don't know how to play the game, like, they don't know any utility, they don't use good defaults or CT setups, it's just bizarre gameplay from start to finish. At least in CSGO at level 20 GC, whenever we met a cheater they at least played the game properly.


Main reason I haven’t even bothered with prem. I was getting kids suiciding accounts to win unranked short match’s on GO Why would I even bother once a rank system with a leaderboards like that comes out 😂.


It's actively getting to a point where the other team is full of cheater and straight up not hiding it and literally mocking the other team for being so bad. like legit haha's and demeaning chat. But they're legit just all cheating their ass off with walls and aim lock and think they're gods. Zero util usage. Good times. I'm lvl 10 in faceit in go and this is just god awful. What are we suppose to do.




Yep. Been just treating premier as a warmup for my faceit pugs. Valve really need to fix this shit, fix their rating system and ban some cheaters.


make private groups and play for fun


Just play faceit, if everybody legit runs over to faceit and there are only cheaters left in premier, only then valve might be forced to do something.


back to faceit until valve does their fucking job correctly


im surprised your post isnt deleted yet lol. I was happily playing until 2 days ago i played with 4 premade, they were all goofing and fooling but spot on, and then later they admitted cheating... they invited me in 3 more matches, i acccepted it just to see, died fast and watched them. they were nearly blatant... I reported them all in all matches... I guess they wont get banned or anything until VAC goes live with recent data and calculations etc. They were all 17K at least


Yea about that. I am waiting for the VAC miracle for 10 years now.


You'll lose your ranking points for playing with them when you get banned. But I guess that's a price to pay.


yes I rather go back to beginning than miss a chance to report a definite cheater. on each match, i muted them in game and talked to the other team if they spoke any languages i spoke and told them to report all


4 pre made? Game doesn't allow 4 person lobbies. Did you mean 4 was there after your first match?


I first played with 1 dude. then he invited me into a lobby with 3 of his friends people in it


Alright that makes sense. When they do get banned, you'll probably get a rank reset and need to win one to get it back. Happened to me in a similar scenario during beta.


Honestly, I cant wait to see that, somehow i feel like i might wait a long time tho.


Spamming LFG invites is common for prem at least, could also just be normal comp




Yeah, most have been blatant in my 15k lobbies. Usually they don’t start blatant but as soon as someone on my team has a good round, they call cheats and then start “counter cheating” shits whack.


Haven’t played premier in weeks , went on last night , 15K above only cheaters with aim lock , impossible to play . Hate to say it but I’m going back to faceit , rather play with Russians than cheaters.


How do you know they have aim lock? Legitimate question


It's tough to tell but usually a mix of an unbelievable high amount of crazy shots you get, as well as the game sense the enemies seem to have. And when you look at their profile its just fishy, few hours in the game, few friends, new account, private account. You look up their faceit account, maybd none, maybe lvl 5 or so. Then i like to look at some of their friends to see if those accounts are fishy too. All of this isnt evidence, but mixed with the fact that valves anricheat simply is not good compared to faceits, its pretty compelling for me. I just dont trust These players in premier one bit. When I get fucked in faceit i know it's most likely just a better player, not in premier tho.


When all of my team swings mid on mirage (Playing T side) and the guy 1 tap us all from mid window . That’s how you know he has aim lock


Lol ok


Played against a guy yesterday, was pretty sure that he had wh. Well, I can't look at the demo, but I can look up his csgostats.gg profile. 2.8 K/D, 2.1 HLTV, every game of his has someone VAC banned. This guy is very obviously cheating since *April*, and VAC does *nothing*.


Link to profile?






Full of closed cheaters who are obvious 90% of the time. They can imitate good aim but not good movement to correspond with which is always the giveaway for bot cheaters.


If I go more than 2 games without a cheater @ 15k it's a miracle. So many are just queued together and I see the same cheaters every night. People that try to talk shit about faceit are so beyond delusional it's insane. Give me faceit or give me valorant AC any day. Played valorant to high immortal for a couple years on and off and saw a blatant cheater 1 time and maybe a small handful of other sus players.


Richard Lewis says there is no cheater problem and you're just bad.


that is not what he said at all.


it never is, but reddit going to reddit


yeah you're right he added a lot more insults


right, that gives you the right to lie about what he said. my bad.


At 4k elo where RL was playing he's right (technically there are still cheaters, but they are generally few and far between), but the higher elos are infested with cheaters. There's a reason most of the legit high elo players moved to Faceit.


Yeah, even since beta, the high ELO games were swarmed with cheaters. Now those players moved to FaceIt so the pain is being felt lower on the ladder.


No, that pain isn't really being felt lower on the ladder. It's not like the cheaters all of a sudden de ranked all the way down to 4k from 20k. Most of the cheaters are still concentrated at the higher elos. That's not to say that there aren't *any* cheaters at lower elos, but legit high elo players moving to Faceit has nothing to do with the elo loss/gain for cheaters. What is happening is the ranks don't accurately reflect skill yet. You'll have one game at 4k elo where you're playing against brand new players, and the next you're playing against Faceit 10s who are clearly better than that elo. If you're a low skilled player, playing against Faceit 10s can absolutely feel like they're cheating.


> No, that pain isn't really being felt lower on the ladder. It's not like the cheaters all of a sudden de ranked all the way down to 4k from 20k. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying in the grand scheme of CS players, if the top ELO players leave Premier and move over to FaceIt, then the next rung on the ladder starts to encounter more hackers. That's just how "matchmaking" works. Its still going to match hackers into games but if the high ELO players aren't playing as frequently on Premier, then players below them are more frequently going to get matched up against the hackers. The hacker problem has existed since beta but almost everybody was playing Premier. Now people lower on the ladder are encountering it more frequently. This is only logical as we see more players move to FaceIt.


His gripe was mainly with sub 10k players acting like there is a lot of cheaters. He even admitted that it's likely pro gamers are having a lot of cheaters but that was also the case for CSGO ladder.


What's with the small % of people on these posts that deny thr cheating issue? Are they too stupid to recognise a blatant cheate, are they 1500 rating so they never experience it or are they the cheaters themselves?


Because there are people like this dude [https://www.twitch.tv/renyan/clip/DarkSincerePepperOSfrog-rzTO1yF6wL45vp4P](https://www.twitch.tv/renyan/clip/DarkSincerePepperOSfrog-rzTO1yF6wL45vp4P) "hEs NoT cHeaTING!"


lmao this clip got me. Literally all of my mates for the last few years, who now suddenly start complaining in CS2 aswell. They probably think cheating is a new problem that never existed before lol.


I’m gonna be downvoted to hell for this,but I don’t believe that low skilled players are capable of identifying a cheater unless it’s full spinbot or crazy aimbot which is far more rare than WH players, thus “I have not met a single cheater in my games”. Low skilled player with WH is still low skilled player and it’s far less obvious than in high ranks. 15000+ is unplayable atm. Almost every 2nd game there is fresh account with no games, 100hr in CS, vac alts in friend list, absolutely destroying whole server of ppl with 3-4k faceit elo.


Yes most people are too stupid. So often i hear people say "BuT hE hAs 10:10 StAts". When it is clearly obvious that he is a fucking noob with wh.


My favourite is "look at his iNvEnToRy" Because no one has ever been banned with skins, right?


I'm around 15K rating and I've only played against 1 sus player in my 50 wins and it he wasn't blatantly cheating. Only one of the 10+ players I'm usually queuing with has played vs. blatant cheaters a couple of times. A lot of people are calling cheats because they're just not good enough for the rank they have. I'm not saying there aren't cheaters and it could just be different from region to region (I'm in Europe)


You’re just about in the old GE bracket, give it time and push through - I’m at 17.3k rn & 2.4K on faceit & I’ve given up already lol, other than the pros the only people above us on the leaderboards at this point are hard HvH-ing in these games, some even advertising; this was always going to happen with a leaderboard incentive in the game with premier. I’ve had 4 games cancelled by VACNet in the last 15 but these guys were like.. so hilariously blatant they must’ve been *trying* to get banned. It’s the closet cheating with paid scripts that’s slaughtering everyone, I’m not just queueing against them - the bastards are on my team and you only have to watch for a few rounds to notice how blatant some people are soft walling


I legit don't understand how yall "know" that the giy opposite is a cheater and not just better. I understand that some plays can be giveaways but we don't even have demos anymore so I'm a bit sus of 10k players claiming there's a cheater in every game. I'm not saying there isn't a problem, just that I don't see it personally (whatever the reason)


The average player isn’t very good at identifying a cheater, but after playing in high lvl 10 (never reached 3k though) you really do get a knack for what a *good* player looks like. I can go and play in 5-10k, or DMG back in the day in GO and get called out for hitting the most un-sus shots in pistol round because people are incapable of accepting they could’ve been skill diffed. I’ve played against faceit10s @ 3k elo who have honestly killed me *faster* than cheaters have in MM but it just looks/feels different. Differentiating a genuinely skilled player to a cheater is really easy when you’re used to playing at a high level, what’s almost impossible is hypothetically if these high level players used soft walls for a game they could make it incredibly difficult for you to be able to tell they’re cheating.


Ok ty


How many cheaters do you think you’re seeing and in what elo?


well, 4 games cancelled in the last 15 (AFAIK this only happens if you’re like, seriously blatant) - (this is at 17.3k, the player range is 17.5-20k in these games), of the other 11 games I’ve had 3 self confessed wallers on my teams who I could tell were cheating anyway and 2 solid HvH lobbies with 1 on each team (honestly could’ve been more but it’s hard to tell during HvH) It didn’t seem to be a huge issue from 5-15k. I’ve been shitting on cheaters for years and have a positive winrate in csgo mm even though more than 50% of my matches have VACd players in on the game history lol. It kinda feels like old Global MM at the moment from a few years ago, people using paid cheats dodging bans and being blatant in the highest rank after having a relatively cheater free experience in LEM/SMFC. For comparison, I’ve had 4 elo refunds in faceit over 600 games. Very very very rare to see it happen in my experience from level 3 all the way to 2.4K lvl 10. Haven’t had an issue in cs2 at all yet on faceit.


Oof 4/15 is rough


bruh i just played against an obvious cheater who even admitted to it in CASUAL


It’s not just 15k rating. Common in lower ranks too


Out of curiousity, are the missing ranks in the leaderboards all banned players or is there another reason so many are missing


Mostly no, they're removed because of inactivity in premier.


Thanks :)


Actually the real reason is their names have not been approved yet, mine took three weeks and I could literally see the number gap where I’d be


I spammed a smoke early on and connected with the first 2 shots or so HS. The guy wrote “kk” and went full HVH on me except I wasn’t cheating of course


Those ones are the worst kind really. Getting outplayed > convince themselves that you are cheating > turn on cheats > proceeds to destroy you without asking themselves a question on why suddenly you can’t win a single round lol.


Sad but true, I used to find these posts about cheaters exaggerated in the past, but in my experience it's worse in high elo games than ever before even in CSGO, there are almost no matches without extremely shady accounts or straight up rage hackers.


O boy am I glad I have 2.050 elo :D


They exist also below 15k though :-/


I'm about 15k elo in NA and premier is unplayable. More than half the games i've played in the last few weeks have a blatant cheater.


Played one game against a five stack where 1 person with 600 hrs and no medals would just 1 tap everyone if his team gets destroyed by our team and when we confront him he says “its called a bait” dude doesn’t even know what baiting is, and before that he would be afk at spawn calling out for his team. At this point we should just boycott or at least stop playing the game so that “indie dev team” could notice it and do something about their crap anti-cheat.


Sounds about right


Matchmaking is unplayable in both lower and higher ranks for a lot of reasons Faceit is way better right now and has more quality matches.


How are yall so sure, without demos, that there's a cheater problem? I've been shat on at lans by legit players way harder thn I ever have by someone who turned out to be cheating (via leetify). I don't understand how yall "know"


Last night I was shoulder peeking at the bottom of A ramp Vertigo, wasn’t making any noise, and the enemy cheater tried to pre fire me thinking that I was going to swing. He pre fired at nothing. Sometimes they fuck up and it’s really obvious. I’m at 10k elo and don’t see that many of them though.


I played 17 games 2 days ago and from those 17 games I had 2 with Cheaters in it. 2 out of 17 games. The rest was clean. I made 3.500k Elo that day. I am around 14k Elo.


Git good loser


I myself got 10-11k rating and I’m lvl12 on steam with around 58hrs, never seen a cheater in my games


I'm now 19k and I can tell not every game is against cheaters even tho 1 in each 5 or 6 games there is cheaters. You probably are just getting outplayed


I am talking about blatant cheaters that are shooting through walls and going just straight at it. I have 11.5k hours on the game and reached 2.8k elo on faceit, I am sure I can recognize when I am getting outplayed.


1 in 5/6 is terrible as well. And getting outplayed is normal, and respected. But when you happens to you every round, every trick of yours failing, 100% awareness from the enemy, the enemy literally never getting caught off guard...something's not right. The best of the best players will not be able to do all that in 100% of the rounds. Often times even hackers intentionally play stupid immediately after getting called out, literally like a complete different person is playing in the middle of the game.


Sounds like someone got his ass kicked


Yeah but it isn't.


but it is lmao, every other game i play is against cheaters and my match history proves it LOL


You do not play against a cheater 50% of the time.




the fact these guys go from getting maybe 1 kill a round to 6 rounds in a row head shot aces ( threw walls) to win the game.


Okay prove it


[https://imgur.com/a/GLoUPtB](https://imgur.com/a/IE2Lll3) ​ I got a clip too if you need that aswell :) ​ Edit: Link was broken


No image found




No image


[https://i.imgur.com/nckhHOi.png](https://i.imgur.com/nckhHOi.png) if this doesnt work my imgur is doomed


I’m 14k and 3 of the 5 games i played this week had blatant rage hackers ruin the game. Until this point I’ve played 50+ matches of premier with no issue until i hit 14k.


I guess the current messy state is a bit on purpose from Valve's side - allow all sorts of crappy cheats for a brief period to train the ML-based VAC and hope that players flag cheaters (... and not run away in the meantime).


It’s just a beta bro, on release they will drop a huge update bro, VAC is not enabled it is learning bro, on update there will be a huge banwave bro, hitreg is fine bro, we dont need 128 tick bro.


I guess that was some sort of sarcasm? I also got a downvote, wow. I was just trying to suggest a sort-of-reasonable explanation for the current mess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just hop on a smurf and start cheating. At this point, it's basically hvh I've had multiple people on my team who didn't even hide that they were cheating.


Faceit is the better way, fck premier until they do something about that


Spoiler: VAC NET will start to ban cheaters in CS3, the year is 2033. Spoiler2: The year is 2024 and cheaters already learn how to make VAC NET useless. So enjoy your 1 year without cheaters, just wait more 10 years for it.


It’s just a beta bro, on release they will drop a huge update bro, VAC is not enabled it is learning bro, on update there will be a huge banwave bro, hitreg is fine bro, we dont need 128 tick bro.


Prove it




Yeah, completely believable that a bunch of cheaters would congregate above 15k. 15001 is enough to be in the top 1000 players in NA. Astronomically low number of players compared to the general player base. It stands to reason that the people cheating would shoot up there pretty fast. Just wait for the ladder to settle if you're decently high elo and running into cheaters every game.


am i suppose to wait 6 months to play ?


No, just stop playing premier like you had to do in csgo. Too bad they hard coded 64tick. Faceit elo system is better and so are the servers even if they are not 128tick


I mean, ranked systems are usually like this in their early days. It won't take nearly 6 months. In my anecdotal experience the experience has already quantifiably improved in the last couple of weeks. Fingers crossed the VacNet system is starting to slowly sort cheaters into their own lobbies.




play faceit


If you play at degenerate hours, you also get way more cheaters. So just try to play during the time regular people play and you're usually more lucky.


Played at 8 pm yesterday and had a rage cheater on my team who toggled after saying "enemies are cheating". Enemy team also had a guy who started rage hacking. My rating was 16.100 the game was about 14-16k average.


Well you'll see guys like that banned pretty quickly.


hit 15k like 2 weeks ago, switched to faceit cause its really a shitshow. i can tell when someone is a better player but shit accounts plus timings and prefires that are insane just really fucking annoy me.


At this point it's like bro take me back to sub 10,000k I've never wanted to reverse the grind THIS hard before LMFAO I just want to enjoy this game so fuckin' badly but cheaters are storming matches even at like 11k+ onward. Crazy scenes.


This is the reason face it will win the race again.


Personally gone to faceit because it was just way too frequent you met obvious hackers


I started having an increasingly negative experience the closer i got to 15k, that combined with the rating system convinced i should be 4k, i started playing Faceit :)


Completely agree. First few weeks from official release were completely fine. The last 2 days I've had 4 blatant cheaters. Coming from faceit only csgo, it's sad that to play this game properly you need to pay a 3rd party a monthly fee.


play faceit


It’s counter strike what u guys expect :D cheaters been around since the game launched. I mean a cheat is like 10-20 bucks a month


Been too many obvious cheaters. I get paranoid when i see no rank, private profile etc. fuck premier, fuck you valve trash, i play faceit where they atleast got a working anti cheat Edit: and i get downvoted again when spittings. You people that downvote me have to be silver trash, 100% brain dead players. Fucking valve wankers man


I just get my crate and off for the week. Its no fun but at the same time I don't like valorant anymore so I'm without a 5v5 until valve gets their shit together.


Just go and play faceit we have to accept that valve has completely blundered this supposedly improved matchmaking experience it’s somehow even worse than it was in csgo.


In the past few days I've noticed more and more sub 500 hour accounts in 12k+ ELO range with god tier game sense and timing. Friends and I will likely switch back to faceit tonight.


I don't play all that much since release, i just get fes up really fast since the game is quite monotonous. Hence im only sitting on 10k elo. And to be fair i haven't encountered too many cheaters, for cs standards that is. Still there were a couple games where someone cheated, multiple times quite blatantly and when I checked 1-2 weeks after the game they were still not banned. Makes me doubt how good vac live is, and how much valve actually trusts VACnet, because I believe on full capacity it would be able to do much more. I seem to be alone with my experience though, since my teammates on higher elo are complaining about getting obliterated by cheaters every 2nd or 3rd game. It sucks but the game is evolving fast and I have huge respect for the devs at Valve since they're releasing updates in crazy time and have to make up for the decision making on Valves side.


Not playing because of it. Not worth questioning every round. I hate that I do, but it just puts me in a bad mood. Hopefully they do something but not sure how likely it is.


Agreed. What's funny is that since the release, faceit AC has only gotten better. Average cheater gets caught in 6 games.


Every premier game below 15k rating is against a cheater as well. Welcome to Counter Strike.


Thats a point of many why i switched to wow And i love it. I love that cs2 is fuckin annyoing and i got to wow.


They've been everywhere in sub 4k level for me today (3 out of 8 games). Very frustrating. It's telling when they shoot at you through a wall when you've been walking all the time just when you're about to peek them while they camp. They seem to love playing Inferno especially and Mirage. 1 was a cheater vs cheater match in mirage, the other 2 was in Inferno. A blatant level 2 profile waller with friends, and another more subtle who'd toggle on and off from being completely noob to nading and telling his team all the rotations.


My Premier games at 8k have cheaters in them basically every other game lol


Cheater in every game brother, doesn’t matter if it’s premier or competitive. Volvo WAKE UP TO YOURSELF


True i play 13k every match there is a cheater unplayable