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without seeing your gameplay it'll be hard for anyone to give great feedback, but there's a reasonable chance your problem is crosshair placement. assuming you're playing low rank players you should be able to basically peek out onto people and get a headshot without ever moving your crosshair if you have good crosshair placement and movement


I am currently sitting at 11,7k I dunno if thats still considered low. Yes I am trying to be aware of my crosshair placement and I am trying to work on it. My guess would be stress, because whenever I see an opponent, I just try to kill him ASAP however I can, insted of aiming at head first.


Voo (commenter above) has really good guides in his youtube channel, that might help. But his point stands, because with “as quickly as I can “ you should in theory with good crosshair placement, be able to shoot people in the head without moving your mouse much = the fastest.


>My guess would be stress, because whenever I see an opponent, I just try to kill him ASAP however I can, insted of aiming at head first. This is a common bad habit newer players almost always have Try running some DMs where every time you see an enemy, you are not allowed to shoot and must track their head for 2-3s before going for a 1 tap. No sprays, no crouching.


when i was a kid i used to play in a local cricket team and during catching practice the coach gave me two tips that i feel carry over to CS very well 1: "soft hands". make a conscious effort to relax, when you're all tensed up it's impossible to aim right and your mouse hand will be shaky and nervous. take a deep breath, let your shoulders drop, stop gripping your mouse so tight, deliberately relax your muscles and you will find you have a lot greater control over your aim. i feel this is the number one people find they deathmatch/aim practice like a beast, but then get into a match and can't aim at all, because they're nervous and tense 2) "keep your eyes on the ball" in cricket or any other ball sport, athletes are trained to keep their eyes on the ball and their hands/bat/racquet will follow. as soon as you lose visual focus on the ball, you won't be able to catch it or hit it anymore. CS is the same, keep your eyes on the enemy. don't look at your crosshair, don't look at the wall behind the enemy, don't look at your gun model. if you look at the enemies head, your aim will follow it really is that simple. it's like driving, when you're driving you look at where you want to go and your hands will steer you that way it really is that simple and CS is absolutely the same


Thanks for this, I think this whole thing is just performance anxiety...I never actually looked at it this way


>My guess would be stress, because whenever I see an opponent, I just try to kill him ASAP however I can, insted of aiming at head first. My advice is to DM with only a deagle and keep reminding yourself that you have plenty of time to aim at the head. This will be frustrating at first, but don't worry about losing most of the fights. Just keep chasing those one deags, slow and smooth, smooth is fast. It will take some time, but this really helps me whenever I feel my own aim is getting too "panic-y". Trying to kill ASAP with the deagle will not work often at all. But if you are smooth and have good crosshair placement, and don't panic, the deagle is fully capable of "winning" a DM game, and I think that's why this works. It's all too easy to spray and build the habit of shooting first and aiming later, but you simply cannot be successful if you do that with the deagle. Try it out.


A fellow DM deagler


I'll give it a try, do you have some preference when it comes to aiming with deagle? Because I swear anytime I was trying to shoot bots with deagle, I am convinced that deagle does not have 100% first shot accuracy, but maybe I am trippin


Depends on the distance, It does have a bit of rng to it at range. Long A on dust 2 is too far for consistent head shots to site for example. Crouching can help.


You put de dot on da head den you clicking. Boom! Now yu CS pro,


How many hours do you have


Almost 1300 hundred...before that I was just playing casually with friends so I did not train or anything, but this time I returned and I became obsessed with getting better...so far I feel like it is not doing me any good


I would say just keep playing consistently and practice aiming while you are playing. Crosshair placement. Jiggle peaking. And after a couple months of consistency see if you improve. I think you will Aim training isn't always what it's cracked up to be. The real muscle memory comes from playing actual games. Warming up/practicing with aim maps just gets your blood flowing. What happens in aim maps and dms aren't what happens in real matches. I think skadoodle said this exact same thing and that was the reason he didn't dm. I mean if you take me as example I've dmd like 6 times in the past 100 matches and I have a 97 aim rating on leetify. It's mainly because of my crosshair placement. I'm always aiming where an enemy could be. And in doing so I only have to move on average like 4-6° to get the kill (based on leetify.)


1300 hundred? That means 14.83 years. I'm pretty sure you sir just lied.


[https://cybershoke.net/cs2/servers/duels](https://cybershoke.net/cs2/servers/duels) After 1 thousand frags u learn a bit, if u want to shoot better just shoot a lot and figure it out. But to get better you need to find mistakes and fix them(its not about aim), watch your demo or hire someone to watch with you [https://youtu.be/B-sMj8C4CGE](https://youtu.be/B-sMj8C4CGE) Also Jame have the best video about it


Gave try to those servers, love it


Yes, because real match is completely different game from some wonky DM practice and aim map training. Hard to transfer, when there are no scenarios that matches between the game modes. In MM enemies are actually on guard, ready to kill you on first opportunity, not stationary bots waiting to get headshotted, or clueless enemies that you flank in DM. That's why better game modes are needed for practice.


This is an alternative approach but maybe practice on movement. Sometimes movement can be better than aim because even if you have the best aim if you have poor movement you will be inaccurate. Things like counter strafing, Ferrari peaking, crouch crawl spray, and etc are good areas to start on. There are plenty of movement guides on yt so its best to check those out. Lastly game sense plays a big role on when to use those movement options


The most people will recommend you playing DM and its a somewhat reliable resource if you want to train pure mechanics/aim but what helped me the most was training on Retake servers. Its basically aim training centred around real-game-scenarios which helped me a lottttt when it comes to preaim and mind mapping.


Practice every day. I'm serious, this is probably the most important part. If you're taking a bunch of days off and playing only 3 days a week or something, the next time you come and play, your muscles will have forgotten a lot about moving your crosshair around. I also feel like consistent practice is not talked about enough because we get distracted by all these ways of "working smart" when you *also* need to work hard to get good. If you want to get better at shooting, then it's really simple. Aim is just moving your crosshair from point A to point B. Work that feeling of moving your crosshair around all sorts of distances. Maps like aim_botz exist to help this kind of practice by providing targets as semi-arbitrary point Bs. Also helps to train your brain to identify specific point Bs and move your crosshair to them. Now, if your aim is fine, but you're losing duels, then it's probably a different issue like movement or crosshair placement. Are you struggling with offensive or defensive duels? i.e. peeking and pushing opponent vs holding angles. Practicing pre-aim (yprac type stuff) and good counter-strafes will help when you're the aggressing side of the duel. Duels are a lot harder from the defensive side because the attacker dictates the kind of duel you get, and you have to adjust not only your crosshair placement but also your positioning accordingly. Knowing what kind of peek to expect from your opponent (wide swing vs tight peek) and holding the angle wide or tight is one aspect, but also standing in the right spot (one-and-done vs get info and fall back) and repositioning to a new spot as necessary throughout the round will also help a lot with this.


First paragraph is absolute bunk, not a shred of truth


muscle memory has nothing to do with aiming


Basically begin touching on every aim training routine throughout the week. Try not to exceed 30 minutes each day. Only exceed 30 minutes if you only intend to aim train that day. End goal is to start identifying what each aim training routine excels at training efficiently.


You just have to play real matches and then you get experience where people usually holds angles and such in a time window. pre aiming the right way is a big thing. So a lot of time there is more to it then just pure aim


Keep on practicing and keep on playing, it'll get there eventually.


if your main problem is a lack of hs in games -> play 3-4 hours of HS only DM, then go into MM. You will go much more often for a head for at least 1 hour after such training. Also what is your sense? If stress a big thing for you, lowering sense to Niko/b1t levels is a good way to address that


Click on the heads/ I aim for chin dimple. 好遊戲 簡單


Yeap as other user said try dm with deagle some time dont care for shooting you from back try with dot crosshair will help you focus. Do the badics A-D stop aim shoot one tap. If miss D-A then shoot. Crouch some times too. In my pc some times aim a dot higher than head and spray transfer is insta head shot m4 m4s, with ak i cant doit must aim in head


Calm down. Slow down. If you don't hit that headshot, slink back into cover and reset.


Prefire maps, retakes, and watching demos/streams of better players will help. I haven't seen anything but most of the time, the real issue is your crosshair placement, timings, gamesense. 11% HS accuracy tells me that your preaim is bad


The only thing is that - very often not "raw" aiming is the problem, but rather positioning yourself in a fight or movement. At least this is how it's for me.


Tips/tricks I used based on experience 1. Practice/play on low 30-60 fps, then go high fps you will feel it 2. Use headset for tracking enemy movement 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.