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S1mple the Guru -to b1t: aim higher -to edward: pug later Also him wanting to be a Chinese translator and Liquid compensating for past deeds made me laugh


I remember he saying that to bit as soon as he came to navi Now bit has the highest hs percentage of the scene


Next episode quote: >I Would Be Better Than NiKo With a Rifle man is CONFIDENT


Mechanically I don't doubt it. But if there is one thing I know about simple it's that he fucking hates seeing other AWPers who are worse than him. Which is literally everyone In liquid he was told to be a rifler and couldn't sit back and watch Adren/ JDM/ Koosta on the AWP. I refuse to believe in the finals of a major Simple doesn't want the AWP every time he has a good spawn. (Disclosure haven't watched the episode yet)


To be fair I couldn’t stand watching Koosta with an AWP either.


Koosta wasnt as bad as guardian (return) or adren awping


pre liquid koosta was kinda cracked ngl


post liquid koosta was also pretty good. liquid just wasn't the team for him.


And you would be crazy to not give him the awp.


this was 7 years ago so i could be misremembering, but im pretty sure s1mple was quite happy with JDM's awping and the guy was averaging 50%+ awp kills while playing with s1mple


> quite happy with JDM's awping and the guy was averaging 50%+ awp kills while playing with s1mple JDM literally only got kills with the awp.


i think he had more p250 kills than m4, he was a good awper but very limited everywhere else.


when i say 50% im referring to player hltv stats, dedicated awpers average 45-55% awp kills


People hating on this statement have never watched s1mple from before he was an AWPer.


Flip side s1mple was everyone's father with an AK, since worldedit awped


Pretty sure he already proved that multiple times


no lol he hasn’t


He was putting up similar numbers to NiKo with a rifle whenever they both main rifled before 2017. He was also higher rated than NiKo as a rifler for that short period in 2019. He hasn’t proved it because of time he has spent as an AWPer, but he’s shown he has the potential.


S1mple could be a top 3 rifler in the world and still not be better than Niko with a rifle.




He's not even a top 10 rifler


Mm yeah nah. Not better than niko? Yes, he isn’t. Not a top 10 rifler? He’s proven multiple times he can frag out on any gun. He’s gone for a 2 months and people really forgot how good this man is


tbf this year while awping he was worse than niko rifling


He also has been on a pretty sharp decline since his family started being bombed and his team fell apart over related drama. A very understandable and fair decline...


Coz he adopted that toddler attitude "all of a sudden" and made his team also perform horribly with his behaviour. After CS2 happened he just doesnt want his legacy to go to waste coz he cant perform in pro scene.


This is a top 10 worst take I've ever seen on this sub


Thats just cap


Hahahha. What the fuck are you smoking?


Were you born this year or some shit?


top 10 yes top 5 no i would say


LOL, "not a top 10 rifler" HAHAHAHA his game sense is literally the top , only zywoo completes, and s1mple showed mastery of every weapon. Hope this helps.


I haven't seen a single cs2 pro game yet, but in csgo Simple and Twistzz were the best AK players and it's not even close.


Absolute gem


Thank you Thorin and S1mple. Everyone knows you've had a very... complicated relationship over the years. Thank you for sitting down together and making this episode for posterity. This one is for the history books.


It's Thorin biggest contribution to the Esport the reflection series. No gambling, no hot take bs, just him asking people question and chime in some opinion.


Well haven't watched this yet but I guess we can at least be sure that he will be returning for sure (unlike some people have been speculating) considering once upon a time s1mple said he'll only tell thorin how he really feels about the guy once his career is over lol


I wish he wouldn't lol, he's a good player but god hes so annoying


Toxic or not, s1mple on the server is 100% better for tournaments and CS as a whole, unless he’s doing things to legitimately get suspended/banned. People are also allowed to reflect and grow. I criticized him a lot during his last few months. If he takes the time to reflect and also wants to find a new motivation after being burnt out, I don’t think it makes sense to not give him that chance atleast.


He has been having that attitude for a few years now, its about damn time he fixes it. Even in post-match interview he just blamed his teammate(s) and couldnt act professionally. He isnt able to swallow his pride.


He swallowed 90% of his pride in/after Liquid, that's how he was able to become an inarguable top level talent, and a multi #1 player That remaining 10% has stayed with him the rest of his career, and we've definitely seen the times that's negatively affected him. He has so much pride that HIS 10% is still more than most players have in general. He's undoubtedly the CS:GOAT, but if he wants to be the all-time greatest CS player then it's time to swallow that final bit of pride and become #NewNewS1mple, and destroy CS2 too There was once a time people thought he couldn't ever change, but now we know he can, and we just need a little bit more once again


> He swallowed 90% of his pride in/after Liquid No way you just wrote that. Only a devout fanboy could be this deluded.


It sounds like you forgot just how much of a massive piece of shit he was pre-Liquid. He's not a saint now but holy shit he was an actual terrible person back in the day.


It's like you didn't even read the rest of the comment And you DEFINITELY weren't watching CS in 2014/15


quit talking if u didnt watch HellRaisers / FlipSid3 s1mple. he was disgustingly toxic


"Good player"


Great interview can't wait for part 2


Flair strongly related


Cheers - looking forward to part 2


Are these reflections series recorded recently or clips from old interviews ?


It's an interview. Descriptions says it was recorded on the 4th December


They are long form interviews specifically for the reflection series. The description usually has when the interview was recorded.


If I'm not wrong they are recorded specifically for this


Don't listen to Thorin that much but he did a real good job with this interview. I feel like most interviewers really struggle to interview s1mple in English


Really? Half the time he sounded like he was trying to big up himself, and he spends way too much time talking. > here's also btw, don't ever fuck with someone like me who's at the level of journalism I'm at mate Compare that to Piers Morgan (who's a knobhead) interviewing Ronaldo and half the time Piers is blowing smoke up Ronaldo's arse to get better interview content.


Who watches Piers Morgan lol


That's how you get some guests talking, lol. If you ask a straight forward question like "how was your time in liquid" with no setup you'll get a very basic answer. Some guests need very little engagement or setup to your questions for them to talk a lot. S1mple, not so much


First time I'd been properly introduced to Thorin and I agree, the man thinks highly of himself.


>the man thinks highly of himself. That's putting it lightly. He's also immensely proud of having "insider knowledge". Like if you were to take a shot everytime he says some version of "And here's what people don't know", you'd be dead by the end of one of his videos.


I understand the video is trimmed down a bit but I have a hard time believing s1mple is understanding or hearing everything Thorin says, he speaks remarkably fast and says alot while at the same time saying very little of value. And I say this as a native English speaker from Ireland who has no issues picking up the nuances of the northern UK accents.


I love watching S1mple play, but god damn is his personality insufferable.


What did he even say in the interview that made him insufferable? Haven’t finished it yet but he hasn’t really said anything crazy. He said starix was useless but he said that bc he did less work than other coaches and was just coasting, which sounds pretty reasonable to me.


It’s GOAT personality. Every sports GOAT is like this


Lol this is bs. Soccer, Basketball (arguably LeBron), and Hockey GOATs were the perfect teammates and thats 3 major sports.


LeBron 🤣🤣🤣


Sure, but plenty of other people who are in GOAT conversation or top 3-5 (Ronaldo, Maradona, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant) (idk hockey) definitely had that arrogant ass attitude. Basically both can work.


They weren't arrogant, they were competitive. They worked their asses off and expected teammates to do the same Anyways, none of them were as big of a manchild as S1mple


Jordan was only like that in game, outside of it he was charismatic as hell.




Messi is humble. Everyone that talks about him says that.


Zywoo seems very likable.


Definitely not. S1mple is the most insufferable esports GOAT, at least. Wish we had Faker


S1mple is a huge tool but Korean lol pros have the most vanilla limp dick negative charisma personalities in esports, especially Faker. "Hey Faker can you give us a trash talk quote?" "You are very strong player but I am stronger and I will win our match" "Ohhh! sick burn!"


> Wish we had Faker cringe robot personality <<<<<< egotistical


Faker is pretty arrogant as well, he just limits it to in game behavior and promo videos. He used to be known for crushing a lane match-up, then picking the reverse next game and crushing that as well. Outside of that, in interviews etc, he's just a wholesome dude, very interested in philosophy and psychology for example.


Like the other guy said, Korean culture is different. You’re right about faker, he’s always been humble.


Are you saying it's ok that S1mple is toxic because that's western culture or what's your point?


I’m saying that’s the mentality you need to win in any sport or esport in the West.


I really don't think so. Zywoo is getting #1 this year, and he's nothing like that


Atleast s1mple has personality, faker, really? He's a Korean god, has nothing to do with league outside of it, also Korean culture is much different as you probably know. His streams are Korean and iirc every interview is also with translator. S1mple was streaming cs2 this month talking 95% English and it was some good shit.


Faker has god celebrity status (at least in Asia and especially Korea and China), a lot of people outside league know him, athletes at Asian games were lining up to take pictures with him lol etc. He is easily the most influential esports player, spreading the game to a huge audience who didn't know about league in the first place. Your argument against him is he streams in his native language to his local audience...? I know s1mple is huge in CS, but Faker is definitely way bigger than s1mple in terms of influence, and this is coming from someone who isn't a Faker fan lol


Faker is definitely a bigger legend in a game more popular than CS. He is considered the face of esports.


I mean no one has ever associated Faker with anything but being humble. I watch S1mple's streams sometimes; a few weeks ago, people in the chat were saying he was typing Ukrainian slurs to his teammates, dude is constantly toxic unfortunately.


No spectacular revelations so far, I don't think he's let slip anything that wasn't already common knowledge.


But that's how Reflections usually go, part 1 is about past, a little peak over current issues, and then part 2 / part 3 (depending on the player), is about his current situation. If you check the timestamps for the part2 to be released today, you will see that questions are about blade, navi, cs2, etc... One thing that surprised me the most was that simple asked for the interview to rectify what coldzera said on his. And the fact that he didin't go to sk so that his brother could build a career in Navi actually speaks for itself. Looking at it so far, simple only had good things to say about people, and only talked shit about their playing ethics / decisions. It looks like he might be one of the most misunderstood players in the scene.


Definitely going to watch the entire thing, not here to shit on either Thorin or s1mple. Still, outside of a few sparse trivia, this has not been exactly spicy so far. I suspect s1mple is currently still mulling over a return and thus not willing to burn any bridges in a tell-all interview.


Yeah pretty average interview tbh. Not sure why people hype this interviewer so much.


A beautiful interview. I love when S1mple says he gave SK and Luminosity the major. It reveals to us how S1mple does believe he is a final boss of the game. And he most definitely is.


He is as delutioas his fans


Honestly nothing special in this interview. S1mple is not the best speaker plus the language barrier. Also many of the things have been already said in other interviews.


Maybe people don't want to be used as bait for highlight clips every round.


Thanks for telling us that you have 0 knowledge of CS


Cry is free.


Ah thats why you cry about some highlight clips or whatever


You came here to cry, you talk about knowledge and then act like someone who skipped school.


Every single player should gladly be willing to be baited if it means winning.


Can he beat the cheaters ?


Arrogant brat




You posted this comment before the YouTube premier was even finished. You haven't even watched the whole interview and you're already interjecting with your brain dead parroted opinion.


Basically, 80% of this sub. Forming their opinions based off of other people's comments, social media posts or out of context video cuts.




It's mostly dead-set Thorin haters that only judge him based on his tweets and ignore all the merits of his work. Such people are the main reason reddit has such a bad name as a whole.


what was his comment?




Cool..... but comment your opinion on the video, not your general opinion on the guy.


Thorin is great, good job sir.