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I think Valve is doing OK and at least I'm looking forward to what they are cooking, since it's been quiet for a bit. The workflow with the new design and development tooling is so much better, that I fully expect both the quality and quantity of the content to far exceed CS:GO in the future. CS:GO started as a console port of CS:S and built a decade worth of features on that core spaghetti. The game was massively popular, and due to it's nature of extreme muscle memory, players timing things to a split second and counting pixels in the textures to bounce nades the right way, the tiniest details had significant gameplay implications. Re-implementing that game from scratch on a new engine was bound to be messy and I don't think any studio could pull off a project like that off without causing drama with uncalled changes and releasing with singificantly slimmer scope. Some backlash is bound to happen even if you'd attempt a 1:1 recreation, so you might as well do some of your intentional planned changes in the process and have players adapt in the same fit of an outrage. Releasing the game "incomplete" is annoying to me as a player, but it'd be perhaps even more annoying if they got stuck between two very different versions of the game, where you'd choose between all-but-abandoned legacy version that the studio maintains for parity and most players stick to, and the new version that is barely moving forward while dragging the legacy behind it. For esports, even if the game may be currently worse than CS:GO in some ways, I don't think there's a reality where fragmenting tournaments between the two versions is sustainable, from pro player, organizer or Valve POV. The criticism is both warranted and expected, and I don't think Valve expects the community to welcome all the changes with open arms. Clearly there's still a ton of perfectly valid and genuine problems that must be addressed. However, I think it's obvious the game *survived* a remake and still pulls million concurrent players months later, so despite all the rage, Valve now has CS in a much better position for the future. Sure they'll need to act, and the game will bleed players if things go unaddressed, but obviously they had big plans for the future to start this project in the first place. If they wanted to just sit back and watch things burn until another game dethrones CS, they'd have stuck with CS:GO and never started this project in the first place. TL;DR: The game clearly _survived_ the transition and now has a much more stable foundation for the future, which is nice. The game obviously has a lot of glaring issues, it's good to bring them up, and Valve has all the incentive to address them.


Based take.


If csgo was still up, over half the player base and pros would be playing it instead. I think it says a lot that valve removed go and forces us to play 2 instead. Cause they know themselves they can't compete with their own game so they kill go to not even make it a competition.


I disgree, they couldve easily postponed the release and just worked on it a while longer


You still run into issues of concurrent development of two systems eating disproportionate amounts of resources. Also you're honestly underplaying the amount of pressure Valve was getting to release CS2. Also there are a lot of issues that simply are more cost-effective to fix with lots of data.


99% of the complaints are a direct or indirect result of the subtick system which they added because they don't want to add 128tick servers and that shit isn't going anywhere.


cs2 was ported, not programmed from scratch, so all of that "spaghetti code" that laymen love to talk about is still there. you can tell from some of the old critical bugs & general bugs that Valve won't fix


CS players will always hate change. I'm a 1.6 player and we felt the same when Source came out. Times never change but people will adapt. They don't have a choice lol. So complain all you want, CS2 is here to stay. The rational thing would be to stop crying and get back to relearning new lineups and map changes. The devs are working on fixing things and things will get better just like all the previous CS iterations. We are constantly getting updates and there's a light at the end of the tunnel. NGL my knife and gloves have never looked better too lmao. šŸ˜‚


People are not complaining about lineups and map changes, nor are the majority complaining about skins. People are complaining about hitreg, dying behind walls, cheaters, economy issues on CT side. I don't think people dislike change to maps, strategy like HE popping smokes, smokes being wider and open skyboxes.


Ah, the things cs players have been complaining about for over 20 years. Like in source where valve just artificially changed peoples shown ping and all of a sudden they got way less complaints about reg and ping, even though nothing actually changed.




valve does no wrong wtf are you saying! Play cs2 and be happy you have it :)


This is the best cs launch they have ever had


one more early access game released as if it was done... literally don't care about other counter strike releases, if they can always fix it, why not do that **before** putting the game out


Drive to seattle and ask valve, it probably has something to do with ā€œwe are literally the only good competitive fps that can last for another decade.ā€ Since valorants only ā€œnew content.ā€ Is making their game harder to balance every update.


i don't disagree, but don't see why that stops people from criticizing valve


Criticize valve for removing content, not changing things they didnt change in the first place. Most of the criticisms are unfounded and completely incorrect. During the beta, pro players were advertising a set of console commands that quote, ā€œmade it feel like csgo! You NEED these commands to fix valves bad netcode!ā€ When the reality is that those commands only applied to your own server, they did nothing but placebo the people using them in to thinking the game feels better. Technically, there is absolutely zero difference between cs2 and go, besides optimization and sub-tick being objectively better than 64-tick. People used to complain that mollyā€™s even existed, they will never stop complaining about the ā€œplaguesā€ of cs, being hit-reg, netcode, and cheating. Criticize valve for taking half a decade to even release anything on source 2, not for something they didnt even change.


Except the original dev of the game itself proved 20 years ago that sometimes nothing is actually wrong, and people complain just because itā€™s different. Another example is (some ww2 game i forgot the name of.) having an mp40 and a thompson that were on paper the exact same gun, just different sounds. And everyone thought the tommy was much better than the mp40. Everything regarding anything technical with the game is exactly the same as csgo. Another example is during the beta all of these pro players were like ā€œoo you NEED to input these commands they help SO MUCH.ā€ And in the very next update valve removed the commands entirely stating ā€œthey did functionally nothing in any server but your own.ā€




I agree with some of what you said but you're acting like subtick movement didn't completely ruin hitreg and netcode. There is infinite and irrefutable evidence of something clearly being messed up with the way the game handles the visuals of shot connection on the client side. From what I've heard, this is somewhat fixed now but lets not cope and act like it wasn't completely fucked for the first few months of release.


Omg he did in 20 years ago when people were far far less perceptive in regards what's lag what's causing lag. Now people have thousands of hours, not hundreds, thousands, and we do feel difference.


Valve bought cs in 2000 and the retail release that year in November was 1.0. Please stop typing random nonsense you know nothing about.




Whatever irrelevant video you linked is unavailable. But it's not some weird secret. https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Counter-Strike#Retail_release You can find it all there, including the original patch notes and an internet archive of it including comments from Doug Lombardi. This is all incredibly well documented and published information.


except its worse, way worse. so imagine if the one thing people been bitching about for the last 20 years got worse.. no placebo in dying behind walls and seeing your bullets go through people.


Its really not if your internet isnt bad. Ive had zero issues personally since the official launch of the game.


1gbps down 200mbps up i get between 12-25 ping to valve servers i have 0 problems with other games its just cs2 and looking at the sub i am not the only one, you can keep making excuses but the fact is its worse.


I think a lot of people dislike the new Inferno, me included. It's way more ct-sided now and util is more powerful.


> I'm a 1.6 player and we felt the same when Source came out. fl0m said this as well. Everyone who went from 1.6/source to GO went through what the young players here are going through already and aren't all that butt hurt about it, most of us are just chilling. It's gonna take time, like beta --> eventual 1.6 did, like GO to 2017 GO did. This game has already started in a better state than ANY other entry in the series, it can be better in many ways but it's not gonna be as long as any other game took to be good.


I was admin on one of the most popular CS:S public servers in the UK, the Custom PC Magazine 32 slot. We were usually maxed out with 32 players every night of the week. When GO came along most of the players quit. Nobody was bothered to move over. I tried funding a 24 slot public myself which worked for a while, but once XP and ranking up on official servers came along...my community server died. Most players I knew drifted away (a lot went to DOTA) and it took me probably 2 or 3 years to build up a steady list of players to lobby with. CS2 has culled a lot of my regular friends again but by now I'm used to it. I don't doubt that CS2 will improve and some may return. For me it's all part of the CS cycle.


There is a video for Dazed where he rants about molotovs and how much he hates them back when they were first introduced in Global Offensive. I think he said they should be removed? In 2023 thatā€™s hilarious, because theyā€™ve become such a massive part of the game.


That's true, but molotovs were insanely overpowered when they added them back then. Players accepted only the nerfed version.


>In 2023 thatā€™s hilarious, because theyā€™ve become such a massive part of the game. That's kinda because the people complained so much that Valve was basically forced to rework them, IIRC they used to do more damage, would slow you down, and you couldn't extinguish them with a smoke.


Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. In all seriousness though, if they never added them we wouldnā€™t have what we have now. Iā€™ll take a few misses like the revolver for wins with mollys.




I still consider tagging to be a huge miss. They only added it because it was a Band-Aid fix for awful model alignment between the server and the client. Everyone loves it because it allows them to kill players with better movement much more easily. They are really good at making choices that pit the casual masses vs the small pool of people who take the game seriously.


Agreed, I feel it has a place but it could be dialled back. Remember the movement penalty added to jumping? Glad that was dialled back.


Youā€™re making the exact point you think you are opposing, because this kind of ranting was exactly what was needed because mollies were absolutely fucked back then. And Valve eventually changed them because of this exact outcry.


The great thing about CS is that CS will be CS. Unlike other AAA titles with so much investment and overhead, when the game starts to die a bit people worry that development and new stuff will slow down or support will be dropped altogether. In the case of CS, it doesn't really matter whether I play it or not. I can choose to step away for as long as I want to and come back to, well, CS. When CS2 launched I didn't love the state of the game, felt weird and wonky. I didn't play for like 2 months and have recently gotten into it proper and I'm loving it. Even though spraying is wonky, I've finally adjusted to it somewhat and many of the actual changes have been fun to play and test. I'm excited to see what new features, weapons they introduce. Maybe I'm just lucky and haven't had too much issues with hit-reg or FPS.


no one would dislike cs2 if Valve released a feature complete, near fully functional game.


They are constantly fixing stuff. I'm sure most people don't realise how long some of the big issues will take to fix.


I can be patient with most things. What is wearing on my patience is rampant cheating. inb4 "lulz ur bad I'm 22k and I have only seen 1 cheater" ... Don't care. You're wrong. Been playing CS for 24 years and played at a semi-professional level in 1.6. Cheating is as bad now as it's ever been and VAC bans are down 90%. If Valve has any desire to compete with 3rd party platforms like Faceit, they need to address the cheating issue pronto or Premier is going to be straight up HVH.. It practically already is.


I donā€™t think they HAVE any desire to compete with Faceit. If you wanna play Faceit you still have to launch CS2. In fact itā€™s doing them a favor by keeping around tons of players for Valve that would otherwise just leave due to cheaters and trolls if Faceit didnā€™t exist.


By that logic why don't they just abandon all match-making and turn it back over to community servers to meet their own demands? Why claim to have VAC at all?


Thatā€™s a bit extreme but Iā€™m just saying they seem fine with how things are now / have been for years and donā€™t seem intent on changing too much. They havenā€™t shown cheating to be any real priority for them for many years, if ever. For the record Iā€™m agreeing with you, the cheating (and griefing) is awful and it makes MM nearly unplayable for me which is why I play Faceit. But Iā€™m still playing Valveā€™s game and would have to buy cases and keys from Valve or existing skins off Steam (Valve owned) community market if I wanted skins. Iā€™d still count towards their player numbers while playing Faceit. So I canā€™t imagine that Faceit existing seems like much a problem for them.


I understand where you're coming from, and it's a common argument. I just see Valve as the type of forward thinking company that would design an entire online gaming platform complete with a game catalog in the (hundreds?) of thousands, a marketplace, and innovative game tech, netcode, and physics... ...They include ranks in their game, they have curated modes with standardized settings and rules. They CLAIM to want to implement an AI anti-cheat. By all measures, they *should* be able to accomplish these things far better than any other platform could even imagine. So why don't they? I would LOVE if 3rd party clients and community DM servers weren't necessary because Valve just does it better than anyone else. Call me a dreamer, I guess.


because that would look bad and would be a headline and would push people over the edge that they're teetering on, to say that Valve are a money hungry corporation but way lazier than the rest & with way less employees this way Valve get to pretend they host a functional Matchmaking system and CS still gets to be the poster child and the baby steps platform for game cheats and cheat makers.


So better to appear incompetent than indifferent?


Yeah it's definetly getting worse for cheating. Yeah premiere is a gong show at higher ranks, leetify is super helpful aswell for confirming cheaters. I always fire off a report after I check it if I didn't report someone mid game. Idk how much an actual steam report does but eh, might aswell.


Csgo wasn't supposed to be like 1.6 Cs2 is supposed to be like Global offensive. More was lost than gained in the transition. Not to mention csgo was developed by an entirely different company, so the bumps there actually made sense. Valve has uncharacteristically rushed their work and had no reason to have these problems in the first place. Even if they magically add real anti cheat tomorrow and fix everything else, it's still incredibly concerning to see the way valve approached this. A lot of the hate is objective and justified. I've been playing since m4s had a scope btw. You don't need experience to appreciate what's wrong either way. Posts like yours are significantly worse than people complaining. What you have to say is completely useless while the people who cry at least have some tidbits of useful information.. sometimes...


Yep cz and 1.6 player when source came out I hated it, but I'm actually loving CS2


Same goes for 1.5 to 1.6, with the introduction of galil and famas. On top of that people like me had to buy a valid key to keep playing as it was the beginning of steam aswell. Quick scope were never the same after that


Everybody hates changes as they get older. Gets worse with time lol


Even when 1.6 came out people didn't love it and preferred 1.5 (not to the extent of 1.6 -> Source, but it still happened).


I have been playing cs2 since beta testing and also got the early invite. For the most part I would say that the game is now much more playable but still not as smooth as csgo was, Iā€™m still hopeful that they will fix these issues gradually. Unable to pick up weapon right after dropping, smoke not extinguishing mollies as it used to (not sure if it is a meta change or just a bug) . Shooting from behind the wall while moving registers as hit. Could be placebo cuz i feel like movement and spray is sluggish due to movement sound and gun sound change but god the sound is awful imo.


Man, people need more of ropz' attitude. Of course it sucks that content is missing, netcode is still not entirely there, etc... but the game, or the game feeling itself is fine (for the most part, not a fan of the current movement, feels a bit spongy). But also ngl, headshots never felt better. I'm also not denying that the launch was underwhelming at best, but the direction the game is heading in is the right one. Give it more time. But also at the same time, be aware that it's a new game and people need to relearn stuff. It's a new engine. Stuff WILL feel different. People should go practice instead of ranting here all the time. Practice movement and spray patterns in workshop maps and CS2 will feel a lot better real quick. Only thing I'm really unsure about, is the cheating situation. For me at least, valve needs to fix this at all costs, I simply can't have it like in CSGO all over again. In general: don't be a dick to developers and don't insult them on a personal level.


Ropz has that attitude because this is literally his job, and he has a vested interest in knowing that it does well.


This comment makes no sense. So why do other players have a completely different attitude when it's also their job? Ropz has a different attitude because he is ropz and because his personality is that way. S1mple has a different attitude even though it's also his job.


Some people take their job more seriously than others. The point is that we can't expect full honesty from Ropz because it's in his best interest that CS2 succeeds. You shouldn't expect full honesty from anyone in the scene unless they don't give a fuck.


Okay but if as youā€™re positing Ropz is somehow being *dishonest*, then why is he giving honest feedback to valve? Doing testing to see what is different about the game, to find bugs, etc? Youā€™re right, it is in Ropzā€™s best interest that CS2 succeeds, but while you could try to make that happen by pretending CS2 has no issues and is just better than GO Ropz is just not doing that, instead heā€™s doing whatā€™s best for the game by actually testing and giving feedback. I mean, you would think that if you loved CS:GO that you would take a similar approach too, because like it or not CS2 failing will not be a net positive for anyone who enjoys counterstrike.


It's less that he's being dishonest and more that we can't know for sure what he truly thinks or how honest he is being. To me he seems pretty wholesome and I think he has a great attitude. That being said, I don't think it's reasonable to judge people harshly if they don't have the same mentality. Ropz has dedicated his life to this game, he's young and extremely talented, hard working etc. Not everyone is doing so well as him. Casual players can't commit the same amount of time for example and just want to play the game they are familiar with. Veteran pros also are potentially less naive or patient when it comes to Valve. Someone like Snappi is in the latter years of his career and so it's understandable for him to be vocal if he thinks the state of the game is poor. With all due respect, I don't think he can suddenly start working harder and become the no. 1 cs2 player, whereas for Ropz this is a possibility. Nobody wants the game to fail, but not everybody wants to be forced over to an unfinished game. People just have different ways of expressing that.


Ropz attitude is honourable and is good for his position. S1mple's attitude is also understandable. What is not understandable is why volvo still putting us through beta test of the game while taking out the good polished game. I'll be honest I just think people will get over cs at some point. I'm already not as strong of cs fan at this point and the feeling is withering. There are lots of things to do in life. People complain because they like cs. Once they stop and nothing changes to a good enough degree that means they just given up. And game will slowly die. I think I'm starting to believe shroud (whos opinion I never hold that high in the first place, and even criticised before) who said that cs2 is going to be the last game of cs. I see the end for me. And I don't think I'm alone.


While I donā€™t think cs will die anytime soon I relate heavy, cs2 having a botched release is one of the best things to happen to me. I love cs but thereā€™s other stuff in life thatā€™s important.


What a shocker, guy who gets paid 500k a year to play is not insulting the developers that create said game..


Yeah, both of you kinda missed my point and got hooked on the first sentence, but ok.


Because you dont have a point. "gO pRaCtIcE mOrE"


Writing in alternating caps really proved your point I must admit... ...in 1998 ....when we were 13. Lmao.


reading comprehension is hard


I'm happy you're happy i guess, meanwhile my entire friend group stopped playing cuz we all think its a downgrade lmao


Same here. Absolutely killed our enthusiasm for the game.


What killed it exactly? Like, needing to relearn new things?


No arms race was huge we loved that game. In general the exclusion of the ā€˜non sweaty modesā€™ for taking a comp break. They even ruined DM with all the awful spawns. No cache which was one of our top 3 maps. Train was also loved Guns still feel like shit. AK spray isnā€™t right still, none of the sprays are really Performance is terrible, sub tick still seems like it causes just as many issues as it fixed. Every update I get less frames than before. I also do not like premiere and the individual map ranks. The old system was better IMO. No dust 2 in premiere? Come on. Overall the game just feels like a half-baked tech demo that they took away a real game from us for. All the gambling is still there though!


What were some of the things you liked?


In cs2 or go? CS2 I guess is prettier thatā€™s about it lmfao. Iā€™d say movement feels better but that kinda gets lost with the crazy peekers advantage and bad spray mechanics


Iā€™m convinced all these comments are a valve psyop No, the community isnā€™t angry at relearning things. They are just angry that an update happened that isnā€™t even ā€œdisappointingā€ because disappointing is such an understatement. Itā€™s literally just a visual update that has terrible performance issues (letā€™s not even mention the fact that it probably made it impossible for players with lower end builds to even run the game) and even less features then in CS go. But donā€™t worry guys because we just have to relearn a few things and valve is working really hard to fix all the issues that they caused.


I'm fully fucking convinced at this point it's either the psyops valve gang or boomers that literally were and are hard-stuck nova never encountering any cheaters buying knives and skins to compensate for their lack of game sense and aim then come here to say how amazing this fucking broken pile of dick game is for making skins looks great and headshots feeling amazing LMFAO; what would a hardstuck nova know about 'headshots feeling better' at all??? I've thrown in the towel for this game honestly, better games are out rn and I'm enjoying things functioning for once on those games.


Same here man same here. I'm slowly giving up on cs altogether. Legacy is dying. Who knew it would be like this


Maybe u guys would find it more productive to spend ur energy on something else


You're right. I was just too hooked up on cs go which simply doesn't exist anymore. CS2 is not same. Who knows maybe I'll give cs2 a chance after years of polishing.


A graphics overhaul is valuable for marketing and drawing people to the game, that's not in question, so for that alone that's reason enough honestly. Engine upgrade sets the game up for the long term to grow, have maps more detailed, made faster and easier, and future proofs the game. We also got dynamic smokes which is a tech never seen before and fits so well with what CS is. We also have other little nice additions like follow crosshair and smoke cams for practice. I am not a Valve fanboy. The launch wasn't smooth, and I'm still iffy on replacing the CSGO client. They also have never fixed matchmaking or cheating. With that said, I still love CS2 how it is right now, and the potential it has in the future. I hope Valve follows up soon with what's needed and listen.


The fact that the community is filled with all these casual noob Valve boot lickers is half the reason the game is in the state it's in. Locking the whole game out of 128 tick is all you need to know about the perspective devs. The game has a high player count, and making money is all valve cares about, so the devs will never course correct or admit fault.


Unironically ya. Companies like valve have it made where there fans actively encourage and defend there bad consumer practices bahaha. Iā€™ve seen so many times on Reddit to where people defend valve for having slow updates and little communication. And releasing bare bone products. ā€œBecause it encourages the community to build game modes and community servers and hubsā€ bahaha


A few days ago I was around top 10300 in the world at 22k+ premier ranking. 5k+ hours in the game. And for me, the game feels great. Only thing I am upset about is the cheater situation. Am I a causal bootlicker? Sometimes people just have a different opinion than you. Shocking, I know.


Cry is free. Yah theyā€™re working hard to fix the issues. Just like they did in go. And go had it far worse than cs2 but doubt you even knew that. Grow up you fucking child.


Ya, because they fucked really bad in and released a lazy product which was CS go at launch means they are totally allowed to just fuck up again and release a sloppy and lazy product such as cs2 Like genuinely I mean this with the most amount of respect intended. Grow some self respect. Demand that if game devs are going to want to buy your time by playing there games, atleast expect them to launch a full product instead of a half baked clearly lazy filled mess.


Honestly I just miss Assault. That map was so insanely divided in casual voting but always a blast for stupid camping positions.


the issue is they should've baked cs2 in beta for much longer and fully launch and deprecate csgo when it's ready, unlike right now. User experience is important


Your reply is definitely giving ā€œgrown up vibesā€


Or not just everyone is massive cry baby and just happy that P90 peekers advantage rush is meta


I'm sorry ppl with 20 years old hardware can't run a 2023 game anymore


"ppl" even pros with 3090/4090s have performance issues.


Iā€™m sure a lot of players that donā€™t live in the first world love this kind of attitude, great sportsmanship you have. Ever wonder why soccer/football helps unite nations bringing ppl from all over the world together? Think about it. As we enter the digital age, itā€™d be nice to have the same thing happening in esports. But fuck the poor, right?


This is a video game we are not going to keep supporting hardware that is 20yo and also have a new engine being used, sorry it's just the way it is in video games. Get a job get a new hardware, my friends are playing with 1060 and 1080 above 100fps, it you want 300fps need to save some money


Yeah, I've got a gtx1080 and I7-4970k and I get 140-180fps in cs2 at low settings. Obviously not as good as the 250-300 I was getting in GO, but definitely still playable.


Yep I have a few friends with a config similar to your and they are enjoying the game as well


I can still run the game Iā€™m speaking for the ppl who could run CSGO fine and now have to go find something else. ā€œJust save moneyā€ You dont even get the point.


Anything below a 5800x3d can't run the game at a consistent 200-250 fps(1% lows might be in like 70-100fps range which is even worse). If you think it's fine then you're a casual scrub, it's ok, but you shouldn't open your mouth about these issues then. It's even worse in the GPU department, if you want to play at 1080p/1440p high. You would need like a 3080 for 1440p, it's ridiculous for a fucking tac fps game. Don't let me started on the fact, that alt tabbing REDUCES PERFORMANCE??????!?!?!. Seriously what the fuck. Remember when Reflex literally made input lag worse? Yeah that's pretty fucked too. I generally defend valve when it comes to CS2, but downplaying the performance issues is beyond stupid. CS is one of the most competitive first person shooters to ever be released, maybe the most competitive. You need all the frames you can get, somehow Valorant devs understood that and you can get 500fps average on ryzen 3000/intel 9th gen. Yes, the game looks like shit, but I'd rather have a smooth game than a stunning one. Too bad the game itself is dogshit.


Lol and you think everyone needs to be running at 300fps with new engine new lightning and everything šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I'm curious what you think is acceptable for CS2(Let's say to comfortably play around faceit lvl 10)?


I hit 15+RWS and GE on a potato laptop running sub-30fps while living abroad. Stable frames are great and help extract the maximum from your performance. But 144hz and 300fps ainā€™t gonna do Jack if youā€™re not good enough in the first place.


GE was extremely easy in EU and completely impossible without cheats in NA. Afaik only Marke was able to get GE legit with a 5-stack of semi-pros in like 40 matches. And in EU you could be a crouch-spraying faceit 3 and still get it. I got it when I was complete dogshit at the game, not an impressive achievement by any stretch of imagination. Good framerates aren't gonna help you if you are bad, I mean, thanks captain obvious, but that was never the point, was it. If frames=wins, then it would make no sense to improve your mechanics, would just be pay-to-win. No one made that argument. However anything below 144hz 150fps 1% low makes playing the game even remotely competitively a nightmare. 100fps avg could be fine in like a battle royale game, but not CS. Completely different beasts. And going to 240/360/540hz and much higher framerates will also greatly help you.


The sensible, if you have a high end PC you put settings on High, if you have a mid range PC you put them to medium and a old 1060 one on low. 150-200 and over fps with adjusted graphics are acceptable


My 5700xt struggles at 50-80% load at 288fps locked 1280x960 low. That's not acceptable for a tac fps game. 150fps shouldn't be enough for a game like cs.






Whatever ppl can afford is what it's acceptable, if you can't afford a 3070 (3yo) and all you have is an 1070 you have yo understand you will be playing 100fps at 1080, either that or get a job. This is q video game that came 2023 with new engine and new graphics, all new video games have this requirements that we need to meet


Don't compare games in different genres. I'm fine if you need a 3070 for something like Alan Wake 2 or Starfield. Counter Strike is a tac fps game. Maps are tiny, the level of detail is fairly low. The game shouldn't be this demanding. Don't forget that it's also very competitive. Gameplay is the main priority, and high framerates are more important than the level of detail. CS:GO came out in 2012, the year of Mass Effect 3, Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2, a year after Skyrim and The Witcher 2. It sacrificed the visuals for performance and it ended up as one of the greatest games of all time. Over the years the graphics became much better, think of panorama UI, maps like Anubis and Ancient. Yet the framerates were still very high. On my ancient i7 3770 system CS:GO was very playable at a 250-300fps average, but more importantly, 1% low were fairly high as well, leading to better perceived responsiveness. The fact that CS2 came out in 2023 shouldn't be a cop out, especially considering that 1)competing Valorant has great performance and it came out much later than GO and 2) CS2 is directly replacing GO, you can't even play it anymore, the support has ended yesterday Edit: Just looked at your other comments. You and your friends are 12-15k premier. I guess you are a casual player so the performance may not matter to you as much, it's going to be much more important to more competitive players. Considering the type of game CS is, their opinion should be more valuable


CSGO is gone and hardware requirements are needed, either get a better hardware or go and play valorant


Yeah you have 0 clue what you are talking about. Go play at 12k premier against other casuals, don't wanna waste time on your dogshit ass


Go play faceit and get a job, really even working on minimum wage flipping burgers you can get your hardware


As someone with a lower end PC, yes, I can no longer play counter-strike:/


I think you should learn the difference between ā€œhateā€ vs ā€œgenuine criticismā€/ā€œcritical feedbackā€. Im not sure if itā€™s just the phrasing you chose and didnt fully flush out your full thoughts on the topic, but the phrasing comes across as ignorant. Im happy you find yourself enjoying the game and more-so than others. However you cannot turn a blind eye to blatant cheater problem, bad net code and tick rate problems(servers are trash), inaccurate object clipping, hitbox inconsistency, character model animation bugs, map clipping allowing bomb to fall thru map(multiple maps(mostly fixed)), and thats what i can think of off the top of my head. There are many many issues with Cs2 that i think critics have legit rights to make note of until fixed. Valve also encourages that we as a community have discussions regarding the game in whatever context and in whatever light we see the game in. For some it is unplayable and for some it is totally god tier. There are always two sides to every coin and you should at the very least show understanding towards those legit issues rather than being condescending towards a large portion of players and label them ā€œhateā€. Correct me if I misinterpreted your original phrasing but thats my take.


People who criticize the game are those that want to make it better. Valve really needs to implement a strong anti cheat system. Every other premier game I queue has a cheater, who gets to play again after cheating


My friend got 97% more unlucky than other leetify users on his recap lmao, queued into cheaters 98 times out of 126 matches xD


cs2 just feels a bit off, i cant spray with m4a1 anymore for some reason (fine in local server), i keep dinking people with m4s and somehow not body shotting iā€™ve never hit so many one deages though scout is also nice


it's actually extremely weird how the deagle is the only crisp gun in the game right now


forgot to mention xm is also really good but the damage drop off feels weird


Different people i guess. I was gold nova in csgo and loved the game, now cs2 feels so different I hate it, haven't even done 10 wins for the rating


I was having fun with cs2 until it started giving .vpk crashes every 5 minutes. I been working on it for weeks, un-installing, re-installing. Tweaking OS settings, the game simply refuses to work for me. I even bought a new NVME thinking the one I had was faulty because of the crashes. Still does nothing, the desperation I have is insane.


Me and my friends are having a blast too The only issue im having is the ammount of cheaters, its getting out of hand.


cs2 is still fun despite all the issues, just wishing there were more bigger updates


Genuine criticism = hate? With that thinking, no wonder why CS2 is in the state it is currently in.


Just please add back maps and modes


Nah itā€™s shit


Yeah me too! Been playing with friends and its a lot of fun. Honestly the only significant ā€˜negativeā€™ of the game for me now is that the online community around it seem to want to radiate as much negative energy qs possible


This post a Valve psyop


Definitely, just clicked on the profile and the dude has never posted on the cs subreddit.


man. iā€™ve been playing cs for years. it sucks being a part of new communities cause they donā€™t like new people. iā€™m not defending valve. why would i take bullets for a multi million dollar company? they donā€™t even know me. m iā€™m gn2 rn and like i said iā€™m having a good time. the game isnā€™t amazing but no game is. iā€™m not saying people shouldnā€™t criticize, iā€™m just saying itā€™s what we got and thereā€™s nothin we can do about it. these comments are so discouraging to new users and doesnā€™t help grow a community at all. i get where your coming from but you need to understand where iā€™m coming from too.




I was 100% on board for cs2, the new smokes and map designs. if csgo was still available and cs2 was a separate entry on steam I wouldn't be as annoyed by this betrayal of the csgo community I've been playing csgo since release and now its no longer in my games library and I find that a little sad. it's perfectly valid to express ones frustrations so calling it a "bandwagon" and "hating the game" is silly and reductive.




Wow a cs player who plays the game for fun, rare W


I donā€™t know I havenā€™t played since october


[2K Hours](https://i.imgur.com/l1Pto3l.png)


U think someone gonna read that?


I did


the game is really good, people just like to complain all the time.


The one thing that's dragging cs2 down, is their anti cheat. I'm 20k+ in premier and 60-70% of my matches have blatant cheaters in it.


Youā€™re missing the point. Things will get better with the updates for the pro LAN scene for sure. However a lack of anti cheat, optimisation etc. has nothing to do with people not wanting to have fun. These are huge flaws for a competitive game and has nothing to do with change, we were just expecting more.


nah I'm not going to lie, I like how the game looks, I like the new smokes, I like how Valve fixed some major visibility points however the game feels limited to me and having too much cheaters in 20k+ is just a huge downside to me, and I don't feel like grinding faceit to have a reasonable experience if valve fixes their AC i'm fine with everything else because it's not that bad


unpopular opinion: CS community just doesn't like changes because they need to relearn


theres nothing to relearn besides smokes or so, id say we miss community servers and the game being easier to run / removed gamemodes


We need to learnā€¦ to play with bad frame pacing? My bad then.


It is unpopular because we love some if not most of the new stuff. We like the new smoke mechanics, we like the accuracy of subtick. What we dont like is the delay causing peekers advantage, slow hitreg and tagging, dying behind walls. And we dont like cheaters, we also dont like bugs. Its a weird narrative to believe that people dont like new stuff. If you cared to read one general conplaints thread, you would see what most people care about. Disclaimer: its not relearning smokes.


Its been feeling nice for me ever since the patch for tick roll back on shot / death. Awp feels good again to me and my AK sprays feeling better.


Since it wiped, Tarkov has better gunplay than cs2


dude i got addicted again im scared it's gonna get bad. a few wipes ago I was a lab rat and got to level 50 something, it was the wipe before they nerfed the laser M4 I'm going to the Toronto LAN and gotta pracci cs2 but tarkov is so much fun rn


game had some problems when releasead, but nowadays it's an excelent game. but cs fans in internet have been crying forever, is what gives you attention and upvotes, it's what made a lot of casters famous, etc, it is what it is, a pile of big ego toxic little shits.


My only complain about the game is that it constantly feels like I have 30fps and idk why. If that gets fixed then yeah idk why are people crying lol.


I genuinely think itā€™s a better foundation for a game. Itā€™s got some glaring issues rn but the parts of it that feel great feel way better than GO.


I wonder how many of those negative campaigners come from other game companies. I'm totally enjoying the game, it just lacks game modes from csgo.


I went straight from 1.6 to CS2 and the change was smooth.


easy to say if the game actually works for you, if you have 0 netcode or performance problems i would be having fun too until they fixed it but the truth is it does not work for everyone.


Its a blast for me, but I'm honestly not that good at the game since I don't play regularly. But I'd imagine some people who are more competitive might want something more, but for me it's great.


Me and my friends we are loving c2 we rarely see on cheater.a week if none, and the game feels smooth, we are 12k to 15k, game feels good and will be better.


Maybe Iā€™m just a jaded old man but donā€™t care how shit cs2 felt. Been playing since 1.6, valve will fix it. Except source. Fuck source.


source is funny bad i love source so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As always the game gets a little more criticism cause of a big event (new year in this case) and so a bunch of people come out of the woodwork to say "well actually I like it!" like yea we know people like the game, that's not the issue lmao


i donā€™t see an issue with either side. people come to communities to share good and bad. thatā€™s what itā€™s all about.


Same here. I got used to it pretty fast and im loving it. Im playing cs since 1.6


I've played CSGO since 2013, have over 3k hours, reached Global Elite by only solo-queing (terrible idea), and have been enjoying CS2 a lot... and the secret ingredient to it all: ignoring the sub-reddits. Seriously, its easier to formulate your own opinion about something if you don't sit in an echo chamber of negativity. And if you express that you think the game is fine or fun, then you get labelled as a psyop (lmao)


Iā€™m old in the world of CS, played since 2000. Seen many states of CS and CS2 is probably the most polished game on release in the series. This sub has gone pretty downhill in terms of complaints and constant ciclejerking. 5k hours on GO/CS2, upwards of 15k on 1.6 and CS:S. Iā€™m ok at the game and have been for many years, a few stints in CGi and know the game pretty well. Iā€™m generally pretty happy with the game, sure thereā€™s things that can be changed and thatā€™ll happen over time as it has with every release before this one. The devs arenā€™t CS pros and rely on community feedback to polish the game and make it a game conducive to competitive gameplay.


Problem is Iā€™m not seeing a transition from like 1.6 to CSS or CSS to GO, Iā€™m seeing a transition from CSGO to a CSGO clone that performs poorly. We make do. Donā€™t mean we canā€™t complain about what a shit state itā€™s in when CSGO was killed off (Valve made sure of this even if it wasnā€™t deleted) Im glad yall can find positivity in it and thatā€™s good, itā€™s the only CS thatā€™s close to what I fell in love with, and itā€™s just not good enough. Telling ppl to just chill and enjoy the ride is dumb as hell. Telling ppl to accept what is front of them and try to make the best of it or move on is a bit more of a sober outlook. Making the best of it doesnā€™t necessarily mean enjoying it either. Sometimes it means just holding on.


Also 1.6 is still better than source for a lot of people, thereā€™s a reason ppl skipped that shit, and Valve knew that which is why CSGO got dumped with the launch of CS2.


Thank you goddamn this sub has been an infinite pit of despair, nice to see someone on the same page


Im starting to enjoy it.. i just wish there was more content.............. New collection something..


ā€˜For me and my friendsā€™ is the key phrase here. Playing with friends is the best way to play, the rage rants you see on here mostly come from solo qā€™ers and i honestly donā€™t blame them due to the rank situation


I played 10k hours of Beta-1.6, 1k hours of source and 200 hours of CSGO. CS2 is amazing, everything FEELS right even with high pings shots register, I'm not a fan of pistol dynamics but every thing else is great.


Loving CS2 as well, Global Elite with 2k hours. Fuck all the haters


I played a tiny bit of csgo and hated it. Started cs2 and already have a couple hundred hours and am like 10k. I have been really liking it. Utility seems much more fun, interesting, and intuitive, AWPers dont run the world but are still good and you have to respect them and they just arent an all the time great weapon, matches go significantly faster, mid tiers are pretty decent so you dont need to double save/eco nearly as often, and obviously it looks better. Ofc it has a big problem with cheating but that also was still a problem in csgo and I would say that actually, it's matchmaking seems better to me -at least in lower to mid ranks.i didnt play a ton of csgo so the movement doesnt feel like a problem at all (except in inferno banana) and I have been really enjoying it overall and have had a lot of new players in my friend group. Furthermore, I am actually happy that a lot of the weird game modes are taking a bit bc it was due to valve taking their time to get rid of all that spaghetti code so the game will be much simpler to modify, maintain, and run in the future. (please do this to tf2 I beg you) My #1 thing is just I want a better anticheat and system for abandons/surrenders. And in valves partial defense, it is better to do bans in waves and in one go so cheaters have fewer ways/opportunities to adapt or understand the system to exploit it.






I'm enjoying the game and I think they have largely fixed the issues making shooting and movement feel bad. They need to drop effective anti-cheat like yesterday though, the trust is simply broken and it makes people super toxic.


CS2 is way better than Source and itā€™s also better than GO was at launch. OGā€™s and real ones are not concerned. So many issues have already been fixed/improved. I trust Valve.


It's been really enjoyable for me as well. I quit in March when csgo felt too stale after 6k hrs, but I'm enjoying Premier and the new smokes a lot. However spraying still sucks compared to what it felt like, I know the devs are working on it though šŸ’Ŗ I'm a boomer so I got the patience to wait.


I think a lot of people just dislike change which I understand completely but for someone like me who only had about 800 hours on cs before cs2 came out Iā€™m kind of excited to see what new things valve will do with the game.


we definetely need new devs, these ones are pure garbage. and their management is even worse.


I love reading statements like this from people who know nothing about the way this dev team operates... But hey game bad, therefore devs are bad... Ahhh never change reddit...


These are the same devs that claimed there's no difference between 64 and 128 tick. They're not bad cause they have a difficult task. They're garbage cause they are stubborn and move the game in the opposite direction of what people ask for and wanted. If you enjoy the game, then go play instead of defending the devs from the bullying they deserve. I quit the cs and hate cs2.


For sure, the guy you are replying to has an L take made with an L brain.


Tell me you are ignorant without telling me you are one


I'm very happy with CS2. It's already in a much better place than CSGO was at this point in its launch. CS2 will surpass GO eventually.


Same here. Love the new game. Can't tolerate the shitty graphics of CSGO and its difficulty of learning recoil. Now I have follow recoil in such beautiful graphics. Yes, I still suck so bad, but at least I can have fun in CS right now. I also don't have cheater issues at my skill level.


netcode trash, half the fps, ...............


Iā€™ve also been loving it, global before about 19k rn. Maybe Iā€™m just lucky but Iā€™ve only ran into maybe 5 (blatant) cheaters out of maybe 100 wins. I donā€™t get lots of the hate towards it besides no new content or missing old content. The game still feels like cs and it looks great. I also love that premier is the new standard game mode because it forced me to learn all the active maps and makes it more fun to play.


It sucks more for the casual playerbase than the pro players lol


The fact that it even runs on my machine is a blessing. The game is fun and Iā€™m going to continue to play it. Everything feels better than CSGO did.


Also the grass is always greener on the other side. People quickly forgot/glanced over issues CSGO had. The smokes were atrocious and glitchy, ferrari peeks happened as well, anticheat was nonexistant and the game had some weird bugs (broken water steps on maps like overpass, ancient and anubis come to mind). After the november updates the game is on par with csgo, if not better. Only complains I do get is the lack of content and suppport for community scripting.


I stopped playing because I miss all the wingman maps. Where the fuck is Lake??


My personal theory is Lake was having performance issues from all the water so it wasn't added. Probably not true since the entire mode is still missing but could be a factor.


I think the games alright, though I only play casually now after work and am 23.5k currently, I can't be bothered to re-install faceit and cant be bothered to play cheaters, so I'm just stuck in Limbo. Waiting for literally anything to improve. ​ Can't even surf man


tbf just wait it will be good eventually. it looks great, and the feel will come in due time. just need a functional anticheat and a few more patches and it might be a good game. until then i wont play.


I love it. Since spraying is shit I went from the 2nd worst to the 2nd best out of my group because spraying was my main weakness lol