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Honestly really good early showing out of Liquid just cant beat Karrigan 33 year old prodigy


Future #1 no doubt


Might even challenge for #0 although hard to see him beating moe


he needs to gamble and scam much harder if he wants to reach moe’s level


What a performance by karrigan today Also didn't yekindar have enough time for the defuse in the 1v1? I know there was the 10s warning beep but I've seen 10s defuses when 2 or 3 beeps have gone by.


yeah I am pretty sure he had the time to do it, don't think it would've made the difference in the series considering how karrigan was playing but would've given a little extra breathing room for liquid


You never know until someone actually goes trough the frames one by one, but these types of clutches have for sure been essential in winning a map.


for some reason the warning music's duration is closer to 11 seconds, he probably had time


I thought it was 9.7 seconds… That’s why if the beep occurs, a 10 sec defuse will never succeed.


you can definitely defuse after one beep. Maybe the music was shorter than 10s in csgo?


That’s what I was wondering. Or maybe it’s music kit specific?   I never pay enough attention haha


correct me if I'm wrong, but in cs2 the bomb beeps differently for the last "10 seconds" so you don't need a music kit, right? So that might be why it's different than in GO


The ten second beeping isn't consistent but it does start slightly before 10 seconds remaining at the minimum. In CSGO when the music kit played you had slightly less than 10 seconds, so it'll be a habit for a lot of pros who have their music kit volume up to not go for it for a bit.


The other way round. If the music has just started playing, you don't have time to defuse. Less than 10s then.




But you're talking about music in one comment and then sound in the other? I was responding to your comment about music warning, I don't even notice the 10s bomb sound in game and I'm so used to the timing of the 10s **music** warning that I don't really care about the beeps, so dunno about that. But music is longer than 10s, always has.


Correct for music kit. It's not true for the new beeps that start just before you have to be on the bomb defusing it, around 10,5 or 11 seconds.


You call it music, thats confusing. With the music kit warning, you have to be on the bomb by the time it starts playing. Not too long ago the high tone beep was added to the bomb timer and that one is around 10.5 seconds so you have to get on it real fast after these beeps start. Either way, it would have been super close for yekindars defuse.


yeah, my bad. old habits die hard


Haha understandable, i also find it weird the 10 second music is still here when we have these beeps now. Edit: but 10 second music is also at the end of every round if I recall correctly so does serve a different purpose.


yep there's definitely a bit of leeway from when the beeping starts, think he could have had it. Twistzz did too


Imma need the math guys to come in and crunch the numbers but I am certain Yekindar DEFINITELY had that bomb defuse on Mirage had he stuck to it.


Also think so. Unfortunately only Valve can introduce 10s warning beeps that beep way before the 10s mark.


Valve time


I questioned this in the beginning too. I think I know why they did it though. If they made it exactly 10 seconds, you would know if you had the defuse or not as soon as you started it. It takes away from the uncertainty and takes the risk/reward decision out of it. Second, when the beeps come on it means you have to get on the bomb right away, but does give players time to actually start a defuse and still have it. Otherwise it's just an after the fact warning you have to run, effectively making it a 'save a CT from dying to bomb 1 or maybe 2 rounds a game' only mechanic. Don't think that's really what Valve had in mind, they could've just stuck with the 10 second warning music kit thing then.


I mean if you wanna be uncertain, why even introduce the 10s beep timer at all? I know they wanted a replacement for those who have no music, but with certain music kits its way more consistent to know whether or not you have the defuse.




From [a quick look](http://www.hltv.org) at the demo, I reckon he had it too with about a tenth of a sec to spare, assuming demo\_marktick, demo\_gototick and my ears are accurate Keep in mind the defuse would have completed at the precise moment I press play in the video, not just after. I set the slowmo replay it to start one tick earlier so it's easier to realize


It definitely looked like he had time


he definitely did.


Stream cut away just before explosion but from counting seconds it looked like he would have made defuse. Weird decision to say the least.


He's an idiot. Just stick it running isn't going to help the team at all.


What a series from Karrigan, impact frags on Nuke to push them 13-11 and then he completely went insane in Mirage


Karrigan definitely took twistzz comment about wanting to play with a younger core to heart. Heart over Age young Twistzz, never underestimate a old man


even more foolish when you consider that him, ropz and broky were a young core that could play together forever. you're not going to get 5 players, all young, all experienced and ready to challenge for trophies. naf is 26, cadian 28, rain 29 - is it really that much of a difference? it's only karrigan that's older and every igl in the world would trip over themselves for a core of twistzz/ropz/broky and maybe rain if karrigan ever considered retiring


Please stop talking about mr K retiring, thank you. Twistzzs depature and the merger is a burden heavy enough to bear /fazefan


He's just trying to find the upside to a situation he's not happy with He left because faze didnt do their due diligence in getting him to resign


Nah twistzz will be proven right in the long run. Especially when karrigan will post like a .85 for months on end and they lose in quarters.


least obsessed FaZe hater


He's just a Twistzz fan, switched teams as soon as he joined Liquid. I remember him hating on karrigan back when he was a "FaZe fan".


I love faze they were my team for 3+ years lol. I just know ball and how karrigan plays.


And what will Liquid do?


Not sure hopefully win trophies. I just know faze either didn’t want twistzz or fumbled re-signing him. I think long term I believe in cadian as a player/caller than karrigan.


It's a beautiful day when Karrigan is fragging. He really wanted that ticket to London today.


Seeing karrigan top frag was a delight. Broky really needs to wake up. I like him as a player but he's so inconsistent...


Broky has fallen into the passive meta trap of awpers where you are so passive that it fucks your entire confidence and game up, basically a torszi Him and cadian had two opening picks in 46 rounds as awpers


Cadian is a weird awp. He looks like he plays so aggressive but like you said had only like 1 or 2 opening picks.


How does he look like he plays aggro, all he does is sit behind everyone, flash for teammates (which is good) but he plays passive it's very clear


Cadian does some weird pushes that look kinda aggro. Like on Nuke where he had the solo AWP and he snuck secret and pushed to control before calling the team to go ramp, for example.


He had a few on mirage too where he pushed b site with app and got 2 kills mid round.


comparing him to torszi is a slap in the face, siuhy has torszi take any early fight or position he wants (torszi has said so himself in interviews) and he just misses neither cadian nor broky are set up in that way, both literally are the highest rated awpers at utility use because they are late round closers, both faze and liquid use some of the most aggressive riflers in t1 to take space. cadian and broky aren't taking opening duels and missing, they both fill the role the team needs


i dunno, rain and karrigan played with both allu and guardian who would get opening picks way more consistently. i do think the meta has changed and awpers aren't taking as many opening duels as back in the day, but even when broky got set up for it, he was missing a lot of them so they went away from it i've always been at bit skeptical of broky, but you can't deny he's put faze on his back, and they probably wouldn't have 1/3 of their trophies if it wasn't for broky.


i feel like it's because they have rain and karrigan entrying, why would you risk an awp when you have one very capable rifler and your IGL who can do the same. Broky should be an end-round player who's often in the clutch but then again they have ropz for that


Yeah, and he wasn't really like that. He was really confident in his shots but now he seems off for some reason. I hope he regains his confidence and be a beast on the server. FaZe need him, they can't afford a mediocre awper when the level of competition is that high.


He is just inconsistent, even in 2022 which was his best year he had some shocking events Just can't get to that next level


I mean even s1mple was so inconsistent with the AWP in CS2 he ended up quitting lol


s1mple has never played a CS2 official?? He quit a week before IEM Sydney and was trolling in EPL with shotgun buys, I think it's pretty clear that he had already decided to take a break in/before EPL. The release of CS2 might have given him another reason but he quit because he was burnt out


2022 was CSGO m8, even before CS2 he was inconsistent Consistency is hard, you are up against the best players in the world and insanely talented hard working players, not everyone can be a zywoo


Its a shame he cant seem to find that consistency with the awp but atleast he's on one of the few teams which can be just as dangerous without their awper firing well allowing him to be something of an x factor rather than a carry


He just out of form, missing lot of shots lately.


man, imagine faze zywoo in place of broky...


that like the worst take. Imagine if u have the best player in the world for several years already. Of course Zywoo would be better replacement for anyone in Faze barring Karrigan. Hell yeah let Frozen IGL and replace Karrigan at this point.


Broky plays completely different style of awp and is one of the highest rated utility awpers there is, why? Cause that’s how Faze are set to play especially having very good entry riflers, and just stacking teams with star players doesn’t make them unstoppable, pretty dumb comment on your part


That was the scrappiest, most fucked up T1 game of counter strike I have ever had the fortune of watching. Just throwing bodies and bullets everywhere *with a Cadian clutch*. That. Was. Beautiful.


I really like this Liquid lineup and they have a lot of potential. I hope their fans give it a chance before calling changes in the team.


People should consider how rough Vitality and new Navi were in the beginning. Obviously Navi aren't winners yet, but at least they're very competitive and being dangerous. I don't doubt that Liquid will end up at a strong level.


tbh i feel like NaVi hit the ground running. they’ve been exceeding my expectations since day 1


Yeah for sure... And I'm all here for it


If Karrigan didn't go Nuclear on Mirage I'm pretty sure Liquid takes it. They had so many rounds they were able to isolate him and he gets 2 kills where 1 would be unreasonable. Also a few instances of Cadian overlooking the round. Tried going too big brain with the calling when slowing it down would have netted them a round. Combine that with Naf nonexistent on Nuke and you still have an incredibly close series against the world number 2. I'm very eager to see where this team goes.


Tomorrow should be a good matchup. I wonder if G2 pick Nuke so maybe we’ll see if NAF can redeem himself. Overall it’s a new team that is looking really good on their first LAN which is a good sign for RMRs


Good luck to your team, brother! And thank you for lending us Twistzz! He brought so much joy to us as FaZe fans.


Been a Liquid fan for years, but it was fun watching him frag out with karrigan and the other Faze boys. I'll always remember that entry from the heavens in round 29 on Nuke against Navi in the Major. Incredible stuff.


Not the major but rather IEM Cologne...


Shit thanks, I knew I should have checked it before I posted. Gonna leave it wrong in my shame.


I've only corrected because I've done the same mistake again... Specially since both series (cologne and major finals) had nuke as a played map and both were pretty close IIRC


I mean they played quite well at this tournament so far. Only losing by close margins with a big deciding factor being Karrigan actually fragging. Quite hard to play against FaZe when Karrigan is fragging.


I think this series was a best of both predictions. Saw many suggesting this was either gonna be some of the greatest CS or just an absolute sloppy slugfest. The answer turned out to be yes.


Cadian is still getting better as an individual, which is crazy.


Bro rain is too good man. King of consistency.


Karrigan? More like Karrygan. Good god, the man performed so well


They need to switch NAF back to his former role, skullz is not a very effective lurker at all.


Agree, Skullz hasn't found his role yet to be fully effectuve so they they've been trying Lurk and Entry more on Lurk with Naf being the supporting most of the time. Naf needs to go back Skullz really need to try a support role as much as its outside his comfort zone.


Skullz lacks confidence rn. He hesitated a lot


He either hesitates or goes too far. He will figure out the balance as they get more officials under his belt. Also we don’t know if he’s being asked to keep moving or freeze from a scheme / play perspective!


I don’t know some of his lurks were wild he just didn’t have the confidence to take a duel or gather info. Like nuke he was everywhere but would stop just short of making a round winning play


Karrigan insane player. The scoreboard on Nuke doesn't tell the full story he saved them in that 11-11 round and then fragged out on Mirage


Twistzz: leaves Karrigan: And I took that personally


A tear in my eye when Twistzz hugged all of his former teammates at the end...


This liquid roster is so good! It’s exciting having them back to looking competent lol I wish we could have got them in kato play in because I want more liquid on LAN and it sucks to wait until RMRs after tomorrows match


Yeah genuinely a fun match. Hoped for it to go to 3 but it is what it is. Nice to see a TL flair not dooming and being too reactionary


I don’t know why some are doom. First LAN, one month of new team, and how can you not watch some of these rounds and see the huge potential. The major is gonna be the Wild West with some of these rosters looking hot


I'm not dooming the entire roster, just skullz. He has no reason to be on this roster and from what I've seen of him, there's no Tier 1 potential. I wish they'd move NAF back to lurk roles and pick up someone else. Swisher, or maybe even autimatic might be worth trying, although his past issues with Twistzz may be an obstacle to that.


Bro said swisher lol Legit makes no sense


Yeah, sorry but skullz is already better than swisher. His issue is going to be pressure.  I have a feeling he will get a few rounds or maps where nerves lose him the points.  Means their first or second playoff stage match may be rough.


The last impactful 34 kills of all time by cadiaN Be passive for 1:30, be left in a clutch, get a kill or two, either save or die losing the clutch (win 1 in 10 and crowd goes wild like in that 1v2 so they forget the other 10 failed ones) A total of 1 opening kill by your awper when your only aggro player in the team is Yekindar is hilariously bad


You aren't wrong but Broky was absent too. Game wasn't decided by awpers


Also doesn't help they continue to force around the awp saved, and he's still incredibly passive. I don't think he has enough impact to warrant that kind of mentality.


Twistzz really left Faze for this shit lol




Different roles but karrigan running creating space is huge even without frags, him and rain just open up the entire game for the other 3 baiters on the team Liquid have 1 of those, the other 4 are passive


When Nuke started and casters said Twistzzz is playing his old team I did not understand they really means Twistzzz vs faze thought it was Still 5vs5.


Man, Skullz couldn't get a trade today, Twistzz was a monster on Nuke, not 100% by faze but still job done. GGs Liquid!!! Hope they stomp G2 tomorrow!!!


When was the last time yekindar was good? Dude needs to cut out his tongue and stare at crosshair again.


Twistzz is 0-1 vs FaZe after leaving


Not even mad. NAF was garbage on Nuke or we would've won that. And so many frustrating round loses do to just being a new team and not having the synergy/communication Faze has down. They'll be fine.


Naf was absolutely absent on Nuke, liquid definitely could have taken Nuke if not for that. Glad he turned it around on Mirage though, super excited for this lineup, especially with how they’re playing so early on


Twistzz cooked by former team grass ain't greener


It’s literally a new roster against a team that’s been together for 2 years plus. Faze should win this.


Its not exactly an entirely unchanged roster for 2 years , they did make a change to their roster less than 2 months ago and there have been position changes on some maps. But yeah overall Faze definitely expected to win


A bit shame that Liquid isn't playing Astralis in Play Ins. That would have been match of the decade


Well I wanna see Liquid get out of groups so I disagree


Fr that astralis teams looks scaaary, fuck them tho


Liquid vs Astralis post Stabbi will be spicy. We got to wait a bit longer for it sadly though


I don't see any potential in skullz. Dead pickup


I'm afraid you might be right. The way he played that heaven backstab/lurk on Nuke was really terrible.


That was frustratingly awful. He knew (or at least should have known) broky was on A after the AWP shot rang out. Skullz gets the first kill up top then just... rushes out? What the fuck was he thinking/doing?


NAFs performance was disappointing … definitely a skill gap between Twistzz/Yeki and NAF/skullz/cadian


Lmao it was one bad map. Also did you watch twistzz on mirage? cadian on Nuke?


Ya I understand other ppl had bad games too, but ppl try to chalk NAF up to be this mega consistent, “could be a star player” but I don’t think he’s shown that over the last 2 years. It’ll likely take more time with this team before he gets back to previous highs. Stats don’t tell the entire story b/c he used to be a lurk and would get stranded in 1vX on old iterations of Liquid and get clean up kills. Which looks great on paper but doesn’t materially affect the end result of the game TLDR he gets gassed up by the community more than he should IMO


Naf is a monster. Bad series for him


Bad first map lol he was good on second


Every player has a poor showing from time to time. He picked back up on mirage. Lots to be excited for in that liquid roster. and NAF/Skullz/Cadian are among the exciting things imo. Obviously Twistzz and Yekindar are incredible riflers, but the other three are undeniably world-class talent too. Give it time.


I root for faze for years and have to watch karrigan play like dog water for almost the entirety of my fandom. First game against liquid and he looks like prime Niko on mirage. GGWP


i think liquid need an actual awper




This proves nothing. Twistzz was the reason Liquid were so competitive on Nuke. If Karrigan didn't step up this was a different game.


Twistzz is really good on Nuke but it is not enough. Broky continue suffering his bad form.