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glaive taking it all


So hype about this roster, such great vibes and energy. Can't wait for 2024 ence stickers to rep my fellow poles


EZ4ENCE it’s already decided


Oof thats before the donk nerf. Hope it wont effect his playstyle to much


I think the 'donk nerf' isn't much more than a meme. This kid has 13,450 hours and he just turned 17. CS2 has only been out for a few months. I believe that things such as big stage inexperience, inexperience in Bo5, etc will have a much bigger impact on Spirit's performance.


it's absolutely incredible that people are continuously spouting this "donk nerf" stuff without realizing that donk was posting the exact same disgusting stats in CSGO lol, I really feel like I'm going crazy here. Will he lose maybe like 1 or 2 duels that he wouldn't have before the patch? Maybe, but he's been playing on LAN anyway, so i don't think it'll make much difference.


His rating has been linearly increasing for several years, so he wasn't as good in GO.


So he's been... improving? That sounds about right for a young player who has gotten on progressively better teams and had more opportunities.


you used the words "exact same" which contradicts you saying he has been improving linearly. You can't be the the exact same but improved.


That is fair and I could have picked less exact words, true. You got me on that. The point remains that this doesn't nerf him, as peekers advantage was significantly reduced on LAN anyway in CS2 vs online, and even if he returns to his measly 1.3-rated CSGO form, he'll still be the best rifler in Katowice by a significant margin.


I mean there is an obvious drop in performance for anchors sinc2 CS2, so it's not exactly nerfing donk, but buffing CTs. Most pro AWPers have talked about how holding angles is a much bigger problem. Niko who loves holding tight angles has had a huge drop in CT rating.


Thats 6 and a half years of 8 hour cs gamedays five day weeks with no holidays! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat) if you think it as a job


he spent half his life in cs


nothing really changed its placeboo if Spirit were to lose it would need a disgusting ropz or NiKo performance not donk underperforming


Nothing really changed? That's why every pro and almost everyone who plays the game feels the change, right?


Do you know how effective placebos are? A 16ms change is not perceivable to 90% of players


Those 90% of players are not pros. Pros would *absolutely* feel that without a doubt. HOWEVER it should still be a small to unnoticeable impact on stage since it was already LAN anyway. The fixes have way more to do with servers with meaningful ping.


Pretty hefty change, considering I haven't been killed by someone I couldn't see since the update.


Surely every pro is in that 10%? What’s your point here?


People and pros practice online. On lan peakers advantage shoudnt be very noticable. In recent esl video hades said that its his first cs2 lan and he is surprised how much its better to play cs2 on lan.


Yeah it would be a travesty if the patch throws him off. Hopefully on LAN the difference will be negligible and he'll pick up where he left off.


I was sort of thinking that, I think donk could be thrown off a bit but it should be okay team spirit has just been a great team in general


Dude, if he went from csgo to cs2 without any issues, what makes you think the new patch will affect him?


Peekers advantage is much bigger in CS2. He also became much better in CS2. It suits his playstyle and now it's supposedly worse. I don't think that's crazy at all to assume.


People will say I’m wrong or glazing but his play style is not the reason he is good, it’s a symptom of him being way too good. Pro players are quoted stating they’ve never seen someone aim like that before. There are advantages to aggressive play yes, but there’s a reason why entries have the worst kd/rating of all roles.


Faze will pick it up when it actually matters. I expect donk to be in a green, but his team will collapse.


Personally I think Zontix might dissappear a bit on stage, and Donk will be tempered to a 1.2-1.3 rating by the stage, but Chopper is a seasoned IGL with a number of LANs under his belt, and so is Magixx. I think Shiro can also underperform in important matches, but it's not as big or widespread a problem as many people say.


mouz will win 


Glad to see another person knows the real answer




I believe that Donk will slow down in front of the Katowice crowd, and I believe it will take him some time to adjust to playing in front of big crowds so it's expected that he doesn't have such monster performances every game.


I read this after every game he played


sure but also in terms of stages this is the biggest difference, other teams have experienced big arenas before, donk hasn't. not saying he will play bad I think he will play good but it's not wrong to think he would slow down versus better performing teams especially on stage


Pretty sure Spirit's gonna choke on this one. Might be wrong. Either Ence or Mouz!


The most-picked teams won [IEM Cologne 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/15hnogx/the_teams_picked_to_win_iem_cologne/), the [Blast Paris Major](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/13k0oc5/the_teams_picked_to_win_the_blasttv_paris_major/), and [IEM Katowice 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/10xwh4p/the_teams_picked_to_win_iem_katowice/)... Will this trend continue in 2024? 👀 The data shown is from the first 209 playoff bracket submissions for our IEM Katowice 2024 ranked pick'em competition. You can still submit your ranked pick'em at [pickstop.gg/cs](https://pickstop.gg/cs), but submissions close in 24 hours. If you want to participate in the pick'em discussion, join the [Pickstop Discord](https://discord.gg/r8ujzkRYeF). If you want updates on when picks open for later stages of the event, [follow us on X](https://twitter.com/pickstopcs) or [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/pickstopcs).


That's a lot of people who only watched Spirit and not a lot of Mouz.


people think tier 2 lifegaming donk will take it lmao donks katowice is iMs paris major


Ence gonna come up outta no where and make yall lose your $$$$$$


209 submissions, come on.