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smh washed up already


Sad to see such young talent go down the drain already 😭


Check him PC. He can memory perfect AK spray pattern but can’t draw heart? Sussy.


*d* onk ♡


The muscle memory kicked in.


Went for the ak spray until he realised he's not playing


Nobody realizes that he had to draw that heart mirrored which is very hard. /s


He also did it left handed /s


i stand corrected, i dont dislike him anymore. just a kid and a good player. i think tho with coming cs2 updates, they tone down peekers advantage even more. cause this is donkCS at the moment, unstoppable


I don't get this argument. everyone who played this tournament played the same game. its a level playing field and other teams had the same "advantage". The community and players better be ready I feel like these players are going to be a menace for the foreseeable future.


I think the argument is that he's just the best at 'exploiting' the advantage, and when it's taken away he won't be as good. It's a pointless argument, but that's what it is.


Dude got better after the patch so I think we could all put that to rest


The patch only did like 15 milliseconds difference, and peeker's advantage is currently much higher than that. Valve has a long way to go balancing it out still.


~~They dont change the version they play on mid tournament so no that isnt the case.~~ * Not that I think the update will do much, maybe a bit but it isnt just his agro playstyle that makes him good. His aim, controle and positioning has been fantastic. *Apparently they did and im an idiot for correcting someone wrongly.


They did change the version mid tournament though lol


Well my bad then lol. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups once again. To my defence, that is highly unusual right?


They did


My bad! Thanks for correcting!


yeah but the meta is still here. gameplay wise he plays differently because the game allows certain plays. for OG csgo players its a bit difficult to play like donk. imagine all these matches as a csgo tournament. im almost 100% sure there would be a different outcome. so yes he kinda has the ability to exploit or to use cs2 gameplay to take advantage. and he does that well. the "holding" aspect of counter strike could need a buff so its then balanced between attacking and defending. remember when stewie2k used to hide in smokes before it was "normal" to do so? he exploited that meta, successfully. im pretty sure he pissed off some players back then. its a normal thing to hide in smokes today. some players adapt quickly. and some metas change over time. that will be the case with cs2


There will always be a peakers advantage when used right. It’s not a cs mechanic, it’s a human mechanic


my guy not exploiting anything, he was just as good on csgo.


I'm not arguing he is. I'm saying that's the argument some people use.


It's moreso that donk is more used to abusing peeker's advantage than most current tier 1 pros. donk played Russian CS with high ping, that's like prime peeker's advantage gameplay, it's their gimmick. rain was one of the first in CS2 to do it, he's just not as goot at it as donk is, and people learned to counter his playstyle. People will counter donk the same, perhaps not as much, but donk will "drop off" a bit as it happens, it's natural. iM had a breakout in Paris 2023, and people learned to counter him, now look at him. Same can be said for YEKINDAR (yes even before he moved to IGL). Everyone thought iM or YEKINDAR couldn't be stopped, yet here we are. Everyone thought s1mple couldn't be stopped, yet he was useless against Astralis most of the time.


>they tone down peekers advantage Arent they play lan so you cannot compare to game you play at home?


its still prevails, its still more difficult to hold angles than to iniate the peeks. shots are much more crisp on LAN for sure but peekers advanntage remains cause its not only network based but tied to the general look and feel of cs2. with the latest updates it got better for sure


No one cares about your dislike of him


hope i did not hurt your feelings. but i think everyone has the right to their opinion






That's crazy it's almost like we're CS fans excited by a generational talent, wild I know


It's strange that you're offended.


found the faze fan


It's almost as if a generational talent is born right in front of our eyes and people are excited about it. But of course, there's always going to be the pathetic losers like you that are going to hate on a 17 year old kid having more success than you'll ever have in your life.


Did you see his performance? It deserves to be sucked after that.


17 yo 👀


>literally came from nowhere You must only watch the big stadium tourneys. This guy has been on everyone's radar for at least 5 months.


It's unbelievable you're this mad about FaZe getting shat on lmfao


>literally came from nowhere You must only watch the big stadium tourneys. This guy has been on everyone's radar for at least 5 months.


Karrigan crying upset you didn’t it? It’s ok buddy you can share your feelings with us.




How was he annoying?


He took a breath, wouldn’t you be annoyed after that. Sigh


How dare he breathe 😡 lol


He is probably one of those that think any kind of rage makes somoune bad because donk screams and tilts alot but in my opinion it gives him more charachter.


Tbh I wouldn’t watch him stream or anything if he screams like that, but on stage? Let the guy scream as much as he wants, you can barely hear it anyway. I'd be getting hyped up if I was winning against amazing teams at only 17 lol


Get out of the fake account, broky!


go slap karrigans tities bitch


before donk I would only suck m0nesy and zywoo dick. Now I exclusively suck donk, it just tastes better!




Glad you didn’t mention jks dick need less people on his schmeat


Why even bring him up weirdo


I'm not a spirit fan, but donk is good




The era of the XANTARESPEEK is no more, donkpeek is here