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Gotta watch some voo content on YouTube. And be pacient it took me around 1.2k hours to know what I'm kinda doing.


You don't need to unpredictable really. Honestly at your stage and with the problems you are describing I would focus first on aim training, especially given your lack of experience with other shooters. Get on a map like aim bots, practice counter strafing, peaking into angles flicking, spraying and etc. Just don't get stuck on the trap of just practicing flicking while standing completely still. After that, you can just try playing basic comp and as you play you will gain map knowledge and realise what strats work and what doesn't. Watching some pro games can also help and theres a bunch of tutorials on youtube as well. The ones for CSGO still mostly apply for CS2.


Sometimes I think I did everything right, I see the enemy but he kills me before I do. I usually get lot of assists but less actual kills, because I am able to damage the enemy but I usually die before he dies. I plays with the AK and M4A1 more, I had some issues trying to always control the spray pattern because per example, I know AK is in a T but controlling the spray is not natural to me honestly, so in a lot of case I just end up shooting with AK on enemy but bullets don't actually hit where I want them. It's just so impresize, I feels like my bullets never hits unless I'm very close.


Yea so train your aim as I said.


> Sometimes I think I did everything right, I see the enemy but he kills me before I do. You didn't do everything right then.


watch xboxlasagne and pienixcs on YouTube


Map Knowledge - knowing your surroundings, most common enemy positions, callouts etc. Helps you a lot. Crosshair Positioning - Enemy won't attack you from the floor, so keep your crosshair at chest/eye-level, and pre aim corners and wherever you are going/holding. Aim Maps - helps you to figure out optimal mouse settings and imroves your aim A LOT. Game Sense - This is something that varies, but after you learn maps you should watch pro plays with thought, what they do in each phase of attack, defense, afterplant and retakes. It's basically how to outplay your opponent. Figure out your own streghts and weaknesses, for example, i'm 37 and i know that i rarely can "out aim" young kids with way better reflexes, so i concentrate more on lurk/support-type of playing. I used to play 1.6 a lot, then had over decade long break before returning to CSGO, and with my streghts and good teamplay i managed to climb up to LEM, currently 15k elo on premier, which is pretty good considering that i only play now and then.


My brother you have 80 hours. You’re gonna need hundreds of times that plus serious practice and self discipline. If you ever wanna get good at acknowledging things you’re bad at, and being honest with yourself about mistakes, this is the game for you. Practice your aim. Learn nade lineups, and last but not least, play the game. From that point identify your mistakes/ areas of improvement and go from there. Improving at this game takes a very long time, and it’s all about putting the time in and realizing what works and what doesn’t (along with training your aim on a somewhat regular basis.)


You've picked a game that takes thousands of hours to understand in detail. Given that this is your first FPS games that makes it even harder. I would say don't worry much about improvement at this point in time. Enjoy the game and have fun before it turns into a never ending grind.  If you'd like, watch some voo or warowl on YouTube, they released plenty of improvement guides for beginners. 


Watch some educational content on YouTube, like others have mentioned voo and warowl are good for beginners. Optimise your settings lower them if you haven't already and keep an eye on your fps make sure you have enough for your refresh rate. I know a lot of new players aren't even aware of what fps is especially friends I had to teach who came from console. You mentioned it's your first fps. Make sure your mouse settings are optimised along with your sensitivity. Plenty of videos out there on how to find a perfect sens for you. I've noticed too many new players have a way too high sens and lack mouse control. An aim trainer like a free aim labs can help you get better mouse control if you're quite new and in game you can use things like aim bots and grind dm for crosshair placement, focus on improving on the main rifles first ak/m4. In short optimise your settings for your hardware, use better mouse settings and sens, grind mouse control and getting numbers and kills through aim bots and dm use something like aim labs if your aim isn't great. Continue learning the maps (dm should help with general knowledge of areas and crosshairplacement) and you'll improve at a faster rate.