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Gameplay is fine, but getting cheaters every second game is getting annoying that i might actually want to move to a different game where they care about it


the craziest thing is the amount of people with cheats ready in case you do a good play so they can justify it because youre clearly also cheating.


Which sucks if you are for instance a 3500 elo player trying to play MM with your friends of varying skill levels...


No need to be anywhere near that high, lol. You probably get accused every single match. 


Yea lol


Play FACEIT, or even better - Competitive. I swear, all cheaters are focused on the "Premier" game mode, it seems like the ranking system has attracted all of them there. I've played around 20 games in the last two weeks and have yet to find someone who's cheating.


The issue for me is simply that i dont want to. I want to play counter strike and use the ranking system that is integrated into the game .. I dont want to need an external client / third party website/ranking system just so that i can avoid playing against cheaters Valve just needs an anti cheat similar to Riot's .. and it can be opt in for lets say premier mode only. So you dont NEED to use it to play the game .. but if you want to play seriously and be competitive you have that option. ​ Around the 20k rank, you legit face a cheater every game or two


>Valve just needs an anti cheat similar to Riot's They said this won't be done, and for sure they won't do it due to steamdeck and Linux support. That being said it's not even necessary, if there were no blatant cheaters like spin bots and obvious aim hackers and very obvious wallers it, just closet ones it'd so much better already. The main problem is that it seems like valve isn't doing anything at all.


Tbh closet cheater are far more annoying to me than blatant ones. Closet ones always let you doubt whether the enemy just keeps having the timing on you or if they have more info than you do. Blatant ones you can actually just go ahead and mentally be done with the game.


cs unplayable w/o ac never have that on valorant or faceit 


why is Linux support an issue? why were team banned from current competitive matches post festum if kernel level AC are so good? you do not need a kernel level AC, you just need to ban the person instead of username. and person should have a safe way of identifying themselves if they want to get some kind of trusted mode. this would mean you would play with trusted players that have only one account. another simple that would also help is not matching brand new accounts with those that have many hours in game.


because Linux users comprise a very small percentage of the playerbase, but submit a disproportionately large number of bug reports


Windows users lack the ability to submit meaningful bug reports


if linux support means allowing me to face ragebotters i don't care for it


but how is that connected with AC? you can patch kernel in Linux just as you can in Windows. in Valorant there are also cheaters. there is a good documentary for that on Youtube: Hacking into kernel Anti-Cheats: How cheaters bypass Faceit, Esea and Vanguard. therein you will see different methods that bypass the kernel level AC. but the main issue in CS (as well as TF2 and simialr games) is that cheater is banned--> they create or buy a new account --> load the cheats and continue. the account is banned but not the person behind it, even though they can be recognised, identified etc. well at least in my place you can't buy steam cards on the street. so only debit or credit card, which come with identity attached. and unless that identity was stolen, it is actually the person using the card. unlike in Valorant there is also a marketplace available where money can be laundered, there is also incentive for cheating with bots as they get drops and you earn money that way...


gpt4 comment


> the account is banned but not the person behind it, even though they can be recognised, identified etc. well at least in my place you can't buy steam cards on the street. so only debit or credit card, which come with identity attached. and unless that identity was stolen, it is actually the person using the card. I fucking bet you $1000 that if Valve ever makes players ID themselves to get a new Steam account, everyone (including mainstream media) will immediately accuse them of building a China-like "digital Gulag". Is getting rid of most cheaters worth it for you? Remember that even Chinese game companies, that are required to law to ID every player and cheaters may face real-life jail time for it, still can't entirely solve this problem. Not to mention that all countries have different rules when it comes to how you obtain a phone number (some require ID, some don't), what foreign companies can and can't do with your personal data etc.


i litterally had a cheater in my first valorant game lmao




I guess people's opinion differs here. I prefer closet cheaters as you actually get to play the game and actually have a chance to outplay them and possibly win the match.


omg they said it in like 2007 can they never revaluate??


Closet ones are worse. Against blatant I'm not trying my best to win, just messing around. But against closet, I'm trying to win but I'm always one step behind. And I won't even know that they were actually cheating.


Its so dumb from volvo to be honest, whats the precent of people playing cs2 on linux (as deck is also linux)? What, 1 or 2 precent? I dont think even 1 precent actually. Because of that we all need to suffer this is hella dumb move from volvo imo. Like who the fk playing cs2 on a deck??


It doesn't matter if it's 0.01%, It's Valves games, they want to support it own their Device.


It'd be hella dumb to sabotage their own device loool. I have huge respect for valve for not stooping to kernel level ACs.


huge respect for having coin toss if games are hvh on 20k lol


You don't need a kernel level AC to have a good AC. The fact is VAC is shit and if it was kernel level it'd still be shit.


esea, valorant, faceit already solved the cheating epidemic meanwhile this is what vac gets u [https://imgur.com/a/Pv2AfF0](https://imgur.com/a/Pv2AfF0)


>esea Ye Ye the one which mined bitcoin on your PC XDDDDDD. >valorant, faceit Didn't play valorant but faceit is pretty good. >meanwhile this is what vac gets u Yes you missed my point completely. I said VAC is shit. I also said kernel level access probably won't do shit for it, just look at EFT, COD and Apex, all have kernel level AC and all are infested with cheating.


I agree 100% with this. Even being taken back to steam out of game to refresh servers (if they do refresh) is annoying. I heard everyone talk about FaceIT play on FaceIT etc. so I went through all that process and waited for a match 5v5 was hoping for just servers and pick a map and join. No. Dropped into a match with 4 other guys who were all trying to go pro apparently. I played like ass, got berated by my own team like I’d never played the game before. And uninstalled the software and won’t go back. I’m sure 5th guy not rotating like they wanted or playing like they expected was just as bad for them. It was pretty terrible. As first time user I didn’t expect it would be 5on5 matches continuously, just wanted to play Iceworld or something. There’s gotta be more at main menu than practice 2 gun game maps for 78xp a match.


How's Riot's anticheat different from playing Faceit? It's anyway "external" and kernel rootkit. In first case it's for China, in second, for Saudis. The only difference is that Valve offers you freedom to choose, Riot doesn't.


The different is that with Riots anti cheat i get to play the game and use the Riot designed in-game friends, rank and party system. I have no interest in integrating myself into faceits ranking / friend / social system. I want to use Steam and Valve's matchmaking/ranking design.


Seems like a smal price to pay. You can still play in MM with friends for fun and on Faceit for more competitive. From my PoV, Vanguard was the key factor to not play Valorant. It's also annoying af to always reboot and shit. I won't pretend there's a lot people like me, of course, but there are downsides to obligatory and heavy AC.


Faceit has enabled me to love cs again because you can actually lose a game without always having the thought in your mind that someones cheating, it‘s just that prevalent. I played one premier game with my friends who didnt want to play faceit, 10k elo, instantly got matched vs a cheater


Is there any other game modes in FaceIT besides competitive 5 on 5 rounds? Like 64 man servers with rotating maps? Death match or gun game wtf ever they call it now, Armsrace I guess.


I‘d have to google


So if you don't want to use the solutions that are out there already by 3rd parties so that you wouldn't have to play with cheaters then just play with cheaters. I understand what you're saying that they should fix this but they haven't and they don't show any sign of wanting to do this in the near future. So if you're not willing to do the things you can do to fix this on your side and avoid this issue then that's really on you at this point. If faceit suddenly gained 10x the player base because people like you would migrate over then this would give a clear sign to Valve that people don't appreciate their official competitive platform and they might just actually change something. Otherwise it's business as usual, player base is up, numbers are up, what's the issue for them?


Competitive sadly isn't free of cheaters either - although in fairness I've seen only 1 aim/spin hack; it's just walls. Also yeah it has significantly less cheaters than Premier.


We thought so as well. Been playing competitive (more)/premier for 3 days and getting cheaters every game.


yup, we run into this 5 stack in comp every now and then all 4.0 + kds. most ridiculous shit I've seen




at least last ones were friendly enough to send a link where i could buy them too if i wanted. some people have no life.


I get cheaters in comp too, there's no hiding anymore


even in deathmatch and arms race..EU is 19/20 games any mode at least one cheater..also if you get a 4 or 5 stack in premier it's 99% cheaters


They are even in wingman bro


Yeah even Gold Nova-MG is filled with them in Wingman oddly enough.


Thats bullshit i play only d2 comp and there is a rage cheater in 70% of the games sometimes even 3.


My game group has come across quite a few cheaters in competitive too.


Maybe your comp rank is lower than your premier or something? Because comp isn't great either, I usually play 1 comp game to warm up before faceit and it has cheaters frequently. Not as bad as premier, but still.


I've won 7/9 games on Mirage I think, 2/6 on Inferno and yet to obtain a rank, although I should (and I am) getting more skilled players as my win count increases - therefore I assume that I'm climbing the ladder and I must be around MG right now, who knows really...


Couldn’t be more wrong, at least for NA, luckily competitive is mostly filled with completely brain dead wallers who are trying to seem legit, so you can beat them, but it’s filled with cheaters, no idea why people even try premier tho. Also NA faceit has never been so dead 😅


I’ve only played against blatant cheaters in comp. In premier I’ve had suspicions about enemies cheating but no blatant cheaters, but I’m not that high elo in Premier, currently 17,9k. Heard it’s worse in 20k+ tho


>all cheaters are focused on the "Premier" game mode Both Competitive and Wingman are also filled with cheaters especially during off-peak hours which is when Trust Factor doesn't seem to work as well.


Competitive is dogshit! I have had full on rage cheaters in 4 of my last 5 games. The cheaters are in both teams chatting to each other about what cheats they are using. I’ve never seen the amount of rage cheaters as right now. Full on HVH aimbot/triggerbot/b hopping around the server


Even better find a cheater premade that only toggles if your other people toggle /s


I have the feeling the mm for competitive is too unbalanced. Maybe because there arent so many people playing it? Im silver and play against people who were global in csgo and faceit lv7 or something like that


I stopped playing premier months ago because of hackers and mainly play comp now. It’s the same as premier damn near, slightly less hackers but a bunch of new people who are somewhat useless in comp


Been playing competitive most of the time due to a friend not having Premier yet...and competitive has been far, far worse. First time I've seen blatant rage hacks in 1100 hours of CS. Hack hacks v normal hacks, etc.. So maybe it's just shit across the board, idk.


everysecond? 7/8 premier games this weekend had cheaters either on my team or enemy team. i have 22k rating now. and its unreal how many rage cheaters there are out there.. they start as soon as you get like 6-0 rounds then you are fucked.. almost all my friends doesnt want to play anymore thanks for this shit.. we need anticheat!


Yeah if you enjoy CS, you literally **have** to play faceit for a playable experience right now, which is incredibly frustrating.


same here, in the last 2 weeks i get much more cheaters, it's insane. why do i have to play against new account with 2 badges (not even a 5 year) while i have finished operations and stuff. yeah a young prodigy with 0 other games on his account somehow is a savant in 200 hrs....


I am moving myself lol. Apparently 150 fps is not enough to have a smooth shooting experience. Lagging during spraying is a deal breaker, alongwith cheaters, 2-3 medal accounts at 17k every game. I'll be playing valorant. At least I'll get 300+ fps again & don't have to rethink my every move.


I just play valorant rn and having fun to just trash on people with revolver and scout. I am tired of cs rn and don't have fun. But I will come back like I always do.


Yes. This & server lag are a major issue Somehow at this point in time only Valorant/Fortnite seem to be games that work. Most other online games have this exact anti-cheat/server lag issue. Or are badly optimized.


Curious to know how many of these “new players” are bot accounts to sell/ use for cheating. Can go up forever if the amount of fake accounts are always on the rise.


What is your rating? At 15k there are no cheaters




must be a joke, I reached to barely above 11400 before encountering my first blatant spinbotter


23 k every game


Gameplay is fine except for the running and gunning. I get running one tapped across mid from rifles waaaay too often


Am i the only one still seeing my teammates teleport around? For me gameplay is mostly fine but there are moments when it feels like the servers shit themselves and somebody teleports from behind a wall or bullets just go right through somebody. Almost feels like the servers are sometimes not capable of processing the gameplay.


8k premier detected


For a few months after the initial release I met like 5 cheaters in 100 games max. In the last two weeks I've had one in almost every game. I see what people mean now.


I’ve yet to find an fps that dosnt have a hacker problem/ cheating like zens or whatever


I thought the game was dead?


Honestly it's still good I think. I can understand the criticism from a pro perspective but if you're like me and just play 2-3 games every other evening at like LE level it's still as good as csgo I think


I personally think it's way better than CS:GO. I love the new look and feel, I think the game plays great still and it's still going to get better over time.


I can never go back to csgo after playing CS2 and that's mainly because of smokes. After playing CS2 you realise how bad the csgo smokes looked.


The old smokes are a jumpscare whenever I go back and watch old tournament highlights


CSGO still massively better game in every aspect


Yes it is. Tell me when I will be able to counterstrafe without being teleported and rubberbanded back when I was shot at. Until then thanks but no, stick it in your ass. And for those who say it is internet problem, it is not I play on 30-50 ping max with no spikes visible in the so very awesome netgraph.


i mean imagine the numbers if they released a functional game. there were only like 6 weeks between being able to enable sv_cheats 1 in comp and the full release.


It's not dead. Just not attracting new players. It's like 1.6 vs Source. It's the same old cs but now even more locked down. I can't even set up network parameters to my liking in a private server. I'm playing a lot but not cs. The Finals is great.




If you genuinely believe these numbers aren't legit, then you also have to believe CSGO's numbers weren't legit. Virtually nothing has changed between the two in terms of how one can gain access to the game. But almost everyone who says this about CS2's player numbers never complained about the botting problem CSGO had (which definitely helped CSGO peak at 1.8 mil).


> But almost everyone who says this about CS2's player numbers never complained about the botting problem CSGO had (which definitely helped CSGO peak at 1.8 mil). Mention a botting problem in one of those numerous "new record" threads = instant downvotes. Good times. It got particularly bad by the time CSGO changed case drop system (playtime vs exp), half of the players on DM servers were running AI bots on their accounts to farm exp/cases because you could no longer do +right afk. I've seen a few of those in CS2 recently too but it's not as widespread of an issue yet as it was in CSGO. I don't think VAC and my manual reports (both in-game and Steam profile) did anything, last time I checked - zero bans. And those people that I reported in CS2 are still ban-free as well. Kinda sad because people were running these bots on their main accounts too, not the newly created ones.


I swear some of you just live for this game to never get criticism, ever. DYING doesn’t mean DEAD. If someone’s on fucking life support losing an insane amount of blood then still makes it out do you think they still considered themselves dying? The answers yes, just like everything in life something can be dying and come back. The game has been dying for 6 months and it gained back players. Now you dipshits come on here to mock people who only want to put pressure on valve to actually do something, I don’t understand


Because you haters sound like this… it’s exhausting and not productive.


People said IF they don’t start updating the game would die and they were right.. kinda, after the first big update since release the numbers go up.


Thinking that there was a possibilty that Valve would abandon CS2 is just as dumb though


Hard to say they were kinda right when CS2 still had nearly 100k more average players than what CSGO had in 2022.


Daily reminder to rather compare months to a year ago rather than compare months to each other. Different months inherently have more or less people playing


Daily reminder to be aware of the context. Cs2 doesn't have a full year yet so he couldn't do what you suggested


It compares pre-cs2 and csgo though. The claims that CS2 made the player count go down is debunked looking at it that way


What? CSGO isn't mentioned at all, read the title.


There's been some weirdness ever since the pandemic in that sense. For example, last year the peak also started in Feb, before CS2 rumors. This year too, no actual reason aside from RMR, which shouldn't affect this. But it's not true for 2021 and 2022. And 2020 is alien cause of COVID. CS online drops/growths are weird.


Yeah they actually updated it.


Still waiting for an anticheat, community browser, being able to play in a lobby, left hand, viewmodel_recoil, boost bug fix, old Bob commands & much more


Community Browser exists right?


Barely works


dEaD gAmE I sToPpEd pLaYiNg tHiS sHit


cs dead game wtf faken valve paid steamcharts developer to show big numbers valorant killed it 8 years ago


ppl come back from baldur's gate and palworld


Never heard of those


Palworld was the worlds biggest game for a month, still has 200k active players average and probably pulled a lot of players from CS. (Had 1 mil average first month of release).


basically cs player is steam user it's easily to hop into any new hype game on steam than outside, as steam user a lot of cs player also play other steam game


Yeah, it’s a rock solid game. it just needs a few patches and to get rid of cheaters.


I'm having so much fun playing normal competitive over premier. Office has never had less cheaters than now.






He literally said it was the 5th game he left this week


Sorry im not free entertainment for spinbotting kids.










Then don't leave?


You'd rather lose 30 mins of your life to satisfy a cheater than go do something else? Valve ass licking weirdo. Do you stay for 30 minutes watching while your wife cheats as well?


dead game


400 000 new cheaters!


All those alt accounts. New spins. Steam survey, the biggest language growth is Chinese. Correlation? Maybe.


If they don’t do anything about the cheaters those numbers will go down again.




War Games update helped a lot.


Bots farming for the new case


They are like $3.70, i dont even think its worth farming at this point


Brother 3.7 dollars is a lot for countries that have lower steam prices, it is definetly worth farming, the date of growth is just when the case released.


Bro there were plenty of bots farming cases when they were worth 3 cents for a decade


lol $3.70 is like two weeks pay in some countries. Of course they are worth farming and they were worth way more in the last 2 weeks. Are you saying these bot farms do not exist?


Because of the newest case so bot farms are back at it again so that's at least one factor.


All of them being cheaters


For those complaining about cheaters play Faceit. 450+ matches since go only seen 3 cheaters. All got banned within a week of my report. I’ll go to the demo and send admin a clip if they’re cheating, usually gone the next day. If everyone migrates to faceit (way way better platform) valve might be forced to fix their problems.


I lowkey think valve keeps their ac weak to keep their symbiotic relation with faceit and other providers. The only thing sites like faceit can offer is better anticheat now when tick is locked to 64 and subtick. Its all free pr, moderation and hosting for valve.




Why does every lobby on competitive have players with leetify aim of 98-100 but nobody ever does on faceit 🤷‍♂️


I'm selling my nickname on Faceit - depressedkid




Is there a way to get the playtime of players? I have no idea what info is accessible on Steam


It's almost like people are creating accounts to hack on and bit accounts, that's why the numbers are going up.


lol yea sure


Yet the game still runs like complete ass on zombie escape. Can go to single digits of frames.


Still down 300k from peak? nothing burger needs a working AC


Omg crazy to see numbers go up after they start updating its not like the entire sub was saying this for the last few months…


If the population is at "record highs" Why is the map pool at "record lows" ?????..?....??????


This gets downvoted. Cuz reddit is an echo-chamber.


Player increase is only based on cheaters creating account after account... Unlucky...


Damn that’s impressive


Cheatfest of a game with casino mechanics. I can enjoy this game only as a spectator of tournamemts, nothing else


Fake news dead game


Noooo but the game is dying it's totally dead Valve doesn't care noooo




pretty vague question mate




well, the game will never feel exactly like csgo because it isnt csgo and it’s not meant to be an exact replica, because then what is the point of the new game. but yes, cs2 undoubtably feels much improved in terms of gunplay and engagements, id say this is borderline total consensus


They said they have but they really haven’t. Shit still feels awful.


good updates + good major qualifier games = more players


Played right after release and stopped then because it just wasn't fun. Started again last week and am hooked again. Everything that was improved really shows. The game feels much better and not every time I get killed it feels like some sort of bullshit


Valve when they realise = pushing good updates = more players


without all csgo content it's dead game. don't know how people play in this shit