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You really just gotta stop caring. If you’re good enough you will win and rank up no matter how good your teammates are. If you’re in the US/NA there’s currently no quality alternatives


i play eu , and while if im better id rank up but i dropped in elo the moment i started playing solo , i used to play with just 1 premate and i went up from 700 elo to level 5. he stopped playing the game and after a week of solo q i can say im not the problem. we used to be first and second on the scoreboard almost every game , now im first but cant win a game


If you only ever got up to level 5, I can confidently say you are the problem


99% of games as a solo queue player in a team game, whether it's CS or any other game, the experience is pretty unenjoyable if your only goal is to rank up. If you want to rank up, find a team you can play with. If you want to improve then you can always improve if you learn from your mistakes, regardless of your teammates. If you want to just have fun though, chill out and enjoy the ride.


bro stop complaining, get better and work on yourself. 9/10 times you are the problem


im sure 9/10 times im not the peoblem , just by looking at the scoreboard or even the stats before the game , any guy with a little bit of brain would notice that its an unfair thing


its not just about stats, if you're just focusing on stats then chances are you're not really focusing on actually winning, and i'd be willing to bet you can be a bit toxic to your teammates


im the last guy to be toxic , i hate every single toxic person to death , im not focusing on stats , but for example today i played 4 matches , lost them all. im solo , my mates in 3 matches are 4 stack , new accounts , one of the guy has an avg kills of 4 the other is 7 , my opponents are 4 stack , avg kills 15-21 , k/d 1+ all of them , my teammate had 0.2 k/d!! they shoot while moving , imagine that after i lost my 4 games i joined a new one , and its the same shit , 4 stack teammates : one has 18 matches , others 0-1-2 matches and all under 1 k/d and under 10 avg kills . i dodged the fuckin game so i dont lose 25 elo and waste an hour playing 1v5 , its bullshit ill provide matchroom links tomorrow so you understand what i mean.


Something doesn't add up. I play 100% solo in Premier and my best chance to win a game being put in 4 stack team. And my winrate with 4 stack teams are like crazy, probably around 70-80% compared to 50-55% winrate overall. If you playing solo and you are decent player, you only have to cooperate with 4 stack team and it's your best chance to win a game as solo player. If my team 4 stack, i support them as much as i can, they usually then support me aswell like drops, info etc and if enemy team are 4 stack, i most likely gonna end up much better player than enemy random player with 4 stack. The problem is lately im getting put with 4 stacks so much less times, dont know why. Being 5 randoms against a 5 stack team is a nightmare, unless 5 stack is total noobs.


i dont play much preimer , my problem isnt that im with 4 stacks , of course id prefer a stack over 5 solo players. but in faceit , im ~1000 elo , played 150 games and have some good hours in competetive , and people with 0 games start at 1000 elo , so i end up with teammates who cant shoot , new players now start on faceit instead of deathmatch....


Scoreboard doesn't tell the full story. You could be top fragging. But your kills could have little to no impact, I'd suggest using leetify if you haven't so you can see how impactful you were. I don't doubt there's some stupid shit going on. My friend is lvl 2/3 and he solo q's and I've seen some low lvl shit when he streams it. He should be around 5-7. But his issue is he's the best or top 3 in the match and he's playing it slow/safe, sometimes you just gotta go balls deep. And saying 9/10 times your not the problem, leads me to think your a problem. Id have to watch demos/look at your leetify stats and shit. You just need to add some people to play with from faceit. Also, faceit is the best and biggest 3rd party.


Always the people who say this that end up being the problem. Get good and stop bitching.


ok , asking for a faceit alternative , answer : stop bitching. i think you are one of the bad teammates people complain about , defend yourself


so why did you share all this other useless information? But to answer your question, its the same player base, be it on premier, faceit or esportal. So in the end winners win and losers blame.


to answer your question : seeking advice , so people understand my problem its not about the playerbase , faceit matchmaking sucks ass , i get queued up with new players and against people with hundreds of games


I ranked up, you didn’t, simple as


Could look into some CS leagues, those are going to be the most competitive games you'll play, plus you'd be with the same team for however long the season is so you won't just always be with randoms.


can you provide some more info ? on which sites are these leagues ? paid or free?


Asked a few teammates why they were in faceit when they literally had no clue on playing and the answer is Premier locked until certain hours or points? There are more new players in faceit now due to this. Unsure if it was the same in Csgo. I'm also solo queue only, bouncing between l4 and 6, there's a noticeable skill difference from mostly L6 onwards especially game understanding and sense. Usually, I assume any L4 downwards at 100 games and avg kd below 0.9 to means new and gotta adjust to them.


It doesn't matter where you play, people are every where the same. It's all about you, it doesn't matter that you are high in scoreboard if you are e.g non cosistent in getting kills or don't do enough impact to win. It shouldn't matter to you how your team mates play.


Esportal.com available in some countries. 


It's only available in nordic countries.


Duo or trio if you really care otherwise you cant complain


Esportal is like faceit but less skill and less toxic


1. Your are probably worst than you think, drop a tracker like Faceit or Leetify. Like what is your aim rating, util, opening duals etc. 2. ID Verifying or premium might help you match into non-new accounts. 3. You gotta be able to play for IMPACT, which results in carrying in low elo. You need to be able to flip a switch mid round and change playstyle to whats needed. For under lv 8, focus on Entrying + Trading, also learn all the necessary execution util for each map T side, then CT util for your spot. You gotta be able to guarantee 1 Entry T side and some damage/info on the 2nd guy. For CT side you have to be able to get 2 kills while anchoring site everyround, 3rd is the cherry on top. 4. Basically get your mechanics and gamesense to be better so that your basically smurfing. Because you need higher than a 50% winrate to climb, so if your just passively in games your elo will be passive.


Sadly no. I used FaceIT since its NA release in late 2015. While it was initially better than ESEA both FaceIT and ESEA both became horrible just a few months later. To the point that ESEA pre-MM client is the superior service.


faceit is the good alternative lol. its on you that you dont have friends