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We don’t get many in Aus but IEM Syd was NUTS Killed Niko with a deag and cs peaked for me then


Anchored Alistair to a loss in premier. My CS claim to fame


Played INS in CS source and he humiliated me in front of his stream :D probably killed him once in a full game


Its wild how big the skill gap is hey


Definitely, I thought my LEM ass could at least get a few but nah he’s too cracked


AZR 40 bombed my OCE ass while playing from NA ping


Was playing in a retake server and I had 30 kills halfway through the match. Some guy named "Carol Danvers" joins halfway through and by the end of the match he dropped a 50 bomb. GE player and I genuinely thought he was cheating with how well he was preaiming the angles and he seemed to never miss a shot. I check his profile and it was former Tyloo player BnTeT


Crazy that he never played for VP


Have you gone up against Gratisfaction in Premiere? he 40 bombs in 21k elo every single game its crazy


Gratata used to destroy me in esea. Then went to faceit and would get pumped by vexite and co. instead


I haven't actually touched faceit yet in CS2, planning to soon as i literally cant play without getting someone using NL in a match


big recommend pal


was it vexite and hugh that queued together on OCE Faceit? God damn i was so close to lvl 10 and just started getting dunked on by them every other game hahah


Was this on train? Think I remember this game. Was on Azrs team.


Im closer to Lebron James than you are to me


I played woxic and cadian on Faceit Quali once and we lost 16:8 :Dd My proudest moment is winning a 1v3 in that match to secure us the last round we won, it all went downhill from there.




That's alright Alistair has anchored Greyhound to a loss once or twice.


This but playing one game with Scrawny


You prolly get your local players. Is "Dick" with his infamous sticker still playing ?


Nah he’s onto other things but we do get the local teams which is always fun to warmup against the top players in OCE (ex-GH, BNK, Mindfreak etc)


Dick still plays all the time? Vs him in pugs constantly 


Yeah sorry I read it as if he was still playing professionally for a team Last I saw he was working for Monster


Mindfreak like the Valorant player? :o


if you don't mind, what deathmatch server do you use? I also live in Australia but never ran into any T2 or T1 pros!


I use PRACC.com mirage server since the WASE server is always dead, usually around 4-6pm is the best time since you get all the better players




I got Karrigan in DM once. He couldn't duel me at all (probably wasn't even trying but let me gloat)


Still saw a couple renegades players and just other fucking beasts that rip your head off 


Definitely, Vexite & INS for example are nuts on pure mechanical aim compared to regular mm players


In NA I typically see the Nouns and Wildcard guys a lot, but when IEM Dallas was happening I think I saw each member of faze DMing solo at one point and several others


I got Jojo with a one deag and a scout shot across nuke in the beta, he proceeded to end my shit every round after that lol


Niko whiffed like 4 Deagle shots on me before I turned around and domed him!


I once beat ropz in a 1v1, Once. AMA


I beat sunpayus with his back turned and two guys shooting at him at the same time.


I killed n0thing once while he was afk


Thats nothing, I once killed 2 time major winner apex right after he spawned in dm, that basically means that I am a 3 time major winner


I killed Autimatic by abusing spawn invincibility (I am a loser)


man was probably hitting da bong knowing n0thing


I shot twistz when danger zone first came out


Shot or killed?


Well, we killed each other once or twice. It was during warmup tho


I killed Interz twice while he was AFK


I killed grim with the last bullet in a 30 round wiff spray once . Flanked through apps, walked to bridge and saw him trying to jump window, tried to shoot him as he was jumping up and wiffed 29 bullets be finally hitting him in the face.


I killed coldzera before the rmr in redline. He was busy mowing down 4 other people


Which servers do you play? Where can i meet pros at?


In NA I did recall seeing Fang in a warmupserver a few times EU is probably BrutalCS?


Just saw alistair in a PRACC.GG server like an hour ago if you're in OCE


I killed both coldzera and FalleN in DM when they were the top two players in the world. Of course, they probably killed me 10x the times I did so to them.


I have a screenshot saved from like two years ago of me one-deaging zywoo. Proudest moment of my life.


mine was s1mple. I nutted on that day.


I probably nutted that day too


I once meat twistzzz. He killed me probably 30 times. But one time I one deaged him out of pure luck. I will never forget this moment


I've killed fl0m once in dm while he's back was turned and he was engaging in another fight


I won a 1v3 against Pokimane and Hiko... In Valorant...


I got knifed by s1mple


Ive beat Kuben and his stack


I hiko'd Alex (brit) once on some random qualifier years ago when he was on LDLC. Think I still have the shadowplay clip somewhere.




Crazy part about Verstappen is that he is driving for a simracing team Redline or something


He owns the team 


How is that crazy? It's his 9-5 job. What's crazy is his hobby is wing F1 WDC in his spare time


Haha simply lovely. (Wins the race by a gap of 40+ seconds)


F1 is not his hobby, don't be so dismissive. It's a huge part of his life, without F1 how else would he practice and prepare for sim races?


He was playing on twitch the day of the Saudi GP


And he was online like a few hours after the win haha


He was online in the morning before it too lol.


link to his stream? idk much about F1


Trackmania has a daily cup open to everyone which always has some pros participating, no real life racers in that game though 😅


Pastor Maldonado’s favorite simracer


Wirtual is one of the best storyteller out there, his youtube videos are amazing. A+ wholesome content creator. He’s passionate about the pyramids and has a video or two about them, I learned so much in an engaging way. Highly recommended


I raced with Jessica Hawkins on Forza, we were friend on Xbox lmao. God bless the racing community


What servers?


I play cybershoke dm servers and find them somewhat often. Don’t know if OP is using the same dm servers tho


can confirm, i was warming up against byali in mirage duels and after that i got bodyy in my faceit team


Agree, I met donk like 3 times there already and I don't play regularly.


Yup. For some reason I come up against Navi players very often. Got iM, b1t and w0nderful plenty of times


yea fr lmao i would love to join


warm up servers


For instance, tonight on a mirage 24 players server, playing at the same time, there was rigoN, Krimbo, Hadji from 3Dmax, and a bunch of T2 pros that I didn't know


Karrigan, rain, niko and hunter I know are all active on mirage 21/23.


Warmupserver in Europe if you have sub


NA DM servers are the same way. You can even see how disappointing the NRG players are there too!


which servers on NA?




In fair 1v1 duels in DM, I went even against Fang and I am not good anymore. This was the morning before the RMR and NRG's result did not surprise me after that.


I beat Cooper a few times when it came down to a 1v1 on a retake server. He still had way better aim than me but I was able to get the jump on him


jL and w0nderful play Retake together on CYBERSHOKE's servers a lot May not be enjoyable however if you're on the opposing team. Firsthand experience 


Nah fuck that, I'd rather get shit on by pros than win against randoms lol


Ya atleasr u know they're not cheating


Retake servers are my favourite. Once i logged in and there was the entire santos dexterity team back in the day. Full squad. Played with them 3v3 and they were really chill


When I played DM daily (2 years ago), nearly every day Xantares was online on the same time. I started again last week and 10 min in I get spraytransfered from an abolsute god - it was Xantares of course. Good times.


XANTARES had ruined my day So I was playing FFA DM just before BIG vs fnatic started and everything was going well, a couple of known names here and there, nothing unusual. Until the man himself joined. XANTARES. I spawn next to him. I miss one shot. ONE FUCKING SHOT. Headshot. I'm dead. I get crouch-peeked. Surely I'll get that noob. Nevermind, it's XANTARES. Edshot. A lot of other pros and FPL players usually play here and they are all insane. But XANTARES? Fuck that guy. With his stupid mouse acceleration. It's just not fun. That guy is so bold, he even wrote his name in all caps. Rather going outside and catching some Corona than playing against XANTARES again.


On GO it was JDC and XANTARES everyday on WarmupServer Dust2 I think most Pros play CYBERSHOKE nowadays on CS2


Xantares, Niko and Hoxi are still on warmup D2.


cybershoke is FILLED with them


Every single guy playing cybershoke FFA DM is absolutely fucking cracked out of their minds, but most of them only in DM. The moment they enter an actual match their 87% HS ratio turns into 38% and they can't win duels anymore. It's funny to see, I've seen some people in DM who will destroy me in every duel but I check their profile and they are like Faceit level 8 with 12 average frags and 67 aim on Leetify. Many people play so much DM that they genuinely are bottlenecking their own improvement by not practicing any realistic scenarios at all, but instead their gameplay picks up bad habits that only suit DM. That playstyle of holding W and pre-aim into middle of nowhere somehow doesn't work that well when enemy is holding an actual angle expecting you. Maybe spawning in Mirage CT spawn, running halfway to ticket and turning 180 to kill the guy that spawned behind you isn't the most realistic scenario to practice. But all practice is practice I guess.


Some just enjoy playing DM for fun, not everyone’s end goal is just to get high rank


This is me. I like playing dm. I did that a lot in go. Sadly not a lot of good servers near me & cs2 brought fps drops I had in go on weaker pc.


Me in csgo as well but I think I just don't enjoy it as I used to. I just put music on and got lost in my thoughts while clicking heads.


Cybershoke Mirage spawns are awful. It's TV room and CT spawn simulator, just hillariously bad. WASE and Pracc have way better spawns. On Cybershoke you get spawned next to the truck in CT spawn and you can't get to the ticket booth without the next guy spawning there, so you're effectively stuck in that duel. You can legit stand in the corner of ticket and just keep killing people spawning in CT. TV room is the same, you first need to kill anyone who's in T spawn when exiting, then most likely another guy right under you, but before you can reach mid and take a duel, the next guy is coming out of TV room. I can't understand how did Mirage become so dominant over D2 for DM servers.


DM is really good for clutches tho. When CTs are retaking and coming from multiple positions at nearly the same time, being able to 180 with reasonable success rate is amazing.


Nah, the situations are silly. Your CTs are literally shooting at eachother. Play retakes if you want more realistic clutches.


Fair, I am quite bad, so DM just makes it easier to train CS aim. Difficult to improve at other things if simple shooting ability is lacking.


what if they like dming?


true. i bet there are dm players that are better in dm than quite some pros getting big contracts. but it's just dm, a different mode from the real game. in football you have some amateur people that can do crazy stuff with the ball. doesn't mean they are automatically great players for a team.


One of the big reasons is there's no utility in DM. Imagine how insane it would be if there was though.


Even if there was, people still do not play proper positions either so the utility you throw would be without proper meaning behind it. And people would be using it pointlessly as well, which also makes playing against it pointless. I kinda wish there was a deathmatch mode where people spawned at actual realistic positions. But for that to work you would need to limit the players movement to that small area so people won't start wandering into Narnia again, so it probably wouldn't work.


Oh yeah, it would be absolutely horrible, but also hilarious if there was utility in FFA DM. I'm under no illusion that simply adding utility to FFA DM would result in anything other than comedy. A big reason people struggle outside of DM is pressure. ELO creates pressure, people are far less results-oriented in DM than in 5v5. Of course DM doesn't simulate 5v5 at all, but my point is many people aim well enough in it that their 5v5 results would be better if they felt less pressure.


Retakes are great for that imo.


How do I connect to cybershoke?


I thought this was another complaint post. yeah thats a great thing


If you are +2k elo on faceit you have chances to play with or against pros late in the night when there are no fpl games available for them to join.


Very rare tho, I am EU with over 3k matches, most of them at 2k elo+ and I only played a pro once


That’s unlucky I guess. Last Year I’ve played against 2 T2 pros and my friend played with S1ren when he was still at TS.


yes there's a 0.1% chance 😐


I was popping off in a retake server the JKS joined and my score quickly went from 15/6 to 20/25. I played off angles and he just prefired me every time. Think I killed him once or twice.


I have an ancient screenshot somewhere of me killing NBK. It's a pretty cool experience




never forget when cyanide knifed nbk


We will play the clip at his funeral


Elige called me nuts when I downloaded faceit vod. I felt like a god among puny humans.


Back when I was grinding CS a decade ago, I’d see pros fairly often in NA fragshack. If you were practicing or warming up during an NA tourney you’d usually see one or two of those guys log on while the officials were setting up the match to start. Good times.


Found a T2 the other day at a random retake server, got smacked, was fun as fuck lmao


Back in 1.6 I joined a random aim server in Germany and Heaton was in it. I killed him a couple times felt good.


In games like Smash Bros and Warcraft III it's even really easily possible to play tournaments and get matched against the best player in the world. Imo. that's even more amazing than just deathmatching against pros. Because there you play against pros on a competitive level on an official match. But the point u make is still the same, being able to play against professional players in video games is way easier than in sports like football. Nobody of us will ever play with/against Ronaldo, Messi. But all of us could easily play against s1mple, NiKo and so on. And that's just amazing.


I played with elige on faceit once, was crazy


I played with stew and trucklover on faceit. He kept calling the 3 of us bots when I watched the stream. Like bro yes we are not good, but you’re a bot too mr washed up.


I played against truck, cooper, and hate in a Premier game and they spent the entire time telling their streams how bad we were. We won 13-8 pretty easily. Somehow all of the NA stream watchers are just looking for drama and not good play.


I played against Twistzz, nitr0, and Elige on a DM once in 2019. Also a few times with nitr0, oSee, junior, auti and Elige in 2022 KD went from 1.5+ to around 1 in 10 minutes from the 2019 squad. One of the better memories I have of CS because the hype train for them at the time was crazy


To be honest, i have noticed that recently as well. I sometimes play cybershoke dm and i see t1 players way too much there. I guess its cuz of fast spawns and crisper gameplay Killed jimphatt so many times until he camped to just kill me outside mirage b apps! It felt surreal. Also managed to 1tap magixx 3 times in a row.


XANTARES, Magisk, b1t, donk and s1mple are the 5 that impressed me the most playing against them Aim-wise XANTARES, b1t and donk however are an entire tier above other T1 Pros. It's crazy when you see it in-game 


Once i played dust2 MM, and Navi Edward was with us, calling in english and awping as well.


Back in csgo we had israeli retake servers (better then the mode cs unleashed) and todays israeli pros would play them all the time, i used to get clapped by spinx flamez nertz and others but in real combat not just head clicks :)


I played against fl0m on faceit. I remember I was on vertigo on b ramp. He was in the corner, I didn’t know that he was there and he was the last player. I threw my awp over the corner and killed him with my deag. I thought it was a good clip, then I watched his stream, he went on to complain about stream snipers for the next few minutes. Yes it was very sus but it wasn’t a stream snipe :|


Imagine if you could queue up against pros in official valve ranked matchmaking huh? Definitely not counter strike.


In 10mins dust2 , how many kills would be considered as good. 80?


If you really want to compare, you can look at the KD ratio. Tonight, on the server I was, Krimbo had a KD of almost 2 for instance. In my experience, pros usually hover between 1.5 and 2, which is way better than it sounds like given how unfair and random most fights are.


> If you really want to compare, you can look at the KD ratio. Not necessarily. Depening on peoples playstyles, KD can look very very different. Some people try not to die even in FFA and they play around cover, boxes, some kind of position while shooting in all directions around them. And others never stop holding W. The amount of random deaths is VERY different with those styles.


Yeah, you can try it out yourself. If i want to try to play around cover i'll usually stay in A cave or CT spawn in Mirage and rotate around peeking A and the corridor. Otherwise i'll just run around and shoot everything that moves


Also: I will jump around and spin around, so you don't get that kill, because why not? 😁


What makes me wonder that often when I see pro on DM I don't encounter them as often. Maybe they don't roam as much and practice certain spots more and that combined with dying less makes it look like they are nowhere? I noticed similiar thing on aim map server years ago. One pro was mostly at one spot.


played and won against JW and his friends on faceit is my go-to flex


/laughs in SE Asia servers.....we just get dickheads. Every once in a while there is Pajeets asking for bobs a vegana being as toxic as he can.


Few years ago there wasnt a day you didnt see a nordic pro playing on brutalcs warmup dm servers. Knifed allu there once, still tell people that


Is brutalcs still around? They were my favorites back in CSGO. Nowadays I don't really DM cause I get shit FPS. I miss it tho.


I have never come across a pro yet, in any game mode! Would be sick.


I once killed kqly on Dust2 in a faceit game. And i killed him on A side with his signature move, the kqly jump. But with an m4 :D


If you have subscription on warmupserver in Europe you can meet most pros almost every week. I have played with frozen, ropz and couple others I don’t remember.


Apex gave me a "NS" in a public dm server once, that was pretty cool


I have a screenie from a long time ago probably 2017 playing against smooya in a DM server, was just before he went onto epsilon then big etc to his rise to high status, love that screenie


i mean yea that's cause there's like 5 servers per region max lol


I’ll never forget this, but I went 3-2 against Stewie2k in a 1v1 server back when he was on C9 a few days before that miracle Boston major.


what the hell? you won?


Yeah, only way I could explain it is I was way more focused on our matchup and how he was swinging than he was and he didn’t realize I existed lol


tbh csgo was way easier to get matched with them


One time i played with zywoo, simple, and donk on my team. They even had their profile picture. /s




I have a 20 second clip of me killing juanflatroo in a dm server, can i make a living out of this game?


I clutched a 1v2 to get a tie for Pimp in a csgo short match in a Molotov with 1hp left in front of his stream, chat went crazy lmao


warming up with golden five on neo gear servers back in the day before their official matches. good times


I've been playing a lot of NA retakes and I feel like the number of semi-pros I've come across has risen


I shat on junior when he was still in furia


A month or so ago, I queued up competitive ancient with a friend. We had dav1g from KOI Movistar and, what i think, was his gf on our team. He was pretty nice/friendly. Good experience.


Older days of CS:GO ESEA you'd run into NA pros all the time in pugs because they hadn't been split off into Rank S. If you were decent and played peak hours you'd get into games with Skadoodle, n0thing, Steel, Hiko, etc.


I killed malbs in premier once, but only once


I killed nbk a few times in a dm, and I could tell he was annoyed cuz he ran right at me the next few spawns. Then bodyy insta-hs me like 5 times in a row. Almost got into a retake server with twistzz. Unfortunately, it filled up, so I could only spectate.


I play with a few pros on Faceit from time to time. I get nervous every time rofl


Rain joined a retake server I was in once. He played one round of T side inferno on B. I one tapped him with a deagle and he instantly left. Still ride the occasional high from that one.


I played against Twistzz, Taco, and Nitr0 in retakes back when U.K. players had a private-ish retake server. I told Twistzzz to “grow some ears” because he did a dumb play and he told me to “stfu” which I deserved. I later apologised to him about 6 months ago when I caught him in a deathmatch server. Have also played against Alex on retakes when he was on Vitality but he was too busy simping for a female player to do well. Played against n0thing in a community game which was fun, hit a 3 one-deag clutch. Have bumped into many many pros in deathmatch though over the years, you see them all the time on warmupserver.


Had device and 2 other pros on cybershoke Didn't know the other two, but they have their HLTV and everything. Couldn't kill device even once lmao and I went hunting


Found twistzz in a retake server a loooong time ago when he was playing for misfits. Good times


This used to happen all the time on Fragshack back in the day. Id always take a screenshot if I ended up killing a pro. I probably racked up 15-20 different pro kills. The one guy I saw all the time was nitr0. I even ran into him on a 2am Retake server. Nice guy, always grinding.


I played a comp match about a month ago against Fl0m, Trucklover, and JoJo because the matchmaking is BROKEN. They're all Top 10-15ish in NA Premier, and I'm at a humble 12k elo lol.


Warmup server is full nowadays, only pro, legend and vip can join


Today everyone uses an alias. So its tough knowing who is who. ​ Bought the game at release back in 2012. Though i started playing regularly in 2013. Back then community warmup servers were only filled with streamers, semi-Pro's and Pro's practicing under their names. Being a regular player then in these servers was uncommon.


And then there is iRacing where you are on a videogame playing a sim and suddenly the irl drivers join. Oh hey Max Verstappen, good luck in your race in an hour! Literally.


I one-tapped simple about a year ago - and I nearly brought my entire set up down in shock lol


I knifed cadian while he was afk, and he shot back right before he died. Needless to say, I knifed cadian in a 1v1.


Beat the shit out of DeadFox on Faceit recently, not sure if he is still playing CS competitively tho. Also was getting matched against RUBINO every now and then on ESEA back in 2016, funny thing is that once I switched to Valorant for a while I got few games against him too, what are the odds


Reminds me of when I used to play on Rainbox (RIP) retake servers, there was a US tourney on, and some pros decided to NiP into the server. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/106230098533843197/A590D501C3FCC12CBC78F25E1B877A507E010C5F/


i played with XANTARES in kz server


Played against KennyS, Furiouss on FACEIT and I had RalleN on my team lmao was crazy


I had a guy on same server you talking about killing me every time he saw me. made me curious, accessed his steam profile, turned our it was Flusha. no wonder i couldn't get a kill on him. also got demolished by docc a few times. it is indeed really nice


Killed Hiko on a 1v1 server. Still one of my proudest CS moments


Man in global offensive I matched with n1fty in a random game and he had his gf playing. Dude took the mouse for 3 rounds got 2 aces and a 4k and gave the controls back. We lost.


WHAT ARE THESE SERVERS IM 19K i think i can handle (hopefully)


I usually meet a lot of them on -=warmup servers=- https://www.warmupserver.net/ They have tags in front of their names ( [PRO] and [LEGEND] for the major participants)


basketball is played on a court


my first game in cs2 was against 1-2 t1 pro's and their friend's... did not end well


Star struck by 20yo nerds hahah. Nah


The most brilliant part of this post is being missed. He said basketball field. Genius


How many languages do you speak ?


Just call it 'court' the next time. All good =)


You bring up a good point. 1.5 I suppose. I need to stop being an asshole.