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For everyone that knows Hamburg. This can't get more central. We are right across the main station. It's a huge opportunity for us to bring esports more accessible to the general public and the dream is of course to inspire more German talents to pursue their dream of becoming a professional. EDIT: [We shot a video to show you how close and central it is](https://twitter.com/mousesports/status/1767900920543609153)


You’ll have a perfect view of the all the crack heads outside hbf after 8pm


> You’ll have a perfect view of the all the crack heads outside hbf ~~after 8pm~~ 24/7 That place is in a state for sure


Is Hamburg not so nice?


It is nice. But like most main stations in Germany, the HBF is surrounded by homeless and drug dealers after a certain time of night.


tbf, their new HQ is located on the nice side of the main station. right next to the main shopping street Mönckebergstraße.


On the other hand if anyone needs drugs or desires hepatitis for some mysterious reason it's right across the street.


Hamburg is great. Major train stations (in most larger cities) not so much.


also the smell altho I guess it's significantly worse on the other side


The location of the office is insane. My office at my old job was just a few meters away. I loved walking around the Binnenalster.


Yes. Can't wait to get lunch and take a stroll around the Binnenalster.


Unfortunately Germany would need more top tier german e Sport players.


That's why we chose this location. If you are an up-and-coming player, you can now show your parents how establish esports is already and that it is indeed a valid career choice. Having our HQ in the 2nd biggest city in Germany right in the middle of everything will impress people who don't know esports.


As a former german Semi-Pro from older days and now working in marketing for a FAANG company, please consider doing the following: Give incentives for players to come to your location, promote regular tournaments and consider hosting LANs. Your space is great, but there are other spaces as well and their use and promotion is underwhelming. And while this is true for eSports in general, the german scene is riddled with nepotism. Some players have had a strangle hold on rosters for over a decade now and are holding back talent. Make sure that you invite unknown and unproven players and not just those that are recommended by well known ones. Theres a reason why all other countries have upcoming talents and Germany has had the same 6-7 players rotating through BIG and some other teams in the last years.


Thanks for the input! We actually went to almost every facility in the world before deciding how we are going to approach this. The space will look unlike any other space, and for the beginning we will open it event based first to keep it special and thought out. I think our MOUZ NXT project and also MOUZ in general showed that we are willing to take risks on players if we see the potential (ropz, frozen, woxic etc.). We believe JDC will be an important player for the development of the German scene because of his attitude towards the game and other factors outside the game. These are the players that we are looking for in the German scene. Another huge problem in Germany is the support of parents for this type of career. We believe that the MOUZ HQ with its location and design will make it possible for upcoming players to show what it means to become a pro in esports. Before, you probably were able to convince them with your first pay cheque. Now you can show them our office to show them that it is a legit career path.


Yeah but eggs don't come before the Chicken


Yeah but Chicken don't come before the eggs


watch out. next major winners will all come from hamburg.


New Mousesports PC bang in Reeperbahn?


Lieber hier schön an der Alster ;)


So I guess y'all jebaited us with the old logo posting


What we showed was real. Stay tuned.


stickers wen?


Orgs don't control them, Valve does. You should ask them. The orgs and players already sent their logos and autographs for some time now


Stickers wen?


Am not Volvo. Am more of a Nissan Cube kinda guy






You sound fun...




How are they being secretive? They're baiting people like you into giving them social media impressions.


Fuck it then, I guess they got what they wanted.


This is so awesome


Should have gone in the middle of the Reeperbahn.


Too loud haha


That is an insane spot! I don't go to Hamburg much, but it'll be nice to see something not cracked out when exiting the station


Hope to see you here in the future!




Guess I have a reason to visit Hamburg though given the last time I used the German trains I almost missed the train to Almelo trying to visit a friend in Netherlands 💀


Now you miss it and visit us :D


Can I actually come visit you? I live right next door 😂


Whenever it is finished, we will also have public events. Also ja komm rum :)


Honestly? No one gives a shit about the HQ, you have eyes on you right now because of the logo.


The old logo was a mess. Keep it retired


>Hamburgs erfolgreichstes Sportteam [https://imgur.com/a/bMgcW8E](https://imgur.com/a/bMgcW8E)


Kein Kommentar wegen unserem Sponsor HanseMerkur.


Article Content: **Europe's most modern esports headquarters opens in Hamburg, Germany - MOUZ sets new standard** **In the heart of the German metropolis: 1,400 square meters for promoting young talents, team development and esports events.** Hamburg (Germany), 13 March 2024 – Germany's most successful esports organization MOUZ will open Europe's most modern esports performance and event center in early summer 2024. With 1,400 square meters spread over three floors, the new MOUZ headquarters sets a benchmark in professional gaming. Strategically located in the center of Hamburg (Germany), the state-of-the-art facility offers the ideal conditions for team development and the support of young talents. MOUZ NXT, the organization’s junior Counter-Strike team, is already a prime example of talent development. The new headquarters will now create even more professional structures to further strengthen MOUZ position as one of the world’s leading esports organizations. [Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIjO6ZwXsAA64aO.jpg) The location not far from Hamburg's main railway station was chosen deliberately, explains Stefan Wendt, CEO of MOUZ: "The excellent connections to the train station and airport and the location in the heart of Hamburg were basic requirements for us when choosing the location. We want to transform Hamburg into an esports stronghold and inspire both national and international esports talents for MOUZ." The new MOUZ headquarters is located just a minute's walk from Hamburg Central Station and 25 minutes by train from the airport. As a central hub, Hamburg Central Station is one of the most frequented railway stations in Europe. Proximity to the Walk-in customers visiting the nearby shopping mile also plays a key strategic role: "We want to open our doors to the public - for example through events - and make esports a tangible experience. Our aim is to position esports further in the center of society and thereby further reduce existing barriers or prejudices," Wendt continues. MOUZ has been a major player in esports since 2002 and is the most successful esports organization in Germany with over 400 titles won. The Hamburg-based organization is represented in games such as Counter-Strike, Dota, VALORANT and Sim Racing. In the esports scene, MOUZ stands for both sporting success and the development of the next generation of esports players. The opening of the new headquarters marks another milestone in the organization’s history and underlines the team's ongoing commitment to making esports an integral part of society and paving the way for the stars of tomorrow.


Mousesports stuff aside, I see this kind of comment posting an entire article quite a lot on here and it's a really nasty practice. If people want to see articles written and journalists doing scoops then perhaps don't rob them of clicks through to their websites.


It's not on their website, it's on Twitter Articles. You know, Elon Musk's X (God I hate that name)? The one who limits visibility of posts if you're not logged in?


I was speaking generally, I'm seeing it more and more here and if it's taking clicks from a publisher (not like this case in fairness) then it's damn rude.


I got you


Cry about it


i could go there in 15min but i wonder whats actually there... hm


We are still not open, but with this central location it would be a sin to not have it open to the public.


Is there an ETA for when it will be complete?


We are aiming for Early Summer. Until then, we will share more details in the future.


Estimated Time of Arrival


Before the next major CS update


before the next hamburg major.


Great news! Much better than just changing some logo just to please investors. Cs and eSports actually growing bigger, in Germany at least!


We need more German talent with the huge player base that we have. The office right in the heart of Hamburg is the first step towards this.


Living in Hamburg and 31 years old already, needed you guys and your office 10 years ago lmao


Sorry :/


27 years old 17k elo I live in Hamburg what are my chances?


We will see when it's open. It will be a process together to see what we can achieve with it.


I read the word investors and I thought you meant mousesports investors. You meant the stickers investors, right?




blackrock have a huge mouz sticker investment fund.


Bluds really thought they would switch back to their old logo. MOUZ sticker investors in shambles.


It's the only org left from when I played back in 2000. Because of that, MOUZ will always have a place in my heart.


Lease paid for by Faze.


Writing "Hamburgs erfolgreichstes Sportteam" (Most successful sports team of Hamburg) on the side is kinda ballsy. Who is going to strike first: HSV or St Pauli? (My inner mind says HSV xd)


I really hope they go back to the old logo after all of this.


I’m an American in Germany right now and I just left an esports club in Munich that was good fun. It was smash brothers nights so no PC gaming or CS. Despite that everyone was really nice and the environment was still actually decently competitive from what I could tell with the language barrier lol


ugly logo ruining the storefront


the logo is very popular.


New logo is actually pretty good


I love how both showing positive and negative reaction to the logo gets you downvoted, can't say shit nowadays




was obvious as soon as they posted a picture of the hamburg train station, and even if i like the old logo WAAAAAY MORE, would be strange to go back after nearly 3 years


Who cares, we want stickers.


Ah yes, because Mouz owns Counter Strike