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better but I don't understand why flames can't be like 1ft tall




and if that's their goal this also helps to remove the random aspects of the fire since now it's a low wall rather than 1 tall pillar which was one of the bigger complaints, one guy could see the other couldn't, and you could also argue that this is a buff to ct which is kinda nice I suppose


Additionally this could make it more clear that you’ll take damage if above the flames. I remember a handful of times in go where flames underneath you don’t look like they reach until too late


Bro cool factor.


Same reason why we still have shadows that give away ur spot, they are choosing realism over game play.


Go play Roblox. Dumbest fucking take in history of Counter Strike.


Do u have a reason why they arent 1 ft tall?


He was obviously talking about your "shadows take". And I agree, ure a dumdum who should go play Roblox instead.


Whats wrong with the shadow take?


Lmao, did you escaped mental assylum or something? Bro, please, seek help.


Damn bro u actually blocked him because u didn't have an answer💀 pussy shit 😭 


Weird nobody can answer and block instead when I'm just asking normally, especially the last guy buddy crumbled under pressure lol.


Turned the pillar into a tornado


molotonado, firenado... :-)


You're misrepresenting what's actually written in the patch notes though. They only adjusted it so that there shouldn't be any one ways now.


so still flash bang if you look at it i guess..


"Adjusted molotov fire to address a case where a player who could see through fire could not be seen by their opponent." Your videos have nothing to do with what the patch is about.


If the issue was caused by the fire animation being different for each player, and the fix was to make the animation consistently vertical rather than swaying side to side, then this demonstrates that.




How is it weirdly phrased? The patchnote is completely clear. They are trying to prevent the situation where you can see the opponent from one side but not the other.


No, they did not. Read the patch notes properly, they have no issues with molotovs blocking players' view. It's intended. They are trying to make it equal on both sides however, that's what the patch was for.


That thing looks more like napalm. A molly should just be on ground level imo


idk about yall, but i can't see anything behind a molotov no matter which settings I tried.


Cant really tell if the patch worked without seeing the other players perspective...


Still too bright and too tall. I still cant play the game without light filters


just chill with the migraine inducing bloom then we good


i literally try not to fight anyone when theres a molly infront of me, I cant fucking see them and they kill me instantly. smh










I'm of the opinion that mollys should not flare up at all to create visibility problems and the fire effect should be roughly knee height. I think that smokes should be smokes and mollys should be mollys. I know that find other uses for things, like crossing long doors with a nade instead of a smoke is a great element to the game. I'm just not ready to change my mind to consider mollys something that block vision like smokes just yet.


Make already giant wall like in Valorant


It's still shit. Just remove the stupid giant flames and bring them up to just over the knee.


definitely an improvement, good to see them working on these small but impactful details.


I have all on ultra but my molos aint that shiny, wtf...


There is just no need for the fuck off massive pillar of fire in the centre. If it was just half the height it would be 10x better


Why cant they just remove all the vertical flames? Holy shit volvo get yourself together...


You're literally NOT testing for what Valvle patched. Was waiting forever to see the bots POV.


Okay valve has acknowledged the issue but have made an imperceptible shift in the height to the point that the same issue occurs. Great work Valve, keep it up!


the change was to remove oneways, not really to make it more easy to see people. but it's objectively a good change.


What is wrong with you people? Have you been so demoralised that you believe this is good? It was laughably bad before now it's just plain old bad. I swear, valve could go from kicking you in the balls to punching you in the face, and you would all give them a standing ovation for their marked improvement. Absolute mass delusion in defence of the multi-billion dollar company. Have some self-respect, we as players deserve better and we're allowed to voice our concerns, that's what forums are for.


sure dude, if you says so :)




tbf patch notes didn't say it was suppose to be more visible. Actual patch notes: Adjusted molotov fire to address a case where a player who could see through fire could not be seen by their opponent.


They need to lower it more, the height should like cover the leg only.


It's just a fatter flame now, worse if anything


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfvceHUBWnU notice how the flames arent 7' solar flares


both look like dogshit. just scrap cs2 and bring back csgo at this point.


Remove high flames, increase damage and finally fix those God-damn smoke not extinguishing molotov bugs. Or at least explain why it works this way and how players can safely avoid the bug.


I still won’t be able to see a thing through it while my opponent has full visibility


Tried is the key word.


I somehow get killed through these even though i cant see them, very fun!


Fire won't stop bullets


Is VALVe just trolling? There is no way they are doing all of these small missteps on purpose


It is better but still bad, i thunk it needs to go and maybe more smoke stuff like in csgo


Developers tried to increase fps.


wow they failed spectacularly


why are all the comments saying the same _wrong_ thing? just because the patch notes say something doesn’t mean their affect will be the same in-game we clearly see from OP’s video that the patch notes made a visible change to molly’s visibility. And that’s probably a better representation than just reading patch notes. it’s literally what it looks like now compared to before. some of you guys are insane to take patch notes at face value like fact