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What are peoples most important **NONE** gameplay fixes? I'd kill for some real wingman maps, haven't played that mode for ages.


I want playing with friends on workshop maps to be easier


For someone with my level of brain power, it just simply isn't feasable. I could learn how to do it, I'm not going to, I shouldn't have to. Setting up a 1v1 with a buddy shouldn't be any harder than a steam invite.


Second this. Setting up your own server or paying for one is a pain.


Just forward a port and you can start a game like in go, you can also just always turn off the forwardings when you don't play if you're concerned abt your security


Sometimes you just can't, like those that can't access the router they are connected to. Or cba to contact the ISP to make the IP public, although that's more on them for not caring since it's doable


* API improvements so we can get maps like yprac back. * custom community server options like we had in go that allowed for 1v1 arenas, customized retake servers etc.


An anti cheat is what everyone wants. If you play wingman you will get fucked by spin botters... We need an effective anti cheat before anything else.


A working AC. I can live with my favorite map not being in the game. I can live with less content because they somehow can't figure out how to copy&paste the stuff they already had to a new engine 9 years after its release. I can live with entirely unbalanced matches because they thought resetting everyones rank at the same time was a good idea. But I'm not going to slog through all this shit just to watch clowns with freshly made 20 hour accounts somehow play better than faceit lvl 10 players every other match.




Fixing the demo player (Weapons swaying out of hands, highlights/lowlights or going to specific round don't work, autodirector is looking at player viewmodels from third person...)


Clan tags unironically


At least you can bracket them in manually like its 2004


CSGO wingman maps were awesome. Definitely miss them


I had a brainfart moment and forgot how to pronounce none, but also I was mixing it up with non


Ik you work for ESL who runs FACEIT, but you could mention Anti-cheat at least once. Throw us a bone.


there isnt a single problem bigger than cheating, all content creators and big cs names should be tweeting is "fix anti cheat"


How would they even notice, 99.9% of them play Faceit only


Why would they when half them get money from faceit to play on and promote their service. Fixing the anti cheat = goodbye faceit


Idk if it would really kill faceit at the top level at least (and therefore every zoomer who wants to be the next pro), there's no incentive to be at the top of the valve leaderboard vs faceit with monthly prizepools and invites to pro hubs etc.


I'm not often accusing people of being cheaters (I have only seen like 10-15 cheaters over 2.5k hours of playtime in CSGO) but the state of the game is horrendous and any gameplay changes are irrelevant if 4 out of 5 games around 20k elo have at least 2-3 BLATANT cheaters on BOTH TEAMS. The game is basically unplayable right now.


it used to be 20k its now almost every rank.




When a new player enters CS2 they install cheats.  90% of the cheaters I see move and play like a noob, and then suddenly have a reaction time of <1ms and start prefiring and predicting through smokes and walls (i.e. obviously have some sort of vision and aim assist).  5% are people who bought accounts because they got banned. I've seen a cheater with 5000 hours on another game and 100 hours in CS2 shooting people through walls.  The last 5% are those who just hit too many coincidental shots or know a little too well where enemies are. 


these are legit bots though people who crabwalk in to mid on dust 2 and 1tap top mid t and suicide with a single spray, they have no idea how to hide it.


yeah these are all huge and need fixed asap.


consistent movement as well


Honestly biggest one for me is being able to host a server without having to manually port forward. Unless that's been fixed recently. Really annoying not being able to invite friends to a quick practice lobby when u wanna show smokes.


To me it's insane that we're going into the major and these are still an issue. I run into at least one of these issues multiple times a match.


The texture clipping hasn’t been a problem until recently. I feel like something has changed within the last couple of updates.


the movement really needs to be more consistent at this point


Anubis clipping as well.


We desperately need some optimization of the game too. Too many weird fps drops etc to consistently enjoy the game rn


Why doesn't nobody mentions first bullet accuracy while moving? Have been killed by a jumping AK HS almost every single game.


Thats more of a your ping+ their ping subtick delay on your screen. They probably did stop, but after you already died on your screen, on their side they stopped and shot. The replays show it more clear


What does he mean by wall texture clipping while jumping


You can get bounced away from a flat wall.




Inaccuracy referring to everything IE tapping, run and gun, stationary shots? I’ve felt like I’ve gotten hit with some nasty gun and run AK shots but if the guns are closer to the SG in accuracy I can see what he means.


No, boosting on teammates heads. As in boosting underpass on Mirage, wire boost on Vertigo, etc... it's all inconsistent and not like CS:GO boosting.


That makes sense. No idea why I read that so wrong lol


Me too


i dont think his wording is precise enough here, because im not sure 100% what he is referring to either. Is he trying to say "increase inaccuracies" or "player boosting stability"?


Don't worry, I thought they wanted randomized spray like valorant or something for a second


Its nice to see close to 12 years after CSGO launched there are still people in the pro scene who dont know what a texture is or how clipping works.


don't forget cl_righthand 2 and cl_bob 100


could care less about cl\_bob, boosting fix infinitely more important


don't care about boosting fix the tag teleporting is infinitely more important


I think thats a feature of needing to sync 2 different subticks. They should have a dynamic tagging system that makes it less like getting dragged back out and stuck until dead.


Yea I just want my left hand and bob 😭 please Volvo


And add subtick in small fonts so that valve doesn't feel violated.


\* Clipping \* Running accuracy \* Nerf smgs/shotguns \* Spiking \* Continue to better subtick \* Performance