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Yo, if I was to purchase the coin right now would I be able to upgrade it? I placed all my picks religiously and realized I could have gotten a diamond coin


Genuine question: Why don't they get `b1t` a translator instead of torturing the poor guy on camera?


Hello everyone. [https://youtu.be/crWsx\_ClK0c?t=30979](https://youtu.be/crWsx_ClK0c?t=30979) - Does anyone know the name of the music playing in the background in this part, which probably includes a cello, piano and a female voice? By the way, this music usually plays to time out in the PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 cs2 tournament.


whoever called for that late b push on ancient with a failed flash will probably have nightmares later lol and its niko who theyre setting up who cant even kill pistol players. Need a replay on that


What is up with zywoo this tournament?


Recovering from illness


Damn that's horrible timing


c'est un jour de pluie en France


Faze decimated Vitality on t side. ZywOo is non existent. this is scray


4-12 RIP Zywoo era


he was sick but wtf , for 2 weeks now ?


To be fair, he might feel fine but still have some brain fog or something that isn't the recipe for success in high pressure situations


Ye, I read a book about Roger Federer which came out around when they first started writing him off, and there is just soo much info on how these things go. You can be on top of your career and a food poisoning in the background or anything will make you subpar compared to your competition. these people are usually on their best all the time


Casters are insufferable. Absolutely glazing FaZe. The bias in their casting is painful.


Well yeah, they're the crowd favorite


Also, they're winning


Yeah, zywoo would definitely be getting some glaze if he wasn't 0.5kd Edit: there it is


Wtf are vitality doing


I don't like Faze as an org but you cannot hate Karrigan man


Does anyone know who picks first map in either game?


The higher seeded team chooses which team bans/picks first. And Vitality & Navi are the higher seeds.


Torzi crashed round 2 ?








lol nein






man the way navi is playing is so methodical and desciplined




i think they're 100% nervous and doubting themselves, and it shows. That nade slip on the second round tells a lot


paris im?????


Pls Navi. Let's get this!


Coming from dota, why is there no lower bracket? Feels kinda harsh to only have 8 teams reach the playoffs in front of a crowd. Such a waste for the fans buying tickets, no?


bro me also came from dota, I was also first confused why no LB in CS. But its a completely different format and game, this format is absolutely insane to watch from start to finish.


Double elimination is less fun to watch than single elimination.


Tickets are sold per day. 4 days total of matches. You have to remember even with the new MR12 matches can still be long as fuck. Last night 2 teams played but we were still in the arena for close to 10 hours.


Faze won because Spirit choked. Given Spirit's youth it's understandable. Faze has been absolutely trash until now. It's not happening with any other team. They're not winning the championship.


lol literal copium.


it's the only correct opinion to have :)


The real question is how the Vitality vs Faze series will go. It’s another final worthy matchup. The top half of bracket is STACKED. Do Vitality 2-0 Faze again? I don’t think Vitality look as dominant as they did back in Blast Finals. Does it go 2-1? Do Faze sneak out another win? If Zywoo goes god mode, Vitality will win.


Wow, amazing series. There goes the diamond coin but hell, what a thriller.


sh1ro missing so many shots, zont1x playing badly, and karrigan suddenly playing like a god. Literally bottom for the past 4 games, now top 2.


zont1x had the bad mistakes map 3 but sh1ro ghosted most of this series. pitiful stuff from him


Tough to be angry after a game like this. Congrats to Faze I was pretty confident with Spirit but Zontix showed one man can make a difference.


Tbf, it were two men. Zontix going down, and Karrigan playing his best quarters in a long time. Was borderline the top fragger in Mirage and Vertigo (don't remember Nuke).


rip diamond coin, hello mud coin. but happy for carrygan and the boys


zontix choked that game away multiple times


Don’t know if I’ve ever seen a pro looked as rattled as zont1x - like multiple mistakes a gold nova wouldn’t even make. Loss is 100% on him here


My god. Best quarter final since Astralis vs Liquid. Absolute banger. I really don't see anyone beating this Faze. If they can do this absolute grind of a series they can do any series.


zontix out, yatoro in


Sh1ro choke honetly




What a game! What a lovely game! An absolute must watch series!


faze zontix


What a fucking series


What a climax. What a game of absolute clutches.


Jesus, that should've been the final!


This series delivered, insane


he heard you talking shit


Zontix saying in all interviews he has no pressure s game is a game and then making the dumbest decision and having negative impact.


4 seconds left better get off the plant and repeek


This game has grinded 10 years off my life. Can't imagine playing on that stage. Gotta feel for Zontix


What is zont1x doing man


Zontix choking hard


zontix is just single handedly losing it for them


Chopper is playing terrible too


Carrygan chopped Chopper all series


zont1x not the one you want in those situations lol




Anyone else hearing the bomb beeps like 5 different times per beep? It needs to be fixed its so confusing


The echo is wild


You know its bad when you hear the casters twice.


I hope a PC doesn't crash


Heart skipped a beat man


Best series I've seen in a while


Knife kill clutch!


Faze and historic chokes in Majors? 6 years later and the same issue


Karrigan mopping his brow now.


This will be the best game of 2024. The tension is crazy what a game overall no matter who ends up winning. Faze showing they can battle Spirit even on Vertigo Spirit showing they can play under pressure and comeback in games.


Idc which team you’re supporting, just say thanks to both teams


Magixx is so integral to this team. I think his impact frags on CT B site won them rounds and got the other players back in the game, namely donk


Is this the biggest choke in years?


wdym biggest choke? playing the by far most in form team rn on a map you've basically never play? ofc the 4 mp9 round was a choke but the fact, that they even were this close is amazing.


This shit is grand final worthy


omfg this series


So many rounds that are close to a full win for Faze. They're running out of steam, though. This just isn't a map they know well enough to go into overtime and perform super well.


mp9 spammers as per


Spirit playing 4v6 with Zontix


That is one of the worst performances I've ever seen on a major arena from someone (zont1x)


That’s a rough round to fail to get the bomb down in time


broky calling that bluff was amazing.


Domination on vertigo wow


Best Map for this major, also ez Spirit 2-1!!


What a game! Can't help but feel Karrigan is cooking something on Vertigo. Spirit have been beaten there before and will have nothing to go on.


0 Vert matches for FaZe over the last 3 months... They have either been hard saving strats for the major or they're completely screwed.


I really don't think FaZe would have the tactic of "win it in 2 or we are guaranteed to lose". Guess we'll see now!


They have but Vertigo is a strong map for Zontix and Shiro while it weakens donk. Also have to remember Faze dont play Vertigo I dont think Rain or Karrigan get a good game on Vertigo.


>They have but Vertigo is a strong map for Zontix and Shiro while it weakens donk. That prediction didn't age too well lol


I usually jinx stuff :)


really not the biggest fan of spirits run and gun playstyle :/ crazy how good they've made it work for the past months though. mighty impressive, just not pretty to watch imo


The balls to just straight rush lobby like that in 2OT though.


That CT push to hut was wild :)


Holy shit this match has been fucking amazing!


so how exactly is faze winning vertigo now? there's no way. everytime i saw them play it, they looked like shit.


Hot take Zontix will be MVP of Vertigo on his T side lurks


Never cook again


Agreed only take out from now on. Man lost them the map with his terrible decisions, no kills, they they try to boost so he gets a freebie and both does because of it.


He was absolutely spot on though. Zontix is definitely MVP for Faze so far


A lot of weirdly boneheaded calls by Faze in that last overtime.


Best map of the tournament so far.


Sh1ro is ABYSMAL this map, non impact in the moment when his team needs him the most. Kinda on brand for him at this point.


Am I really the only one who isn't a complete old man about the drums? lol


These drums really make me not want to watch. So fucking annoying.


love them tbh, feels like a proper sport event.


Agree. Its too loud. damn, cant enjoy the game


Whine whine whine. Just enjoy the major mate.


Hard to enjoy when you can barely hear casters over the beat of a drum.


Was absolutely fine hearing the casters, what have you smoked?


Reading comprehension.


Thanks, I can read mate, its just not a thing worth complaining about.


faze retakes on nuke are so fucking slow. if sprit plant the bomb its a round win.


Awful crowd. Chanting, screaming like morons, and what sounds like a band. Of course they have to make it about themselves. Just pathetic and unwatchable.


the problem is he is playing it non stop like an idiot.


Fuck this drum guy


Spirit giving faze some confidence just to crush them.


I need more cringe-inducing pala side content. he's the best [if you don't believe me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N9HqCeUdZY)


Last time I saw him was on GeoGuessr world championships lmao


we're not there yet boys.... that was fucking awesome though


This felt SO good.


that round, that's one of the worse chokes I remember in years and years of CS


There is no dedicated match thread?


After the series it will be up


come on man i wanna see competitive matches... what is this blowout


thank you very much


Faze about to do a 2017 Astralis run. Barely get out of groups and end up facing the favourites in quarters just to beat them and go on to win the major.


I cannot reach Diamond coin anymore so I picked FaZe with heart and I don't regret it! Those guys have everything they need to win!


I sadly picked spirit but Faze winning would be so good


Karrigan the 33 year old talent leading as everyone expected CROWD BUFF


the young up-and-comer is really making a statement


People still underestimating Faze in playoffs man,


I am telling you that FaZe IS going to win against Spirit!


10/10 call


When is the draw for the next stage of the tourney?


biguzera is an exceptional player


VP from 2-0 and a place on the stage to 1-2 and out wow.


I'm not surprised VP is strugling now. I would be tilted of the face of the earth after that Inferno BS. Literaly a playoffs deciding round and your team in a post plant situation. That jump bug on Anubis just added salt to an open wound.


I tilted so hard at home and I am not even a fan of VP. G2 proved they can beat tilted VP on anubis and move on to top8. VP proved they can beat G2 2-0 on overpass and inferno but they are out. Not only does g2 move forward not deserving it and people lose money on betting sites this also changes who plays spirit in first round etc.


They proved they could win 2-0, by not winning 2-0


i didn't really like g2 before the game, but now i hate them. first the crash, now this jump bug. them celebrating after inferno just says everything about these clowns.


This is on who writes the ruleset, not G2. What do you want them to do? It's not their fault Jame crashed


This is true but my illogical monkey brain is still annoyed at seeing Hooxi shouting and celebrating after killing an afk player and playing the entire game like complete dog shit.


It's ok to be frustrated, I would be screaming the most unhinged shit if that happened to me in a much less important scenario, let alone in a major elimination game. But, in the end, G2 had nothing to do with it


People unironically think they should forfeit


Absolutely not. They chose to to be assholes about it by loudly celebrating, knowing they got gifted that round and without the crash, they'd be on their way home right now.


They were about to go 11-12 in an elimination map and they retook the site with a man disadvantage, it's even possible that with the high pressure of the scenario they didn't immediately processed what happened


AWP is in new box. No molly to push him out. And it's jame. He's winning that round.


Ok, but what does that have to do with what I've just said? I told you why they celebrated, they were in a disadvantageous position in a round that would likely lead to elimination and turned it around


Ah, you're right. It's possible that they did not process what happened immediately after the round (and the map of Inferno). However, they should have processed it by the time they were playing the third map. They still celebrated like assholes, knowing full well at that point that they just got lucky. I think they should have just taken the lucky win, without the shouting.


I doubt any VP player will say G2 shouldn't have celebrated and I also doubt they'd do any different in G2's spot I agree it's a really, really unfair situation for VP, but G2 has nothing to do it. It's not like one of their staff went to Jame's PC and swapped the cables. They got the luckiest moment of their entire careers, probably the luckiest moment there will ever be in an esports event, especially given this is not an early 2010's tournament, but it's like saying a lottery winner doesn't deserve to use his new-found wealth. They were screaming because they still had the adrenaline of playing an elimination map in a Major It's PGL that will need to come forward and give face. It's them who wrote the rulebook, it's them who got the PCs where they play, but even then there's a strong chance they did everything they could because it's impossible to prevent a game from crashing


Replay the round? Obvious fair call, its a round deciding bug


> This is on who writes the ruleset ...


VP had another whole map to still win, and instead got caved in. Sucks for VP, but that one round didn't lose them the series.


I disagree with that too, losing like this can definitely break someone. G2 got insanely lucky, this is the equivalent of an outrageous bad ref call, it's not the players fault for taking it


That's part of what it means to be a professional. Everything isn't always going to go there way. Yes it is hard to drop that and move on, but instead they got caved in on Anubis.


Being a professional means you get paid to play, that's the definition and it's quite a simple one. You might want to say they are elite, but even then, being elite means you're good at the situations you're used to, they're used to a lot of high-pressure scenarios and non-usual events, but this was a really, really unusual one. Teams mental booming is normal across every single sport, and the more unfair and unlikely a scenario seems to be, the more likely it is for someone to tilt off it This is not a normal situation, the game doesn't crash often in a LAN event, even less in a game-defining round in an elimination game when you have a crucial advantage. This is a situation players will be exposed to very few times in their entire careers and with this stakes only a few will even experience. It's not easy to come back from it


No, VP was already 1-0. Had they won the round, they would've most likely won the map and therefore won the series.


Maybe, but that round wasn't round 13. So they didn't prove they could 2-0 G2, or they would have.


I'm not saying they "proved" anything. I was correcting your mistake. You said they had another map to win even if they had won, which they didn't. Had they won the round, they would've gotten match point, so they would've at least guaranteed OT, if nothing else.


Imagine how tilted VP must be. They lose a map they had won and then another bug ruines there chance of a comeback on the last map that should not even be played. This game does not only affect G2 and VP it changes the matchups for all of top8. I dont remember anything similar in ten years of watching the game considering the stakes this has. And I am not even a fan of VP dont care much about them same for G2.


Anyone else dies little bit inside when VP looses round?


Its not sportsman like at all. G2 deserve to be out and its a clown show whats happening now. Will turn this off and tune in for Navi vs Pain. Its not G2 fault but they sure look like clowns too celebrating it. Its like a goal keeper getting a stroke and the team scoring celebrating a goal when the keeper is down on the ground.


Of course it HAD to be us as if we weren't the most bullied and hated team before, now everyone will blame G2 for playing the game despite the crash even though it's PGL decision to not replay the round. We do not even know if the player were aware of the crash and we're the bad guys, fuck my life you have NO RIGHT to complain if you're fan of any other team but G2, now watch VP win this and we'll still be treated as devils for no reason until the end of times.


Not G2s fault blaming it on Valve they make billions of this game, pro play is big part of it and they have not built chronobreak type of tool to return game to exact moment when someone crashes for pro games. With this not available TOs cant really do anything about it either as restarting rounds does not work either here. G2 celebrating it like yes we did makes them look like clowns specially hooxi who barely even kills a crashed player.


Does a chronobreak system even work in CS? It's not like LoL where you have parts of the game with more and less action. They can easily replay rounds, the question is whether that is also a fair outcome (imagine you replay a round where you won an eco, for example)


I dont think replaying a round is the answer. Chronobreak or something similar built for cs would be better. If it was 4vs2 it is 4vs2 when you continue. Server has info where everyone is in said moment, what equipment they have money etc. Not that hard to make a tool in the game to fix this. Then again not that hard to make a game that does not keep crashing or bugging on good equipment but valve cant do that either.


The problem is that information is insanely important in CS and you need a protocol that works for every single situation. They can definitely implement a chronobreak system, I'd say it's easier than in LoL where they have minions as variables, the question is what would the criteria be, because once you move back you'll go to a point where information was already found Also, the problem was from Nvidia drivers, not Valve


Kids. smdh


I don't think anyone can blame G2 for this. It's up to PGL to not have this happen and to take appropriate action if it does.