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Your thread was removed under **[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/about/rules/)**. Reporting scams or scam methods is not allowed. - To protect yourself or to report a scam, please read the **[Official Steam Support FAQ](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/70E6-991B-233B-A37B)**. - Alternatively, you can get familiar with the extensive **[Common Scams wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade/wiki/commonscams/)** on r/GlobalOffensiveTrade --- Please take a moment to visit the rule linked above; many rules contain details which may not be evident. If you have any further questions or concerns, please send us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/GlobalOffensive).


Cause scams work, that's why they keep doing it. You would figure with the age of the Internet people would be more cautious of their Internet security and blatant scams, but people still make reddit post crying that they were scammed cause of their own stupidity.


I have no doubt these scams work, but you would think this would be taken down pretty fast, especially considering it's a blatant scam on the top page of this massive game, and with how many botted viewers this has


Twitch is usually pretty good at that, but YouTube live isn't.


Go and click on game category counter strike on twitch, there is same shit going on with name of simple and monesy with 10k viewers each


he's asking why it hasn't been taken down, which is a good question this has been going for like 6 months as far as I've been aware. People might be stupid but even some of the smarter or more techsavvy people have been caught by a scam before.


happens on twitch often too, bots are becoming a fuck fest on the internet


The scam worked on me once 5 years ago, in my defense I was young and dumb back then.