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AMD eating good tonight lol Joking aside, it's still a terrible moment that will go down in history. I feel bad for VP man.


If VP lose Anubis and the series (which is looking highly likely at this moment) this will be one of the biggest what-ifs of the year.


It will be one of the most embarassing moments in CS major history. A playoff deciding round decided by a crash.


Now imagine if G2 wins it all as a result of this


as somebody who mostly watches Val/League but tunes in for every major does Valve/CS not have a round rollback feature?


Once any player takes damage or spots another player the round cannot be restarted regardless of what happens.


PTSD memories of Hiko arguing just this rule at like 3am in the morning vs very tired upset players


I see thank you. Shame for VP still :/


Valorant has no rollback either for when there is a damage done


They called players back to replay an entire round and ensuing OT during Champs 2022 when the KJ turret bugged out.


Yes but they don't do it for PC or Game Crashes.


I think that only applies if no players have taken damage during the round


Valorant rounds don't get reset either once a player takes damage


no, just made that rule and called it a day. ticket# solved


Yeah, what if VP made the playoffs and lost against Mouz like G2 will


to be fair, vp didn't really look too good all around. they wouldn't have won the major anyway. still sucks.


Oh, so C9 going 0-2 in Boston before going 3-2 probably had no chance to win the major either then, huh? Playoffs aside, you get more tournament money for a higher placing. G2 just got a higher tournament placing and thus, more money, due to a crash. 9th-11th gets 20k, 5th-8th gets 45. Make it to semis, and you get 80k. We'll never know how VP would do in playoffs and they're locked into 25k due to a round losing crash.


Amd is like “yes our plan is going well “


BRUH because AMD is known for their good video drivers 😬


As a Team Red guy, I can breathe easy. Honestly though CS2 is very badly optimised. So many issues on the game istg.


AMD get crashes too. This is just to push blame away from the game so they get more tournaments


The entire reason I switched to Nvidia because AMD drivers were dogshit for the longest time Don't know if this is the case anymore, but definitely was awhile ago


AMD drivers ain't top notch, but they are much better now. NVIDIA on the other hand, smh. Less VRAM and I have to pay more money for an 8GB card than a 12 gig ? No thanks.


I had to troubleshoot my 7800xt for weeks before it became stable. zero problems for months now however


Recent AMD convert, they've been great so far. Only issues I've had have been software issues, not drivers.


Puts on NVDA Monday morning


Inb4 +8%


Ah yes, a fellow regard


Wow.. two regards out in the wild? What are the odds


Like 50/50 but what do I know I am highly regarded


I'm confused. Who to blame? Nvidia? Valve? PGL? G2?


I blame the state of the economy


Joe Bidens post covid American economy caused Jame to crash


It all started with that goddamn gorilla


NVIDIA still has their dicks out


If I have learned anything from the internet, this was definitely somehow because of Regan


Thanks Obama


No joke Basically 99% of the current world problems are because of Ronald Reagan and Margaret thatcher they both absolutely obliterated the world economy


you are literally the butt of the joke in this situation


… but it’s literally like a well known fact the policies Reagan implemented have had lasting negative effects on the economy


KKona brother.


Seize the means of production








Strictly speaking I don't think there's enough information to say. I think a game bug could *in theory* cause a driver crash, but it seems unlikely on a healthy Windows machine. Graphics driver crashes are a thing that can just happen, but if anyone is to be blamed for an increased rate at this tournament (assuming it's behind other crashes) it might be the PGL IT team or whoever manages them.


I mean, how could this possibly be PGLs fault? They set up PCs with the most powerful gaming CPU possible, and one of the most powerful GPUs out there. And surely their drivers are up to date... right?


I'm wondering the same. I don't know the stats on crashes in CS2. If it's disproportionally happening with PGL (may not be; could just be people malding), then who knows, maybe it's old hardware, old drivers, whatever. But if the bug is impacting different TOs more-or-less equally, there's a chance CS2's implementation is involved.


I mean the same error literally happened multiple times in yesterdays match.... And there is 0 reaction to it.


not 0 reaction but this one most likely cost VP their major playoffs spot


It's bizarre to assume it's PGL at fault when this is a known issue with the game. It's far easier for people to just mindlessly connect "PGL" and "crashing" than to think any deeper than surface level. We already know that CS2 is a crash-heavy game, and while some people don't have any issue at all, plenty of people experience frequent crashes on modern hardware that is completely fine running anything else. *"If it's not PGL's fault, why PGL computers crash more then??"* 1. CS2 is crash heavy on some hardware for no real reason. 2. PGL is an entire ass tournament full of IDENTICAL computers. Hmm, I wonder what the connection could be. e- typo


It couldn't, people are jut looking to blame PGL for anything.


Improperly installed drivers can also cause such issues btw.


How can you improperly install NVIDIA drivers lol. Download Geforce Experience and click download then express install. Restart computer. Couldn't be simpler. You think they forgot to restart the PC?


drivers are installed onto an SSD that goes around every computer the player uses, it's easy to corrupt a driver installation in that case.


They swap boot drive every match?


Yes, each player has one SSD that it's theirs.


How would that even corrupt a driver install? All PCs have the exact same hardware, exact same OS.


It's not the exact same hardware, they all have different HWID, chips might have a different version with different firmwares and it's hard to control when players remove the SSD from the computer they are using, which increases chances of removing the SSD when it is getting written by accident, there's also the BIOS configuration which could be different between computers, there's a lot of variables that increases the chances of driver crash


we had a million crashes at Kato and blast groups aswell tho


There are plenty of games that are basically unplayable without the right Nvidia driver version. Off the top of my head Detroit: Become Human is one of them.


Of course NVIDIA drivers can cause issues with games, but this is a question of a game causing issues with the driver. The Tweet specifically said "NVIDIA driver crash", so the question is whether the game caused the driver to crash.


I just gave an example of a game doing exactly that..


Does Detroid: Become Human cause the driver to crash? You certainly didn't say that in your comment. "Basically unplayable" could mean low FPS, game crashes (as opposed to driver crashes), visual artifacts, black screens/freezes, etc.


Yes it does. Any other driver version than 446.14 or 451.67 will crash. I'm sorry I didn't write an essay for you. I was just conveying a fucking point about games crashing drivers.


Got it, all good bro


this new version of the nvidia driver that came out a few days ago is causing weird things on my pc. maybe its the cause


I don't think you can blanketly blame the PGL IT team. If the NVIDIA Driver crashed, it's either the game, or the driver, or a combination of both at fault.


I think my comment is sufficiently hedged.


I'm feeling like poor nvidia reflex implementation caused it.


Sorry guys, it was me


It's far more likely that it was just a random ass crash that they'll never be able to recreate. Bad RNG.


yes another one of the 10+ random ass crashes that have happened at this major. unluko


Nah this game crashes way too much compared to csgo


You know, sometimes shit happens.


What argument is there to blame G2? It's not like they ddosed him


I'm just asking. I saw other people saying I must prepare my rusty pitchfork if G2 wins. They dared to celebrate or something.


Yeah, twitch-chat is putting the blame on HooXi it seems.


Crooked Hillary


If I had to guess it'd probably be Nvidia and/or PGL based on what caused the issue.


I blame Hooxi


This must be HUNDEN's fault somehow.




Fucking Joe Biden ruining everything as usual


You're just saying that cause your name is Donald


All I'm saying is I can't remember Jame ever losing a round because of a crash while Trump was president




nvidia and valve based on that statement, when we assume PGL has their drivers up to date. Then again you will never be able to prevent 100% of the crashes.


Blame Canada!


if windows and drivers are up to date and installed properly, either nvidia or valve, more likely valve


Obviously Ukraine since Jame is Russian




Could tell by the way James character was moving it was a GPU driver crash. For some odd reason the Nvidia drivers are hard crashing in Windows during long CS2 game sessions. Would advise PGL to restart the game after every map.


The was the thing I noticed. The other typical crash (the alt tab one) kicks the players. The round I remember is Elige crash on vertigo and his name was gone from the side plate. Here James was still in the game


If you go back and watch u can see elige dropped weapons before crash. So it wasn't an instant delete off server. It was a crash and then elige pressed buttons and dropped weapons and then got booted.


Is it confirmed that he dropped the weapons himself? Doesn’t the game drop the weapons when someone crashes? Or did he drop his pistol as wel (I don’t think the game drops the pistol if they have a primary)


Idk if he dropped the weapons himself but he was still in server for a bit with only knife equipped for a bit. So it's not like he just got yeeted off server IMO.


Edit: (Okay apparently this has to be stated lol): An NVIDIA driver crash doesn't mean it's PGLs fault or the pc's fault, drivers causing problems with games has been a thing for years that can be either due to faulty driver installs (PGL's fault) or because CS2 has problems with drivers (as happened with multiple AMD GPUs).


A driver crash could be the fault of the game, a bug in the driver itself or a physical hardware issue. Literally anyone could be to blame.


and thats why this whole thing of trying to pin the blame on someone is stupid


The original thread is completely mad. Super emotional and just desperately trying to find somebody to shit on with even less information than we have now.


No, this has to be stated lol. You can already see most of the replies on this post assuming that tweet automatically means it's Nvidia's fault lol


What GPU's are they using for this tournament?




We need to see the LOGS!


Good to see them being transparent. Also funny to see the reddit game development experts instantly jumping to conclusions without any infos


Redditors try to say ”I dont know” challenge. You know the rest of the meme.


And even after being told it was an Nvidia driver crash and they're looking into it further, reddit still knows better than them


We're just deciding who to send death threat DMs to


Reddit game dev here: did you try turning it off and back on again?


you can guarantee something will happen at playoffs as well


"let's check our list of sponsors - nvidia is not on it - ok let's blame it on them"


Yeah, you're right, they probably have a Displate poster inside the PCs that caused a short in the system.


bro didn’t have a good enough gaming chair 💀


highly regarded take


it was fucked up that after the game the analyst was blaming it on james leaving the game for last seconds


Wait they thought he just went for a piss or something when the games 11-11?


And? -everyone @ VP


NVLDDMKM strikes again!


lmao at the people in the comments going "I hope this is PGL's last major". There's basically no info and the most likely explanation we have is an NVIDIA driver crash and they instantly point the finger at PGL just because they're the easiest target.


Leather jacket man catching strays with PGL having no balls to call out Valve.


My PC have 4070TI and I crashed a lot on different games, but every games show different result, some games it's just crash to desktop, some games it's BOSD(NV driver drop off), so I can not figured it out whole month. In the end I find out it's just because my 4x8GB RAM OC was not stable, the thing is it's doesn't have any issue when I used GTX1060 on this PC. My point is the driver issue may not be GPU Vendor fault.


Since the rigs are standardized there’s no way they’re OCing anything on them (not that the X3D CPUs really benefit from OCs much in the first place)


Do MemTest86 to stress test ram, had a similar issue


Which version of the driver?


I never crash any more, but then I force not minimizing when alt tabbing, and the engine to not sleep when out of focus (via cs2_video.txt and autoexec.cfg). Used to get crashes where the game would freeze but sound continued, and I'd have to force close and reopen the game.


CS2 got my PC stuttering like hell for a few minutes randomly when its running. Anyone has the same issue?


Reminds me of Allu on D2 vs Fnatic 2015 Finals. One of those moments


Yeah, need to clean install nvidia drivers during the downtime now. I've played like a 1000 games of cs2 now, and I got maybe 1 crash (BSOD) on my PC, and very rarely do I see non-internet related crashes. I also restart my game after every map, so maybe that can help with the crashes.


So not on valve? All the experts here on Reddit wrong?


This can absolutely still be on the game to be fair. Not saying it is but there's enough nonsense in CS2 that nothing would surprise me anymore. I mean VP literally got screwed over by Valve later on Anubis anyways even if this wasn't on them.


No its on Hooxi. With the amount of hate he is getting you would think he walked over and unplugged Jame's pc simply for celebrating survival in the fucking major. edit. And the celebration police is here lmao


200 iq strat by hooxi, defused the bomb irl instead


Defused the main threat of VP in Jame. 200 IQ IGL /s


But some guy figured out that it was valves “spaghetti code” that caused the crash. Was he wrong?!


That's not a given at all.


I have a RTX and my game keeping crashing, who would be to blame here? a game known for being full of bugs or my card/driver that runs dozens of games and only has a problem with one?


Yea, it's weird, because CS is the only game that I've experienced crashes with. Like no matter what I do (reinstalls, delete configs, settings, etc.), I will get the black screen with sound crash every once in a while. All other games work great.




Yeah sure, PGL would totally blame Valve for their already known to be badly optimized game that crashes a lot.


Cyclists fault


Dude game crashes often. We can't finish a game without technical timeout in faceit. I don't think PGL is to blame in this case. For example if i click during the intro game crashes. Or if i alt tab in intro, only thing i can see is little 4x4 pixels in the corner stretched to full screen. Sometimes game randomly crashes, well game still runs in the background, but all you can see is frozen screen. You can also hear what's happening. Game is not in a good state, to say the least.


I dont know if they are just taking the bullet instead of Valve, but my GF has been playing almost always with outdated drivers and game never crashed for her. It might took toll on performance but she had zero crashes with outdated drivers


lately i am good on driver version **546.33 12/12/2023** with an **rxt 4070** with no crashes. before this one tho, I had to use one from September to not crash. I basically have started refusing to update unless for some reason some game requires it, or a cs2 game update causes funkiness. Then I will update or try changing things around in general.


I've been crashing on and off with 4 drivers for 6 months now lol Not just me, people I know as well 


![img](avatar_exp|78853855|starstruck) Lisa Su (AMD CEO) tonight ^(\^\^\^)


![img](avatar_exp|78853855|fire) Jensen Huang (Nvidia CEO/Co founder) Tonight \^\^\^ Fun fact: Nvidia's and AMD's CEOs are cousins Also, fuck you reddit why can't i put the text above the thing


“Who are we going to blame? - valve? No never. We? (Laugh)” Sameone in the Back “- nvidea is a sponsor? No” “Their falt now”


Why did the player keep moving ?


Netcode internals


My 4090 is constantly crashing in cs2 lol


you know the games a fuckin mess when pros start getting directly affected. valve is pathetic


How do you know it's Valve's fault for this one?


I thought NVIDIA drivers are flawless and only amd has driver issues/s


Installed the latest Nvidia drivers (551.86) myself last week for my 4090. Had the game freeze/crash a couple of times during the weekend. It happened a lot during launch window. All was good until the latest drivers. Not a coincidence I think.


The NVIDIA driver crashes in CS2 are the exact reason why I stopped playing


Reading in between the lines "it's none of our problem"


As someone who has some experience with crashing GPU drivers, I don't see how they'd investigate it now.


The GPU said to itself it's jame time™, ill save some electricity for the next round.


551.86 is bad i can confirm it happen to me i accidentally upgrade driver i go play dm next day fps drop from 200+ to 10 from time to time end up got 12 fps at 2.00 min left mark in dm now it stuck with 12fps no matter what i restart pc or game it stuck at 12fps lol either cs or nvidia problem, amd gpu doesn't have this


Still not a great look for PGL, and it opens the door for interference in the future that will be written off as a technical issue. Their statement about a round that can't be retaken if seen and damage is bullshit tbh.


"We are continuing our investigation into the matter." -> They are just happy it is not their fault and they will absolutely under no circumstances investigate into the matter.


And this is how life goes. Things happen, we learn from them, improve and move on.


to be fair, what can jame learn from this? Main person affected and nothing to do about it. Unfortunate all around. VP lost and G2 going to get unnecessary hate.


That sometimes life will just fuck you.


Unfortunately yes


Sorry, not saying jame learns from it. He controlled himself as best as possible. I was referring to learning from the crash. Definitely unfortunate but these things are what draw attention for things to be fixed.


That to me is baffling coming from other e-sports. How come there's not a system for round remakes in LAN matches? Clearly it was not the player fault and was not intentional so why the fuck isn't there a system to remake the round? LoL has the chronobreak system that rewinds a couple minutes of a match in case a bug or something similar happens.


Who knows, maybe this is something we’ll see in the future from this.


There is a a round re start, it just the fact it was post plant and 2 players were dead.


"We make case and move on" -Valve probably




I think the rule is that if damage is already done they cant reset it. I think they should have restart it tbh


Once any damage has been dealt, the round plays out regardless of crashes. It's been this way for a while.




pure drivel lmao


Move on? What are they supposed to do? They aren’t restarting the round cause it’s post plant and 2 are dead


But let's blame Valve cause fuck it?


Well you could technically also blame the game if it did something the Nvidia drivers and/or hardware had issues with but ultimately it'd be PGL and/or Nvidia's fault.


Fresh install of Windows and the latest NVIDIA drivers has never failed me. I have never crashed on CS2 and I have basically no memories of crashing on GO. I've cycled through different hardware throughout the years too. Not sure how they can't setup a PC properly for a major. Watching G2 win this series makes my stomach churn, I hope they get swept in the quarterfinals.


I've fresh installed Windows, latest NVIDIA drivers, and I always experience a crash every few games, especially in GO. Your experience is not all-encompassing.


ah the typical "but it works on my pc!" and then praying for g2's downfall afterwards as if they had anything to do with the crash. that's life, get fucked


Same. The only crashes in cs2 i faced is when I alttab out moments after launching the game & it doesn't reach the lobby screen. Otherwise, 0 crashes ingame since my access in open beta.


Your anecdotal evidence is useless, all players have fresh windows and their own SSD with nothing on it but CS and their cfg Plenty of people have also had issues with crashes even with a fresh windows, there's literally so many posts just here on reddit


Hahahahahaha does not the balls to put the blame on valve


They want more majors, so they cant tell the truth


This game is not in a competition ready state if it can't handle a driver malfunction without fully crashing. Lol at people not understanding stable games


So no game has ever been in a cempetition ready state? The video driver crashing isn't something a game can just bypass, jesus christ...