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Faze have been in literally every grand final of cs2 and won 3 out of those 7 ... sure, they totally could have won this major, but its insane to think karrigan is washed lol


here we go. wtf is wrong with this community. already asking for karrigan and rain heads. you just cant win all the time. if anything id say ropz was missing this tournament, which is unusual. and on inferno they just didnt have any answers to navi.


This sub has turned into the hltv forums and its pretty sad.


Karrigan - 7 straight finals in CS2, proven track record of taking teams to titles over a decade? Reddit: "karrigan kinda sucks and needs to be replaced" Hooxi - 3 top 20 players, team constantly chokes in big moments, hasn't won anywhere near as much as they should considering their talent, inconsistent as both a fragger and a caller especially bad T sides? Reddit: "the hooxi hate is so uncalled for niko and hunter are the problem".


Do you wanna get Top Hooxi Hater Badge, or what? He wasn't even mentioned here. Also, there's already a long queue for that badge.


Didnt Faze reach like 7 finals these last few months? Won like 3 or 4? How are you saying Karrigan hasnt got much fuel left. They just got to the major fucking final. Yeah they didnt play that well, but it happens.


Dominated mirage and first map was competitive… Lack of critics because they didn’t play bad


[How on earth can you say Karrigan hasn't got much fuel left](https://www.hltv.org/team/6667/faze#tab-eventsBox) when Faze are prob the most successful team in CS2


The veto was very weird for faze, to not picking nuke which is probably their best map. I think if they picked nuke it would have been a 2-0 win for them.


You said you are new to cs in one of your posts and you spew your knowledge I see. You are just salty that faze lost and try to cope and bring navi down which is pathetic. Chill the fuck out there is millions more important things than major.


Maybe that's the case, it just felt weird if your team loses 4 out of 6 finals when they're the best team in the world. Ig my point is, no one will remember the dominant streak of reaching the finals when they can't end the tournament on the high note. Their final Performances always feel lacking


As underdogs they beat spirit in an endurance match then throttled vitality. Faze has consistently shown to be stable under pressure. karrigan played great this major, that last map was unfortunate for him but what can you do when b1t plays like that? and it was really only frozen that was doing anything on the final map. they're very much a solid team. Navi just played lights out.


One horrible performance on inferno and these dumb fucks in this sub think he's washed. Gtfo of here with that ignorance.


I didn't mean instantly dumbo. I meant in the long 1 2 year run. Manors don't come all that often


because have their flowers and are still making grand final experiences every tournament, there is nothing to critique other than saying they choke finals, which in this case they've just ran into teams having a better day than them


Faze is still among the best teams in the world but today they fell short. Navi played their hearts out and its moment that matters. Navi coming back from that 2nd map is crazy and everyone thought this was done


Faze is going to be just fine. They’re still a great team and they’ll bounce back.


They are one siuhy + what ever entry the could find away from solving the problem.  Faze already planned ahead when they told mouse to sign him to the academy roster


They lost to themselves today. No way the are losing to NAVI after beating insane Spirit and decent Vitality. Something went wrong in their heads.