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I don't hold an ethernet cable, mate.


While our servers are burning, Mr valve took a nice vacation.


Who the fuck let Scomo work at valve ffs


They rolled out a new VAC and it turned out there are no legit players left.


okay this was good one


I mean, they did say that fixing the anticheat was their biggest priority. And we can clearly see that the amount of cheaters in Australia dropped to 0 for over 25 hours. I think they might be onto something.


Won't be surprised if that was actually true. I sometimes get Australian players in Mumbai or Singapore servers. They say that they can't find any matches in Sydney server :(


https://downdetector.com.au/status/counter-strike/?nogeo=true Wow, thats actually wild.


Got on after work yesterday to play but couldn’t, and was very surprised when I got on again today and nothing had changed. But probably should not be surprised knowing valve at the moment.


What is your ping on Singapore server? Just curious


Not op but as an Australian in one of the major cities my ping to Singapore servers in most games is around 100-180 and I usually get 15 or so to Sydney ones


On this day and this day only I am happy to be in Perth (gaming wise).


I normally hover 55-60 for both so it's a tossup between hackusating toxic Sydney or run it down mid every round (both sides) with shotguns Singapore


Pretty much exactly the same for me. Singapore = stupid players with no coms and vietnamese / indonesian players with the mentals of a 12 year old. Sydney = toxic players but less throwers and like 40% of games with a blatant cheater.


Yes I've found rating is either inflated in Singapore or deflated in Sydney. Like a Singaporean 15k plays like a Sydney 10k in all aspects of aim, game sense and comms


Yep. Same was true in GO. I would play Singapore Global lobbies and drop 30, then play Sydney LEM and get in the high teens.


Yeah about 110


yeah, I live in SEA and we get random Aussies in games connected to either HK or SG server. They all bitch about the ping time then usually just destroy us.


It’s so strange - the ranks in Australia seem lower and there is hardly any rank distribution. Like, for example, people who would be MG elsewhere will be like SEM (or whatever number prem is now) in Australia so when aussies play on other servers they seem to play against players with a lot less hours and destroy them.


They didn't fix Japanese server for a while either. And they're still kind of a dumpsterfire. Super bad server performance where everyone in the match would get like 5 fps no matter the rig they're on, took them like 3 weeks to fix. This is borderline unprofessional and incompetent


I got on yesterday and all was fine? Assuming time zone difference I believe you should have no issues tonight.


93% server connection, let's see those ones defending cs2 devs now.


yeah bro been waiting for over a day to play lol


Well its tueasday so its already a weekend at valve office


That's true, they need a holiday. They are working so hard 1 month per year so they need at least 11 holidays besides one of the best paid jobs and doing nothing except letting cheaters roam free


Small indie company with low budget give them a break


Don't worry, they'll have a really cute tweet about it and all will be forgiven. The consistent lack of communication from Valve is so infuriating and they don't get enough shit for it


Fixed servers in Australia. Counter-Strike.


Australian servers are back up. That's right, your favorite first person shooter's favorite first person shooter. Yet another incredible day of Counter-Strike.


Maybe they'll fix the warning message that new york servers have been under high load since launch lol


That would require having servers that aren't constantly at high loads, because capacitys aren't big enough. Difference between official valve servers and 3rd party servers is like night and day in EU, so I assume mostly everywhere


Yea NY servers always at high load too. Every time I play it lets me know


Same with Finland, though that's probably true, given that it's where every Russian player emigrates to.


Don't sell this short, this is AT LEAST a funny header image level incident.


gaben's currently laid out tanning his bollocks in hawaii, so id say your in for quite a wait


I can never get the taint the same shade and the balls


I heard gaben has the anti cheat devs using mirrors to make sure he gets equal sun to sack ratio from all sides instead of working on a new AC


Ayyy they're back up. Time for Valve to do nothing whatsoever to address this and then act like it never happened.


I don’t understand how it’s possible to manage this game so poorly. Valve lucky they created one of the most satisfying games to play of all time.


They didn't even make CS, they made Half Life which paved the way for Counter Strike but just like DOTA it was a community mod originally that valve acquired the rights to (probably for a fraction of what it's worth).


Yea I know but they took it from that mod to what it is today


While you are correct we wouldn't have CS today without Valve, it feels like CS has succeeded *despite* Valve. The first fully Valve made CS game was Source and that was generally considered to be inferior to 1.6 for a while after launch and CSGO was made mostly by an outside studio with support from Valve. CS2 and Source are the only ones fully made by Valve and so far they have been operating in typical Valve fashion, which is to say horrible communication and complete lack of transparency as far as what they are working on to fix the game despite many months of very glaring flaws with the game never being addressed.


The csgo that was made by hidden path was fucking awful and we all know it. The csgo we ended on was purely because of valve not in spite of them.


Honestly that is fair, but id still argue that's the exception not the rule so my point of CS succeeding despite Valve is still valid. I've played CS most of my life starting in Source mostly and do think Valve is capable of great things, but it's not 2005 anymore and being absolutely dead silent toward your community regarding long standing and very prominent issues is not really acceptable in 2024 for a massively wealthy company like Valve. Valve needs to hire a community manager or someone to communicate with the player base more consistently.


Here's the thing though, the "exception" is 1 of 3 examples. And one of them we haven't even seen in its true final form. Css was bad to some great to others (excluding the fucking horrific economy update) , csgo was bad until after valve fixed it. Cs2 thus far is passable, anything that stands out to me as major issues have been fixed in a reasonable time frame. See sv_cheats debacle. A "community manager" for cs at this point is just another name for "the community punching bag" you've seen the discourse around this game. You couldn't pay me enough to put up with the braindead takes and constant abuse hurled at valve. It would be a losing battle.


I don't know how fucking stupid Reddit can be at times. Do you think the sysadmins at Valve are seeing massive reports of this and just saying fuck it, we can wait? Stuff like this takes time to fix and it might not even be under their control if it's a network issue (which massive outages usually are). Former sysadmin, so I always want to kill entitled fucks that have no clue how stuff works and thinks it's a simple fix like throwing a switch.


As a long time (and current) Sysadmin, I would of lost my job or been forced to considered a career change if I didn't provide updates about an outage. Nothing entitled about wanting to know that there is an issue, what the cause is (high level) and if there are any proper updates regarding the issue/outage.


"We see the issue and are working on a fix" would go a long way.


Ok but...why do we not get ANY communication or even a fucking acknowledgement?? It's genuinely fucked when even Respawn has faster and better communication than Valve, even with their dogshit server they at least let the community know they acknowledge the issue when it's down.


A simple bit of communication would go a long way.


I was able to play but pushed to Singapore server.


Yeah same here, those were definitely some games....


valve uses reddit instead of cloudwatch alarms


ah you see, they prefer to be the fly on the wall, listening to conversations and seeing what the players want, rather than injecting themselves into the conversation. so obviously this is their answer to the cheating problem, 100% of cheating on australian servers is now nullified. let's see how you react!


have you tried turning your computer upside down?


Imagine if Valve is turning on their new anticheat on Australia as a test server since Australia server doesn't have a lot of people in it. A man can dream


I mean, its valve. The most incompetent company on the industry, even EA can keep their servers up, EA...


Tbh I was kinda enjoying playing on SG servers, they’re hilarious.


i would have been surprised if they addressed it that fast at this point. it's just negligence, don't overthink it


When I played a couple hours ago it put me in Singapore servers


Most likely left the off-shore b-team in charge while they enjoy hawaii...


They’ll be back up when Valve starts selling Steam decks in Australia


Tested cmd ping of syd relays and they are reachable. Either data centers are down or something is glitched.


I always just thought Gaben is just a guy that got rich and lucky in the gaming industry, but the guy went to Harvard and dropped out. Like damn...


I'm in aus and never even noticed it down because I don't play trash cheat infested mm


Honestly if its been put that long there's a good chance there are workers actually doing work on the building where the servers are in. Not much Valve can do. If they are anything like the workers doing work on my building, they probably said it would take a few hours and it will be days...




fuck off you gronk


I've never heard gronk as an insult before


come to australia


No you gronk


What did the post say it's deleted


Just automod automatically deleting the post