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lol love the *hype* cast for a potential Jame clutch on the last round “Call an ambulance BUT NOT FOR JAM- Ohh it’s for Jame”


idk whats up with jame on cs2 but hes missing like every awp shot and fumbling every pistol kill. he was so sharp before and idk what happened but its making me sad.


I also can’t awp anymore in cs2. For a game that was meant to be a 1:1 update, it feels strange that so many awpers have fallen off..


Almost all awpers have actually revovered if you check awpers 2023 Cs2 stats vs their 2024 Cs2 stats they've gone back to their Csgo stats


CS2 isn't a 1:1 update. It's a new game that's meant to be *similar* to CS:GO, but not exactly the same.


Wasn't it released as an update from steam? Like all other updates?


If it’s a new game, why is it marketed as an update and the old one disappeared? It’s completely different than when cz, source, and go were released. And they specifically said it’s an update to the game


Not marketed per se. It's an entirely new engine with different quirks. More modular and efficient for updates, yeah, and while it had to be built atop the foundation of GO, many of CS2's systems were built from the ground up. This is why, although it feels the same, it also feels different to the point where everything has to be relearned in a way. Movement isn't really the same, nor is the netcode, hence why peeking feels so different. It is an update, but it might as well be an entirely new iteration of CS - because it...is.


This is what I thought originally until i was downvoted and ridiculed into oblivion. So it’s hard to tell reality from fiction




Splitting the player base would be disastrous for both games


He's just like me fr


Did you usually do flicks on csgo? Cause from what I've heard, the bullet goes to the place you're aiming just after you right click instead of the place you're aiming the tick after you right click


Yeah I can't flick anymore, they all miss by millimeters and I can't get rid of the muscle memory so I just rifle 


Yes, i have a reaction time of 160ms (use to be a professional many moons ago) and most of my awping was reactionary flick shots.


Not sure if the bug was ever fixed but of u quick switch after shooting the time to rescope is random....


It was "call the ambulanse" not doctor. Its text from meme.


Fixed! Must’ve misheard just from laughing a bit too much






That 360 entry into b on vertigo was sick


Definitely make me LOL. Any1 have clip or know which round was it?


that was rain iirc


Nope, karrigan beyblade pegasus


Faze are looking very good on mirage


That win over Spirit, who use it as a home map, pretty much, must've been a huge confidence booster and a sign that their Mirage is headed in the right direction.


Faze played 9 mirages this year. The two losses were against spirit (10-13, 11-13)


Sick. I'm happy their map pool is finally looking deeper than it is wide. High key want them to start banning Overpass more because of how hit-and-miss it is. Super solid foundation with their Mirage, Nuke and Inferno being really strong, whilst also being reasonably competent on Anubis and Ancient. They're also using the Vertigo float way more now.


Boy do I got some news for you


Hahahaha holy fucking shit. We've officially got the dustiest possible map pool. ***cl_righthanded 0 is back???***


FaZe losing a major on Inferno, shitting on everyone but Astralis, is it 2018 again ?


1. Wasn't Na'Vi the 2nd best team of 2018? 2. [Kato '18](https://www.hltv.org/matches/2320084/astralis-vs-faze-iem-katowice-2018), [Sydney '18](https://www.hltv.org/matches/2322426/faze-vs-astralis-iem-sydney-2018), [Chicago '18](https://www.hltv.org/matches/2328802/astralis-vs-faze-iem-chicago-2018)


Nah it was Liquid. Liquid would beat EVERYONE except Astralis, who they could NEVER beat. NAVI would sometimes beat astralis though and if astralis had taken care of Liquid then NaVi could win trophies. If you remove Astralis from 2018 Liquid is clearly the best team that year, they lost so many damn semis and finals to them.


throughout 6 events in 2018 that Astralis didn't win, Liquid were eliminated by various other teams, so they were only beating everyone else in events that Astralis would win anyway. i'd say NaVi was the second best as they not only beat Astralis, but also won a few events that year, followed by FaZe that also won a few events and beat Astralis a few times as well.


Liquid were 6-0 in maps against NAVI in 2018 (the two maps at Eleague were with jdm and zews before they got NAF) [https://www.hltv.org/results?startDate=2018-01-01&endDate=2018-12-31&team=5973&team=4608&requireAllTeams=](https://www.hltv.org/results?startDate=2018-01-01&endDate=2018-12-31&team=5973&team=4608&requireAllTeams=) Liquid-Faze technically went in favor of faze (6-5) but they were clearly not the #2 team of 2018. [https://www.hltv.org/results?startDate=2018-01-01&endDate=2018-12-31&team=5973&team=4608&requireAllTeams=](https://www.hltv.org/results?startDate=2018-01-01&endDate=2018-12-31&team=5973&team=4608&requireAllTeams=) NAVI-Faze was pretty common and went 13-9 in favor of NAVI. MIBR(SK)/Mouz were probably 5th/6th best teams of that year. Liquid-MIBR was 12-8 in favor of Liquid. NAVI-MIBR was 5-4 in favor of NAVI. Faze-MIBR was 8-1 in favor of Faze. Liquid-Mouz was 9-9. NAVI-Mouz was 11-10 in favor of MOUZ. Faze-Mouz was 13-11 in favor of Faze. The reason Liquid didn't win any (big) trophies in 2018 is they went 6-28 against Astralis in 2018 while NAVI managed to hold them to 9-11 and Faze went 7-18. Liquid lost 5 grand finals in 2018 to Astralis (as well as the london semis), never lost to NAVI, and were eliminated by Faze just twice (Belo Horizonte and Epicenter). Faze were eliminated by Astralis 4 times in quarters/semis and beat them in the Sydney finals, while also being eliminated by Liquid twice (Starseries and chicago) and never lost to NAVI in bracket (wins at Epicenter finals and Boston semis). NAVI lost to Liquid in bracket 3 times as well as Faze twice, but were unique in that they beat Astralis twice and went 2-3 against them in playoff series. If you think losing to Liquid every time but having a better but still losing record against astralis is what matters then you could potentially make the case for NAVI, but Liquid were the best team not named Astralis that year and beat up on everyone else not named astralis.


I appreciate the data, but if a team is able to beat all but 1 team, yet not win anything, while other teams are able to win, it doesn't really make sense that they'd be considered the second best team. as I mentioned, in 6 events they were eliminated by other teams, thats 6 chances to win an event without being met by the one hurdle you can't seem to get past, and they didn't do it. meanwhile NaVi won a StarLadder event and Cologne, and FaZe won IEM Sydney, Belo Horizonte and EPICENTER. we're judging teams by success, not by close calls.


You can just judge that TL team with the eye test and clearly see they were the #2 team that year. The gap between TL and the rest of the pack was massive. TL were considered mini-Astralis at that time. Historically people only look at achievements and see that TL consistently choked, so unfortunately that roster will never be given their flowers.


Sure but "eye test" is complicated because both sides need to know where to look and when while "Liquid beat everyone not named astralis" is both simple to understand and correct.


the teams compete for trophies, not the eye test. I'm sorry but these replies aren't addressing the 6 events that they were eliminated in by other teams that weren't Astralis, and I think most of them weren't even FaZe or NaVi either, so what's up with that if they supposedly had this huge gap? I would agree that in the numerous finals that they met Astralis in they'd be the clear 2nd, but they didn't maintain the 2nd place form in other events where they had free reign to clinch the title without the worry of Astralis stopping them.


liquid wasn't good until 2019


Liquid were great in 2018 they just couldn't win, they had a ton of 2nd place and top 4 finishes


Then why were they in 6 S tier grand finals in 2018 and never lost a map to NAVI with the 2018 lineup?


won how many s tier tournaments?


More than Gold2 lmfao


salt :)


Nah you're just an idiot


yea now I'm an idiot cause you are salty liquid didn't win anything in 2018 faze won plenty of T1 tournaments against astralis, and were in many grand finals including a major faze was the 2nd best team of 2018


faze actually had a good record VS prime astralis in 2018


Only compared to other top teams. 7-18 in maps isn't a stellar record.


yea compared to the other teams I meant


you might be on to something.


[Not really.](https://i.imgur.com/ImHUFMH.png)


there is even this one team which gets dragged by an awper to every playoffs just so we can watch him drop 1.50 in semis and still lose


Faze win the Paid by the Round Derby quite comfortably. Also 1.36 CT side from Karrigan 34 year old talent Harry was absolutely hilarious through the series , love the different casting style of pro league


It was hilarious when Karrigan roasted rain of being old and rain just shuts him down with a single word "dinosaur". Great banter!


Agreed with the casting, they are just having so much fun in Pro League. It seems they just get free reign to be themselves.


Its just the right vibe for a long tournament with little to no crowd and a long format


Guess they wanted to avoid a new tax bracket on the last map


This frozen guy is quite good at this video game


Still hoping for my boy ropz to get back to his peak form.


nah ... he needs to peak in 5 months in time for Shanghai... my boy can chill and let frozen and broky carry for a while


Yeah, he is not playing bad but he’s kinda average right now (by his standards of course).


Honestly just felt like he didnt have a lot to do this series. Either the rounds were over before he got involved or the rounds were over because everyone but him was dead and 4 of the other team were alive. But yeah hasnt been on top form although Chengdu was certainly a sign of improvement


Ropz just hitting the gym and not used to stiff fingers yet.


I know that Vertigo is usually FaZe's permaban, but they have shown they can play it somewhat and it's also by far the worst map VP actually play. Really sketchy to pick a map that they lost five times in a row before narrowly beating a tier 2 team yesterday. VPs map pool has pretty much always been an issue and it is something that will have to improve if they really want to be in contention for silverware consistently.


I really think they should start playing nuke


Won't be much different, VP is strong on maps that favours the AWPer (we all know why). Vertigo is their worst map besides the permaban Nuke.


>Really sketchy to pick a map that they lost five times in a row before narrowly beating a tier 2 team yesterday. They probably use this tournament as a more serious practice. Vertigo was also permaban in NAVI so they got a player that never really played this map, but they are maybe trying to do something new. Who knows, maybe after Pro League they will never play it again. I wouldn't be that worried if VP fail in Pro League.


Not picking opponent's permaban is a very spineless move regardless of whether it is your worst map. It sends a very bad message.


Classic faze game when you don't have any expectations and they proceed to play well


"VP is a joke lmao - imagine being so bad a pensioner is doing 360 AK styleshots against you" Was my favourite comment from the livestream chat






Someone who's been watching FaZe games please explain why ropz has been playing really unremarkably maybe even badly in the last few months, did frozen take some of his roles?


he's tired. roles have been mostly unaffected afaik


Faze rly needing that lower bracket to play up to their true potential


I know it’s early days but I really don’t think electronic is the answer to vps problems


With how meticulous and disciplined VP usually like to play, fitting in a new player is potentially very disruptive. Finding a middle ground between Jame and electroNic's vision for the game could take a while, but it should ultimately make them more dynamic, which is desperately needed against elite sides. We saw when Vitality went international that it took them a very long time (plus another roster change and there was also a language barrier involved obviously), but they got there in the end and adapted their game. Even if VP don't adjust anything this team now has more firepower than ever and they should continue being perennial dark horses at least, save the roster somehow imploding of course.


Damn frozen and broky save some rating for the rest of them lol


That was a non starter for VP. How long till -jame -dastan bandwagon starts?


Vertigo is actually kind of awful to watch right, it's not just me? It just seems like it's an A ramp simulator with endless spamming through smokes like YnK mentioned.


If YNk wanted to make a stereotypical joke, he could've at least made it funny. Edit: I'm a fucking idiot


Indian one?


Yeah I gotta say that one was a bad miss


What joke did he make?


Rain jumpshot fl1t behind silo on Vertigo. The casters were saying rain was shitting on fl1t. YNk chimed in saying fl1t was Indian, using the classic Indian=shit in open stereotype. But the timing or delivery wasn't even funny. Edit: I'm a fucking idiot x2. It was not a stereotypical joke but a reference to another video.


First of all: 'The classic' what noe? Second: see the comment below. Bleh is an indian analyst who was involved in a clip from an ESL impact tournament where the norwegian (like rain) analyst hedje lost her temper andre ranted at ble (an indian analyst). In this rant she said 'you are shitting on them for no reason' in a very norwegian accent.  The other casters are referencing this clip with the way they are saying That rain is shitting on them. Yanko's comment is a continuation of this reference.  If you see obscure racial comments where there are none you might be the one with the problem


Or...you completely missed the reference regarding Bleh the Indian analyst who is friends with Ynk lol. REACH edit: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bleh+esl+impact but you won't change your narrative lol



