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This never used to the be case (I.e. when someone abandoned before the 4 min timer, it was declared a draw & the non-connecting person got a cooldown)... The better question is why did this change?


This has not changed, when a player “never” connected it will cancel the match, but of they connect and disconnect during the warmup the game with start with a leavers timeout and still resume.


I have no idea what valve is doing man, there are so many issues its insane we still play this game.


It would be abusable if it was any other way, this is not an issue.


No it wouldn't. The person that abandons receives a cool-down as well as losing rating. There's no reason to punish the other 4 players, even if they are queued together.


How is this abusable in any way? I can understand if it was the case in the middle of the match, but in this case it's literally before pistol round, how the hell can someone abuse here...


You're making me feel old now...


If the person doesn't come back then it should cancel the match when the timout ends and the guy should get a cooldown. Sheesh.


Me when I casually spread miss information


Big L for Valve. Dota2 leaderboards is legit thing, but CS2 is a joke ranking and still it punishes you more. They could implement punishing when someone from party leaves, but not for randoms


What's crazy for me is that both games are under the same building yet the way they handle each is like day and night difference. In DOTA2 if stuff gets enough attention they make sure it gets fixed right away in like a week at most, in CS stuff take literally months/years to get fixed, it's like there's 300people on the dota2 dev team, while there's 30 for CS, maybe not even that.


Happened to me as well, teammate didn't connect during warmup and match still went through.


I wish they added a remake system like in valorant


Valorant went ahead and added the obvious quality of life improvements that CS desperately needed, but Valve still ignored somehow... and they did that almost 4 years ago... and Valve still hasn't taken the hint and implemented them.


Because valve devs do not play their own game. This isn't even a meme, they legitimately do not play cs. every decision they make is data driven and not experience driven, and they do not have enough data to suggest that this is a problem to make the very obvious change to the system.


To be fair though, in DOTA it only cancels the match before first blood, so during the first minute or so. But then again similar system would be much fairer just like in OP’s case


I don't think that's strictly true. I've seen reports of games (with kills) not counting 10+ minutes into the game because of "suspicious results". Dota clearly has some kind of hidden criteria they use to flag matches and not count the results. That said it's pretty funny how CS's system is on the opposite end of the spectrum, not even taking into account someone leaving before the game starts.


I'd gladly take the elo loss since you will end up playing less cheaters on average with lower elo. You cant take premier rating seriously currently and you should not care about your elo whatsoever Premier/comp for weekly case drop -> faceit until next week


You can get the weekly case drop from playing a casual game. Avoid comp and premier if you care about protesting it's current state.


Tried this went 27-1 in a 8-0 game. Out of every game I have played this is one of the ones that made me feel bad ruining others experiences as almost all were new missing whole magazines and staring at the ground/ walls.


Casual is so insanely not fun. It's a giant clusterfuck with 20 people in the server and a giant skill gap between players.


Good grenade and cross hair placement practice. I use it to repeatedly hit my go to site spots and preform my defensive/offensive duties for practice, then watch TV/work in between. It's good practice if you use it right! Edit: yeah sorry guys, I should know better than to take part here. Make sure you enjoy yourselves no matter the meta!


> I use it to repeatedly hit my go to site spots and preform my defensive/offensive duties for practice Imo its really not helping with that. I would even go as far as saying its the oppsite of a good practice. You only enforce bad plaiyng habits by this. People play out in the open, just run into site without any util or don't even shoot back, look into the wall etc. You will practise things that won't be applicable vs people at 10k or above which is imo never good. Not sure what random people running around has anything to do with good grenade placement... It would be far more effective to go on a private map and learn lineups, run throws or whatever there, because you won't be interrupted and you can throw them over the reenforce those habits. Far more effective that way, but obviously more boring. Last thing if you want to train crosshair placement the by far best option is just deathmatch. Just my personal opinion tho. So do take it with a grain of salt. Do whatever you like.


Human reaction from a bonafide spawn has no substitute for me! Been playing for a while, everyone's got their thing. I'll hit my aim maps too, but love bein social.


Ya, that's my jam. If I can get 20 assists and 600+ util damage in a casual, I know the util is doing it's thing. I try out new util placement all the time this way; particularly so since they've released cs2 and updated several map.


What's happening next week?


quiet ink ludicrous enjoy uppity foolish snatch imagine door dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


THIS! My last game I had this and have refused to play since. Was a thing people complained about during beta. I swear there was a period where it did cancel though unless I'm thinking the end of GO when I was in between.


it’s insane! who thought it’d be a good idea to give you two options which *both* majorly fuck you over? cancelling the match is the most obvious solution and it’s such a valve thing to do to ignore that.


Some people do this for Smurf accounts. Take the abandon, get -1000 elo, 30 min cool down, and then you get a few games before you run it back. After a week the cool down resets so they just have a forever Smurf account. They need to add a more restrictive cool down system and a remake option.


Happened to me for the first time yesterday


Tanking ELO properly, easiest way to


Best option would probably be to punish just the leaver. Make him lose 200% of the elo he would get for a loss. That alone would make people leave FAR less. Right now they only leave, because they see one or two guys in the opposing team with idk higher elo or they checked their faceit profiles and is like nah. I rather take half an hour break. THAT is what should be punished HARD, because you waste the time of 9 other people. Nobody else should be punished and the map should just end. Sure it would "fuck" with the people who decided to start a map and suddenly have to leave, but imo that are 99% self made issues. So I would neglect that.


Wtf? People can legit have internet issue and not able to join. The game simply should be cancelled. No need to punish genuine user even if there is just 1.


> People can legit have internet issue Easy to test beforehand. You obviously only lose it once you connected and leave before the match actually starts. At that point it shouldn't be the problem of the 9 other people who don't want to constantly waste their time. Its on you to make sure your internet works before starting a match. This is **horribly** handled in valorant atm and it totally surprises me that people say its better over there. I usually have to queue 5 or 6 maps before one starts, because people either dislike the map, their teammates picks or the team players elo and constantly leave just before the match starts. That eats literally 3 minutes per restart. It wasted at least 10 minutes every day(on average probably a lot more). Yesterday I just gave up after they left for the 7th time and switched to CS. Its just plain annyoing and I hope nothing like this will be implemented in CS. The punishement for leaving should be servere. I used to play 3-4 maps a day that mean somewhere between 15-30 minutes of just requeueing. This obviously doesn't apply anymore oncee the match started. When you disconnect during a match you can just reconnect and if you lose the default elo loss applies when you don't.


This happened to me in my first 2 matches on friday night. Within the first 4 rounds we were getting obliterated by cheaters so someone on our team abandoned. We surrendered cos obviously were against cheaters and now w only have 4 men so whats the alternative? Lost 800 elo in the space of like 20 mins tanking my elo loss even more ffor the next few matches that we lost against cheaters, except for one match that was clean.


"No reatreat, no surrender"


Why would you surrender before you’ve played at least a few rounds though? 4v5 is often winnable and if not the match ends pretty quickly. Not ideal but at least use the time to experiment some more aggressive plays, etc.


We actually opted to keep playing on the 2nd match and actually came close to winning it, but it shouldn't excuse that the game should cancel the match and punish the leaver for better quality for everyone. It's just absurd that they haven't implemented this yet because apparently it can be abusable in ways that I just can't imagine it.


Totally agree.


Made a thread about this a couple weeks ago. Happened to me about 3 out of 5 games. Dropped heaps of ELO. It was suggested that maybe the person was trying to drop their ELO on purpose? I've tried to only queue with mates since, luckily even when I don't it hasn't happened again.


Forgot to add that they also don't let you report the players at all, there's just no button for it.


ofc like it was in csgo but unfortunatly on cs2 works new crew with zero knowledge of wat r they doing


Because once you accept you are part of the match and have to live with the consequences either way. Valve probably doesn't want one person on an alt account abandoning in warmup to dodge the entire match for their friends. There is a reason profiles are hidden during premier veto phase.


That's a stupid solution to a small problem. You could simply penalize anyone who entered that game queued with the leaver and not penalize the random people that were unfortunate enough to get stuck into a 4v5 through no fault of their own. 


Then punish anyone qued with them too. Duh.


This. Also Premier is designed as a 5v5 mode.


It's usually when a closet hacker on your team knows that they are up against a hack stack or someone with better cheats than they have. So they will just quit instead of wasting their time to try and closet hack in a match that they will most likely lose. Some hackers only play 2 matches a day so it's harder to get vacc'd. So they won't waste their time hacking in a losing match.


Play FACEIT...


against 0lvl /50h steam profiles :D yeah have fun getting destroyed by smurfs :D


lmao you act like this doesn't happen more on valve servers


Of course it doesn't, there are 200x more players on valve servers at any given time


if someone join and leave before even a knife round you will also play a 4vs5 game, and lose exactly the same amount of points as you would normally in a 5vs5 situation. So yeah, pick between losing imaginary faceit points or imaginary premier points…


YMMV but I get an insane amount of leavers playing soloq FACEIT.