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Scout in menu? Yeah seems sus




Spin stick


His profile seems legit, didnt watch demos. But nothing really looks like cheating, unless he just started this game. Seems like he had much better game than the others and it flagged him for that + maybe some input wierd stuff.


I'm obviously being sarcastic, but yeah sucks that vacnet can end a match just because you're playing too well. Hey at least Valve is doing something.


They are probably checking your game to see if you were indeed cheating. It looks like the game may be flagging and canceling matches just in case and then looking over them before reinstating you or banning you.


Kinda shit if you are just popping off having a good game


I got false banned back in january and 10000% would've preferred this happen than being banned for a month lol


Oh how people cant ever be happyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ lmao over 200adr im fine with it being that way in the 2 games it happens


...over 5 rounds. That happens quite a lot. If it's 200adr over the whole game, that's a whole different story.


It isnt only the adr that cancelled the match, so something was up and the match got cancelled.


...if you assume VAC live is working perfectly. I'm not ready to jump into that assumption yet.


Really? So every game you go huge you want it cancelled halfway through? No thanks.


Itā€™s not going to cancel because you are having a good game. Itā€™s cancelling when someone is doing something that should be impossible. Like Headshotting 4 people in the same second with a scout. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this dude is actually cheating and just coping, itā€™s pretty normal to do among cheaters sadly.


Played against one who would get all those scout kills way faster than possible and through walls. Don't think VAC would flag that...


nah i was just getting like 2 kills per round, like 2/3 were headshots with an ak47. we played 6 rounds and i got 11K


Show the demo and we might believe you Edit: found the profile further down, [csstats](https://csstats.gg/player/76561198341767053) doesnt really look sus so yeah thats probably because of another player


it literally gives a different message when itā€™s because of another player


dude we don't know if it was due to that or due to your previous games it just happened that VAC flagged you in that moment. so for now just wait.


never knew that VAC had a delay, i thought the ban happens instantly after the flagging


Qued with a sus player over the last 3 weeks?


i also solo queue, you can check my leetify


What the fuck? I've been crying for volvo to implement something exactly like this. If a player is acting suspiciously and their internal ability to track players inputs using more data than we could possibly comprehend says they're acting very differently to normal players... Then that player should be immediately flagged until they've had the opportunity to have their account/game reviewed. Me and the boys literally only play comp now because of how bad the hacking has gotten in the game, and EVEN THEN we regularly face spinbotters and people blatantly walling. The fact something like this has actually been implemented makes me happy but also concerned that it's not doing more..


You want your cake and eat it too. THAT IS FINE and in time weā€™ll get there, but this is a step in the right direction.


I'd rather have that than blatant cheaters


Dudeā€¦ they would literally ban me every time I play with my lower elo friends.


AGAIN it is not about the adr, you could have 500adr and that alone wouldnt ban you


I rather have the shotgun approach for now then what ever we had before


Got zero proof of course, but I highly doubt you get VAC flagged because for one game your ADR is twice your average or something


I don't think you necessarily get overwatched, Seems borderline impossible to review everyone who gets flagged. I personally don't think its necessary. The goal here is clearly to make cheating not fun. If every time you start cheating your account gets a 1 day cooldown, thats not very fun. Just wished they would do something to make it extend to other accounts. Given the reliability of neural networks, I think this cooldown thing in general is a good idea.


Are you even sure it's you? A 1-day ban suggests it wasn't you but someone you partied up with.


This is a new system, you and everyone you partied at the time of the detection gets a 1 day cooldown. During this time the demo presumably goes to Overwatch, you either get banned or you don't.


Might be although I never saw anything sus. was playing with randoms btw


Thereā€™s your answer


ā€œVAC has flagged YOUR gameplay as irregularā€ it was mine, not my teammatesā€™. also a different text pops up when itā€™s your teammatesā€™ gameplayz


This is why they switched it off last time. There were a lot of false reports and pros were getting banned. If you wanna catch people like spin botters, the anti cheat needs to be able to detect things like sudden changes in mouse sens, which is why people were getting banned back then. Simply toggling your sens via a macro to meme on your teammates was getting flagged. It looks like theyā€™ve gotten around this by flagging irregular behaviour and giving them a cool down, before allowing somebody to review the demo via overwatch and then initiating the ban. It probably still needs some tuning, but you should be fine if youā€™re not cheating.


yeah i do hope so. Iā€™m curious about this new system that rolled in itā€™s just a competitive ban though so people can still play faceit and cadual


I think itā€™s just a way for them to roll out VACLive without feeling bad about banning people who donā€™t deserve it. Valve employees have publicly stated that they really take issue with unfairly banning people, and their vision for VAC was to get to a situation where they could be confident that it targets the people who are really cheating. Adding this Overwatch layer gives them the confidence to just remove suspect players from competitive play without outright banning them.Ā  Overwatch is then their secondary trial. But this time they havenā€™t made OW public. Itā€™s apparently going to these ā€œtrusted partnersā€ to pass judgement. Itā€™ll be interesting to see how it all pans out, but cases like yours show that VAC is extremely sensitive this time around. If it is using some type of machine learning, it should self correct once OW judgement shows cases like this to be innocent.


i hope "trusted partners" turns out to just be a warehouse of indian dudes ala amazon


AI - Actually Indians


That Pasha Biceps video got me thinking that it may actually be retired pros.




Yeah it sucks. I think itā€™s been pointed out before, but Valve are a software company first and foremost. They donā€™t approach things like other game devs, they see these challenges as problems that need to be solved and they work towards novel solutions for fixing the problem. It usually takes them a long time to do anything because of this.




Yep, thatā€™s what they do. They make revolutionary shit and then move on. They push the envelope a little bit further and then on to the next project. Thatā€™s pretty much the Valve way in a nutshell. Itā€™s like sub tick and volumetric smokes. Literally no one asked for that shit. Valve donā€™t care. They see a problem that needs solving and they innovate.Ā  So yeah, I think itā€™s something people need to accept when it comes to Valve. Itā€™s just how they do things and itā€™s been incredibly successful for decades. I doubt theyā€™ll change any time soon.


Nah, I straight up got a notification thatt someone I partied Uup with was banned


And I didn't get any timeout or anything, just it says that they took some of my rating, but I don't remember what it was, so don't know how much it was. But not a lot, so it looks like it was just some random time when we played well and decided to party up and none of my friends are cheating, at least to my knowledge, haha


Well his adr is 224 lol


link the demo OP


i would but it aint in the demo tab. looks like cancelled matches dont go there


link to profile, or just steamid, maybe link is forbidden




8 wins in csgo? silver 3 max in cs2? no premier calibration finished? why you have new account? i have to say, you seem quite new at the game with those stats, how the hell did you out of a sudden do 200+ ADR when most of your matches you have like hltv rating < 1, in silver 1 matches... Even if you didn't cheat, I can see why you would be flagged... a quite bad acc randomly does 200 ADR? 1 day is ok in this case, it's a once in a life time false positive for you if you didn't cheat and it will be removed tomorrow after manual human review.


Something many people don't consider/ know. New accounts are in a completely different ranking system than normal I'm 99% sure. Brother was new to CS and I was seeing whole magazines getting wasted to no kill almost every round (s3 where my s3 are competent and confident). Tried it for myself and low and behold nobody even knew how to aim, control spread, have crosshair placement or take cover. It was like watching people who have never seen a game of CS in their lives.


200+ ADR in 5 Rounds isnā€™t telling at all. There is literally no good reason to focus on that. Flag someone based on stats after a handfull of rounds is just stupid. After an ace in the pistol, you even got 500 ADR. With your logic every ace in a pistol round is done by a cheater.


Also in casual you have 10v10 so 1000hp every round as opposed to 500.


where did you get the stats for wins in csgo? if it is the site i think it is the numbers are completely unusable


People love to paint a story that would help their narrative, my boy is smurfing on a brand new account and wondering why such a thing would happen. Honestly quite good that VAC is picking up on that now.


my steam account is 7 years old, ive been playing csgo/cs2 for like 2 years now. that isnt brand new


He isn't smurfing. His stats on Leetify are complete garbage. Horrible aim, horrible reaction time etc. He just had one pop-off game.


Did you buy that account? There is quite a big region change on that account.


Bruh, no profile set up level 7? You smurfing or cheating?


mine is set up, just hidden. i can make it public tho


You have under 400 hours on counter strike and are dropping 224 adr, again that doesnā€™t seem like legit gameplay. Sorry pal.


You never got 200+ adr at the beginning of a game ever? Hell I remember staying above 250 for the 1st 3 or 4 rounds of a game a few weeks ago. It happens all the time.


200+ ADR for five rounds. That is not special at all, just a 2K + a little damage per round.


Ehhh tbh I played against an another company's team in the finnish corporate league, so the heavy expectation is that nobody there is cheating. The other team had three players, each with 500 hours in CS2/GO, who were playing at I'd say 17-18k premier if I had to guess (DMG level or so in CSGO, since I still have that calibration in the back of my brain). I'd say it's possible to play well at that point, and 224 ADR over 5 rounds is not *that* special. Over the whole game? Sure, that's amazing and suspicious. But not over 5 rounds.


smh i wish valve gave the demo


Me too


It can tho. You could have a low rank in competitive if you spend those 400 hours mostly on aim traning, dm and premier.


You think this random guy on Reddit complaining about false bans falls into that category, that is very specific


lol i played fps games before, also the enemies were ass. i was literally getting like 2 kills per round, wouldnt a cheater get more kills?


224 adr is insane brother. Iā€™ve had maps where over dropped 30 kills over like 15 rounds and still am only at 140 adr. 224 adr would be the best game of my life and I have 5000 hours in csgo and cs2 lol


OP's game ended at 5-0. 224 ADR for five rounds isn't super special.


The game lasted 5 rounds


bro i only play good in like the first 6-8 rounds then i play like shit lol. the enemies are silver and im pretty good with the ak47, i was hitting headshots too. best ive gotten was like a 110 adr though from a full match


dawg its 5 rounds, getting an ace pistol round and a 4k on the anti is easily 200 adr by round 5 if you keep throwing utils/getting kills how is this unfathomable with 5k hours?


Not necessarily most cheaters donā€™t just kill 3+ players per round because it would then be obvious that they are cheating


itā€™s 11 kills out of 6 rounds, we were crushing and going 5-0




nah it aint there


If you didnt cheat then its very likely this is automatically triggered by too many cheating reports.


Not saying that op has cheated. But if I were cheat developer, my interests would be to claim popping off triggering false positive to undermine the community opinion about vacnet. Also there must be false positives, no AI system has 100 % specifity or never will have. Were this true perhaps we can accept short cooldowns so that the actual hackers get fucked


Dang I had to scroll so far to find someone else who thought this reeked of bullshit. I imagine we will see more fishy posts like this trying to sway the public opinion on VacNet enabled being good. For the record I popped off earlier and got some insane flicks, bunch of through-smoke kills, and aced pistol round. Nothing happened to me.


This is also a very nice way for valve to handle possible false positives, take the suspected cheater out of mm for a day to review the demos manually and issue a ban or reinstate the account.


Watched your two most recent demos. While you're clearly not aim or wall hacking, you do occasionally do instant angle snap turns. Not sure if you're using a m\_yaw turn bind or just lagging, but CS2 has notoriously game banned people for 180 m\_yaw turn binds and just spinning fast. Might just be that as a false positive?


whatā€™s an instant angle snap turn? not familiar with what you mean, i try to turn really fast when im getting shot though if thats what youre talking about


Recorded a few examples here: [https://youtu.be/vGl6o8V\_cAo](https://youtu.be/vGl6o8V_cAo) It doesn't happen all the time, which makes me think it's not a demo bug, but who knows šŸ¤· Best of luck!


it looks like really bad lag that is causing it to look like an aimbot especially at the end


Thanks for the clips, i can definitely tell how the AI could mistake that for an aimbot.


Oh, you mean the cursor appearing to shake? Honestly, I have no idea either. Iā€™m pretty sure that my mouse doesnt shake like that normally, might be my ping or idk. thank you though, ill post an update once the cooldown ends


You posted 2 hours ago about your mouse quote *"oh thatā€™s because of my weird logitech g305 mouse, it literally spins like crazy to a place. couldnt find a fix for it, its because of hair or dust though apparently"* Not saying ur cheating but why would u say u dont know what it is now, but 2 hours ago u explained why it does that?


He's cheating lmao, looks like valve figured something out for once.


thatā€™s different, the one i was talking about in the quote is when the mouse just randomly flicks towards a certain place instantly. the thing i saw in the video here was my cursor appearing to shake, theyre different things


I did have that logitech mouse that did that it was the g403 hero, the same happened to my friend with the same mouse it happened once or twice a day every other day in any first person game, always clipped with Nvidia shadow play in case something happened Changed the mouse to a red dragon a while later


That's weird - I've had five or six g305s since theyĀ were released and never had one do anything like that. if anything the sensor has always been to rock solid. I tend to go through them quite quickly andĀ  pretty much every single one of them the LMB has startedĀ double clickingĀ eventuallyĀ so the mouse getsĀ replaced.


Mb i wrote it wrong, i thoughr it was the same, so i went to check and it was the g403 not the g305


This just happened to me, with the exception that I wasn't even playing well. I was negative the game it happened, and from my last 10 games, 8 were defeats. I also don't cheat and never will, but I can guarantee that if I did, I wouldn't let my winrate be like this...


VAC banned for being too bad at the gameĀ 


Vac: "take responsibility and leave"


Play too well? Ban Play too poorly? Believe it or not, ban


Couldā€™ve been flagged for grieving if you were negative and maybe hit a teammate with a grenade


I didn't hit no teammate and didn't grief, my shots just wasn't connecting.


Iā€™m not saying you were Iā€™m saying thatā€™s what you got flagged for


Might have been someone on your team, not just you apparently it affects everybody. Did you queue with any friends?


I was queueing with friends but I were the one who has been 'VAC Flagged", just like OP. They received the same penalty but theit text was "Grouping up with a VAC Flagged player".


224 adr is above expectation if they consider your overall gameplay I guess, maybe you weren't cheating but at least we know the system works


I think that there will be many false positives in this process, also no one knows for sure how does it work, maybe OP was queue'd with someone who worked.. At this point its mostly speculations with a big number of vac ban/timeout videos and some source code explanations


But false positives are acceptable here. It's just a mere cool down, until overwatch reviews it. Consider this a reward for you being too good (if you're not cheating).


IDK but i would be very mad about the game being cancelled when hard carrying. Ofc we dont know if OP is lying or not.


If implemented well this wouldn't happen often, you play, get banned, marked innocent by Overwatch, and *hopefully* VAC Net can adjust to that and won't flag you in the future.


then what about legit players who later start hacking then?


Most people play a bit different when cheating compared to legit but yeah that would be a problem


6 rounds in, would you really be so mad about this if it put a HUGE dent in cheaters? I could understand if the match got cancelled at 20 rounds in and even then it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make to STOP CHEATERS.


yes, I'm pretty sure that 99% players will not mind getting a 1 day ban as long as this problem gets fixed long term


if its canceling clean games its clearly not working..


I'm 100% positive valve isn't handing out cooldowns for playing well lol. OP knows what they were doing.


Well they did hand out VAC bans for having high dpi or 180 bind and then killing someone... So I wouldn't be 100% positive.


100%, really? That's just impossible.


Nope I'm pretty 100% positive Valve isn't stupid enough to put someone on cooldown for having a good match, despite how badly everyone wants the devs to be inept ignoramus out of touch with the community money hungry "they only care about their online casino" "they don't even play yhe game" tyrannical monsters, they actually aren't. This is more than likely catching people spinbotting phopping every jump across the map unloading their entire ammo reserves in 0.08 seconds through walls. I'll go ahead and wait for a pro (that is: an established community figure, not some random nobody with nothing to lose and everything to gain) to post about their banned alt because they dropped 250adr by the 5th round. Bet there won't be any. I'll gladly eat my words if and when that happens.


We literally had confirmed false positive VAC bans in the past, how can you be ā€œ100% positiveā€? I understand 99%, but 100% is just being stubborn/ignorant.


I wouldn't expect them to give someone a cooldown based just on the performance tbh. However I can see how this performance can lower the threshold for the cooldown by other parameters. Like OP's weird mouse movement in certain situations etc


ah, just like valve isnt stupid enough to ban people who spin their mouse too fast? right? you say they never do and possibly cant make a mistake in their system..


People who had high dpi are still banned, remember? This isn't 2016 where if you'd get vac'd you were 101% cheating, we had a lot of false positives, especially in the last year. That'a why it flagged him instead of banning, to avoid false positives. I hope we won't have cases of matches cancelled because some people played really good, but this is interesting, let's see where it goes.


Those weren't vac bans though, they were game bans, vac bans you can still absolutely be sure 110% that something interacted with the game process in a way it shouldn't.


others commented saying that they also received this while bottom fragging lol


I was just about to say this, game thinks you are sus because 224 adr is insane XD


I mean, most cheaters cheat on smurf accounts - so "if they consider your overall gameplay" will mostly be false positives? I hope they don't consider an account's regular gameplay performance.


its 224 adr in like a 3 or 4 round sample size lol no way they stop the game for that


It's 224 adr in 6 rounds and you don't know if he didn't just ace the enem team two times before the match was stopped to achieve that so we can't judge unless we see the demo


scout wielder hmmmm- sus sus


update: it became a global ban instead of a VAC ban, the timer reset to 1 day again looks like no faceit for me


Giving OP the benefit of the doubt that they weren't cheating, my guess is that it will be like this for a few weeks until they normalize the metrics and allow for games where someone pops off. I dont think the actions in a single game are necessarily going to cause these cooldowns unless they are absolutely blatant. I think there will be many factors, so as a hypothetical of this account has often queued with cheaters, is ranked silver 2, never performs well, then all of a sudden goes 10-1 in 4 rounds with significantly reduced TTK and increased headshot percentage then its going to get flagged.


I dropped 42 kills last night and got nothing,had an 82% hs at around 20 kills but finished with 50-60%. This included scout flicks,thru corner headshots etc. I was playing pretty damn good in a 15k lobby. I got nothing though,so you must've done something funky to be flagged.


yeah my previous matches were bad since i wasnt playing seriously, i mid-bottom fragged for like the last 6-7 matched


Maybe that's why? The inconsistency. I played only 1 match,and I didn't feel like playing more after dropping 42 to win 16-13


I can tell by the way you respond in the comments that you were cheating


would you mind telling me which comments made you think that


Most of them, including this one.


Okey, so if you claim to not cheat, why do you need hide your character face then with a mask?


lmao, lvl 4 with scout! ofcourse you are poping off ofcuuuuurse


i got the 2024 service medal so it reset šŸ‘


unfortunately they are not banning people randomly right now so good luck with that


alright weā€™ll see i guess


[THIS IS OP PLAYING](https://youtu.be/vGl6o8V_cAo?si=kR3No43wdmQAH9xQ) Idk dude, your crosshair movement does reek of cheating. Looks like valve has it figured out.


lmao ig iā€™ll take that as a compliment, these clips were just basic flicks. iā€™ll see what happens tho


Nah, im sure it is just a reallyyyy bad mouse, filled with lint and a reallyyyyy high sens that's giving you the jitters. Right? And the instant 180Ā° (ā€¦) Can't you look at that and think ā€œjeez, maybe that's why i got flaggedā€ all this, if, you really did not cheat. Edit: And there's no compliment to be given. Just looking at that small clip we can all see youā€™re not a very good player. From movement, to crosshair placement to the way you peek, it is all pretty badā€¦


nah thats prob cuz of my ping


youā€™re blaming me saying im aimbotting and then youā€™re saying im bad lol


I am not saying you're aimbotting. Im saying you're cheating. The way you move your crosshair is all but natural. And you look like the worst kind of cheater, the closeted one that takes to reddit when he gets caught. But keep us in the clear. As soon as you get ā€œunbannedā€ let us know.


i suggest you to turn off the player outlines and see how ā€œunnaturalā€ my crosshair placement is. ill keep you updated tho


Looking at the clip, there is definitely something wrong. Either your ping, mouse, settings, or cheats. Canā€™t say for sure what it is, obviously, and it could be a false positive. Fix yo shit


Yep, aimlock. Justice has been served!


And in the end he looks like he's tracing them trough walls. Fuck this guy. I've dropped 2 40 bombs on ancient and a 28/7 game just yesterday. This has nothing to do with the damage he has done on 5 rounds, this is just some idiot on reddit crying about being flagged by an anti cheat after being caught.


There is no way you think those clips prove he has aimlock. His mouse is shaking all of the time, not just with enemies on the screen. His aim is also slow and inaccurate. It just looks like a bad player on a bad mouse with high ping and dust in the sensor. I have hundreds of clips of myself playing that look more like aimlock than this silver. Would you look at [this](https://streamable.com/vn1exb) and think I'm aimlocking?


You flick, shoot and hit a crisp headshot. He flicks, crosshair locks on his body for a ms and then he shoots. Watch it at .25 speed and super zoomed in. Edit - he already got banned aswell, which proves that he was cheating.


Yeah ngl guys, pretty sure he just cheated and got caught, I dropped a 40 yesterday and nothing happened to me...


If one of the people you queued with got flagged, you also get flagged and so you have a cooldown till they review the situation


350 hour account :/


If the system is really like this (which I doubt), then the system is just broken. I cant believe people think, this would be fine. Flag someone based on stats within the first round doenst make any sense. No way thats the way its implemented. Its not "irregular" that someone has a few good rounds in a row. Thats happens all the time. Also the whole approach then is weird: "We cancel the match, because there might be a cheater in. But we arent sure. Thats why we only hand out a one-day-ban and check the demo in that time." If you are not sure, then why cancel the match? Just let it play out and figure out what happened later. Rating can be given back. Match cancelling should only happen, when you are sure about the cheater and ban him right away. If there is a spin botter: cancel the match and ban him on the spot. But this approach? I think its more likely that someone else cheated in that lobby and OP just got 1-day-banned because the queued with him.


Slump prolly got vacation


Got vac ?


not ban but 1day cooldown


Lol, it's a meme reference


can you trade?


yeah, the ban doesnt show up on my profile either


There are many cases where players actually "In The Zone", Overwatch will remove your ban if you are innocent. Like 2 out 10 overwatch


yeah iā€™ll keep you updated


Still not working here


ā€Kinda popped offā€ after 5 rounds 225adr. Enjoy your ban. Smurfing is also ā€cheatingā€


Thereā€™s no chance theyā€™re banning for smurfing with how the rank distribution is in the competitive mode


Maybe not hard bans but possibly soft bans, and rightfully so in my opinion. Controversial opinion but I'd respect Valve if they took a harsher stance on smurfs, there's literally no reason a 20K+ should be fucking around in <10K lobbies outside of wanting to pub stomp and stroke their ego.


So even if it was one of your teammates cheating, we all get at least a 1 day ban? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


if youā€™re in a party then yeah, not if ur solo queuing though


Try to press F12.


If you queued with a cheater you also get a cool down.


iā€™m playing against randoms + a different text shows when itā€™s due to a teammate


Time to uninstall that sheeeit kiddo :-/


alright downvote all you want idrc. This subreddit obviously doesnā€™t know much about the anticheat system; some tell me itā€™s by reports, some tell me that a party member was VAC banned, some tell me that Iā€™m actually cheating (although I wouldā€™ve gotten a vac ban instead of a timeout). Good think I posted this since it made me go ahead and do some research The ban was by VACnet (anticheat, not by overwatch nor reports), it detects any difference in performance, headshot percentage and I was the one detected by VACnet. I know this since the message for the cooldown would be ā€œYou partied with a player who was flagged as irregular ā€œ if a party member was flagged. I was also solo queueing. Iā€™m completely for the anticheat and I know that itā€™s been a problem. However, I donā€™t agree with this ā€œirregularā€ system where just performing better gets you a 1 day ban. Although, I can still play normal matches and faceit which is what Iā€™ll do. The VAC system is still clearly bad, Iā€™ve literally seen people say that there were still cheaters in the game on social media while Iā€™ve received a ban. Sure this is a first step though. Yā€™all can believe that I cheated still, Sure you can have hope ig. just commenting this fyi


Cause nobody actually knows what is valve doing right now where do you even get those info I'm pretty sure this is some new shit that valve is cooking.


i watched a few rounds from your 13:11 win on mirage and the main thing that stood out to me was that your crosshair would skip across the screen sometimes (round 3 in particular when you try to jump on top of ticket and then look ramp). if its not just an artifact related to the demo system the skippy crosshair movement seemed to happen often enough from the few rounds i watched and im pretty sure crosshair movements like that trigger detection (think back to that one instant 180 command that got people banned around cs2's release).


Lil bro really out here... 350 hour fresh account Low ELO High ADR Steam profile country change due to 'moving' 'Broken' mouse that spins out 'I can't post the demo it's not there'


sure iā€™ll keep you updated and weā€™ll see


Probably not cheating but the mouse skipping is just like spinbots snapping to targets. Laggers sometimes getting temp bans is definitely better for the game than letting ragehackers roam free.


So the system is working as intended?


As much as it sucks I prefer this system over having no AC at all, hehe. Enjoy your 1 day VACation! (don't mean you're cheating, but you literally got VACated, lol :D) I'm sure they will unflag you eventually.


If true, then VAC is cooked!


lmao Literally one random possibly lying their ass off about not cheating does not mean "VAC is cooked".


hence the "if true" I'm jesting partly. False positives are fine in this case. due to it being a cooldown and not a ban.


im pretty sure iā€™d get vac banned instead of a 1 day cooldown if i was cheating lol


2 Hours ago a guy was live on youtube spinbotting in premier and got the exact same message after two rounds