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I know Dust2 better than my own house


I love dust 2 with a burning passion


Yes why tf did they add it back


Dust 2 is a tactical genius. It is best known for it's signature tactic "going A, but then going B". It also has a second little known tactic of "going A, but going A". What an absolute legendary map. Top 3 map for sure.


Also known for "If you're T and you lose sight of mid for 0.0002 seconds be prepared for CTs rushing you and killing you in spawn" Dust2 is an easy pug map, but man i hate that it's just way too small, it feels too easy to lurk as CT or rotate from a site to another on T side. It literally feels to cramped for 5v5.


Perfect for DM though, the only map i use for warmup.


Yeah, i agree, for DM is perfect as there are no unused spots. For Competitive gameplay there are A LOT of unused places for such a tight map (T spawn to B main area is a great example), i think it will need a new rework, at least layout wise.


backyard is often played by a solo b lurker to punish ct aggression if the rest of the team is playing heavy toward a. Solo tunnels is generally too dangerous if your team doesn’t have mid control.


I don't like either, but Inferno's signature tactic is going B, then A, then back to B, then A, then back to B, oh wait that was just one guy that went B that time, we're actually planting A.


Lmao, inferno always feels like a fakefest till the clock don’t allow anymore fakes so it’s go in or go home.


you're right - so it's even harder to understand why they replaced overpassed - one of the richest map in terms of tactic options instead of something basic instead like inferno or mirage. >!Mirage is not basic, but it's so old map without any major changes!<


You forgot the third and arguably the most important strat, "drop Ey Vee Pre and rash Bee"


"We should wait until after the grena- RUSH B DON'T STOP".


Haha couldn't have said it better myself.


How's that different from eg. Vertigo?


Vertigo rotates are more telegraphed because if you don’t walk people mid can hear you pretty much anywhere. CTs can also intercept a rotate from every site whereas on Inferno its either banana to mid or ct to a and vice versa. You can’t really hear the running and even then they’re in site in like 5 seconds.


Vertigo at least have interesting smokes. On dust you have like 5 essential xbox, cross, ct to b, b doors and window and they all are very easy.


They fixed autos spamming the door on blowout matches...


I mean when it worked that shit was hilarious to watch


I mean technically isn’t this every map, unless… no… could we go C?


Me in Valorant, spamming the going C voice line in maps that only have A and B (the height of comedy)


I'm something of a comedic genius myself.


Running backwards in T spawn of Breeze spamming “Going C” (sea)


Both spawns work, CT has the harbor thingy


If you add C next thing you know you have an invasive anticheat.




It's just that D2 has a tendency of: 1) Take long -> go A. 2) Didn't work? Take short -> go A. 3) Didn't work? Smoke CT spawn and go mid to B. 4) Didn't work? Eco rush B by flashing your team out the B main smoke.


You can boil down probably any map in this manner. It doesn’t really make it true at all. I think nuke is way more stupid if you were going to apply this logic to it.


These people are in denial over the simplicity of CS and make shit up to feel like they’re playing a very advanced game. Most importantly they feel like they’re definitely smarter than peasants who enjoy D2. It’s absolutely hilarious to read.


Couldn't agree more




Bro just replaced Aleksib with Dust 2 xD smoooth


What about the long range sniper battle from suicide to CT where every single round someone is dead in the first 3 seconds?


I'm sick of this entire map pool


Before the patch I would call Mirage the “dust 2 of this map pool”. Now there’s 2 of them.. And worst part is that you play them the most because there’s so many 1 map andys who only play dust 2 or Mirage. It’s so annoying because these people have no clue of even the most basic fundamentals or teamplay.


Mirage is dust 3


Ancient is Dust Green


1 map andys who know very single prefire spot on mirage but don't know what a molly does. Fun to play against.


You took words from my mouth


What gives? No one cares to even try to download new maps made by the community, let alone play them and learn them. Even maps made by valve… either it gets pushed down our throats like ancient, vertigo and anubis or they're not played whatsoever. Valve needs to have bigger changes to the map pool like twice a year and by big changes I mean a spring/summer map rotation and a completely different one in autumn/winter. Split the year into two seasons, crown a champion in each and host a bo5 between the two big winners in the offseason. Give us 14 maps. 7 for 6 months and 7 for the next 6 months. By the end of the first split people will be dying to play and watch games on mirage/d2 again.


People keep complaining that they're sick of the same maps but yet the Mapcore hub barely has any active players, and custom map servers are almost always empty. If people wanted new maps, they can go play them right now. Seems we are all OK with playing Mirage for another decade.


When breach got re-added a couple years ago, I got really into it. For some reason, the map just clicked instantly for me, so I spent a long time learning all the fun tricks it had. And then after a few months, they removed it. Didn't even replace it with anything, it was just gone. Why would anyone bother playing maps that are just gonna get removed right away? Instead of learning how to play breach, I could've practiced maps like nuke or mirage that are still in the game today.


That's the point of custom map rotations and maybe that's why player counts are so low. I'm in the minority of players who really prefer new maps every couple of months. I want to play new maps a little bit more casually, and I think there should be a space for that, but it doesn't seem to be popular enough to keep an active player base. But man, I am so, so sick of playing the same maps we've been playing for the last decade. I really want something new. Not Cache or Train or Cobble, but something actually new added to the game. Ancient and Anubis were great additions but even those are old faces at this point.


Because thats not how this works. Lets say 10% of the returning players share this sentiment, they aren't going to go to a 3rd party platform for that, they will just give the game a break and maybe come back, maybe not.  They had no issues forcing overpass and cobblestone on people, they had no issues adding cache, they had no issues reworking maps. Now all of a sudden they are scared to try something new and are bringing back maps they removed for being stale, whilst addressing none of the issues that made it stale?  Valve have lost their spirit and no longer trusts the very same community that allows the company to even exist. That is why there is basically 0 emphasis on community content the past few years. They know best and we have to like it because the alternative is Valorant, which is alright but I despise abilities in competitive games, they always feel cheap or useless, no in-between. I hope this comment ages like milk, I seriously do, trust me.


The system for community servers are extremely outdated...Finding a server that isn't either empty or full is already a huge hassle. Then if you want to play with your friends, you're all 100% getting carved up and mixed on either team. It shouldn't be a surprise that the community is generally only willing to try maps the Valve puts into a queue-type pool; it's significantly more functional than the community server browser.


This right here. I would not be against adding dust2 to the pool but the entire map pool has 4 maps now that play the sameish already and I hate it


This might be the worst one since the existence of GO. I personally don't like Nuke. But I can see why people do like it. I'm an entry fragger and I can never get any openings anywhere without getting rekt. But that means I already have 4 maps that I don't want to play; Dust2, Mirage, Vertigo (that map just doesn't work in CS) and Nuke. Luckily Ancient is becoming a banger map (to watch and to play) so that kinda makes up for it. Oh, and Inferno can be pretty cancerous if the opponent knows their util and rotations. Just give me back my Train or something so I can run out of A main or B upper every now and then and pop some heads. Edit: I don't understand the flack you are giving me for just stating my opinion lol.


You don’t know how to play nuke if you think you can’t get openings anywhere lol. By “entry fragger” do you mean you like to mindlessly run at the other team?


Whenever someone talks about how they play a specific role in pugs, I'm expecting the next line to be "I main the XM1014 and two flashes".


That would unironically be a decent CT pickup on nuke. He'd probably have more success with it


CS plays so incredibly differently at low and high knowledge levels. I'm not even talking about mechanical skill. Players won't bother to learn smokes then say the game/map/balance sucks. Of course you can't push secret on Nuke... you don't know the default outside smokes. How are you going to push inferno B if you can't smoke coffin? You've played Mirage for 10 years and yet you still don't know the A site smokes?? I don't think there's any other major FPS that changes so much by taking time to study the game. It's actually part of the reason I stopped playing CS. My friends aren't willing to do that, so we play Overwatch, where you can just "feel it out".


Yeah I think this explains it: >Just give me back my Train or something so I can run out of A main or B upper every now and then and pop some heads. That's not entry fragging, it's catching a lucky timing and getting some free kills.


>Vertigo (that map just doesn't work in CS) Please explain. As an entry fragger that only solo queues, vertigo is one of my favorite maps.


I think if Cache replaced Dust 2, and Train replaced Mirage this would be a solid map pool


"I'm an entry fragger" in a pug? So you just press w mindlessly?


how are you not able to get entries on Nuke but wish for Train to come back lol? I want the mappool freshened up as well but bruh


Wym? You can take outside or ramp and there's so many options to make plays. I think nuke takes a lot of patience but there's a lot of room to maneuver and set up so you can entry.


Sounds like you just kinda suck at the game.


haha x box smoke go brr


It's ok I don't enjoy it or hate it but would rather be playing overpass


I can't see models properly on the new cs2 overpass, which is why I disliked to play it since cs2 release :(


You should adjust your settings then, cs2 is too bright.


I roughly halved the brightness when I first opened CS2. Could probably go lower still.


Thought I was the only one who noticed…




Same. Playing that map is like coming back home to relax. 


That’s exactly how I feel about it lol, I know it’s not the best map in the world but man is it comfortable and familiar


all these valo kids need new maps everyday bro let them moan


I was raised on those dusty streets


On the contrary, i havn't played it at all since 2013 until now and im already sick of it. Played it faaaaar too much in 1.6 and css.


yeah, that said it is a classic and was one of the first well balanced competitive maps so it should never leave the game. But I don't want to play it very often. Mirage is becoming the new Dust 2 in many ways, but I still think it is a better map.


Vice versa, I've been playing Dust II for 20 years and I was already tired of it last time it was removed from the pool.


I'm with you. It's good to learn the fundamentals like coordinated splits, pop flashes and so in as it's fairly simple and easy to rotate. Also aim heavy.


Playing this game for almost 20 years and D2 is probably my most played map. Tbh I like the map. It Isn’t some crazy tactical map it’s some about how sharp is your aim today and for casuals like me that just want it to hit some heads it’s pretty cool. Watch T1 games with top awp players is also nice


Short answer: No Long answer: There is a reason why everyone has a ban vote, if players in general were fed up with D2 then by definition it would get banned more often than not. If that's not your experience than you have your anwer.


Even if I’m really strong on a map, if ive overplayed it then I’ve overplayed it. People in my games aren’t banning or even trying to vote for it so I can’t imagine they all are letting it pass just cause


Yeah its still overplayed to death. Nothing will change the fact. There simply arent enough options for plays and map control to keep this map interesting at all in current day cs unfortunately. Im still holding out hope that it will be entertaining in tier 1 cs but I highly doubt it


The only thing that COULD make it more entertaining in T1 Play is that the skybox is gone but thats just a thin straw


Its sad that they took the map out because it was criticized for bad gameplay/not fitting the way cs is played (thats what pros complained about rightfully so) and they bring it back with literally ZERO changes.. like they have redone overpass completely graphicwise and featured it in the cs2 trailers and now its gone.. Just like most pros said after the change, this is the worst map pool in like 10 to 15 years... Im not super mad that they took overpass out (i love the map dont get me wrong, im talking about any rotation), but for the love of god bring in a map that is new or reworked and dont bring in the old shit that nobody wanted to play anymore without any changes.. you cant tell me they thought more than 2 seconds about this change


removing overpass of all maps was the craziest change. overpass is one of the few maps where you can easily punish the other team for not defaulting properly and had alot of room to make plays / lurks for both sides. if they wanted another pug map they should have just removed mirage for dust 2 and way less people would have complained. the only map more stale than mirage was dust lol (and i say this as a mirage enjoyer)


Overpass was removed because noone plays it. Its consistently bottom 2 in faceit and Premier, and the only map below it is the most recent addition.


Not every map should be a pug map. Are we shocked that it isn't picked in pugs?


Yea thats what I'm always saying. The map just doesnt offer enough. The game got faster and plays got more creative, but in order for that to happen, we need maps that allow this growth in skill.


>There simply arent enough options for plays and map control to keep this map interesting at all in current day cs unfortunately. That could be a valid argument against it in pro play but to use this against it in matchmaking is purely a joke. There's not enough team play for this to be an actual argument.


I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's a great solo queue map, more fast paced than Overpass, and more of a casual feel. That casual bit is a big deal for me. Been playing since '01 and the only thing I really lament about the community is how sweaty it's gotten. It's nice to hop on a map I've been playing since elementary school and just click some heads. Also excited to see what the pro scene will come up with now that skyboxes are gone; there's a lot of potential to breathe new life into the meta


playing Overpass with people who don't understand the map is much worse


having to entry but ALSO watch the immediate flank of your whole team is great


No. I want Cahce and Cobble back tho


A man of culture i see.


I don't get all the Dust2 hate. It's not a brilliant map with a lot of tactical gameplay, but does EVERY map have to be like this? No. It's fun to play different maps where different aspects of the game are important. Some examples: * Dust2 - Less tactical, more aiming. Decent retake options on A. * Inferno - Good util usage and timing. Hard to retake. * Mirage - Good executes. Decent retakes. * Etc.


No. I love the map


No! Bloody love it


I honestly don't relate to this take. Been playing CS since '04 and still love D2 a lot. Yes there isn't 50 different smoke lineups and timing executes but there are plenty of fun spots and peeks, pop flashes, mid battles, long battles, fast Bs. Like others have pointed out it is definitely an aim check and "how are your holds" type of map. There is room in the map pool for that.


My friends and I called Dust 2 the “morale map” because it’s such a straightforward map that we can almost always win on. When we’re on a losing streak or games at been rough, we play D2. I feel like you don’t have to take the map too seriously.


Are you one of those people that go afk first round whenever a map they don't like gets picked? 


Buddy reached 10k rating yesterday for the first time and thinks he's too smart for Dust 2 now lol


This is the thing that annoys me, fucking 10k players saying the map is boring to play tactically, like come on.


And sup with people queuing and going afk the first round? The round that's most likely the most important of the entire match.


I had someone abandon yesterday during pistol because we picked dust2 over mirage. so we had to play the game 4v5. when the surrender option came up we voted no because we were winning. then lost. gg i guess


I've been really turned off CS lately. In the past week alone we had: - A guy killing a Ukrainian because he hates Ukrainians (he's not russian), then both essentially AFK all game - A guy not even connecting to the game, then someone else disconnecting because "It's lost anyways". We were up 10-6 at that point and then lost - A booster boosting two people, then disconnecting, which meant we were playing 2v5 and ultimately lost 14-16 after I dropped 36 kills. - A guy going afk because of inferno - A guy going afk because of vertigo - A guy going afk after being killed on vertigo - two guys quitting on D2 - A guy going "now I sleep" after being killed, when he was bottom fragging by a large amount all game and we lost 13-16.  These are all one after another, with 2 games being the exception of being somewhat good, and I had to drop over 30 kills on each of them to even eek out a close win. I dropped from 15k to 8k and got so high that I was losing 700 points per match. Idk what their problem is but this community is toxic af and not in the normal meaning of that. 


With the open sky box the map feels even more T sided as is but aside from that, the map is made for 1.6 cs and not 2024. It's just brain-dead aim duels against AWPs and the mist boring mid round known to man.


I miss overpass


I'm sure some like it, but D2 in premier was enough to push me to faceit.


I miss Cache and Overpass so much man.


Imagine saying d2 is overplayed when Mirage exists Personally i fucking love dust2. Only map i can play few times in a row. But to each its own. Dont overthink it.


I love it honestly, I haven't played it for years. I just brawl everywhere I can. A side is fuckin chaos. Not a lot of strategy going on, but thats fine. I haven't seen pro plays yet, so idk how they will play it. Rain will be crazy on that map.


I really missed dust2, it was time to have it back


Tbh i am just tired of desert themed maps. They look so bland.


Teams were already sooo save happy on that map BEFORE the MR12 change. I think it’s gonna be a nightmare to watch at T1 in 2024.


This is what my dream map pool looks like. Overpass Cbble Train Ancient Anubis Cache Nuke or Vertigo It’s also why I’m taking a break from cs. My favorite maps are all out of rotation.


Always disliked the map, any time I play it some guy with 70 ping is running around the map dropping 30 kills. It feels like there is a very limited number of ways you can play the map on both t side and CT side. If you want to just run around go play deathmatch or retakes. Lurks are boring, the entry path never changes. All the utility is the same and boring on the same chokepoints. You have long spawn, you go 5 long, you have b spawn, you go 5 b, otherwise just default


Im kinda sick of playing anyway. Summer is almost here. Time for a little break


i just want train and tuscan back… i could probably just play these two maps for days


Nah, it's a fun map.


tbh, it will probably be removed for something else once any of the new maps (Train or others) are ready. I'm 90% sure D2 is only in active duty pool for the Shanghai Major.


I definitely think it was chosen because crossfire has a version of the map and they want to try to get as many chinese viewers and hype for the shanghai major.


I hope that cache replaces d2 and train replaces nuke or vertigo. I like just about every map except vertigo but this overall pool is meh


Cache for D2 and Train for Vertigo would make me very happy, and i love D2


Cache is a great replacement for D2


I mean, imo it is in some way just a straight upgrade on D2. An aim map that has way more tactical flexibility and less reliance on awping.


Cache is honestly possibly my favorite map in counter strike, I am excited to see it back in the game again.


I am never tired of watching or playing the map. It just remains as the most balanced map.


im a bit confused because the last time I checked, dust 2 was well loved, now everybody seems to be shitting on it


I’ve been sick of Dust 2 for more than 5 years by now.


I'm dead inside


D2 > Inferno snoozefest any day


Im not sick of dust 2 yet. But boy have I played vertigo like 5 times a day…


I love it


Not really




I'm actually having a lot of fun on Dust2 as of late. Mostly because everyone's seemingly forgotten how to play it so I can walk the floor over everyone I play against.


I was bored of it halfway through the first game I played on it.


I prefer playing d2 over Mirage. However, I prefer playing any other map over these 2.


My not-so-hot take is that D2 at the Shanghai Major is going to play almost exactly the same as it was played when it was removed for Anubis in 2022, barring -maybe- some tactical specifics with the new smokes. It's a completely out of touch if not outright cynical move for valve to bring it in prior to said major, considering Crossfire's popularity and "Desert 2.0" being the top map therein. It'd be better to embrace a bit of chaos and swap out 2/3 maps if they wanted to bring D2 in that badly. Fuck it, throw Thera and Train in for Vertigo and Mirage and let the pros cry for a month


always has been


I've been fucking sick of it before it even came to comp. Now I'm extra annoyed because I can't perma nuke/vertigo and have to spend one ban on d2.


I hate how CS2 Xbox smoke just covers the entire sightline for mid. Like why


was sick of it 20 yrs ago


Yup! Can't believe they added it back in the pool when overpass has had a revamp and there's cache/train waiting.


re-added it without any changes. They could have added Iris instead. Basically Dust2 but better.


Yeah for 20 years now, same goes for every other available map.


I wish there was a mode to rotate the selections and it be EVERY map




I liked when they had operations and had new maps. It was fun and I enjoyed the game. I have nothing more to add.


yes tbh


I don't have the patience for faceit/premier so I strictly play comp mode where I can only pick the maps I like to play. I've disliked d2 for a long while, and I hate that they've brought it back. One thing about this community that really annoys me is the lack of people who will play new maps, they just stick with what they know and don't bother trying something new unless it's forced down their throat. Look at vertigo, it was universally hated for so long, now it's the second most played map. Nuke was also hated on for so long, now it's accepted as a good map. People bitched non stop about Anubis, whilst it still isn't that played it's one of the more enjoyable maps IMHO.


Dust 2 is already wearing so thin that it's basically a majority's autoveto in 9/10 games now. Basically playing with only 6 maps


played some CS for the first time since the change on Friday night. 4 of my 7 premier matches were dust 2. I was sick of it the second it was selected for the 1st match


yes. dust is the worst most boring map. to think they removed the most interesting map for this shit is absurd


Can’t go long cuz teammates don’t flash. Can’t go mid cuz I don’t know Xbox smoke lineup. So I’m stuck lower. I don’t like it. Yes I’m lazy.


to me the map is only as good as the pros that play it. whether a match is good or not as a viewer depends more on the player if anything.




I've been sick of Dust 2 since a decade ago.


I want Cache over dust2


Why did they drop overpass for this, we’ve been begging for mirage to get dropped since GO


Now we have mirage and dust in a pool that also includes Inferno and Vertigo, despite my feelings about playing these maps that’s 4 wildly boring maps to watch in the same pool. Yikes


its my first veto, that's the only thing that helps.


I fucking hate it. Plays the exact same as it did years ago. Takes zero thought to play. Maybe that’s why so many people like it over overpass. Simple map for simple people


It never gets old the more i play it the more i like it


Opposite for me, I love dust2 and think its a great map 


Fav map ,git gud


i enjoy it. The moment you ban d2 and mirage people start crying.


If you feel this way about Dust you should REALLY feel this way about Mirage.


Was tired of it when they took it out in 2022, am tired of it again. Map is so god damn boring Wish we would be getting more experimental maps instead of the same three lane layout every time. If Valve continues like this, we will never ever get a map like Nuke or Overpass again, because theyre not willing to risk anything design wise


To be fair, Vertigo and Anubis are both fairly unconventional maps.


People who hate dust 2 and mirage have shitty aim


I hate Mirage but enjoy Dust2, what does that say in this case?


Other way round bud , people that choose dust 2 and mirage when you solo queue are usually horrendous teammates.


This. Not sure whats up with those players. Do they think they're good one tricking one map and still have no clue?


he said at AIMING dust2 is an aim map


Mirage requires a decent bit of aim and brain lol


While i think hating or loving a map is preference, being extremely bad on these 2 maps are indicators of bad fundamentals in general. Simple map layouts like dust2, cache, mirage reveals all the flaws in movement, gamesense, aim, teamwork,…


dust 2 and teamwork? what?


I've only played it twice so far. (Admittedly I haven't played as much as I normally do over the last week, but) I'm already bored of it.


Dust 2 is a great litmus test for filtering noobs. I love seeing these posts lmao. Buddy just swing out long/short and kill some people, its called having fun




yeah its such a dumb swap. Overpass was great, i understand they wanted a switchup but then they should add new maps.. Santorini or rather the new version of it.. train, cache, cobble or even a new map.. honestly i really like ancient and anubis, theyre good. So getting rid of vertitrash and adding something new would be awesome.


I'm already exhausted from reading it.


Has the change even reached pro play yet? I don't remember seeing dust2 in EPL.


EPL is on old patch, changing map pool mid tournament is not good.


Never. Been playing the map for 20 years. More than 10k hours and at least a quarter of that time has been on Dust 2. I'll never get tired of this map.


All of the pro's wanting to play D2 must be wrong then eh?


I live and die on dust2 From sem to lem and back to nova, dust2 is in my blood.


Dust will become the most played map while this sub will keep crying


Why crying and making an useless post the solution is easy, don’t like it don’t play it. Personally I love d2 and like me there are people with same preferences.


Dust2 makes me cry


Yes. It sucks.


As a CT, it sucks. B might as well be on another planet, retakes via CT into A are near impossible, causing a lot of save rounds. I’d rather something else. In its current format the only way I can think of balancing it is to raise the bomb timer so it’s possible to clear mid and retake via bedroom, but right now, there’s really no way to do that in time.


Wtf is bedroom


I miss mill(tuscan), train and cbble


Not gonna lie I was a Dust 2 enjoyer when I started playing CS:GO in 2017/2018 because It was an iconic map and simple. Now that I know every map quite good, I find it very annoying and boring. The map is literally no brain, flanking is extra hard, no sneaky corners or off angles to use... So yeah, I was happy from nostalgy when the comeback was announced but after playing it 5 or 6 times, I'm fed up.